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Discover what Shire’s team thought of the concerts, live events and theatre shows they’ve seen over the past couple of months at local venues If you have a show in the Shire area, we can send a reviewer – and your show can appear on these pages too! Email editorial@ shiremagazine.co.uk. Get in touch!


Deborah Law
When I found out that boy bands were in Warrington, I had to be there! I was at 911’s shows from the beginning, 25 years ago. Inside, the pop-up venue looked amazing, with incredible lighting. The audience were mainly women in their thirties, all dressed up and ready to ‘keep on movin’ and ‘get their body shakin’! Many had been in line from late afternoon to grab a place at the front.
Phats & Small opened the concert – you may know them for the song ‘Turn Around’. I was expecting Ben Ofoedu but he’s long since been replaced by a lad with very neat moves. Jason ‘Phats’ Hayward was on the decks, and the whole crowd was dancing and singing.
Backstage to say hello to 911 in the break, I met a hen party, very happy at having Lee Brennan, Spike Dawbarn and Jimmy Constable all to themselves. When the boys hit the stage, their fans went wild –Warrington is Spike’s home turf. He can still do a mean
“The whole back flip, and enjoyed telling the crowd that Jimmy had just turned 50. The band sold 10 million singles and six million albums, and were huge in southeast Asia. In the crowd was UK they had 10 top 10 singles. dancing Five are now three: Scott Robinson (minus ponytail), and singing” Sean Conlon and ladies’ man Ritchie Neville. Everyone was singing along to the hits, which sold around 20 million copies worldwide. Time is their latest album. Both groups look really fit and made us all feel young for several hours. Waking up next morning I still had a smile on my face. What a fantastic night, what memories. Oh, and ladies – Lee and Ritchie are single. Form an orderly queue… DL HHHH

In suit and tie, with a silk handkerchief peeping from his breast pocket, Tony Christie looked as stylish as ever on the Festival Centre stage. The veteran crooner was backed by a talented younger band, but anyone tempted to think ‘old wine in new bottles’ was wide of the mark. The set-up worked a treat.
Christie’s voice remains remarkably versatile. He gave a spirited version of ‘Jezebel’, a rocking ‘Now’s the Time’ and a rosily nostalgic ‘Avenues and Alleyways’. The natural entertainer was never more evident than in ‘Bojangles’,
“His voice was at its as he sang about the smoothest soft-shoe shuffler with and richest” “silver hair, a ragged shirt and baggy pants” who’d dance for you, while a laid-back arrangement of ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ showed Christie’s voice at its smoothest and richest. JH HHHH
Footloose visited Llandudno with the promise of “the ultimate feel-good show for a night of unforgettable fun” – and it certainly delivered. Anyone familiar with the Kevin Bacon film (and pretty much all of the audience were) had prepared themselves for highoctane, all-action entertainment and they got it.
The familiar songs were belted out with gusto and the main characters were suitably recognisable from the screen heroes. Jake Quickendon of X Factor fame gave a decent turn as Willard, but Joshua Hawkins in the role of Ren truly stole the show. His

“Joshua energy and passion Hawkins were infectious and as Ren stole the show” he gave so much to every scene it was exhilarating to watch. Lucy Munden was another quality performer as Ariel, and several well-executed pieces of stagecraft saw sets and props used in innovative and entertaining ways. A fun, feelgood night out, as promised, with laughs and memorable melodies too. KS HHHH

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