Make money whit good boys

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Real hidden things about internet marketing (that will help you to make money if you will take action) In this ebook you can receive free coupons to help you get lots of bonus that will help you developing in the next future a business or developing your business in internet marketing if you all ready have it. From the beginning I want to tell you that I do not want that you waste your time with me, not to understand anything, Therefore I dare you to see what I have to say about internet marketing and What can I give and offer, get informed please and compare whit others gurus out there that you think are good and decide which one is best, and you will see that I'm a friend and not a guru. And together we can do something new and powerful that will help you and other people to make money, and for those that all ready making some money will help to develop their work, if good guys meet other good guys definitely they going to help others good people(I would like to gather as many people as possible who are serious and who want to make money on the internet, and we will keep some webinars, and after some webinars we can decide who are talented and have some experience. In this way will be able to help each other and better organize our work. In other words beginners can help advanced in their tasks and advanced will help beginners, you will understand better what it is all about if you will click here to follow us in the next future on faceboock , where will keep contests whit free bots and sofware's and more, see you there, page is still under construction). And remember good people can help, the gurus

are only selling, the worst part is that everyone wants to become a guru. I do not want to bore you but you'll understand later why I do not started directly with explanations and things that can help you to start win some money or to make higher your income. I do not want to lead anyone into error, and therefore I will try to make you understand that you need to believe in yourself, required to succeed. •


Important for all for all beginners: Not once can really help you if I don't know what stage you are in and which are your goals. For others, that make some cash it will be a little easier because they know what to do and what they must do. If you are here and you are reading this, that means you want to follow this way of making money on the internet, so... for all you out there who are seriously people, join our fan page so I can find in what stage are you and your goals, and whit your and others help we can we can gather together and make money, Trust me We all have place on the internet to earn a good bread for our families. If you Share this document with your loved ones that you think you can work together, friends, neighbors, blood relatives we have the chance to develop and create teams to work more quickly.

Below you will understand way I'm one of 2% and below page it to see what bonus I have for you.... People making money on the internet 98% are not making (they give up quickly or make a small income several hundred dollars in one month )

only 2% are making (You can get informed , this 2% understand that internet marketing it's a business) And from this 2% who make money ONLY 2% what are good people and help us, the others trying to explain us how to learn, others sell us software and bots, and etc. and others are experimenting on us new stuff. Hy to all Internet Marketers out there what struggle to make some good income, and of course to change their lives, because that is happens when you can manage the money and the time and you are developing something new in your life.(For me It is like a luck in live...but a luck for which we must work, or like a lottery ticket which we must work hard sometime) I do not want to steal your time telling my story, it will be time for this, now it is time for you to make a story. We will start with other things more important, such as the correct information to the state in which we are now..right information help us develop faster. So after we have it, the right information, only left it is to make a plan and take action. All the information we have at hand and it is in front of our nose on the internet, the problem is that it is too many and lots of people do not know how to choose the correct information that help them, and they do not know how to develop after they got some information.(Like puzzle pieces that need to be made). After that we'll find some good people, and we start working together many of you will have good results. Not like other MLM or other pyramid competitions, This is where we want to help in what man really needs so that he'll be able to help further other people if he wants it. In the past year I've come to understand the success formula.

Right now it's crystal clear in my mind how success looks like and what it takes to make your dreams a reality. Your goals might be earning $100 per day with article marketing, publishing a new product that will attract a lot of affiliates and I'm sure some of you are definitely aiming a lot, a lot higher. I sit here in my room and my future is finally clear. Some time long ago I thought I'm at the mercy of random events that are happening around me. Obviously, I knew I can make sure I won't be just some homeless guy on the street but at the same time I had NO idea I can choose my future. But now I know I can. And this is why I want to share a special piece of knowledge with you... ... you might not like it... but it's how reality works. In its essence it's a bit like a step by step guide to success. Once you'll really understand, and I mean UNDERSTAND TO THE VERY CORE OF YOUR BEING that you can literally sculpt your future, it will become inevitable you'll achieve everything you've ever wanted. I'm not even exaggerating... See, once you understand that you can have a dream, a goal and that you can really make it come true, you won't be able restrict yourself from crystallizing it in your life. I think it's pretty obvious by now that the first step of goal crystallization is to make a decision. Don't get me wrong... I'm not talking about "wishing" something to happen. That's not a real decision. What I'm talking about here is making a decision that's so strong NOTHING could make you abandon it - not even YOU. See, the main problem with most people who get into affiliate marketing is they think they decided to make a full income with it while in fact they're only wishing it to happen. It is the main reason why so many people quit from affiliate marketing. They mistake "wishing" for decision making. Can you see a difference? If you want to make $5000 per month or if you decide to make $5000 per month. With the first type of "decision" you are wishing something to happen and once you put a bit of energy in it and it doesn't come true you say to yourself "I guess all those people are either gifted or they're lying" and you abandon your dream

about financial freedom. but... BUT with the second type of mental attitude you've told yourself what will happen NO MATTER WHAT. This is why it's vital to understand the importance of decision. You need to make a decision about what you want. Make it and let it be so strong you're absolutely

THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY YOU PUT INTO YOUR sure the only factor in when your goal is going to crystallize is


Read that again.

