12 minute read
Nedpat D’Arcy
Business: Happy Feet Office: 01691 688800
Email: siamanglotrading@ outlook.com

Business: Ned’s Thai Traditional Therapy Office: 07726 224 365
Web: www.nedsthaitherapy.co.uk
What does your business offer?
Happy Feet offers stylish and comfortable shoes for men and women, with a fitting service for people who need a wider shoe. I am also opening a Thai massage centre in Beatrice Street, Oswestry soon. Thai massage has developed over centuries and aims to relax and promote healing and help keep their body balanced.
How did you get started?
We started the shop 10 years ago as we could see there was a limited choice of footwear in Oswestry, especially for those wanting style and comfort. And I started offering Thai massage therapy because I wanted to showcase the real benefits it can bring. It is so valuable, it has been added to a prestigious UNESCO heritage list.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business? It can be hard to balance work with family life. I enjoy both, which is just as well. My husband didn’t realise how much time it takes to prepare traditional Thai food. He appreciates the results though!

What piece of advice would you give someone starting out today? Be focused on your vision. It is your life and it is up to you to craft it. Listen to other people’s opinions but don’t get side-tracked. And never stop learning – every bit of knowledge is another tool to use.
What does your business offer?
Business: Habari Creative Clothing
Mobile: 07872 007 359
Email: Debbie@Habari.co.uk
Web: www.Habari.co.uk
Colourful, high-quality clothing that is designed to flatter. Style is not a question of age or size – Habari offers a complete look. We are price-conscious, preferring a lower margin and faster turnover.
How did you get started?
I worked as area manager for a group of eight women’s clothing shops in South London – merchandising, selling, window displays, staff management, the lot. We sold a similar look but at a much higher price point. I wanted to have my own business selling a lifestyle I’m passionate about, accessible pricewise to all.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business? Being in my 60s with a school-age daughter, three dogs and a business that is open seven days a week stretches one quite thinly, but it also helps focus on the importance of free time! I simply couldn’t and wouldn’t work this hard unless it made me happy.
What advice would you give someone starting out today?
I would say, don’t overthink it. I had only been back in the UK for five months with my daughter, after seven years in the Middle East, when I opened my shop. If I had stopped to think about it I would probably have hesitated and started worrying. Just do it!
Diane Thomas

Name: Humber Woodland of Remembrance Office: 01568 760443

Mobile: 07977 102 783
Email: info@humberwoodland.co.uk
Web: www.humberwoodland.co.uk
What does your business offer?
Humber Woodland offers green burials in the beautiful Herefordshire countryside, surrounded by native wildflowers, trees and wonderful views.
How did you get started?
Over 1,600 trees were planted as landscaping and shelter when Humber Woodland of Remembrance was opened in May 2003. Twenty years later, this young woodland is taking shape as young trees are now well established and wildflowers flourish.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business? When running your own business, balancing all aspects of work and personal time is always a challenge, but especially in this industry as we try to be available for families at their time of need.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Do your research, make plans, be aware of the time and energy needed to run your own business, then go for it!
Jill Crowther
Business: Jill Crowther ART
Mobile: 07562 112 712
Email: jill71@outlook.com
Web: www.jillcrowtherart.co.uk
What does your business offer?
I am an artist, working in various mediums. My work is predominantly based on nature, especially flowers and seedheads –it’s contemporary, fun and colourful. I work to commission.
How did you get started?
I am largely self-taught, although I gained an O-level in Art at school. I’ve been practising now for six years – I worked in other areas until 2016 and took evening classes to hone my skills.
What are the challenges of being a successful women in business?
You have to know your abilities in the sector you have chosen. You also have to believe in yourself. There is a lot of competition in the art world, but I like to think I have found my niche.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Keep the faith, if you know you’ve done your homework. Believe in yourself – and know yourself.
Name: MOOand BOOM

Office: 07741 602669
Mobile: 07741 602669
Email: maddie@mooandboom.com

Web: www.mooandboom.com
What does your business offer?
We sell sustainable lifestyle and ladieswear, and have a cafe specialising in gluten-free and vegan foods. We also run a studio space for workshops and fitness classes.

