6 steps to effective marketing
Part 1 of the 6 Part Series…”How to Dominate Your Target Market in any Economic Climate” Dan Cavalli To find out more about me and what I do go to: www.google.com and search “Dan Cavalli” and see my credentials as an expert author, small business expert, writer of hundreds of business articles, a builder of businesses and much more are there for your reading pleasure.
You may not be aware of it yet, but you‟ve just begun the journey that most business owners never even realize is available to them. That‟s the journey of metamorphism into a marketer of business, rather than being a business marketer! The owner‟s primary role should be that of marketer, nothing else! It‟s unbelievable that most business people don‟t realize they can earn more money as a marketer of their business than they would make simply as an owner working in their business. It‟s all about surviving the hard times and how to dominate your target market in any Economic Climate! On this page I discover the „death knell‟ of marketing and the mistakes most business owners make and how to avoid being an „advertising casualty‟. Some say spending money on branding and imaging your business is the same as owning a boat. If you like standing in the shower getting wet while tearing up $100 notes branding is certainly for you. Not for this little black duck, thank you! Most ordinary advertising has elements of branding because it is all about pretty pictures and involves copy cat marketing. In the corporate world glitz and pizzazz is rife! Unlike us small business owners they have the budget to waste, not to forget they have to feed those egos of all the new university marketing graduates providing their advice. Take a look at your local yellow pages and you will see what I mean. Most yellow pages advertisements are nothing more than expensive, oversized, pleasant to see but telling the reader nothing to influence them to call the business. Your business card is another example. Cards and ineffective printed matter can‟t sell anything without having a strategy [more about this later]. For successful advertising there should be: -an offer -a headline -testimonials -a guarantee. There has to be some motivation provided that compels the reader to respond to your message!
If you are wasting money on advertising that doesn‟t work, stop it now! That‟s your first step in moving your business into more profit. Most people I‟ve come in contact with who sell advertising don‟t know anything about effective advertising, sales letters or fliers that motivate the reader to respond. Only one kind of advertising will do that and it‟s called: „Reaction Marketing‟. Reaction marketing is the #1 kind of marketing any small business should use. It‟s measurable, accountable, gets your readers attention and motivates them to action. After all, that‟s what we want, isn‟t it?
To Get my FREE CD that reveals “How to Make any Business Bring in More Dollars, More Leads and Customers in any Economic Climate” Guaranteed! Simply go to: http://bit.ly/6secret Full article of Dan Cavalli is available in 6 parts, to view the article visit http://www.startingabusinessnow.com ###