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The Place for sport
•16th-24th September, Shropshire Way of Walks
Each year walking groups around the county are invited to organise routes along parts of the Shropshire Way in contribution to Shropshire Way Walking Festival. For details of walks near you see www. shropshireway.org.uk

•1st October, Northwood Village Pumpkin Patch and Witches Village, nr Wem

This pumpkin patch o ering pumpkins in all shapes and sizes is open daily until sold out. With free entry, just pay for your pumpkins and let the little ones enjoy exploring the witches’ village. 10am-4pm.
•7th October, Whitchurch Blackberry Fair
The community event that is big on positive energy and positive action. Expect kids’ activities, markets, artists, a wild zone and live music from Pooka’s Polka. Programme and map available in October.
An Evening with Aggers, 27th September Cricket’s Jonathan Agnew shares tales from an entertaining career on the eld and in the box. With footage and photos on the big screen, enjoy hilarious anecdotes and wind-ups. Money raised on the night helps the Professional Cricketers’ Trust. 7.30pm. Tickets £25.

Bikes and Banter: An Audience with Ian Hutchinson and James Witham, 12th October Hear the
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fascinating tales of these special men as they open up about life at the top level of racing. e only person to win ve TT races in one week (in 2010), Hutchy has battled life-changing injuries to win again, while James, also a world-class racer, is now a veteran presenter. Show starts 7.30pm. Tickets are £24 (a VIP option with including pre-show reception is also available, priced £51).

Time marches on…
•7th October, Hocus Pocus, Outdoor Cinema, Shrewsbury College

Enjoy the Disney classic outdoors in the college grounds. Bring your own chair and plenty of layers. Picnics welcome but food will also be available to buy. 6.45pm. Advance booking only (a bad weather policy is in place). £14 via Eventbrite.
•8th October, Aviation Photography Workshop, RAF Cosford Learn more about the theory behind aviation photography and useful tips and tricks before you put your skills to the test in a range of settings, scenarios, and cameos in and around the RAF Museum. 11am. £85 (includes lunch and parking).

An evening for fashionistas and historians alike. Fashion rough the Ages, on 22nd and 23rd September in the atmospheric setting of the Engine Shed at Coalbrookdale, explores fashion from 1750-1970 through displays and a fashion show. It’s hosted by the senior costume interpreter for Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust, assisted by students from Telford College. Doors open at 6pm, fashion show at 7pm. Tickets £15 (child £12), refreshments available. www.ironbridge.org.uk
Rosie entertains

Join comedian Rosie Jones on her UK tour on 28th September at Festival Drayton Centre. is show is guaranteed to be full of unapologetic cheekiness and nonsensical fun. Rosie is best known for her hit travel series Trip Hazard and Mission: Accessible and appearances on all the major TV comedy shows. 8pm. Tickets £15, strictly over-14s only. BSL and captioning on request. www. festivaldraytoncentre.com www.marchesoftime.co.uk e Ocean Film Festival World Tour splashes down at Shrewsbury’s eatre Severn on 3rd October with a night of inspirational, oceanthemed lms. Now in its 10th year, it o ers a new collection of short lms from above and below the waves, bringing seafaring adventure, mind-blowing marine life and ocean conservation to the big screen. Rated 12A. 7.30pm Tickets £18. www.theatresevern.co.uk
A weekend of history beckons on 16th-17th September with the inaugural Marches of Time weekend, taking place between the stunning historic homes of Stokesay Court and Pitchford Hall. A programme of entertaining speakers has been designed to give insight into di erent periods of history, with guests welcome to explore the gardens of both houses as well. e event is expected to sell out so book well in advance. Ticket prices vary.

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