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Listening to the Most Important Voices: Yours
from June 9, 2023
We have been very busy in Sacramento these past few months drafting and reviewing new bills for the 2023-24 session. With more than 2,500 bills authored by members of the state legislature, it takes a great deal of time to review.
Last week, the State Assembly voted on over 600 individual pieces of legislation. When it comes to deciding how I vote, I listen to the most important voices: yours. When constituents reach out to my office and urge me to vote one way or another, that is the most critical piece of information I use when deciding how to cast my vote.
There are many bills that have been supported by the entire Assembly. I am proud that four of my top priority bills had 100% support from my Assembly colleagues. My pieces of legislation are critical for our region, as they range from increasing public safety in our neighborhoods to combating the ever-growing threat of coastal erosion we have in our communities.
On the public safety front, I was able to pass both Assembly Bill (AB) 76 and AB 303. AB 76 tackles the underground cryptocurrency market by ensuring digital assets can be an eligible form of currency under our state’s money-laundering laws.
Unfortunately, we’ve seen a growing trend in the drug and human-trafficking rings using this currency, and I am hopeful that my bill will begin to address this underground illegal activity.
Additionally, I passed AB 303, which will give law enforcement more information about individuals in our cities who are illegally possessing firearms. We must do all we can to tackle gun violence and keep guns out of the hands of those who should not, by law, own firearms.
When it comes to our environment, I was able to also pass two bills to help us combat coastal erosion. I’m pleased to share that both AB 882 and AB 966 will require the state to start identifying which state grant programs are the most effective for localities to apply for mitigation projects.
Furthermore, they will also task the State Coastal Conservancy with studying which beaches along our coastline are the most in danger of eroding so we may begin directing funds to those areas most in need. We must be proactive and innovative when it comes to using our tax dollars on environmental projects. honored to represent you in the State Assembly. DP
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On June 15, state lawmakers will vote on the budget. This is extremely important, so our cities and communities receive the money they need to support their local efforts. Unfortunately, with the record spending from last year, our state is facing a record deficit.
I will continue to work with my Assembly colleagues to help prioritize the most pressing needs of the state and our local communities.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss any issues at one of my community meetings, Before Work Coffees, this summer. In San Clemente, I will host two next month; the first is scheduled for Zebra House Coffee at 8 a.m. on July 14.
I will be scheduling more dates in Dana Point, Laguna Niguel and San Juan Capistrano soon. This is a casual way to meet and talk about what is on your mind.
Please feel free to contact my office if we can be of any assistance. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and I’m
Laurie Davies is a small business owner and former mayor who was elected to the State Assembly in 2020 and reelected in 2022. She represents the 74th Assembly District, which includes Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano in South Orange County—down through Camp Pendleton, and Oceanside, Vista and part of Fallbrook in North San Diego County. PLEASE
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Dana Point Times, Vol. 16 Issue 23. The DP Times (danapointtimes.com) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the SC Times (sanclementetimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com).
CORRECTION: A feature story profiling the executive chef of Five Vines Wine Bar on page 20 of the Dana Point Times’ May 26 edition incorrectly reported the spelling and title of the chef’s name, as well as incorrectly referenced the nature of the establishment. Omar Ramirez is the executive chef of Five Vines, which is a wine bar in Downtown San Juan Capistrano.
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