The Diary Of A Photographer being Photographed

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Photographer being Photographed



Dear Diary, I know that I may just have to face up to the fact that my body has changed and that there are so many ways that I haven't been taking care of myself. I can blame the hormones, the kids , work, but the truth is that there are no excuse that I can say would be 100% accurate. So here we are the day is almost here to get my photos taken and I have to face up to the fact that everything isn't perfect. At least what I envision perfect to be. But the journey to this place has been perfect. I think of why I stated to photograph women I think back to embodying the true meaning of beauty and what that means. I've lived my life exploring authentic expression as beauty. Living life as closest to your truest form apart from the expectations from family and religion. Who are you really if you were left to your own devices. And so if I were left to my own devices without expectation of society, family or religion this is who I would be. I wouldn't be the women who was worried about anything. I would live freely.

What I learned from the other side of the lens.

In that moment out in the pond getting my photos taken I was free. Freer than I've been in years. Playful because nothing in the world mattered at this moment except for playing. I didn't have a plan for these photos. I just wanted to be witnessed in a way that I witness my clients transform. What kept on going through my mind was we are in this world for a split of a second. And I've made that split of a second chained to this belief that I couldn't be enough until I was tiny. That I couldn't be loved until I was a certain size. That I couldn't be loved if I was a certain age. I wrote not too long ago about letting go of a father who had distorted views on what beauty was. I didn't realize until recently how harmful he's view on the masculine was. But I am also very grateful because it lead to on this path to reclaim and to deeply love. xoxoxo, Daniela McDonald

5 Tips to Have the Best Photo Shoot 1. Settle on a Style Consider what your ideal photo session would be. a.Who would be there? b.Where would it be? c. How would you feel? Create a vision board for your day. Have fun during this process. go to Pintrest and create a board of your fantasy shoot. What would you be wearing? What's the story you want to convey? 2. Do Your Homework Start researching how photographers work. If you have more than one that you are considering, make a list of why they appeal to you. What do they all have in common. Odds are if you love their work you will love the results. 3. Set Up Interviews This is not a decision that can be made on looks alone—you must meet your potential photographers in person/via zoom. If you like what you see on their site—and their fees are in your ballpark range—call to see their availability! 4.Find Out What You Will Get Every Photographer operates their business differently. Once you have figured out their style and specialization, it is important to narrow down what you will receive and how. Here are some of the most common areas that may be different from Photographer-to-Photographer. Contracts: Most full-time Photographers will require you to submit an online contract and possibly a retainer fee. Prints vs Digital: Some Photographers deliver ONLY prints and others deliver all digital files. Some Photographers may only deliver low resolution digital files and require you to purchase prints or higher resolution images directly through them. Number of Images Delivered: A session may be priced REALLY low – but you only receive a few edited images. How long it will take to receive your images: Depending on the workflow of the Photographer, it may take several weeks to receive the final images. Even months! Make sure that you get a time frame that works for you. Added costs to the session: Some Photographers charge a “sitting fee” – which only covers the taking of the images. Purchasing the actual prints or files is an extra fee. Finding out what is included in what you are paying for is important. 5. You Get What You Pay: Your time is your most valuable resource. Trying to coax decent photos from your digital camera (or cell phone) can be time consuming and frustrating, to say the least. And I’m willing to bet that spending hours searching stock sites for photos that you like and reflect your brand, is not your zone of genius. You have more important things to do like, creating your next product or service, client getting activities and serving those clients! Not to mention, having a social life or taking a nap. #realtalk The pros know how to get the perfect lighting, composition, styling and most of all how to translate your brand elements into a visual story. These are skills that come with LOTS of practice. The quality of your images is the fasted way to tell your online clients that you are taking your business seriously and that your products and services are top-notch. This earns their trust and they feel confident spending their hard-earned money with you.


What if you felt connected to it all? By a resilient silk strand. A braided cord, that reaches back to a time when you knew you were limitless, and reaches forward to a time and place where you are living your eternal purpose. What if you felt supported to step up to the edge of your limitations and move beyond them knowing that you could not fall.

My name is Dani. I am an intuitive and a photographer. I help women connect to their eternal forms and capture the beauty of their transformations in raw and cathartic images. I act as a conduit between your eternal blueprint and your present consciousness holding space for you to cross safely into the life you are meant to live. I receive information in the form of visual impressions of individual women embodying their predestined archetypes and expressing their original gifts. You may already have a strong impression of your archetype. It’s difficult to suppress your inner wild woman/mother/lover/wise woman/queen. She is who you are in the ecstasy of a sunset and on your darkest day. She’s emerging from the ocean and stubbornly clinging to the highest ledge. She’s the one gently applying the bandage and the one scraped raw by life. She is exquisitely wild inside the most enduring cage. Wild Woman Soulography helps you integrate all of your aspects, gifts and experiences so that you can be finally, wholly and powerfully free. Consider this your gentle nudge, a reminder that you’ve always had permission to inhabit yourself fully, and that you’ve never truly been alone. Reach out to me if this inspires something in you; there’s a 100% chance you’ve already inspired me.

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dani.mcdonald_ @danimcdonaldwildwomanphotography

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