1 minute read
The 2023 youth representatives for the Swal lows Day Parade both attend San Juan Capist rano Elementary School.
Eloise Glynn enjoys reading Harry Potter books, playing handball with her friends at recess and playing softball with a local team. Her favorite subject is math, as she enjoys learning new things in math. She was born in Mission Hospital. Eloise loves living in San Juan Capistrano with her older brother, mom and dad, as she finds the people in town are nice and welcoming.

Javier Martinez enjoys collecting baseball cards, reading Goosebumps books and playing basketball with his friends at recess. His favorite subject at school is math, as he thinks long numbers are cool! Outside of school, he plays soccer and is the proud oldest brother of Carlos, who is in first grade, and Eva, who is barely 2 months old.

Visit swallowsparade.com for more information.