Danielalbae architecture portfolio 2014

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Curriculum Vitae Daniel Alba Eugenio Spanish nacionality

Contact danielalbae@gmail.com 075 4791 6593 12 Hawke House Ernest Street E1 4RF London UK

Education and Training 2012 - 2013

Renders’ Factory Creativity training for architecture (3ds max Vray, Ps & Revit certificate)

2009 - 2010

Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero | University of Sassari, Italy Exchange Program “Erasmus”

2004 - 2012

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura | University of Seville, Spain Master of architecture

Work experience 2012 - 2013 June


2010 - 2014 October Currently

2010 - 2014 October Currently

2010 - 2010 April


Render-online (Seville, Spain) (Equivalent Part II) 2D drawing + 3D modelling, renders, graphic design. Private projects as Freelance DAe Architecture [Own Firm] 2D drawing + 3D modelling, Renders. Competition projects. Private tutor for students DAe Graphic Design [Own Firm] Design of logotypes, layouts, graphic design, photomontages and post-edition images Studio Arch.Giovanni Battista Oliva (Alghero, Italy) (Equivalent Part I) 2D drawing + 3D modelling, renders, graphic design. Competitions and private projects

Architecture skills and competences 2D & 3D



Photoshop | Illustrator | Indesign | Muse | CorelDraw



Other skills

Hand drafting | Fab Lab | Laser cutting | Office | Great ability to learn new software

| 3ds max | Sketchup | Rhinoceros | Microstation

Languages Spanish|Native




Other things I enjoy Football | Photography | Travelling | Music | Movies & Series | Cappuccino | Sea


Malaga’s Riverfront Masterplan

MoMA of Malaga Cultural

Social Housing in Seville Residential

Housing complex in Seville Residential

Skyscraper in Tablada Mixed use

Mairena del Aljarafe Masterplan

Restaurant “Las Cabrillas” Recreational

Two houses in Berlin Residential


Skyscraper in Mairena Mixed use


Collective Housing in Zufre Residential

Recycling Centre Industrial

Requalification of Is Mortorius Landscape

Termini’s Waterfront Masterplan

“The Limit” Barbate Masterplan

Sevilla’s Riverfront Masterplan



Cruise Terminal of Seville Transport


Restaurant “Hestia Recreational

Window-Shop InnovaEtsa Retail

ONCE UPON A RAIL One area bounded by different routes. A place of passage, bland, not surprising ... Behind the swarm of weeds, fences and debris the river is lurking, waiting for someone, at last, to notice it is there. it is designed two volumes, two buildings which rise gently to form a landscape that somehow fits the traffic environment which circumscribes it. In the middle, a crack, a way, a path that invites us to discover what is hidden behind it. Residential / ETS de Arquitectura / Seville, Spain

0 10 20 30 40m

Planta Baja / Ground floor plan

belvedere tecnichal floor

Planta viviendas / Housing floor plan

dwellings tecnichal floor dwellings roof terrace hotel

Secci贸n Longitudinal / Longitudinal section

THE TREE HOUSE Since he was old enough to dream, Michael wanted a house on the top of a tree, a fortress which will help to protect their own treasures, those that are so important when we were children. The Mßller family lived in a small apartment on the outskirts of Berlin. Resigned due to lack of resources to fulfill his dream, Michael had to settle for playing in the park and be entertained with his old yellow ball. One day playing with his brothers the ball crossed the street and disappeared inside a crack. My house will be here! - Said Michael while he walked to get the ball. The place chosen turned out to be a site between boundaries, deep and narrow, situated between the park and a block’s central courtyard. Dwellings / Competition Becas Arquia / Berlin, Germany

4 Estudiantes Erasmus / Novelista

Familia con 2 hijos / Persona ciega

Familia con 2 hijos / Novelista

Pareja Mayor / Persona ciega

Diagramas / Diagrams




E 1/150



b. Casa de los Sueños

c. Casa de la Hospitalidad

d. Casa de la Gastronomía

Diseñada como la finalización de una gran biblioteca en el pasillo que funciona como articuladora de la casa del novelista, la casa de la inspiración tiene un cómodo espacio dedicado a la lectura y un lugar con vistas al parque interior reservado a la escritura donde se ve la salida y la puesta de sol. Está elevada sobre el resto de la vivienda creando un espacio de meditación.

El dormitorio del novelista cuenta con una cama de matrimonio en donde poder descansar con comodidad o invitar a una posible pareja. La biblioteca separa este espacio del resto de la casa y un volumen se utiliza como lugar de almacenamiento del dormitorio y de un cuarto de baño anexo.

Conocida la habilidad del novelista como cocinero, la vivienda requiere un espacio donde acoger y agasajar a sus invitados. La biblioteca se convierte en una bodega particular, en la que se almacenan diferentes tipos de vinos, y un pequeño minibar para acompañar esas cenas que se alargan después de la medianoche.

