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A day for future doctors
Concord College hosted its sixth annual Medical Futures Conference earlier this year. The event welcomed students from around the region and was available online for those unable to attend. Many of Concord’s own students were present, along with students from local state and independent schools, joined by attendees from as far away as Korea! Designed for school students considering careers as doctors, dentists, vets or in the wider NHS, the conference aims to help students decide what they would like to study, and to make their applications as strong as possible. Participants took part in workshops and had opportunity to speak with professionals at all stages of their medical career.
everything you can about the school and share all of the information.
• During the summer holidays take the time to draw a map and try out the route to school with your child as they will do it – on foot, by bus or bike.
• Make sure you buy the right uniform – and double-check this. Children entering a new school do not want to be noticed, they just want to fit in.
• In the last week of the holidays make the family get up at the time you will be doing once school starts. Your child’s body clock will need to adjust after a long, sleepy summer break.
• During the first week, ask your child lots of questions, but don’t expect many answers!
Leading independent primary The Firs School Chester is specialist in nurturing the individual child, equipping them with the academic and life skills to become ‘the best they can be’. Head teacher Rosemary Evans-Moore shares her top tips for your child’s smooth transition to secondary school.
• Speak positively about the new school no matter what you privately think. Your child needs to hear only positivity. Find out
• Don’t be too pushy with friendships. They will work out who their best friends will be, but this takes time and they don’t want your help – you need to trust them.
• Make sure that your child knows that not all teachers are the same: they have different teaching styles, and they may not get on with all of them in the same way.
• Most importantly, stay calm and remember how you felt.