Financial independence Is Possible

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Financial Independence Is Possible How to Secure Financial Freedom Regardless of Income

Dan Cavalli Business and Money strategist And Author of

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How to Secure Financial Freedom Regardless of Income By: Dan Cavalli

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction


2. Are You on Track to Financial Independence? Calculate Your Worth


3. How to Determine Cash Flow and Improve Your Personal Balance Sheet


4. How to Establish a Realistic Budget


5. How to Set Reasonable Financial Goals


6. Credit and Debt: What to Do When Debt Takes Control


7. Hiring a Financial Planner


8. How to Establish and Build a Contingency Fund


9. Save Today for a Financially Independent Tomorrow


10. How to Become Financially Independent with Savings


11. Investment Planning for Financial Independence


12. Become Financially Independent with Retirement Planning


13. Become Financially Independent with Rental Properties


14. How to Start a Business in Your Spare Time


15. Is Education the Way to Financial Independence?


16. How to Become Financially Independent if You’re Self Employed


17. Conclusion


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Financial independence…it’s the stuff that dreams are made of. What does financial independence mean for you? For many, financial independence represents a life free of worry about money and bills. Some dream about early retirement and the ability to travel extensively. Others dream of opening their own business or making sure that their loved ones are living comfortably. Regardless of what financial independence represents for you, there is only one tool that can help you achieve it: money. There are several ways to get more money as you will soon learn in the pages of this book. But you don’t have to become rich or patent a clever invention to get the money that you need to secure your dreams. The journey to financial independence is more like a slow, purposeful movement forward than an all out race to the finish line. Anyone can travel the road regardless of income and education level. All you need to do is begin. As a bonus, you will gain access to my famous introductory 20 FREE lessons eCourse about Making Money at and my international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at With the information from all three of these valuable resources, you will be able to live the life that you’ve always dreamed of.

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Are You on Track to Financial Independence? Calculate Your Worth

Most people dream of financial independence, but financial independence is always something that happens in the future for them. This type of thinking is easily identified by phrases that start with, “Someday I’ll…” If you are guilty of this type of thinking, it is time that you start living in the here and now. While it is not a crime to dream about the future, you need to have a solid understanding of where you stand today and what it will take to make your dream future become a reality. The first step in determining how financially sound you are and how much work it will take to become financially independent is to create a net worth statement. A net-worth statement will show you how much money you are worth currently. One of the easiest ways to create a net-worth worksheet is to download a free worksheet online. You can get yours here: Or you can easily find such a worksheet using a simple keyword search and your favorite search engine. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to use a worksheet. If you can remember all of your assets and information without the aid of a worksheet, by all means do so. The first part of the worksheet refers to all of your assets. Here you will enter anything that you own that has value including checking account balances, savings balances, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, treasury bills, cash value of all insurance, investments, retirement funds, real estate owned, vehicles owned, furnishings, fine jewelry, collectibles and anything else of value. Always record the fair market value of these items, not the amount that you paid for them. If you still owe money, record the amount that the property is worth. We will deduct debt in the next section. Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 6

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Next, list all of the money that you owe including money owed for loans, mortgages, alimony, child support, income tax liability, credit cards, personal debt, etc. Do not enter utility payments here or other payments that fluctuate with time or can be canceled such as cable and/or internet service. This section is for debt and credit payments only. Now, it is time to see what you are made of. To calculate your net worth, simply subtract the total sum of your liabilities from the total sum of your assets. If your number is a positive number, you are doing something right. If your net worth is in the negative, you need to make some changes to secure a financially independent future. If your net worth is paltry or in the negative, do not fret. It is more important to face your financial situation head on than it is to show a positive net worth at this point. Before you can make any changes for the better, you need to know where you stand. So, you have taken the first step toward a better tomorrow. To make sure that you stay on track, recalculate your net worth annually.