It's simple. After you've made a decision you need to understand the more energy you'll put into your goal the faster it will crystallize. And the less energy you'll put in it, the longer it will take to achieve it.

1. Knowledge After you've made a decision and understood that the only factor is ENERGY you put in your goals you need to start putting energy into gathering knowledge. Knowledge is the ingredient from which ideas are born. It's the fuel for your motivation. It's the MAP that guides your actions. Consume as much of it as it's possible. Learn about copy writing, learn about PPC marketing, learn about article marketing, learn about persuasion, learn about SEO, learn about design but above all...... learn from people who already achieved what you want to achieve. Model them and know that it's not long until you'll achieve as much as they did if not even more.

2. Action Knowledge is important but it's worthless if you don't inject a good amount of action in the success recipe. In general one should dedicate at least 5 hours of work to internet marketing per day. These are called action hours. What this means is that you don't learn during these 5 hours. Instead all you do is take action based on what you learned up to now. Do your daily dose of SEO, write that couple of articles, post a few blog posts, outsource whatever you can and take even more action after you've finished with all of those. It could be said this step is the most important of them all. It is the step that is

the most problematic for people. You may think you are a procrastinator. You think you are lazy. But let me tell you, you're only lazy when you haven't made a strong enough decision that's aligned with your real desires.

3. Persistence Trust me, you will have weeks and sometimes even months of no apparent success. It will feel as if the success formula isn't working. You will start losing motivation and thinking about trying out other ventures. This is good, let yourself discover other possibilities but at the same time understand you've made a decision and you accepted the fact your path won't be easy. It is true that sometimes things take time. It is often like that in internet marketing. The only thing that really separates people who fail from people who succeed is persistence. Think about it... internet marketing is a whole new adventure for you. It's not a simple thing and it takes some time to really internalize hundreds of concepts that are thrown at you. Just trust me on this one and NEVER ever stop trying. Failure is simply not an option for you.

4. Creativity Now it's time to get creative. You've learned a lot. You've taken a lot of action. You've been persistent. You aren't new to this internet marketing anymore. This is the time to innovate and use all the knowledge and experience you've gained up to now. Sure, it's not that you shouldn't be creative up to now, but after you've been into internet marketing long enough and if you still haven't seen the results you want you should probably start being more fearless and trying out things which aren't so conventional. As cliche as it sounds, you really need to spread your wings at some point, stop listening to gurus and do your OWN thing. See, at the start you couldn't really innovate too much because you didn't even understand the basic principles of marketing and persuasion. Now you do. This is the four step success formula that got formed in my mind in the past few years.

All you need now is a belief it is possible to achieve your goals and a strong decision. People around you will tell you you can't do it. It's VERY common to have people around you not believe in your capabilities. When I started doing internet marketing I was told it's a scam and it's not possible to sell anything through affiliate marketing. So then I made my first sale. As I announced I made my first sale I got told I'll never get that money. So then I made more sales and I saw I had my first check sent to my address. As I announced I have my first check flying to me I got told it'll never come. So then I got the check and I got told I'll never get the money from it. As I got the money from my first check directly into my bank account I got told it was the only check I'll ever get and that it was a fluke. But then, lo and behold I started getting checks every 2 weeks. I got told that yes, I get the money but that I'll never be able to make more than a few hundred bucks per month. And finally as I started earning a full-time income from internet I was finally told that this might work. Yes, internet marketing might work after all for you to if you're one of those who wants to take action to make money .. And the best part is that after you've worked hard and built your Business, money will enter in you're accounts long after you no longer work. You can develop business or to maintain depends on you PS:Follow and listen to professionals if you want to advance faster

For those that don't now, everything has to be automated so everything will happen faster So I leeched so much from the internet that I want to give something back to you guys to see I'm one of the good guys.

All my “success� comes from my own ideas, inspired by other BHW Members and their success stories. When you try to find a Niche, think about things you like to work with. Things you are looking for on the Internet for yourself. I do not have to tell you that these are the top four largest sites where traffic can come free 1 Enables users to search the world's information, including web pages, images, and videos. Offers... 2 click here to see a good webinar How to Create a Repeatable Facebook

Marketing Plan A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and ... 3 YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your...


