Luke Buckley
Unit 28 Website Development
Luke Buckley
Unit 28 Website Development
P2) explain the user side and server side factors that influence the performance of a website
User Side Hardware Software Malware Band Width Cache Browser Connection
Server Side Traffic Software Hardware Maintenance
Hardware can affect the performance of a user side computer and server side because the more memory the user or server side has determines how much information the website or person can store on their computer it may also make the computer or server faster because there could be less memory for it to process to their could be too much which will make it slower. Software can affect user side and server side computers because some software can be made specifically for websites e.g. If you have the latest software then it will make it easier and faster for your computer to download information or make it faster for people to download the information that they need to run the website. Malware can affect the user side computer because if you have a worm virus then when you get information on a website then you will be slowed because the virus will be trying to send itself to the website to infect it. Also a Trojan horse will wait until the user goes onto a certain website and when they have gone onto the website it will activate the Trojan horse and infect the user’s computer sending spam and maybe shutting the user’s pc down. Cache will affect the user side computer because over time the cache box will fill up on your computer gradually slowing the computer down their fore the user will have to make sure that they empty their cache tray to make their computer faster.
Luke Buckley
Unit 28 Website Development
Band Width can affect the user side slower because the bigger the band width the slower the internet connection because it is connecting at a massive radius so therefore the user will have to make it so that the bandwidth for their internet is small so that they get faster internet connection. Browsers will affect the speed of the user’s computer because the latest ones can handle better graphics then the older ones like CS5 etc therefore if a person has safari then they will not be able to go onto a website using CS5. Connection can affect how fast the website page loads on the user side pc. It can be caused by having a low internet connection will slow down how fast you download and load the website. Traffic will affect the server side because the more people getting information from their server will slow down how fast people download the information for the website like it takes a while to load up Maintenance can slow down how fast people connect to a server because they are going through the code and looking for problems in the code. P3) Explain the security risks and protection mechanisms involved in website performance. The security risks that you will get with creating a website is that when you upload your website there is a risk that people will hack the website getting whatever information that will be useful to them such as bank details or payslips if your website is not secure then you will not be complying with the data Protection Act and for the protection mechanism they can use is an anti virus system to make sure that people cant hack or send a virus to your system. How You can get a Virus? If you open a file and you do not have the right antivirus system then the virus can completely wipe all the details of customers or business links off your system or maybe send all the details to the person that has created the virus. Therefore you will lose revenue because of your customers will find out and business links.
Luke Buckley
Bibliography Internet Teacher
Unit 28 Website Development