How to Determine Cash Flow and Improve Your Personal Balance Sheet Creating a cash flow chart is vital for future financial independence. A cash flow chart will show you if and how well you are able to save, if you are living beyond your means and how well your financial future will play out if you don’t make any changes. It will also highlight all of the problem areas where changes need to be made, as well as assess your current standard of living. A cash flow chart is basically a list of everything that you shell out money for each month. In addition to the expenses that are highlighted in your budget such as utilities and groceries, a cash flow chart includes expenses that you might not think of such as entertainment, dinners out and shopping indulgences. There are two options when calculating expenses for a cash flow chart: you can estimate expenses or track exact figures for a period of time before completing the chart. Tracking is the preferred method as it allows you to realistically calculate expenses and see what you’re really spending. Most people underestimate what they spend for certain things. For example: You may think that you spend $200 a month eating out, but the numbers might be much higher or lower when you calculate the total using receipts and bank statements. Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 7

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To create your flow chart, first gather all statements that you can use to track spending including bank statements, credit card statements, receipts, billing statements, etc. Review the expenses on these statements and categorize each expense using the following categories: mortgage, utilities, maintenance, taxes, car payments, commuting expenses, credit cards, insurance, loans, clothing, child care, food, medical, education, vacations, entertainment, alimony and child support. Don’t forget to include a category for savings and investments. Include everything that you pay out, and look for hidden expenses. For more information visit: Once you have gathered all of figures, add the expenses of each category together to create a sum total for each category. Now, add up your income and subtract your expenses from your income. Hopefully, the number will be a positive number. If not, you need to make some quick changes to get your finances in order. To improve your balance sheet, look for areas where you can save money. If your cash flow chart indicates that you are spending $300 a month on entertainment, make an effort to reduce the amount of money that you spend for entertainment. You don’t have to eliminate entertainment from your budget. Instead, look for less expensive ways to have fun with your family. Other areas where quick changes can be made include clothing, food, vacation and personal items. If you have a shopping habit that is wreaking havoc with your cash flow, limit the number of times that you go out shopping each month. Do everything that you can to improve your numbers. Your financial future depends on how well your cash flow is handled today.

How to Establish a Realistic Budget It its most simplistic form, a budget outlines the expenses that you expect to pay in the future. Budgets normally cover a one-month period, but yearly budgets are not uncommon. For the purpose of this article, we will focus on monthly budgets because they can be updated and adapted continuously to meet your changing financial needs.

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Before you can create a realistic budget, you need to analyze your cash flow. Filling out a cash-flow worksheet is a great way to figure out where you are spending money. However, you should be less concerned at this point about what you have spent in the past and ready to create a plan for future spending. A cash flow worksheet will help you determine what you spend currently and give you an idea of what expenses can be eliminated from your budget and those that have to remain. The first section of your budget will include all of your income including money earned from work, alimony, child support, disability, student loans, etc. Include all of the money that you receive on a regular basis. If certain forms of income are sporadic or unreliable, do not include them. For example: If you only receive child support here and there, remove it from your budget. It would be risky to set up a budget using income that may never come in as planned. If your job is insecure, you may wish to make adjustments here as well. On a separate sheet of paper, write down realistic goals. If you wish to create a savings account and have X amount of money in savings by a certain date, write down the goal and break it down into monthly allotments. If you wish to have $2,000 in savings in four months, you will need to include $200 for savings in your monthly budget. Include all of your goals here and break them down into monthly financial goals. Create a rough budget outline by writing down all of your monthly expenses, including goals, and subtracting them from your income. If you have plenty of money left over, you’re in good shape. If you’re like most, however, things will look a little tight. If your budget seems impossible, do not worry. A few simple changes can make your budget more realistic. Analyze your expenses. Study your cash flow worksheet in order to determine if there are any areas where you can save money. Some of the best areas to save money include shopping, entertainment, vacations, clothing, and personal expenditures and so on. If you need extra help, visit this site:

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Once you have trimmed all of the expenses you can, things should look better. If not, you may need to adjust your goals a little. You may need to push back deadlines to make your goals more achievable. For instance: Giving yourself an extra four months to obtain $2,000 in savings lowers your monthly budget by $100. Keep in mind that your budget is not written in stone. You are allowed to make adjustments when the need arises.

