The Number One Reason To Get Out of Debt Now
by: Dan Cavalli Business and Money Strategist
There are many reasons for any responsible citizen to try and get out of debt now. I agree that being in debt isn’t a sin but note that most of the debts that are plaguing you now are debts you could have avoided. Let’s face the truth and look at why we got into the ugly unsecured debts in the first place.
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Maybe we were just trying to impress our neighbors and kept pulling the credit cards at the slightest instance without realizing that each time our credit cards get out of the wallet, out debt profile increase.
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Now, you have to bear the crunch of the heavy debt burden due to your carelessness. If you critically look at your credit cards debts. You might discover that about 40% of it or even higher are interest rates that accumulated over the time and keep accumulating each month. The sleepless nights that accompanies being in debt is even enough reason for anyone to get out of debt now.
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You may know where your next meal will come even if you’re in debt but happens after you finish eating and your credit gets you on the telephone. Some rude demands and annoying emails wouldn’t be out of place. Are you still searching for reasons why you should get out of debt now?
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We talked about credit card debts which are mostly unsecured debts but if you got an automobile loan and secured the loan with the car you purchased. Do you think your creditor would stop at only annoying emails and rude telephone calls? Haven’t you realized that they may soon knock on your door to repossess your precious car if you fail to make certain monthly repayments, depending on the conditions of the loans?
I am an advocate of good debt profile because the most astounding deals that had taken place in our economy were on borrowed monies. We can think of Mr. Donald Trump and even Mr. Kiyosaki. Both men know how to make use of ‘good debts’. The debts that are considered good are those that are used to create wealth. It is even surprising to realize that these ‘good’ debts carry more flexible terms than consumer debts especially the credit card debts.
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Credit card debts has been reported to be the most abused debt and has put more people in financial trouble than most of the financial deals throughout history. This is not to say that there is nothing good about the credit cards, but we are emphasizing on the way it is used by majority of the consumers and the negative effects it has on their finances.
Get Out of Debt Quickly – Objective of Everyone Covered Up in Debt
If you really want to get out of debt fast, you have to start thinking of snowballing your debts. It involves paying off your debts one after the day starting from those with the highest interests. You will then need to add more funds to repaying others as you pay off certain debts. This way you will get out of debt fast and regain financial security that is even more vital for better living.
You can use all these strategies to save money, reduce debt and improve your life but it will not last unless you have a system automatically set up to continually work without your input.
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About the Author DAN CAVALLI’s noted by the “Financial Review” as one of Australia’s “Internet’s Untold Millionaires”. He is also the author of the internationally sold financial book, "Blueprint for Making Millions." Get your FREE chapters here: