Planned: Strategy

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no ceilings no limits

Research and strategy


01 Past Herstory Facts Movement

Progress goals High Standards

Future Potential Audience Visual Evolution

About us:

Planned Parenthood has always been in the business of supporting women and helping them achieve their goals. Thinking beyond family planning and reproductive health, we’re ready to holistically support the modern woman.

Planned Parenthood


“A great woman, a courageous and indomitable person who lived to see one of the remarkable revolutions of modern times — a revolution which her torch kindled…” — S enator Erne st Gr uening The day S anger die d, S eptemb er 6, 196 6

Visual Strategy G uide 09 01 Past

Past Herstory Facts Movement

Planned Parenthood

Who we are: Planned parenthood provides reproductive health care, sex education, and information to women, men, and young people. As a basic human right, these fundamental ser vices are af fordable and of tentimes free. With roots in feminism an d a c t i v i s m , Pl an n e d Par e nt h o o d b e li eve s t h at eve r y o n e s h o ul d h a ve t h e inf o r m at io n an d c ar e t h at t h ey n e e d to fulf ill their dreams without limitations.

"Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams—no ceilings, no limits."

PPFA is the largest single provider of reproductive health ser vices, including abor tion. In the US Planned Parenthood consists of 159 medical and non-medical af filiates, which o p e r at e ove r 65 0 h e alt h c linic s in t h e U nit e d St at e s . We p ar t n e r w it h o r g anizat io n s in 1 2 c o unt r i e s gl o b ally . A s an o r g anizat io n we dir e c t ly p r ov id e a var i ety of r e p r o d u c t i ve h e alt h s e r v ic e s an d s ex u al e d u c at io n , c o nt r ib ut e to r e s e ar c h in r e p r o d u c t i ve t e c hn o l o gy , an d a d vo c at e s f o r t h e p r ot e c t io n an d ex p an s io n of r e p r o d u c t i ve r ight s .

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What makes us singular:

01 Past: Description

Planned Parenthood’s main dif ferentiator lies within our p hil o s o p hy of “c ar e, n o m at t e r w h at .” We p r ov id e care without having to jump through traditional hoops.

Plann e d Par entho o d Lo go 20 1 4

Planned Parenthood

The origins of Planned Parenthood date to October 16, 19 16, w h e n M ar g ar et S an g e r, h e r s i s t e r E t h e l Byr n e, an d Fania Mindell opened the f ir st bir th control clinic in the U.S. They distributed bir th control, bir th control advice, and bir th control information. All three women were arrested and jailed for violating provisions of the Comstock Act , accused of distrib uting obscene materials at the clinic. The so - called Brownsville trials brought national at tention and suppor t to their cause. Sanger and her co - defendant s we r e c o nv ic t e d o n mi s d e m e an o r c h ar g e s , w hic h t h ey appealed. While the convictions were not over turned, the judge who issued the f inal ruling also modif ied the law to permit physician - p r e s c r ib e d bir t h c o nt r o l . T h e wo m e n’s campaign led to major changes in the laws governing bir th control and sex education in the United States.

M a r g a r e t S a n g e r, t h e f o u n d e r

of planned parenthood.

Where we’re coming from

Visual Strategy G uide


01 Past: History

Sangers first family planning c l i n i c i n B r o o k l y n , N e w Yo r k.

Planned Parenthood


Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortion.

Planned Parent hood is a proud nonpr ofit or ganization.

Pl a n n e d Pa r e nt h o o d h a s b e e n o p e r a t in g f o r ove r 1 0 0 y e a r s .

O ut side of bir t h cont r ol and abor tion, Planned Par ent hood pr ovides pr egnancy counseling, testing and t r eat ment for STIs and STDs , LGBTQIA+ ser vices , pelvic exams , and br east exams.

Current ly, Planned Parent hood center s in 17 states of fer hor m o n e r e p l a c e m e nt t h e r a py f o r t ransgender people.

Planned Parent hood healt h cen ter s also pr ovide H IV testing and link patient s living wit h H IV to treatment and care, an essential step in saving lives and by reducing t ransmission rates.

Planned Parent hood has faced heavy opposition and even vio lent at tacks.