How to Set Reasonable Financial Goals In order to achieve financial independence, you need to develop a clearly defined set of goals. A list of goals is essentially a wish list of everything that you would like to achieve in the future. For example: If you want to own five rental properties and a vacation property in Cancun, your goals would include these two wishes. Of course, goals at this point are not clearly defined or achievable; they are merely a dream. What is needed to turn your wish list into an attainable set of goals is a plan. Before you can set goals, you need to identify them. Take some time to write down the things that you would like for your future. Stay away from vague goals such as “to be wealthy.” Instead, formulate concise goals such as “to be able to retire” and “to be able to take care of my family financially if I die.” Do not be afraid of adding things to your list of goals that seem unattainable. You may be able to make some things happen that you never thought possible with a little bit of clever planning. If your goals turn out to be unrealistic, you can make adjustments later. Need a little help? Visit Next, you need to figure out how much money it will take for you to reach your goals. Let’s use the first example involving rental properties. If you wish to own five rental properties, figure up how much it will cost to purchase five rental properties using real estate comparables in your area. Be sure to allow for appreciation if you do not plan on purchasing for a while. A house will cost you more ten years from now than it does today. Now, you need to break your goals down into increments so that they are easier to achieve. Break each goal down into short term (0 to 1 year), medium term (1 to 5 years), long term (5 to 10 years) and longest term (10 plus years). Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 10

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For example: If you wish to own five rental properties in 15 years, your goal breakdown may look as follows: * Short term – Start savings plan and contribute (blank) percentage of income each week. * Medium term – Invest savings into 10-year savings bonds. * Long term – Pull money from retirement plan and cash-value insurance properties. * Longest term – Purchase rental properties. Every goal that you can come up with can be broken down this way. When you break goals down into easily attainable steps, they become easier to accomplish. Breaking down goals this way also allows you to identify goals that might be unreasonable under your present set of circumstances. f reaching a goal requires saving 150% of your income, you need to make adjustments in your current life to make your goal possible. Breaking goals down also gives you hope. By concentrating on one step at a time, you can stop dreaming about your future and start taking the necessary steps to make your dreams become reality.

Credit and Debt: What to Do when Debt Takes Control Recent studies show that most families spend more than they have coming in. How is this possible? Credit and debt makes it possible, but it does not make it advisable. We can use the current economy as a stark example. The economy has collapsed primarily because of credit spending and the breakdown of family finances. Take a moment to see how your finances add up. If your budget shows that your expenditures exceed your income, you are in serious trouble. Immediate action is necessary if you wish to keep your current lifestyle and secure a financially independent future. Before we get into ways that you can reduce your debt, let’s take a moment to look at the most common types of debt that lead to financial problems: * Credit cards Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 11

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* Auto loans * Impulse shopping All three of these types of debt put a huge dent in your finances. Exorbitant finance rates jack up the price of everything, turning good deals into expensive luxuries that you cannot afford. Fortunately, there is a way to reduce debt and turn things around. The following tips will help you take control of your debt and secure financial independence. * Reduce Expenditures – You must dramatically lower the amount of money that you spend each month. Separate your needs from your wants and start eliminating bills. Some areas where most families can cut costs include entertainment, travel, clothes, gifts, home improvements and new auto purchases. * Pay Off Credit Cards – Purchasing items with credit cards is the most expensive way to shop. If you owe balances on your credit cards, you are throwing away money in interest each month. Think about it this way: If you pay off a credit card with a 19 percent interest rate, you will save the same amount of money that you would earn placing the balance owed in an investment account with a 19 percent yield. * Consolidate Debt – Consolidate everything that you can into accounts with lower interest rates. Transfer credit card balances to cards with low rates and flex-pay features. Take out a second mortgage to pay off all of your high-interest debts. * Debit Don’t Credit – Avoid using credit cards at all costs. Freeze them, cut them up…do everything that you have to do to make your credit cards inaccessible. Use your debit card for internet purchases and other purchases that require a credit card. It is very tempting to let credit card purchases accumulate interest charges. * Borrow – The greatest thing about borrowing money from family is the interest rate that you will receive. Nowhere else will you be able to obtain a loan with a 0 percent interest rate. Your financial future is completely dependent on the steps that you take today. If you are struggling financially now, things will only get worse if you do not do something to change your circumstances. For more information visit:

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Hiring a Financial Planner Hiring a financial planner is a decision that should not be taken lightly. A financial planner could be all that stands between you and the path to financial independence. By simply hiring a planner, you could unlock the door to all of your financial goals. However, financial planners are expensive and can cut into income that you can use to further your financial goals. For most people, the decision to hire a planner is based on their level of income and the amount of money that they have to invest in their future. However, many people with lower incomes can also benefit from a planner. The following are reasons why you might wish to hire a financial planner: * Second Opinion – If you have a clear plan in mind, but wish to receive a second opinion, a financial planner can look over your plan, crunch the numbers and offer advice based on what you have already done. * Guidance – If you have a good start but need help with the complicated issues, a financial planner can help by providing detailed guidance. * Hand Holding – If you are completely overwhelmed by the financial planning process, you need a financial planner. A planner can help you develop several plans that will work for your individual financial situation. All you will have to do is select the plan and implement the steps outlined by the planner. Additionally, a financial planner can help in the following ways: * Develop strategies for reaching goals * Offer advice for tax time * Help set priorities * Save time * Boost confidence and provide objectivity * Help with individual financial goals

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There are two main types of financial planners, those that want to sell you something and those that merely offer advice and point you in the right direction. As you can imagine, planners that stand to earn a commission from selling you financial products might be more interested in selling products than providing unbiased advice. But, on the upside, they are less expensive than other types of financial planners. Commission-based financial planners are easy to find; they often work for insurance companies and small financial planning companies. They do not charge any fees up front; they make their money from the products you buy. Fee-based planners are found at accounting firms and fee-based financial planning companies. They do not sell products at all, rather they charge for their services much like a doctor or lawyer does. You pay a set fee for each appointment based on the time spent or service rendered. These types of planners are more expensive, but they are often the most objective. If you choose to act on any advice given by these types of planners or purchase any products they recommend, it will cost you extra. Hiring a financial planner is a personal decision. If you feel that your financial situation would benefit greatly from professional advice, by all means, hire a professional planner. For more information, visit:

How to Establish and Build a Contingency Fund A contingency fund is an easily accessible cache of savings that you can dip into if an emergency arises. Most financial experts recommend that you have at least three months worth of income set aside to tide you over in case of illness, unemployment, changes in income and major family events. However, the recent economic downturn has proven all too well that a savings account equivalent to three months worth of income is only a drop in the bucket of what is needed in truly dire times. For the purpose of this article, we are going to use six months worth of income as a good starting point. Before you can set up a fund, you need to assess your needs. Six months worth of income is a good average, but some families may need more. If your job or career field is especially unstable, you might want to think about adding a little more cushion. The Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions� at Page 14

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following are some other reasons that may affect the amount of money that you need to put away into your contingency fund: * Long-term family medical expenses resulting from major illness of disability of family member. * Debt obligations that are on a deferred payment option currently, but will become due in the future. This includes all “Don’t pay now” offers, student loans, etc. * ARM or balloon mortgage. * Self employment. * Fluctuating business and/or employment expenses. * A house in need of major repairs or an auto that has seen better days. * Benefits that will cease if employment is disrupted such as health insurance, vacation pay, bonuses, etc. Now that you know how much money you need, it’s time to get to work establishing a fund and building it. Remember; all of the money in a contingency fund needs to be easily accessible. Retirement and insurance cash outs can take weeks or months to access, making them a last resort. Instead, focus on cash savings and easily accessible lines of credit. Your number one priority when establishing a contingency fund is to establish and build up a cash savings account. Every dime you save should go toward this fund until it is of a sufficient amount. Stop investing in your retirement plan and funnel the money into your savings account. Once you have reached your goal, you can start contributing to your retirement fund and other investment portfolios again. You can also use lines of credit to pad your contingency fund. However, lines of credit must be established before problems occur. Apply for low-interest credit cards, and store them away. Do not ever use them unless it is absolutely necessary. You should never use emergency lines of credit unless it is a matter of home, health or hunger.

