DAne Hulse : When you are a survivor time stops for you

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Some Human

Tribes Around From world

Which Is Last Of Their Kind

Kazakh: Three Kazakh men sit on their horses accompanied by their hunting eagles. The Kazakhs are descendants of Turkic, Mongolic and Indo-Iranian tribes

Drokpa: Only 2,500 Drokpas live in three small villages between India and Pakistan and are known for public kissing and wife-swapping

Himba: The Himba live in the arid environment of northern Namibia, surviving the conditions by tending to their herds of cattle

Tibetans: A group of young Buddhist monks in Tibet wear traditional costume

The Nenets: Nenet men keep warm in the harsh cold of northern Arctic Russia with the help of coats made out of four reindeer skins and reindeer fur called Gus

Maori: Tatooing is an important part of the culture for the Maori tribes people of New Zealand

Ladakh: Ladakhi populate the the cold desert region in India's northern state of Jammu in Kashmir.

Aboriginal men in Australia’s Arnhem Land hunt for food. In the Aboriginal worldview there is no past, present or future— there is not even a word for time. The goal of humanity is not to transform nature but to maintain the world as it was when it came into being.

Ariaal: Are among the tribal people who for generations survived the Kaisut Desert’s droughts by living as pastoral nomads. Under pressure from international aid organizations starting in the 1970s, they settled down, which led to depletion of their resources and permanent dependence on the aid groups.

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