A major internet portal and service provider offering search results, customizable content, cha...

So lets start now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Home Setup: Clean your room, wash yourself, drink some coffee, go for a walk with your dog and make yourself a nice looking

workplace. All those who want to take the job seriously should have a domain, and a web hosting...You will use it after you start whit the blogs. Now after I see that you did make the first step and you have register HERE to domain and web hosting (and I will give you free copuns for your hosting, so the first motnh you pay only 1 CENT) . I will give coupons for you bonus...A

vendor on click bank sell this for money,

I will give it to you free This is the vendor, and this product I will give you free after you register to a domain, and a web hosting Lets go back to the domain. In a world dominated by .coms an ad agency decided to promote a financial services company as being different by highlighting the .org in their name to show their non commercial / non-profit nature. 99 times out of 100 a .com is better than a .org, but if you can get a name that costs a million for the .com and only pay a few grand for the .org version and then add $998,000 of marketing to it I think the .org comes out on top. For all those Who knows as little about the domein's click here to learn how to play whit some domein's Using a .org can also make your business look more trustworthy if you are offering a free service and/or are a quasi non-profit. A large part of the current price differential between .com, .net, and .org names is that those who are the biggest domain buyers do not have much development talent or intent to develop them. As a PPC lander page it is hard to earn much as a .net or .org.

The benefits of full web hosting Your website Once you have an idea for a website, you want a full web hosting service that puts it on the Internet without delay. You don't want the trouble of organising your site with different companies and through different channels. It's less prudent, for instance, to search for a domain name with one company's tool and register the name with another. It's also costly if you have to buy website creation software to build your site and pay for web hosting on top of this. You may then have a further problem when you come to upload your site to your web host. If the software doesn't match the host's requirements, uploading can prove timeconsuming and difficult. Level of service A full web hosting service makes the process of setting up a website and publishing much easier. You can search for a domain name with the host and register it when you've found the name you want. You can then use the host's software to create your website. When you've finished, you can publish the site on the Internet with just a click because the host's servers recognise the website creation software. Finally, with a full web hosting service you can edit your website easily and quickly.

Any beginner can start with blogs Automated your blogs is much easier to start as compared to a business website. Businesses around the world are increasingly leveraging the power of blogging to enhance their online presence. Below are some of the benefits of blogging for businesses: Business Blogging Advantage 1: Quick and Easy to Start A blog is much easier to start as compared to a business website. Its inherent informality allows a creative freedom to express without the constraint of a corporate tone and messaging style. There are plenty of free and paid blogging platforms available and tons of templates to choose from. Business Blogging Advantage 2: Easy Integration

A business blog is relatively easy to integrate into your already existing website – either as a sub-domain or as a section of the site. If you started a blog on a third-party platform, you can either interlink the two or migrate your blog to your domain relatively easily. Business Blogging Advantage 3: Marketing and Communication A blog provides yet another marketing and communication vehicle for a business. Whether it is an informal message from the CEO, accomplishment of a team member or a channel for business messaging, a blog can add a new dimension to your marketing communication. Easy tracking performance of your blog, visitor activity and feedback measurement allows you to understand how your blog is performing. Business Blogging Advantage 4: Flexibility You can use a blog as the CEO's voice, corporate messaging channel or a platform for your team to express themselves professionally. You can even use it to announce internal developments within the company that would typically not have found their way into the company website. A blog can serve a wide range of needs, whether it is congratulating a team member on a new baby or announcing a new business tie-up. Business Blogging Advantage 5: Thought Leadership An active business blog projects the personality of the organization. Whether it is potential business associates, clients, employees, or investors, a good business blog can help you build thought leadership and credibility of your organization. Business Blogging Advantage 6: SEO Benefits A well written blog post on a good blog can attract visitors from search engines. Your blog can rank for a number of keywords that your business website does not rank for. New visitors drawn to your blog

through these keywords can be directed to your business website, thereby increasing your business footprint, reach and awareness. You'll need of course content writer for your blogs, you tube videos, website, comments for you tube etc..This it is a must have, if you can understand this can take the content for other place on the web and spin it so you have your own content here so you can find a

good can make good content whit this spinner... k ...if you click here you will find a good Auto Blog software that will help you to put your work on auto pilot And of course you will need a credit card so you can get pay, here you can register FREE to payoneer without having to pay the 25 dollars of your first transaction After you make this steps and register to the wordai and the blog software, I will give you a good program to make videos ( for your blogs youtube acouts etc..) SEE here an exmple of a video (is a new method that gives good results )

Or if you want I now someone from which you can buy videos whit 3 $ one video of 3 minutes you can contact me on

Remember, there are many ways and many robots and software that can help you succeed faster, all is depending on you how you assimilate information and how you will put into practice. Trust me that all big boys out there what are making good money, plays with a mailing list and paid traffic, and all they do is automated...But I'm sure nearly all of them started with free traffic.