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A substantial contingency fund will help you sail through the hard times and negate the need for hasty measures that could affect your financial independence. Think of it as building a solid foundation for your future. If the foundation is soft, everything that you build could come crumbling down in an instant. If you would like more information on contingency funds, visit

Save Today for a Financially Independent Tomorrow Saving is vital if you want to enjoy a financially secure future. Not only do you need to learn to live within your means and save what you can today, you also need to start a savings account and begin investing in your future. Everyone, regardless of income level, can enjoy a financially independent life. All it takes is good money sense and a smart strategy to get moving in the right direction. To illustrate the importance of saving, let’s examine how a $10,000 windfall is spent by two different families. Family A uses the $10,000 bonus to buy a slightly used vehicle. Family B saves the money and dabbles in a few investment opportunities that pay off. Ten years pass, all that Family A has to show for their $10,000 is a rusty car with that’s worth a few hundred dollars. Family B has been able to double their money, and is now sitting on $20,000 that will continue to grow exponentially. As you can see, smart money management is paramount if you wish to build a financially secure tomorrow. To build your net worth, you need to change how you spend money and start putting more money back into savings. The following tips will help you do just that: * Stop living for today, and start living for tomorrow. Sure, a new car may be nice, but do you need it? What will the car be worth in the future? How much will you spend in repairs and maintenance? Is the price really worth the momentary joy that you will receive when you are traveling from place to place? If you really think about it, your money will probably be best invested elsewhere or put into a savings account. * Cut back on all unnecessary expenses and invest the money saved. There will be plenty of time for subscription services and designer handbags when you are financially secure. Stop spending your check as soon as it comes in, and start learning to live within your means.

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* Create a smart saving strategy that puts at least 20 percent of your net income into savings each week. Build your savings account until you have six months worth of income saved. * Once you have enough money in savings, begin investing 15 percent of your income. Put the additional 5 percent in savings so that you continually build your savings. * Avoid dipping into your savings account at all costs. Always try to look for ways to cut costs or make extra money without dipping into your savings. Money makes money. If you hold onto more of yours, you will not have to work as hard in the future to live the lifestyle that you are accustomed to. To ensure your financial success, save all the money that you can and invest it wisely. The goal is to put your money to work for you, rather than you going to work for more money. For more smart money-saving tips visit

How to Become Financially Independent with Savings One of the easiest ways to build wealth and secure financial independence is to open a savings account and create a comprehensive plan that will help the account grow and flourish. For most people, saving is a bonus. If there is money left over at the end of the week, it is shuttled into a short-term savings account to help pay for gifts, vacations and other large purchases. Unfortunately, this habit, while good, does not allow enough time for the true benefits of saving to kick in. To illustrate: A young couple starts saving $300 a month and puts the money into an interest-bearing account. At 6 percent, the couple would have over $20,000 at the end of five years. Sounds good, but what happens next is amazing. Twenty years later, the couple will have amassed nearly $210,000. Now, the couple has only made $90,000 worth of monthly contributions. The rest of the money is money earned from interest. They have earned $120,000 without doing any extra work, without doing anything at all. If you don’t have a savings account, open one immediately. You do not have to have a lot of money to put in the account each month; you just have to get started. Sit down Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 17

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and calculate what you can afford to contribute and stick with it. You’ve heard the fable about the tortoise and the hare. Small, regular contributions really do add up. Can’t settle on a number? The following tips will help you out: * People under the age of 50 should be putting at least 10 percent of their income back in order to prepare for retirement. People over 50 that are just getting started should put back at least 20 percent. All wealth-building savings should be in addition to retirement savings. * Figure out your cash flow and budget for the month. If you have $500 free after paying for bills and necessary expenses, put some of the surplus toward your savings. Strive to set aside 25 to 50 percent of your expendable income. * If your income fluctuates, save an average of what you can afford each month. For example: If you expect that you can save $200 this month and $150 next, average out the number to $175 monthly. Consistency pays off and gives you a clear goal. * Always put money into your savings account before you do anything else. It is tempting to skip savings contributions when times are a little lean, but it is imperative to save on a consistent basis. Do not worry if it seems like you don’t have enough money to make opening a savings account worthwhile. If you can only save $10 per month for the next 40 years, your $4,800 could grow by more than $30,000 over the course of time. If you think that’s amazing, just think what $20 a month could do! You can research savings accounts with the best rates here:

Investment Planning for Financial Independence Investments are a great way to increase your income potential. Not only will you earn more interest on investment accounts than you would on regular savings accounts, the amount of money that you could potentially earn over the long term is limitless. With proper diversification and timely decisions, you can secure a financially independent future through investment planning. The key to successful investment planning lies in diversification and selection. Most financial planners agree that your time frame is the number one consideration when selecting investment vehicles. If you plan to retire in 25 years, you will have more