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600+ health centers throughout the US are operated by independent local affiliates, providing high quality services to women, men, and teens. 01 Past: Fact s



women, men, and young people in the US visit Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers for trusted health care services and information in a single year.

75% are at or below 150% of the federal poverty level.

Planned Parenthood Fir s t Bir t h C ont r ol C linic O pen s

1916 O n O ctob er 16, 19 16, M ar gar et S anger, to geth er w ith h er sis ter Eth el Byr n e and fellow acti v is t Fania Mindell, open a bir th control clinic in Br ow n sv ille, Br o oklyn

For ced St erilization

1927 By a vote of 8 to 1 , th e Supr eme C our t condon e s th e pr actice of for ce d s ter ilization for th e h e alth of th e p atient and th e welfar e of so ciety in it s Buck v. B ell decision.

Fir s t U rban Bir t h Cont r ol Cent er

1930 I n r e s p o n s e t o m a ny B l a c k w o m e n b e i n g d e n i e d a c c e s s t o N e w Yo r k City’s health and social ser vices at the height of the Great Depression, the New York Urban League endor sed Margaret Sanger’s opening of a new bir th control center in Harlem.

The movement The story of Planned Parent hood fr om it ’s conception in 19 16

Bir t h C ont r ol Legalized for M arried C ouples


Bir t h Cont r ol I s Legalized For U nmarried People


Ro e V. Wade Legalizes Abor tion Worldwide


In Gr iswold v. C onn ecticut , th e Supr eme C our t r ule d that mar r ie d couple s may use contr acepti ve s . Th e cas e s temme d fr om th e action of Es telle Gr iswold, w ho op en e d a bir th contr ol clinic in 1961 to te s t th e s tate s b an on bir th contr ol. By

In Eis ens tadt v. Bair d, th e Supr eme C our t s tr ike s dow n a M A s tatute that b an s th e dis tr ibution of con tr acepti ve s to unmar r ie d p e ople. This cas e help e d e stablish the b asic pr inciple in Ro e th at th e con s titu tional r ight to pr i vacy ex tends to

In a landmar k decision, th e Supr eme C our t r ule s that th e cons titutional r ight to pr i vacy ex tends to a woman’s decision to ha ve an ab or tion. To day, ab or tion is on e of th e safe s t me dical pr o ce dur e s . N e ar ly on e in thr e e women w ill

1965, on e in four of mar r ie d women in A mer ica h ad us e d th e pill.

decisions r egar din g w h eth er or not to ha ve childr en.

ha ve an ab or tion at some p oint in th eir lifetime.

Visual Strategy G uide


Resear ch on Bir t h Cont r ol Begin s


Th e I nt ernational Planned Par ent hoo d Feder ation I s E s t ablished


Bir t h Cont r ol N o Longer C las sified As O bscene


Planned Parenthood awards a grant to Gregory Pincus, John Rock, and M .C. C h a n g t o u n d e r t a ke r e s e a r c h o f t h e d eve l o p m e n t o f t h e b i r t h contr ol pill.

I PPF is founde d at th e 3r d Inter national C onfer ence on Plann e d Par entho o d in Bomb ay, India.

Th e Hyde Amendment I s Pas sed

Planned Par ent hoo d Launches N ational S ex Ed Pr o gr am

G lobal G ag Rule is E nact ed

01 Past: Movement

M ar gar et S anger ille gally or der s p e s sar ie s , bir th contr ol dev ice s , thr ough th e mail fr om J ap an.




Intr o duce d by Rep. H enry Hyde, this la w pr ohibit s th e us e of fe der al f unds to p ay for ab or tion except in ex tr eme cir cums tance s . For far to o long, this country has p enal ize d low -income women s e eking ab or tion, it for ce s one in four p o or

Planned Par entho o d e s tablish e s a national s ex e ducation pr o gr am to en sur e te en s ha ve acce s s to medically accur ate infor mation and conf idential h e alth car e s er v ice s . To day, Plann e d Par entho o d is th e lar ge s t pr ov ider of s ex e ducation

Ron ald Re agan f ir s t imp o s e s th e Glob al G ag Rule on U.S . for eign aid. Th e p olicy pr event s any for eign or ganization r ecei v ing U.S . inter na tional family planning f unds fr om pr ov iding infor mation, r efer r als , or s er v ice s for le gal ab or tion, includ-

women s e eking an ab or tion to car ry an unwanted pr egnancy to ter m.

in the countr y. Ever y ye ar, Plann e d Par entho o d wor ks in scho ols and communitie s acr os s th e country to pr ov ide accur ate infor mation to 1 .5 million p e ople of all age s .

ing ad vo cacy — even w ith th eir ow n mon ey. Th e p olicy has b e en almos t al way s r e scin de d an d r ein s tate d w ith every n ew adminis tr ation since th en.