NOW You can use this method where you can create an email list and then use that to market (I'm not the first one to use it but it could be helpful to some people...:)...:). Basically what you are doing is buying solo ads, sending people to a squeeze page and getting them to opt-in to your auto responder, where you can send them cool products. It might sound complicated, but keep reading and it will get cleared up a bit. First I want to clarify something: I will give you a bot free, to upload videos on you tube after you register on and + Me and my partner we offer the squeeze pages and we take care of the auto responder + you will have 50% for life from the email list...( you can write half of the email list if you what to try your luck ) Here you can register to see your emails that you will collect them , money and the squeeze pages and the Products what we sell.... Now I will just give some definitions. •Squeeze page - This is a web page that’s entirely dedicated to capturing a

visitor’s name and e-mail address. This is what allows direct response marketers to build a list on the Internet … develop a relationship with that list … and then sell products and services to the prospects on that list. • Click here for Free Video Squeeze Page Creator • Here you can find and Learn how to make money online as an affiliate,

Promote other people's products and make money for yourself. for all people who are in this stage and will to find a good auto responder click here to one of the best auto responders on the market and it have 30day free trial. No credit card required. Auto Responder - Automated programs which are established to return a pre written message upon receipt of e-mail. Program will grab the return address from the “header” of the message. Typically, these programs will send out the canned message within seconds of receipt. Here it is a good auto responder •The Whole Idea : You want to build the biggest list possible. On average, per

month, for every subscriber on your list you would make $1. If you have 100,000 people on your list, and you send out an email promoting a product where you make $50 per sale and only 2% bought it, you would make $100,000. From sending 1 email. Now obviously this is rare, but if you send emails every day, you can easily make $40,000 a month from this method alone. Now to the prices of the people what come to our videos . Will depend on how many videos will upload and of the ips of the acounts. So could be more and some could be less; , but it is likely you will have similar results. Some people say the money is in the list, but really the money is in your relationship with the list, so be as nice as possible and build a character that is easy to relate to. Now lets get down to business.

Now I’ll show you how you can make money with YT+PPD, just the usual thing, but it actually works. Things you need before: AddMeFast Credits KEOPATE, u2bviews credits

Make sure you have these two things running every time you push the power button on your PC. • The beginning: Things you need: A PPD Network On this Network is AdNooka, you will got accepted very fast. AddMeFast You need AddMeFast for Likes and Followers. Its important so let it work every time you are on your PC. U2bviews Very important for your YouTube Videos. It works really great in the background. Make a trash you tube account and use it for u2bviews.. A Blogger (Blogspot) Blog Set up a Blog and give it a topic based name for example: Your Niche is recipes - so you name your blog like “ best-recipes” or “cakerecipes”. A Post Template for your Blogger Make a nice looking Template for your Posts. It saves a lot of time and it will appear every time you start a new Post. ( Under Settings -> Posts and Comments ) Setup all the Settings in Blogger. Make it trustworthy and search engine friendly. Write the Meta Descriptions in the Settings. Make a nice looking Header. Add some share buttons ( G+ is important, even though nobody is using it , Google likes it a lot. ) YouTube Account Same process like setting up the blogger. Choose a good name, make a Header for your Channel, set up some basic Tags and text/links in

the description. It saves you time when you post new things later. When you start to upload videos on you tube here you can find one of the best powerful video marketing software on the market. Twitter Account Choose a good name and description. Add some hundreds or thousand Followers using AddMeFast. Follow some People, you can find more website's out there to add some Followers to twiter. G+ Account Your already got a G+ Account because of YouTube and Blogger. Write some descriptions, follow some People, add some People using Add MeFast to your Circles. Facebook Account Set up a Female Account and add guys. You can find some lists of “add me” groups on BLACKHAT WORLD, so it will not take too long. You can also make a FB Page-> add some hundred likes with AddMeFast. If you will follow us on faceboo you will find a link whit a software to post on facebook...( I have solution to try a free software to post on facebook) These are all the accounts you will need. You can add some other networks to it, but these are the important ones. After you're done with that you can focus on pinterest • Setup Connect your YouTube Account with Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and others blogs and social networks which can be connected by ifttt, so every time you post a new Video it will appear on all your social network accounts. Connect Blogger with G+ , so every time you post something the post appears on G+. You can also share it on your other social networks or simply automate this process using !