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investment options open to you than you would if you need to pull out of the investment in 10 years. There are several other factors that will limit your selection as well: * Your age * The amount of money you can invest * Your cash flow needs * Your need for liquidity and flexibility * The amount of money that you need to earn * The amount of risk that you can take Let’s take a closer look at each of these considerations. Young people often have more options available to them than the older investor. Age affects many factors including the ability to recover from a risky investment and the ability to invest in long-term investments. However, some short-terms goals are the same regardless of age. If you plan to invest to reach a five-year goal, age is irrelevant. If you only have $20,000 to invest, you might not want to invest it in a non-liquid investment such as real estate. If you have $500,000 to invest, putting $20,000 in real estate is a great idea. Always keep in mind how much you can afford and allow for diversification. Choose from a wide variety of liquid, semi-liquid and illiquid accounts. Cash-flow needs and the need for liquidity go hand in hand. Some investment accounts will supply you with income each month in the form of interest and dividends. If you need extra income, these types of investments are ideal. If you need to be able to cash out quickly, liquidity is vital. In order to reach your goals, you need to figure out the rate of return that you need to achieve your goals. Once you have settled on a certain percentage, look for investment opportunities that deliver. Low-risk investments typically offer lower returns. High-risk investments usually return at a higher rate; however, you could end up losing money. Risk tolerance is both a personal and financial decision. Some people simply cannot risk money comfortably. Others may need to minimize risk due to a looming retirement.

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Keep all of these factors in mind when you begin collecting ideas for your investment portfolio. Do not be afraid to ask for help if some things seem unclear to you. Investment planning is tricky; you need to be sure you are doing it correctly in order to minimize loss and maximize your return. If you need help, this site can point you in the right direction copy the whole link:

Become Financially Independent with Retirement Planning What do you envision when you think of financial independence? If you’re like most people, you envision an early retirement, endless vacations, spare time to pursue your hobbies and passions, and a nice, comfortable home that you can share with your loved ones. You work hard today, so you can make these dreams come true in the future. You are counting down the days until you can retire. As you can imagine, the chances of such a dream coming true without proper retirement planning is remote. Financial planners recommend that young people put at least 10 percent of their income toward retirement planning. Late bloomers need to invest at least 20 percent into their retirement portfolio. These percentages represent the amount that people who wish to retire at the traditional age need to save. If you wish to retire early, you will need to double your efforts. Before you can plan for your retirement, you need to build a strong foundation for the future. If you cannot financially afford to withstand calamity, you may have to dip into your retirement fund to save your home or to pay for medical bills which could eliminate retirement from your life plan completely. To protect your future, keep at least six months worth of income in an easily accessible account. Do not invest this money. It is your calamity money. Now, it’s time to talk about investments. Employer-sponsored retirement plans are the best option for retirement planning because most employers match contributions made by employees. If your company offers a 401K plan, you should invest the maximum amount that is matched by your employer. Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 20

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If your employer matches half of your contributions up to 6 percent, invest the full 6 percent. It’s free money, and a 50 percent increase on your investment. For every dollar you spend, you will put back $1.50 toward retirement with this plan. If retirement is still in the distant future, an IRA could be the second vehicle that you can use for retirement planning. Most IRA contributions are not tax deductible; however, the interest earned on these accounts is tax deferred, meaning that you can build up money quickly by taking advantage of compounding interest. Self employment presents a different set of challenges when planning for retirement. If you long for the security of a retirement portfolio, you can invest in Keogh or SEP plan. These plans work similar to 401K plans but have extra benefits for self-employed individuals. Some great sources of retirement income include home businesses, real estate investments, rental properties, website development, and more. All of these options can supply you with passive income. You can literally make money while lying on the beach with these options. And they are ideal for people who may be getting a late start when it comes to retirement planning. Retirement planning requires consistency and careful attention to detail. Regardless of how much time you have to save for retirement, the key is to create a plan for success and stick with it. For more information, visit:

