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Dan Bromage
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Magazine PO Box 276 Oswestry Shropshire SY10 1FR Tel: 01691 661270
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Print ISSN 2514-3913

Online ISSN 2514-3921
SHIRE MAGAZINE is published bi-monthly by Superstar Publishing Ltd.
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Spring is definitely in the air and we’re feeling full of positivity and promise in the Shire o ce. Not only is it getting warmer and brighter, but the days are longer, the flowers are beginning to bloom and summer is just around the corner! No wonder then that we’ve been looking at our homes – and for more than just a spring-clean. We always like to bring you a packed interiors and housing section, but this time we’ve gone even further with a feature on self-building Maybe it’s just for the brave-hearted design enthusiasts out there, or it may be a sensible option if you can’t find your ideal home to buy. Either way, we’ve got all the info, hints and tips you need to decide whether this bold step is for you.
If people who build their own homes are intrepid, then so are people who start their own business –and particularly the women who do so against the challenges and stereotypes still facing many women today. Across our patch we have more than a few inspirational and successful women who are doing just, that so we’ve dedicated another feature in this issue to celebrating them and their incredible achievements. So whether you need some motivation to launch your own empire or just want to be wowed by the women who are blazing those trails, read on for some girl power!

We’ve also got art sections, books and poetry, loads of yummy food and recipes to share, photos, fashion, gardens and an amazing competition packed into the following pages. So get set and spring into Shire!

If you like this issue’s cover star, come and meet more new arrivals on the patch!
BUSY special
1 Tell us about your upcoming events. Just remember that we work in advance, so 1st June is the deadline for events you’d like to feature in our July/August issue.

2 Share your reader stories
Have you got an exciting or extraordinary story to tell? We’d like to feature it in the next issue. Send us an email – and don’t forget to include a picture or two as well.
3We have lots of regulars readers can contribute to:
Reader photos Taken a great shot recently? Email your best e ort and you might get picked! See page 104.

Reader poems Do you like penning the odd line? So do we!
Send us your poems – we’d love to include them on our poetry page. See page 131 for more.
Your pets Is your pet the love of your life? Send a snap, along with their name and anything else you want to tell us. See page 95 for further details. Get social Follow, like and friend us on Facebook and Instagram to be first in line for event updates, competitions and more.
May/June 2023 | SHIRE MAGAZINE 3

8 What’s On
Our packed events listing covers everywhere from North and Mid Wales, across Cheshire, to the whole of Shropshire. Check out what’s happening where, including on all those Bank Holidays, before you make your plans. Plus, we take a sneak peek at the plans for Wrexham’s new Museum.
46 Hereford
Join us on a guided tour around the thriving cathedral city perched on the River Wye, at the very heart of the county.
48 Reviews
The Shire team has been busy checking out local shows and events so we can recommend the hottest tickets in town.
50 The producers
If the fantastic beastie on our cover caught your eye, don’t miss our in-depth feature on local food producers, and the rare breeds and heritage crops making their debut at a farm near you!
54 Food & Drink
For some more familiar produce, check out our regular food section – restaurant and bar news, another super recipe from our chef, and some awardwinning ice cream to finish!

60 Women in business
You’re a resourceful bunch on the Shire patch! We talk to the amazing women behind local businesses, discover how they got started and ask what advice they’d pass on to would-be entrepreneurs..

69 Holidays
With summer on the way, now’s the time to book a well-earnt break, or perhaps even invest in a holiday home of your own. We look at some of the fabulous o ers out there.
76 Charity
92 Green Living
More ways to be environmentally friendly in your day-to-day life, as well as news on local people and places leading the way.
94 Pets & Wildlife
As always, we’ve plenty for animal-lovers, with contributions from bird and wildlife experts as well as your pet pictures – and treats for your furry friends.
99 Gardens
As the brilliant National Garden Scheme launches for 2023, we highlight some of the new and more unusual locations to visit.

102 Arts & Crafts
Our arts section celebrates a world-class sculptor from Shropshire and we interview an artist who swapped the emergency services for a more relaxing career… plus exhibitions and courses happening near you.
105 Celebrity ’80s music guru Pete Waterman chats to Shire about his other passion – model trains – and an exhibition coming to Chester this summer.

106 Health & Beauty

Our experts in health, beauty and wellbeing will keep you looking and feeling your best.

110 Weddings
From venues to menus, we’ve got it covered. So if you’re planning a wedding this year or next, stop right here!

119 Schools
Our education pages round up the latest news from colleges and schools across the area, and keep you up to date with developments in the sector.
130 Books & Poetry
A fascinating foray into the history of Ludlow, as well as the latest from the publishing world – and some of your best poetry.
133 Retirement much good for so many good
News from the voluntary and charity organisations that do so much good for so many good causes across the area.
77 Active
Top tips on how to get the most out of your later years, as well as updates on accommodation and services for our senior readers.

There’s no excuse for not getting out and getting active this spring! Try out our local walk or a brand-new sport.
79 Homes & Interiors
There’s no excuse for not own? Our special section on advice and practical solutions.

Got grand designs of your own? Our special section on self-building is full of ideas, advice and practical solutions. There’s a handy guide to local businesses and services too.
138 Shire Recommends Holidays and hotel stays you won’t want to miss!

142 Competitions
Win show tickets, festival passes and lots more fabulous prizes.

146 Letters to the editor

We share a selection of the lovely letters we’ve received from readers. Thank you all!