Tips for Achieving ď‚— ď‚– Financial Independence by: Dan Cavalli Business and Money Strategist
Financial independence should ordinary be one of the most interesting subjects to many young folks but the reality is the opposite. You may disagree with me but wait a minute. The subject itself attracts the interest of everybody but it is only few that do things that align with the topic or subject.
Let me explain, if you have peers who are really earning good income and don’t have any sort of savings, would you rightly say that their present actions will lead them to financial independence? Some of them will know when the latest cars came out and will be among the very first to ride in such cars while you take to invest your monies in profit yielding ventures and still move about in your older car. Personal Wealth-Building – Increase Your Cash Flow and Building Wealth over a Lifetime
One of the things we don’t always seem to remember is that as long as we are alive, we must grow old, and in old age, we wouldn’t be able to work as hard as we are doing today so our income will diminish or completely vanish if we don’t plan for such period of our lives.
The best ways of achieving financial independence is by trying to increase your income and drastically reducing your expenditure. But in the examples we gave above, those that are buying the latest cars were still earning as much as they did while increasing the amount they expend on automobile purchases. Read also Financial Independence Begins and Ends With You!
It even becomes more confusing when you add up the fact they would be paying lots of interest in the loans used to acquire such unnecessary cars. I am an advocate of good life but wouldn’t let me to encourage you to start spending more than you are earning all in the name of having a good life. Count me out.
For financial independence to become your reality, you must be disciplined in your saving and ensure that you don’t spend money impulsively. Adequate budget on the things that are absolutely necessary is your best bet. Postpone or completely discard those that have options. Easy Ways to Save Money Fast
If you have cheaper ways of satisfying certain needs, by all mean take up the option. Get the items that will be useful for you and not those that would be used to impress your friends or neighbors. Your best friend is you, so get the things that will ensure that you have an impressive future without regrets.
If you are living at a place that takes so much as rent, why can’t you move over to a country side apartment where you can have the same good life at reduce rate? Eliminate any credit that carries high interest and be careful not to get entangled in them again.
How to Save Money Every Month
One of the surest ways of ensuring ones financial independence after taking care of savings is to figure out how to start earning more. This will accelerate your stride toward financial freedom if you manage it consistently well. FREE ABC's of Success at:
You can enhance your job capabilities by going in for more training so that you can get higher earning job. You may also keep your present job and start a home-based business by the side for increased income.
You can use all these strategies to build wealth and start a business and improve your life but it means nothing unless you can build it quickly for the long term. Get my FREE business and wealth building secrets at:
About The Author DAN CAVALLI’s noted by the “Financial Review” as one of Australia’s “Internet’s Untold Millionaires”. He is also the author of the internationally sold financial book, "Blueprint for Making Millions."
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