Planned Parenthood Violent At t acks E scalat e


Planned Par ent hoo d Action Fund I s E s t ablish ed


Ro e V. Wade I s C hipped Away


Pl a n n e d Pa r e n t h o o d f a c i l i t i e s a n d health centers around the country become targets of arson, bombs, a n d o t h e r a c t s of v i o l e n c e .

Planned Par entho o d A ction Fund is for me d as th e ad vo cacy and nonp ar tisan p olitical ar m of PPFA . Planned Par entho o d A ction Fund engage s in e ducational, ad vo cacy and elector al acti v ity, including legislati ve ad vo cacy, voter e duca tion, and gr as sr o ot s or ganizing. To day, Plann e d Par entho o d has nin e million acti v is t s , supp or ter s , and donor s wor king to exp and r epr o ducti ve r ight s and b asic h e alth car e for all.

In Plann e d Par entho o d S outh e as ter n Penn syl vania v. C as ey, th e U.S . Supr eme C our t af f ir ms a woman’s con s titutional r ight to ab or tion but r ule s that s tate s may r e gulate ab or tion. This caus e s a numb er of s tate s to p as s n ew la ws r e s tr icting acce s s to ab or tion.

O ne Million M ar ch For Women’s Lives

Th e Bir t h C ont r ol Pr ovision O f The Af for dable Car e Act I s Appr oved By The FDA

Planned Par ent hoo d G lobal I s Launch ed

2004 Plann e d Par entho o d and p ar tn er s fr om acr os s th e r epr o ducti ve h e alth, r ight s and justice move ment or ganize the M ar ch for Women’s Li ve s at th e N ational M all in Washington, D C. It r emain s th e large st and most di ver se r epr o duc ti ve r ight s demon s tr ation in his tory.

2010 A s p ar t of th e women’s pr eventi ve car e b en ef it of th e ACA , th e O b ama adminis tr ation en sur e s that h e alth in sur ance plan s cover all typ e s of FDA- appr ove d contr acepti ve s .

2011 Af ter 4 0 ye ar s of inter national wor k , PPFA s glob al ef for t b e gin s a n ew phas e, fo cusing on innovation and sus tainability. To day, Plann e d Par entho o d Glob al supp or t s mor e than 1 0 0 innovati ve p ar tn er s in 1 2 countr ie s acr os s Afr ica an d Latin A mer ica to exp and acce s s to r epr o ducti ve car e.

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Plan B I s Appr oved By The Foo d And D rug Adminis t r ation



Energized by the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt, in which reproductive health and rights are linked to female empowerment and gender equality, U.S. women of color begin promoting an inclusive plat form that goes beyond pro choice and anti- choice to advance reproductive health integrated into social justice.

M edication Abor tion Becomes Available In The U.S .


Th e Repr o ductive J u s tice M ovement Begins

The FDA appr ove s the f ir st pr o ge s tin - only emer gency contr acepti ve a vailable in th e U.S ., know n as Plan B. This come s t wo ye ar s af ter th e FDA declar e s th e emer gency us e of bir th contr ol pills to b e safe and ef fecti ve.

The FDA appr ove s R U - 4 86 mifepr is ton e, also know n as me dication ab or tion or th e ab or tion pill, w hich gi ve s pr e gnant indi v iduals in th e U.S . anoth er safe and ef fec ti ve option for ab or tion e ar ly in pr e gnancy.

01 Past: Movement

Rebr anding O bjective

2017+ Planned Parenthood is evolving to ser ve a new generation. The Founder, Margret Sanger, believed that women should have basic care in order to fulf ill their goals without limit s. This philosophy could expand into new areas.

Planned Parenthood could evolve beyond basic reproductive health c ar e to a b r an d t h at p r ov id e s more control over the life planning process and career development through a wide range of product s and ser vices.

Planned Parenthood


One out of every five women has visited Planned Parenthood at some point in their life. plann e dp ar entho o d.or g

0 21 0 2 Progress


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Progress High Standards goals

Planned Parenthood

Where we’re going:

Margaret Sanger always believed in the revolutionary idea that women deser ved the care they needed in order to achieve t h e ir dr e am s an d g o al s w it h o ut limit s . We believe in pushing that beyond reproductive care.

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0 2 Progress: Soul and Mission

Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each diverse individual to achieve their goals, no matter what.

Planned Parenthood

Redefining care for women: Women should have fundamental s up p o r t in all ar e a s of t h e ir li ve s . T h e s e key p hil o s o p hi e s m ake t h at p o s s ib l e.

Advocacy: Someone who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause.

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The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

Freedom from external control or influence; independence. 0 2 Progress: Keywords


Planned Parenthood

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What we strive for: Advocacy Planned Parenthood advocates for those who are under ser ved and vulnerable.

Empowerment Pe o p l e ar e e n ab l e d to m ake p e r s o n al d e ci s io n s t hr o u gh education and suppor t.

0 2 Progress: Keywords

Autonomy Pl an n e d Par e nt h o o d stands for the basic right to make your own choices.

Planned Parenthood


“A woman’s duty: to look the whole world in the face with a go-to-hell look in the eyes; to have an ideal; to speak and act in defiance of convention.” — M ar gar et S anger The Woman Reb el, 19 1 4

Visual Strategy G uide 0 29 01 Future

Future Potential Audience Visual Evolution

the futur is fem Planned Parenthood

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We want women to feel like the possibilities are endless. Some ways we can make that happen are:

01 Future: Audience

ure male Mentor ship pr ogr ams Car eer ser vices Workspaces

Planned Parenthood

The future is her:

#bossmom •

Kristin works 40 - 60 hour s a week because she want s to make a life for her and her t wo kids.

She works as a manager at a cof fee shop but also c h o o s e s to g o to s c h o o l s o s h e c an h a ve m o r e control over her career.

• T h o u gh s h e i s b u sy , s h e k n ow s t h at s e lf- c ar e i s important for her well-being and makes sure takes care of her health. •

She is self-suf f icient and does monthly self breast exams.

She has decided to not have anymore children and uses Planned Parenthood for her bir th control needs.

Kristin’s children at tend a Montessori school because she believes that it’s important for children to feel empowered.

She also put s funds away f o r h e r c hil dr e n’s f ut ur e and thinks that planning is impor tant .

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#campusactivist Elyssa is working on her Liberal Ar t s and Sciences because she is passion ate about people and the environment .

S h e at t e n d s t h e o c c a s io n al s it- in o r p r ot e s t because she believes in taking action when it comes to social justice issues.

Despite not having the funds, she decided to get an education anyway.

• Sh e has b e en to p r o - c h oic e r al l ie s b e c a us e she strongly believes that women deser ve autonomy when it comes to their bodies. •

She shops at local stores because she likes to be intentional about who she suppor t s.

Elyssa doesn’t believe in traditional family institutions and chooses to be active in the polyamorous community.

Elyssa identifies as bisexu al an d qu e e r an d of t e n t r i e s to e d u c at e ot h e r s to in c r e a s e v i s ibility of h e r id e nt ity .

01 Future: Audience

Planned Parenthood

Visuals: Looking back at past perceptions of Planned Parenthood and forward to aspirational visions of the brand. We hope to bring Planned Parenthood to a s p a c e w h e r e it i s s e e n a s a p o s it i ve f o r c e. W h e r e wo m e n ar e n’t s c o r n e d f o r b e in g a p ar t of o ur o r g anizat io n an d t h at h a s an imp a c t o n t h e s ur r o un din g c o mmunity .

Visual Strategy G uide 0 35 01 Future: Visuals

Planned Parenthood

Who we were:

Visual Strategy G uide 0 37 01 Future: Visuals

Planned Parenthood

Where we are going:

planned parenthood

Visual Strategy G uide 0 39 01 Future: Visuals

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