How did you get started?
I started the business during Covid, initially as a pop-up store and since then I’ve expanded to a second store covering sustainable living and clothing for men. It was a passion of mine to have a more sustainable footprint without compromising quality or beauty.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
I have the same challenges as any other independent business –rising business rates, rent and fuel costs. As a young woman in business I am often not perceived to be the owner, not that it ever holds me back. I face every challenge full on!
What advice would you give someone starting out today? Follow your dream. If you are passionate about your work, and have a knowledge and understanding of your customer, you will get there. There are no eight-hour days when you’re running your own business, it is full-on so be prepared for that. But that’s what makes the success so enjoyable. You know you’ve put your heart into it.
Julia Ozanne
Business: Julia Ozanne

Office: 01766 513736
Mobile: 07909 583 644
Email: juliaozanne@ rocketmail.com
Web: www.juliaozanne.com
What does your business offer?
The chance to write and publish my own novels in the certainty that they will become a reality! The Boat Shed and Rule of Twelfths are selling successfully, the last in the trilogy, A Hot and Copper Sky will be published this summer.

How did you get started?
I took a course in self-publishing, used the information pack and the Internet, then found a design and print company to work with.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business? Independent self-publishing means doing all the work yourself: research, writing, publishing, promotion, publicity, sales and accounts. Research is the main challenge for me – being taken seriously in areas you’re unfamiliar with such as engineering, farming, building. People I approach are helpful and generous, but I aim to be brisk and business-like, and know exactly what I want from their area of expertise, or you risk being pigeon-holed as a time-waster with a frivolous hobby.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Attend a short self-publishing course, research costs, then just do it!

Josephine Lafe
Name: Notepad Leather Goods
Mobile: 07845 685 930
Web: www.notepadleathergoods.com

What does your business offer?
We sell handcrafted Italian leather designer handbags.

How did you get started?
I was inspired during my prayer time to manufacture a handbag. I came up with a beautiful design that was an affordable luxury handbag and also versatile for daytime or evening. I came up with the idea of adding different linings inside the handbags as every woman is unique.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
First I had to acknowledge that I didn’t know everything about leather or handbags. That was 10 years ago, when I first started to work on the project, and I had to be keen to learn as much as I could. Also, not be disappointed when a project you are working on takes time. Persevere.....it took me 10 years to start this business.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Write down everything, down to the finest details of your business project. And secondly, seek advice from others and learn as much as you can.
Business: Oberon Clothing and Accessories Ltd
Office: 01743 272987
Mobile: 07957 499 177
Email: hello@oberonshrewsbury.co.uk

Web: www.oberonshrewsbury.co.uk
What does your business offer?
At Oberon, we’re all about dressing people, loving clothes and loving life. We cater for a host of women and styles. We love finding things that make people look and feel fantastic.
How did you get started?
I’ve always loved clothes and wanted to be a fashion buyer. Trouble was, no one would give me a job! No one locally was selling the sort of things I wanted to buy, so when a shop came up for rent I decided to become my own fashion buyer. Nearly 38 years later, we still have our original shop on Wyle Cop – and two more on the other side of the road!

What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
Making sure you’re always on the front foot. The world of fashion is constantly changing and you’ve got to be thinking about the next thing, the next season, the next exciting brand.
What one piece of advice would you give?
Never be afraid to ask. Ask for help, ask customers what they like, ask the people you work with for their opinion. Have fun!
Lise Roberts Caroline Chenery
Business: Oriel Glasfryn Gallery

Office: 01352349037
Mobile: 07960 055 593
Email: info@orielglasfryn.com
Web: www.orielglasfryn.com
What does your business offer?
We own and run a contemporary gallery and special exhibitions in our house and garden just off the A55 in Caerwys, which showcases the finest artists and craftspeople in Wales –including my husband! [Caroline is married to Welsh landscape painter Dave Roberts.]
How did you get started?
Two years of planning and a move to Glasfryn Hall meant we had a great venue, then came another two years of business planning, contacting artists from all over Wales, and building the gallery. The pandemic allowed us to think really carefully about the customer experience, which is important – we created a destination.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
The juggle of family, work and mental wellbeing. It’s easy to not think about yourself.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Absolutely do it, but don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
Business: Premier Windows & Conservatories
Office: 01691 773993
Web: www.premierwindowsoswestry.co.uk
How did you get started?
Caroline founded Premier Windows & Conservatories with husband Paul in 1989 after a meeting with a potential supplier. She took on the role of salesperson “with no experience in selling” – she just wanted to provide an excellent product and service at a fair price. Despite the lack of experience, she made her first sale and it went from there.