La casa sigue unas directrices básicas de un restaurante a menor escala. Una zona de consevación de los alimentos mediante una pequeña cámara frigorífica, un zona de lavado/preparado de los alimentos, una zona de cocción/horno y una zona de degustación donde poder probar sus recetas.





a. Casa de la Inspiración

Vivienda Novelista

TERCERA Superficie 76 m2

24 24


e. Casa de la Música

f. Casa de la Arquitectura

g. Casa de la Economía

h. Casa de las Matemáticas

El dormitorio del estudiante de música busca la inspiración a partir de un espacio colorido en el cual podrá componer sus obras sentado en la cama mientras observa la naturaleza en el patio interior. Un aislamiento acústico le permite prácticar sin molestar.

El dormitorio del estudiante de arquitectura tiene el objetivo de liberar espacio para permitirle la elaboración de maquetas, para ello se eleva la cama dejando un espacio debajo para poder trabajar con planos. Un lucernario da mas iluminación a un espacio cuya fachada da al norte.

El estudiante de economía es una persona obsesionada con el orden por ello se le da un espacio inspirado en las gráficas de Gantt, herramienta gráfica cuyo objetivo es mostrar el tiempo de dedicación previsto para diferentes tareas o actividades.

El estudiante de Matemáticas es despistado y excentrico, por ello se organiza el espacio basandose en los diagramas de Venn. Tiene un espacio de trabajo dividido en una mesa para trabajar y una pizarra donde apuntar sus teorias.

i. Casa de las Actividades

j. Casa de la Alimentación

k. Casa de la Comunicación

Adopta este nombre por ser el lugar donde se pueden organizar fiestas, dar cobijo a los invitados que vienen a visitar a los erasmus, ver la televisión o escuchar música. El funcionamiento es simple, una barra donde apoyarse y multitud de asientos que al unirse dan la posiblidad de crear un sofa, una cama, etc...

Una Cocina con dos placas de vitrocerámica separadas que permiten preparar comidas diferentes al mismo tiempo y un fregadero mas amplio de lo normal que permite almacenar la vajilla. Anexas a la casa se disponen un lavadero y un cuarto de baño para invitados.

Es el enlace entre las dos plantas de la vivienda. El cerramiento esta formado por una superficie de vidrio y una serie de listones de madera que crean un tamiz que regula la entrada de luz al igual que en los demás elementos de comunicación horizontal de las dos viviendas.



6 15

E 1/150





Vivienda Erasmus

SEGUNDA superficie 78 m2




27 14






E 1/150

E 1/150


Vivienda Erasmus

PRIMERA superficie 78 m2


Espacio Público



Plantas / Floor plans


Axonometría / Axonometry


Sección Longitudinal / Longitudinal Sectión

Sección Trasversal/ Cross Section Alzado Sur/ South Elevation









1. Integrazione della ferrovia con l'autostrada in una singola rete. 2. Arrivo di desertec. 3. Occupazione per parte della cittĂ del vecchio limite ferroviario. 4. Nuovo porto turistico. 5. Nuova stazione di passeggeri. 6. Nuovo percorso cittĂ - Area Industriale. 7. Museo della energia. 8. Museo della Fiat. 9. Parco Fluvialo. 10. Zona commerciale. 11. Arrivo autostrada.


1 2

RECYCLE TO CREATE The DESERTEC vision is to supply with renewable, clean energy from the deserts and arid regions of the earth. Termini Imerese is a town in northern Sicily, where we can appreciate a residential and a large industrial area nestled in an area where the topography becomes the protagonist up to the sea boundaries. The masterplan builds on steps taken by the DESERTEC network to make changes in the city. Starting from the deviation of the railway line to join the highway, the city discovers a terrace where look out to the sea. At this point, we can only be guided by the concepts of sustainability. Masterplan / F. Archittetura di Alghero / T. Imerese, Sicily, Italy

THE GATEWAY TO THE INDIES Sevilla belonged to the sea until recent times. The lake Ligustino conformed an inland sea in which Seville was his limit. This lake received its life source of fresh water from the river now called Guadalquivir that, simultaneously, had dissolved the substance of his slow death. This lake, inland sea, marsh reduced by sediments of the Guadalquivir, still has an identity, from a territorial point of view, which is still possible to recognize: Sevilla, Los Palacios, Lebrija, Sanlucar de Barrameda ... anthropized milestones that ,except Sanlúcar, lost its maritime character to become places from which observe the horizontal of a landscape that still retains its ancient aqueous character in which cutlasses sailed it. Masterplan / ETS de Arquitectura “Final Degree Project” / Seville, Spain

Plan estratĂŠgico / Masterplan

Esquemas / Schemes

Secciones / Sections

THE TERMINAL Richard Neutra said that he didn’t understand why they were called terminals when the journey don’t end there. Terminals are traffic places, places that belong physically to the city but conceptually to the world, to their linkages and relationships with travels, without place. With this in mind, it is intended that the travelers never lose sight of the environment in which they are located and the building was only a link between their and the city. Are established, as well, transition spaces between public and private, collective and intimate, intermediary spaces between architecture and the city. The piece blends in smoothly at the end of the waterfront, wanting to be the connecting link between two topographic levels, constituting a filter between them and managing, at the same time, his relationship with the river through large windows, light landscapes in which glimpse the horizon. In the background “El Giraldillo”, compass rose for navigators, watches from his throne. Axonometría / Axonometry

Transport / ETS de Arquitectura “Final Degree Project” / Seville, Spain




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