RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE COLLECTIVE MARKET VENDORS Section 1: Product Requirements/ Restrictions 1. Products, which can be sold, include: a. Handmade b. Vintage c. Locally-produced goods d. Direct sales items e. North Carolina-grown produce 2. All produce must be of top quality, to be determined by the market manager. 3. All prepared food items, meat, fish, and cheese sold must meet state and local health regulations including the inspection of the prepared foods seller's kitchens by NCDA health inspectors and labeling in compliance with the regulations. 4. All items sold as organic must meet the requirements of the National Organic Program. 5. No animals may be sold or given away at the market. 6. All art must be made by the vendor/seller. Section 2: Fees 1. Sellers must pay a booth fee. This fee must be paid 2 weeks prior to each market, and helps cover the costs of trash and sanitation services, both of which are required by the City of Raleigh. No late payments will be accepted, and if payment is not received, The Collective Market (TCM) reserves the right to deny entry to the vendor. a. Each vendor will have the option of two different size booths: i. 8’x8’ ($65) ii. 10'x10' ($85) 2. Fees are subject to change at the Director’s discretion. All vendors will be alerted of any changes 1 week prior to the change taking effect, and are allowed to discontinue their participation if wanted. Section 3: Hours and Dates of Operation 1. Saturday Market: a. The Saturday market will operate from 10 am to 4 pm April through November. b. The Friday market will operate from 4 pm to 10 pm April through November. c. 2 hours beforehand and after are also designated for set-up and take-down. Section 4: Seller Requirements 1. Sellers must reside and sell within a 75-mile radius of Raleigh and in the State of North Carolina. 2. Sellers of organic items must have a copy of their organic certification on file with the market manager as well as with them when selling at market. Only certified organic growers may display signs using the word organic. Section 5: Space Reservations 1. Each vendor will have the option of two different size booths: a. 8’x8’ ($65) b. 10'x10' ($85) We will not be providing tent, tables or chairs. We highly recommend a tent during the warmer months. 2. Any seller who reserves a space must pay for and occupy all reserved spaces for at least 1 market period, or lose the right to reserve more than one space the following year.
3. Sellers are contractually bound to participate in any Saturday market signed up for, and will be expected to attend and participate during the hours of the event. 4. Sellers who need to forfeit their spot must do so 3 weeks prior to the event, and funds will not be returned.
Section 6: Inspection 1. The Collective Market reserves the right to inspect any/all goods sold at the market before his/her application will be considered for approval. 2. Sellers are required to send pictures of intended sale items to The Collective Market for approval. This must be done 2 weeks prior to approval to attend the market. Once a vendor has had his/her goods approved they will not be required to send pictures for subsequent markets. 3. The Collective Market reserves the right to decline entry to vendors if goods do not meet the standard outline above. Section 7: Market Logistics 1. Each seller is responsible for cleaning up the area around his/her selling space. 2. Prices must be posted for all items sold. 3. Sellers should be moved in and set-up completed 1 hour prior to the start of the event. The Market Plaza is a walking mall; thus cars/truck are expressly prohibited. Vendors may load and unload on either side of Market Plaza (Fayetteville St. or Wilmington St.), but must move their’ vehicles immediately after unloading. Vendors are required to stay for the duration of the event (4pm-10pm for Friday markets and 10am-4pm for Saturday markets). It is at the sole discretion of the Director if any/all vendors may leave early. 4. Parking is available across from Market Plaza in the Wilmington St Parking Deck. Section 8: Seller Selection 1. All sellers must complete the vendor application form located on 2. The Collective Market is limited to 25 vendors per market, therefore not all applications will be accepted. 3. The Director of The Collective Market uses the criteria in Section 1 to determine which applications are accepted. We strive to have a diverse selection, therefore we try to accept only 1 type of vendor for each category (eg: 1 jewelry booth, 1 quilted/knitted goods booth, etc.). The director reserves the right to decline entry if there are multiple vendors of the same type of produce/goods. 4. Accepted applications will be reviewed by a local board of directors, made up of local business owners and city managers. 5. Final decisions for all vendors are subject to the Director of The Collective Market.
VENDOR NAME (Printed): _____________________
TCM DIRECTOR NAME: _____________________
VENDOR SIGNATURE: _________________________
TCM DIRECTOR SIGNATURE: _________________
DATE: ______________________________________
DATE: __________________________________