Become Financially Independent with Rental Properties Can you imagine living in a $750,000 home complete with all of the luxuries and amenities? Of course, you could. For a moment, envision your dream home. What if I told you that you could live in such a home for $200 a month? No, you don’t have to have a $725,000 down payment. You don’t even have to have a down payment at all. You can live mortgage free and become financially independent with rental properties. Still don’t believe me? Take a moment to look at the rental ads in your neighborhood. How much are houses renting for in your area? Let’s suppose that rent averages $700 a unit in your area. Just three units could supply you with $2,100 in monthly income. Of Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 21

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course, you will have to pay for things such as insurance, taxes and maintenance. But rental properties supply limitless income potential. Additionally, your income will continue to rise as the value of your properties rise. The key to becoming financially independent with rental properties lies in careful selection. First, you need to select the right properties to invest in. Today, this job is easier than it has ever been before. Many nice communities have a surplus of foreclosed homes that are being sold at auction. It is entirely possible to purchase a home that needs very little work for $5,000 to $6,000. Be careful, though. Not all homes are worth the money spent. Choose inexpensive homes that are sturdy, and stick with houses that only need cosmetic work. Avoid homes that need expensive renovations such as a new roof, foundation repair or plumbing and electrical overhauls. Once you invest in an income property, you will need to invest a little more. Sink some money into new paint, flooring and fixtures. Not only does a remodeled home bring in more money, it also attracts better renters and gives them a reason to stay. If you invest money into making the home nice, you will be able to easily find renters that will take care of your property and stay for a long time. An empty rental property costs you time and money. Every time your property becomes empty, you will lost income and have to spend time showing the property and interviewing new renters. Most of the horror stories associated with rental properties can be avoided by screening tenants. Always ask for references and proof of income. Sure, credit reports can give you an idea of how well perspective tenants pay their bills, but they can’t give you a real picture of how tenants will care for your property. The most important part of the screening process involves talking to former landlords. Ask how the property was cared for, and if they encountered any problems with the tenants. The goal is to invest in inexpensive properties, fix them up and rent them out to reliable tenants for top dollar. The more rental properties you own, the more financially independent you will become. More information can be found at:

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How to Start a Business in Your Spare Time If you truly wish to become financially independent, you need to find a way to increase your income. One of the best ways to increase income is to start your very own business that you can run in your spare time. Fortunately, the internet makes running a business on a cramped schedule possible. Many online businesses only require 5 to 10 hours a week. Additionally, internet businesses require very little start-up capital. Before you can start a business, you need to have an idea of what type of business would blend nicely with your lifestyle and financial needs. There are many types of businesses that you can run from your home in your spare time. Service-based businesses such as consulting, freelancing and administrative services require the most time commitment. Retail businesses require less time, but may require storage space and multiple trips to the post office. Website development requires very little time, but it takes time to start seeing money from these ventures. Research all of the different types of internet businesses, and select the type of business that works the best for your individual circumstances. Once you have narrowed down the type of business, you will need to find your niche. A niche refers to the focus of your business. For example: If you wish to start a retail business, your niche may be selling candle-making supplies to crafters. Be sure to select a niche where there is little competition. Try to find something unique. After all, if there are 1,000 other stores online just like yours, you will have to share customers with your competition. If you offer something unique, however, you will easily attract and retain customers looking for your products. This site might help: Develop a solid business plan and a list of goals. Research everything you need to know about your business including the legalities. Compile the information and create a workable business plan. Create a list of goals using the business plan, and stay focused. If you need to put in 20 hours a week to get your business off the ground, put in the necessary time. Do not skimp or procrastinate. Formulate a workable schedule that gives you plenty of downtime. It is not feasible to work a full schedule at work and put in 40 hours at home. If you can only spend 10 hours a week on your business, choose a business that requires very little attention. Of Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 23

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course, you may need to put in some extra time in the beginning to get things moving in the right direction. Starting an internet business with your spare time is a great way to become financially independent. Often, the money earned from an online business can be invested and used as a platform for more money-making ventures. Online website development businesses can also result in monthly passive income, meaning that your websites will continue to make you money without any effort on your part.