Now for all that are sure that they want to develop in marketing, this is one of the best multi functional program, not too many people advise you to buy the program, no gurus say about it because this is a real deal for those who want to see quick results. Before we go to the next step I what to tell you that keywords= money in internet marketing, especially when you get paid traffic, so I will help you whit a Free toll after you register so you can begin to gather keyword. Now How to use IFTTT to automate your online life You may think of the Web as a big tubular mesh of interconnectedness, but really, apps and sites tend to be more like islands than Kumbaya-singing cooperative circles. Evernote doesn't seamlessly save your notes to Dropbox. The Facebook photos you're tagged in don't automatically post to your Flickr account. Articles you save in Feedly don't push themselves to Pocket for later reading. As explained below, IFTTT changes all that, bringing your various Web-service ingredients together into a smart, automatic, and, above all else, connected Internet stew. Yes, IFTTT makes the Web both scrumptious and ridiculously powerful, and we're going to show you how to brew up some deliciously useful recipes, as well as highlight some awesome IFTTT tasks that others have already created.

If this, then that—what it is The secret sauce is foretold in the name: IFTTT is short for "If this, then that," and the core building blocks of the service are based around that simple, cause-and-effect relationship. A trigger event happens, and a resulting action occurs. One example of a potential recipe: If you like a photo on Instagram, then IFTTT automatically saves that photo to the Dropbox folder of your choosing. You get the idea.

Before you start dabbling in recipes, however, you'll have to head over to to create an account and connect some channels to that account. "Channel" is IFTTT parlance for a Web service or other action. IFTTT currently supports 67 different channels spanning a wide range of popular services, and it can perform basic actions such as calling or texting a phone, or sending you an email. Here's a list of all the available IFTTT channels. You may recognize some of them: Craigslist, Dropbox, Evernote, Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, Instagram, SkyDrive, Twitter, YouTube, and a wide range of Google services are just the tip of the iceberg. A newly released iPhone IFTTT app even adds channels for your phone's Reminders, Contacts, and Photos apps. (Here's hoping an Android version is barreling down the pipeline.) Once you've gone through and activated some channels—basically, granting IFTTT access to your various services or providing it with personal details—you're ready to start crafting. Let the mad science begin!

Pulling the trigger

Open the My Recipes tab at the top of the IFTTT website and click the big blue "Create a Recipe" button to start. You'll see the text above appear onscreen; click the "this" link as prompted.

The process is pretty straightforward, and IFTTT does a good job of walking you through it. We'll use a simple example as we go along. Select a channel to serve as the "Trigger"—a chosen service that kicks off the cause in your cause-and-effect IFTTT recipe. (If you choose a channel that you haven't activated, you'll be prompted now to do so.) For this example, I'll use Feedly, the awesome Google Reader alternative

Next, you'll be presented with a list of specific trigger events available for the channel. Trigger events are the actions that set the IFTTT recipe into motion. For example, with Feedly I chose "New article saved for later." Whenever I save an article in Feedly (the cause), the rest of this recipe will occur (the effect).

The third step lets you add specific trigger fields. These fields let you narrow trigger events down to very specific occurrences, such as using the Feed channel to monitor a single RSS feed. Once you've set that up (or not, in the case of a trigger-field-less event such as the Feedly example), click the big "Create Trigger" button. Boom! You're halfway done

Arranging the consequences

Now, you have to set up what happens when a trigger event is tripped. So I saved an article in Feedly窶馬ow what? Click on the blue "that" link to continue. As with the trigger, your first step toward setting up a subsequent action is choosing a channel. In this example, I'll pick Pocket, a.k.a. The Service Formerly Known As Read It Later.

With Pocket, your Action choices are about as limited as limited can be, but other services offer much more varied Action options. For example, Dropbox (shown above) can save files to the folders of your choosing or create a new text file when trigger events fire. IFTTT's Facebook Action options include the creation of new status messages, link sharing, or even photo uploads from predetermined locations Finally, we've reached the Action Fields screen, where you can finetune the outcome of your recipe (if the channel supports it), tweaking the aforementioned folder paths and file URLs and whatnot. IFTTT is pretty smart: The default setting is usually a sound one

I've decided that any articles I save in Feedly should appear in Pocket with their URL and headline, and I want to list those articles with some predetermined tags for easy sorting

On the final screen, you'll have a chance to go over your handiwork. Don't forget to add a description! You won't be able to see the trigger/action notes when you're glancing at your main Recipes page —only the icons for the services and the description you've written.

And with that, the IFTTT recipe is complete. In my case, any article I save to Feedly is now automatically pushed to Pocket for later reading, with no manual muss or fuss on my end. IFTTT does all the heavy work behind the scenes, checking for new trigger events every 15 minutes. Outro Template or Download one from their official website ( you will find the links here on BHW or when you search for it on Google). Add your Websites Link to the Template. Video Content Download Videos from YouTube. Trailers are nice (If it is a computer game). Add your Intro and Outro. Produce your Videos. Written Content Scrap some Text from the Internet. System Requirements or Descriptions. You can also write some Text from your own, but I think it will take too much time to write everytime new content, that it is way a did tell you ..Here you ca an find a good spiner....and you can make good content whit this spiner..

