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If you have a show in the Shire area, we can send a reviewer – and your show can appear on these pages too! Email editorial@ shiremagazine.co.uk. Discover what Shire’s team Get in touch! thought of the concerts, live events and theatre shows they’ve seen over the past couple of months at local venues
Toyah often punches the air at the end of a song. It’s sometimes aspirational, sometimes rebellious, often triumphal.
She punched her way with energy and charm through past hits, from ‘Thunder in the Mountain’ to ‘It’s a Mystery’, linking them with tales from her career as an actor, songwriter and 42 years as a professional singer. The tone mellowed for songs from her latest album, Posh Pop. ‘Zoom Zoom’ was playful, ‘Levitate’ a way to lift people’s spirits in lockdown. The triumph was ‘Take Me Home’ (“We’re not alone
“We’re on our rock among not alone on our rock…” the stars”) where voice and guitars gave an ethereal quality to the twin messages: Planet Earth is in danger, but there is a power in unity. HHHH
After a global pandemic, we were all in need of a giggle. Ed ran around, exclaiming: “And finally… we are here!
“The first lockdown was all gardening and sourdough, but the second – with home schooling – was the toughest. It led to lots of break-ups. My wife and I almost ended it when I dropped a mug…”
The audience raised the roof. It felt great to be here at last for the twice- rescheduled show.
The Edinburgh Fringe veteran’s observations as a father facing a mid-life crisis were hilarious: “My kids just wanted me to say ‘yes’ to Strictly – they didn’t care that I’d won a Richard Osman fondue set.” He loves the quirky town that can’t decide
“And what to call itself. finally… we are here!” “Where I come from we say, ‘It’s Dublin, not Doooblin.’ What’s wrong with you, Shrewsbury –or should I say ‘Shroowsbury’?” Come back soon, Ed! HHHHH

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