What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
In the early days Caroline’s main challenge was running a business full-time whilst looking after a family. She spent the days on site, the evenings were for admin. But it paid off and today Premier Windows is one of Shropshire’s leading home improvement companies. Paul has retired, but Caroline still runs the company with her son, Ben.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
As Caroline says, be prepared to throw everything into your business. And be realistic – nothing happens overnight, especially building an exellcent reputation.
What does your business offer?
Business: Simply Ribbons
Office: 01691 780416
Mobile: 07815 559 922
Email: jo@simplyribbons.com
Web: www.simplyribbons.com
We are a wholesale and retail craft company based in North Powys. We serve a range of customers, from people wanting a single reel for a sewing project to corporations sourcing packaging and point of sale. We have recently expanded into ribbon-craft kits and courses. How did you get started?
We took over my in-laws haberdashery business in 2008, and as the recession hit and UK manufacturing declined, we analysed our product offering. It became clear ribbons were the most profitable, and their use across varied industries enabled us to expand our customer base.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
Managing your team while understanding their needs – making the workplace a happy, productive place. And you have to react quickly and confidently to change.
What advice would you give someone starting out today? Look at competitors positively.
Carys Davies
Business: So Chic
Office: 01248 372283
Mobile: 07495 806 936
Email: carysd@tiscali.co.uk
Web: www.sochicbangor.co.uk
What does your business offer?
Gorgeous, designer clothing for the discerning woman. We sell both casual and occasion wear and pride ourselves on our excellent customer service.
How did you get started?
I’ve always loved clothes and after a career in teaching I liked the idea of working for myself. In 2006 I decided to take the plunge and open a shop in Bangor. The idea was to bridge the gap between the high-end designer labels and the high street.

What are the challenges of being a successful women in business? Getting the right work-life balance. That’s tough.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Research the market. Have a passion for your business and product. Then be prepared to work very hard, and keep your overheads as low as possible.
Angela McKenna

Business: Wigmarsh Shepherds Huts
Office: 01691 610169
Mobile: 07764 152 051
Email: wigmarshshepherds huts@mail.com
Web: www.wigmarsh shepherdshuts.co.uk
What does your business offer?
We are a family-run business based in Shropshire and manufacture bespoke shepherd’s huts. We believe in using quality and locally sourced products wherever possible. We build to a high specification and supply to caravan parks, farmers and individuals.
How did you get started?
Back in 2012 I built a shepherd’s hut for myself as a garden retreat. It turned out so well, I decided to advertise the finished product, and to my amazement it generated lots of interest. That gave me the encouragement to start my own business.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business?
Knowing your market enables you to produce a product that your customers are pleased with.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Have faith in yourself and your product, whatever it might be – and above all, be prepared to work hard!
Jenny Hambley
Business: Teestar Ltd
Office: 01743 365410
Email: Contact@Teestar.co.uk
Web: www.teestarfootwear.co.uk
What does your business offer?
Teestar is an independent footwear retailer, established in 1976. We stock quality branded ladies and gents footwear at our store at the top of Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury, including Reiker, Josef Siebel, Waldlaufer, Hotter, Free Spirit and Loake men’s welted leather shoes. These are chosen for style and comfort and include several wide-fitting ladies and gents shoes.
How did you get started?
We noticed there was a lack of footwear outlets in the town and we felt that providing high quality shoes, with particular emphasis on customer service, would be welcomed in the town. Customer satisfaction is the key to a successful business.
What are the challenges of being a successful woman in business? The challenges have changed over the years. As we are now one oldest independent traders in the town, we have a longstanding relationship with both our suppliers and our customers. People know us and rely on the goods and the service we provide.

What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today?
Know your market and your aims. Make certain you achieve these.
Samantha Bamford
Business: Sunbank Accommodation
Mobile: 07791 232 029
Email: sam@sunbank accommodation.co.uk
Web: www.sunbank accommodation.co.uk
What does your business offer?
We have two luxury yurts that we rent out, and offer B&B in ‘The Cowshed’ – a room in our grade II listed barn conversion.
How did you get started?
After having our first daughter Grace, we decided we needed a bit more space and upsized from our home in Llangollen town centre. The barn had planning for five bedrooms and we knew we wouldn’t need that many just for us. We talked about how nice it would be to be our own bosses and start a business so I could be at home for the girls. It’s worked out well. Twelve years later, we’re busier than ever!
What are the challenges of being a successful women in business?
I think many successful women suffer from ‘imposter syndrome’, feeling inadequate and underestimating their worth. As I grow the business, I am making an effort to own what I’ve accomplished. I can talk about my business with pride and confidence, whereas before I worried that people might not be interested – or worse still, would think I was bragging.
What one piece of advice would you give someone starting out today Go for it!!! Don’t wait and don’t put things off.
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