Is Education the Way to Financial Freedom? There is no doubt that one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get an education. Studies show that people who are college educated make more money than those who are not. People who have more schooling consistently make more money than those who have less. So, does that mean education is always the key to financial freedom? For some, the answer is yes. However, the answer is much more complicated. Let’s take a moment to follow the lives of two high school students: Susan and Aubrey. Both graduate with honors. Susan goes on to enroll in a state university and majors in psychology, the major with the highest enrollees nationwide. Aubrey skips college and starts working for $8 in an entry-level, gofer position at a major publication. Thirty-thousand dollars later, Susan has a degree in psychology, but is mortified to learn that she needs a PhD to earn any real money in her chosen field. She finds a position for $8 at her local welfare department. Aubrey, on the other hand, has proven her mettle and learned the publication business from the inside out. She now makes $50,000 a year, and the future looks bright. As the above example illustrates, education is not always the way. For some, education is merely a stalling point. To get the true wealth-building benefits of a good education, you have to be smart about it. And you have to go to school for the right reasons. A degree of itself is not going to make you rich. The following tips will point you in the right direction: * Do not go to school unless you can prove to yourself that you will make a lot more money. Decide what kind of percentage income increase makes going back to school Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 24

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worthwhile for you. Don’t forget to calculate the raises that you expect to earn in your current position, the cost of the education itself and the limited earning ability that you will have while in school. You can research salaries here: * Choose a career field that will pay off. You cannot expect a large salary just because you go to school for four years. Some four-year degrees can only secure positions that pay a little more than minimum wage. On the other hand, some two-year programs can help you secure a career in a field that pays $30 plus an hour. * When researching careers, do not focus solely on the amount of money that you could earn. Choose something that you will enjoy, something that you are good at. You should also take lifestyle into consideration. If you want to have plenty of time to spend with your family, choosing a career that requires a lot of your time is counterproductive to your goals. It’s true; education is the key for many people. It could be the key for you, but it is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Careful thought and preparation is needed if you wish to achieve all of your dreams through education.

How to Become Financially Independent if You’re Self Employed Self employment has many benefits. You can be your own boss, set your own schedule and earn as much money as you are willing to put in the work for. However, there are some downsides that come along with being self employed. For starters, self-employment income is taxed much more aggressively than income generated from employment. There are also other expenses involved with being your own boss such as business expenses, health insurance, unexpected fees, etc. All of these extra expenses really add up and make achieving financial independence difficult when you’re self employed. Fortunately, you can use all of the benefits of being self employed to your advantage. The following tips are essential if you wish to become financially independent:

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1. Set up a large contingency fund. Self employment income is often sporadic. You need a large contingency fund that equals at least six months worth of self-employment income. Be sure to keep the money in easily accessible accounts. 2. Establish a business contingency fund equaling 6 months worth of business expenses. You need to protect your business. If you cannot work or if you lose a lucrative account, you need some money to ensure that your business will bounce back and recover. 3. Secure excellent health coverage. One of the benefits of being an employee is lowcost health insurance. It may be tempting to forgo this costly expense when you’re self employed, but a minor surgery could destroy your hopes of becoming financially independent. 4. Purchase disability insurance. If you get sick, you cannot fill out a slip and continue receiving your paycheck. If you can’t work, you will not get paid. To offset this reality, purchase insurance that will pay you when you cannot work. 5. Diversify. Never rely on one source of income. Create multiple streams of income to increase security. If one stream of income dries up, you will be able to adapt quickly by concentrating on your other business ventures. 6. Create passive streams of income. Passive income includes all income that you do not have to actively secure. Passive forms of income include money earned from websites, royalties, profit-sharing plans, interest earned, etc. 7. Save. People who are self employed need to save more aggressively than those that work for the man because they do not receive any benefits. Self employed individuals are responsible for 100 percent of their retirement savings, and they need to save aggressively if they want to be able to afford to retire. Self employment is really a blessing, but planning is needed in order to achieve financial freedom. Most self-employed individuals earn more working on their own than they would working for someone else. Put the extra money you earn to work for you. Instead of enjoying temporary indulgences, use your money to establish a secure financial future for you and your family. Resources for the self employed can be found here: Get FREE access to Dan Cavalli’s international selling book “Blueprint for Making Millions” at Page 26

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Conclusion Remember; you don’t need a lot of money to secure a financially independent future. Even if you can only spare $50 a month, you can start the journey. Stop living paycheck to paycheck. Use your extra change if you have to. Whatever you do, start the journey. Financial independence is obtained by learning to effectively manage the money you have, not by earning more money.


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