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Happy 15th Anniversary, Dana Point Times!

This issue marks the 15th anniversary of the first issue of Dana Point Times, and as we reflect and continue to march on for another 15 and more, I’d like to thank our readers, supporters and Insiders for their amazing support over the years.

As Picket Fence Media’s Associate Publisher, I also want to thank the business community for entrusting me with providing helpful ways to boost awareness and help market their business for more than a decade and a half.


Thank you for your continuous support and belief in our mission, providing “Local News You Can Use” 24/7 across multiple platforms including print, online, digital, and social media.

DP Times, Picket Fence Media owners and staff are dedicated individuals working together every day to provide useful and informative news to the lives of people who are lucky enough to work, live, and play within the 7-mile radius of pristine beaches and coastal bluffs known as Dana Point, Capistrano Beach and Monarch Beach.

Our commitment to this community remains as laser-focused as ever: to provide free, original, award-winning hyper-local content that informs, educates and inspires our readers to get involved in their community. An active community is a healthy community!

Make it a great Dana Point Day—Go, Blue! DP

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