Make a fake File or use a real one. Add the File to AdNooka, modify the File Size if its fake. You can do that in your File manager control panel. • Posting Upload your Video. You already got Tags and a Description, so just add the Name of your File to the title. While uploading: Make a new Post on Blogger. You already got a Template, you just need to paste the Text you scrappedearlier or search for a new one. Paste your PPD file link. Write the Description for the search engine on the right side of the editor. Something like “ Your File Name + free download”. Add Labels to your Post. Use different Variations, use phrases you would use when you were searching for it. Finished Uploading Take your Video embed code and paste it to your Blogger post. Publish the post, shorten the link to your post and put it in your YouTube Video description. Add your Video to u2bviews, add some Comments and likes. Don’t use fast views, because we want to make it look more natural. Your Video and Post is already on your other social network accounts, because of connecting and using IFTTT. After you finis to upload videos and content on the you tube, blogs, facebook and twiter, do not forget the comments on you tube and blogs.. Here on this site you can find some bots that will help many people for sure. Or you can You'll be able to order on our fan page if you have a preference to robots and software that you will need for your business. And I will do so to be as cheap as possible for you..

As I said above you now can focus on pinterest After nearly a year of meteoric growth, Pinterest has become the third most popular social network after Facebook and Twitter. For those who haven’t already jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon, the site is a virtual pin board that lets users save, categorize and share images from around the web. According to Mashable, Pinterest receives an average of 1.36 million visitors each day, 68 percent of whom are female. While Pinterest’s traffic has declined in recent months, it still presents a huge opportunity for companies to expand their reach. Recently, companies have started to explore the benefits of Pinterest. Can you blame them? Just recently Pinterest reported having over 10 million unique visitors. In the past six months alone Pinterest has growing over 4000%. There is marketing potential with Pinterest, but it's really all in how you approach it. Just like any social networking, if you are only joining to promote rather than be beneficial to users you will only rack it up as another social media failure. Let's first talk about the value and then I'll share with you some tips on using Pinterest to market your small business. Small businesses have started to see the value in Pinterest. Take for example graphic artists, photographers, interior designers and fashion designers, they are able to create storyboards showcasing their work. They have the freedom to display their work using their creativity, personal style and personality creating fantastic portfolios that can be seen and shared by other Pinterest users. This allows consumers to check out their work, prior to contacting them. You can also use it as a tool for your own market research, what colors people are drawn too and what products are being repinned. This information can create inspiration for additional product development. While there are no hardcore metrics within Pinterest, a small business owner can keep track of interests by seeing how many of their "pins" are "repinned" by other users. This can help in

determining interests, marketability and popularity. Based on the information I've shared with you, what business wouldn't want to participate in the Pinterest phenomenon? Good question. With the recent publicity Pinterest has also started to attract its own clutter, just like Facebook and Twitter. The secret behind Pinterest working for your business is getting content to be shared quickly and frequently. This will help in moving a consumer from browser to purchaser. Five Ways Pinterest Can Benefit Your Business Business Benefit #1: Traffic One of the site’s most obvious business benefits is referral traffic. The third-party measurement company Share aholic recently found that Pinterest referred more traffic to sites than Google Plus, YouTube and LinkedIn combined. To harness Pinterest’s referral power, first make sure your content is pinnable. You can test how well your content transfers to Pinterest by installing a “Pin It” button to your bookmark toolbar and using it to pin images from your own site. You can also install a “Pin It” button directly on your site. Business Benefit #2: Insights Traffic isn’t the only benefit Pinterest can bring to your business. The site is also a great source of consumer insights. A quick keyword search can tell you what your audience is discussing and sharing. Check out what’s being pinned from your competitors’ sites, and how your products and services compare. You can also search Pinterest by category, or use the pinners you follow to see what’s trending at any given moment.

Business Benefit #3: Connections Honda recently used Pinterest to connect with influencers, offering top Pinterest users $500 to take a 24-hour break to actually experience the stuff they’ve been pinning about. “We’re just dipping our toes in the water here with our first campaign,” said Lauren Ebner, assistant manager of social media at American Honda Motor Co. “But it will be a good opportunity to market some of our vehicle launches.” In a similar campaign, Kotex identified 50 influential Pinterest users and sent them each a customized gift box based on their pins. These efforts led to 2,284 online interactions and 694,853 total brand impressions, according to Adverblog. Business Benefit #4: Inspiration Many companies are using Pinterest as a place to gather ideas and inspiration. Here at JPL, employees use the site to research everything from food styling to color palates and video production techniques. You can use Pinterest to generate new product ideas, identify trends and even zero in on business opportunities. Sharing what inspires you not only inspires others. It can also establish you as a thought leader in your field: someone others look to for news and information about your industry. Pinterest Business Benefit #5: Recruitment A growing number of HR departments use Pinterest to recruit top talent. After all, it’s a great place to connect with people over shared interests.

But don’t stop there. Use Pinterest to share your unique company culture. Create a board that highlights area attractions, and invite employees to contribute their ideas. You can even pin employee profiles, and create your own office “yearbook.” You’re limited only by your imagination. Click here to see how to use pinterest Marketing Your Business on Craigslist Learn how to showcase your products and services on this popular online marketplace. From e-commerce websites to furniture wholesalers, small businesses both online and off are realizing the marketing power of Founded in 1996 by Craig Newmark, gets an estimated 10 million unique visitors per day. With an online classified ads format organized by either region or city, Craigslist connects buyers and sellers in more than 300 communities; for the most part, posting on the site is free. If you've never heard of Craigslist or never considered using the site to market your business, the following tips will help you determine whether it might be a good fit for you and offer another outlet for marketing your products and services. What Sells Best on Craigslist From services like tutoring, car repair and real estate to products such as wholesale furniture, consignment goods and retail e-commerce, Craigslist is the ultimate destination for online marketers. If you manufacture goods, provide services directly or sell products regionally, Craigslist is a marketing tool you should consider. You can also easily promote an eBay store, a franchise operation or a referral partner. And it's a bourgeoning business opportunity for affiliates and webmasters looking for new ways to find customers. Lots more you will fin on our fan page, it all depends on what stage you are and wat you

want to know... I dentifying Your Market Like any other advertising medium, Craigslist requires some strategy, though paramount to its usefulness is simplicity. To start, you need to determine which city or cities you're going to post an ad. If you're a service provider, you can identify available cities on Craigslist that encompass your service region. Keep in mind that some regions overlap. For instance, if you're a mobile groomer working in Orange County, California, but service from Los Angeles to San Diego, Craigslist reaches your service area across four cities. So you'd want to develop your messaging and a posting schedule in each of these regions to increase your exposure. If you sell a product or offer a service nationwide, the opportunity to reach new customers is even greater. Posting on Craigslist, either nationally or locally, requires an understanding of the rules. Craigslist has in place--a set of rules that prohibits advertisers from over-posting or spamming users. You can follow these rules and still get excellent exposure. To start, develop unique ads for each city you post in, focus on specific products and rotate them on a promotional schedule. Never post the exact same ad within 48 hours, and be careful to delete your old ad. Craigslist users are quick to spot businesses that misuse the system and can be quite unforgiving. The Craigslist flagging system puts the power of spam control into the hands of the users. Building Ads Building an ad on Craigslist can be as simple as typing in some text, or you can incorporate html and images. Typically, what works best is the direct approach. For instance, if you're a real estate agent using Craigslist to promote properties for sale, build a text ad that incorporates images of the properties for sale--you don't need to know html to do this. Simply define what property specifications best sell the property and keep the sales pitch to a minimum. Be sure to include important search words, such as "three bedroom" or "condominium,"

as well as regional identifiers including a ZIP code, city or community name. You do this so that people who search for specific items find you in the search results. Craigslist's search function isn't based on a search algorithm; instead, search results are displayed first by date, then by keyword. This makes the text content of your ad extremely important. Ads with images only increase ad effectiveness. And adding images to your ad isn't difficult. If you're not web savvy, use the "upload image" function available during the posting process. (If you want to feature a large image or more than one, you'll need to upload your images to your own web server and reference them inside your ad using basic html.) Images, however, are not required. Often the best performing ads on Craigslist are simple text ads that get straight to the point. Tracking Results If you plan to post in multiple cities and offer specific promotions, tracking which ads produce the best results is important. You can track a Craigslist ad by e-mail, phone number or website referral. Each tracking mechanism should feature a unique component like a custom e-mail address, telephone extension or website referral code. How you choose to track should depend on your industry and the typical methods customer use to communicate with you. Unlike eBay, Craigslist does not provide you with any demographic or tracking data. Regardless of whether you sell a product or service, it's important to understand the competitive landscape on a daily or weekly basis. Supply and demand for certain products or services will fluctuate. Take the time to get to know the other players in your cities or categories. If you see a rush on a certain product, focus on something complimentary. For instance, if you're a mattress wholesaler and see that a large number of a specific brand and/or size mattresses are flooding your market, either price match or focus your energy on a different size or bed frame until the market stabilizes. Also, take into consideration the season and the demographic (both income and recreational) of the cities in which you post. In the winter, a

snowmobile will not sell nearly as well in California as it will in Vermont. Community Commitment As an open market, Craigslist welcomes sellers from all walks of life. Keep in mind that as a business owner, you're just as likely to compete with everyday people selling the contents of their attic as you are a national brand retailer with sights on breaking into your market. The community element sets Craigslist apart from its competitors. Harness the power of your community by doing more than just posting. The most trafficked area of Craigslist is the forums. Use the forums to communicate with fellow sellers and potential buyers or to establish an active, ethical voice for your business. Selling Safely Fraud exists in every corner of the business world, both online and offline. The anonymous nature of Craigslist--the very thing that makes it so popular--is also the reason you should take measures to protect yourself against fraud. With no member or seller ratings system, Craigslist can fall prey to scam artists. Make an effort to talk to each new customer via phone, only ship items once payment is received, and always use your best judgment when it comes to business transactions. Craigslist continues to experience rapid growth--additional cities have come online in recent months and more are expected to launch throughout the next year. The buzz about this great resource is sweeping the nation, and every day people from all over the world are visiting the site, looking to buy from trusted sellers and service providers. Get in on the action by harnessing the marketing power of Craigslist. 3. traffic eBay is one of the biggest internet sites on the internet. And as with

other big sites out there, there’s always a way to get a slice of that traffic. You can do this by selling reports and e-books you write in your niche (write some useful how-tos and sell them for very low price, the point in this case is the traffic, not the money). Also you can create an about page , where you can put a link to your blog/site. It's normal that I could not enter in this ebook all about marketing and many different ways to make money on the internet (and for me it's like an infinite because it is in continuous development and especially because it will be getting more and more that the internet it is the future.I remind you that on our fan page you will find everything you'll need to develop this beautiful business, and you will not receive tips on how to buy something how some vendors do, Replace to learn something useful...To succeed as quickly as posible we need you to shares the ebook with someone or Signup to our fan page. After you hear and maybe see how some begin to take small groups and make money, may be you will be satisfied even as other managed (and you have did contrbuit it) and the next can be you with your friends. And below you will find more place's where you can find free traffic 1. Image/photo sharing traffic. There are many image sharing sites, such as, where you can share your images (in any niche) and include a link back to your own site/blog. But you know what works even better? If your website URL is written on your picture! This can be extremely powerful if your image goes viral. Memes.. hint hint :-) 2. Document sharing sites Did you know, that you can share .doc or .pdf files with your link inside

the document? These doc sharing sites gets a decent amount of traffic and can bring you some nice amount of visitors to your site/blog in a short period of time. Here are top 20 document sharing sites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. You can also try these classified ad sites: 6. Missspeled domain traffic This goes more into the grey hat area. I’m not doing this nor do I recommend, however I’ll cover this anyway if you want to take a risk:) Miss-speled traffic is essentially a traffic that comes from missspelled web addresses. For example, there are millions of people everyday typing into the address bar, a small % of these people sometimes make a mistake and put by mistakenly clicking “pp” instead of “oo”. So, if you owned I bet you’d received a great amount of traffic every single day. Get the point? This is just an example, however you can still use this idea on other websites. Here’s a hint: trending events. Such us popular movies. At this moment when I’m writing this article, The Dark Knight Rises is all over the place. Having this in mind, you can buy all sort of variation domain names:, and etc. 7. Coupon traffic

If your business offer coupon codes for your product or services (and I highly recommend you to do that), don’t forget coupon directories. People love discounts and coupons. is a living example. Make sure you add your coupons to the following coupon/deal of the day directories: (Forum) (Forum) Above sites are hugely popular and get incredible amount of traffic everyday. Don’t have a coupon code yet? I’m gonna write a whole

post on creating a coupon code for your product/service very soon. Coupons are great not just because it increases conversions, but succesfully combining it with social/incentive aspects, your coupon code can go viral at the speed of light. 8. Podcasting traffic People love video, but they also love audio too. Podcasting is a great way if you are shy in front of the camera and feeling more comfortable talking in to the microphone. Podcasting can be used for any niche. What I like about podcasting is that it highly improves your credibility and authority. Especially if you are interviewed by other person. Very powerful stuff. (podcast category) (Christian) (Blackberry) (Zune) 9. Tutorial traffic Tutorials are a HUGE untapped traffic source online. If you have a website related to graphic design, wordpress, web development, SEO, marketing, or programming, then you can use tutorials to send thousands of visitors to your website. Some of the popular tutorial sites: (Graphics/Photo/Programming) (Web design and marketing) (photoshop, coding, video, etc) (computer related) (Programming) (web, video, audio, etc) (photoshop & coding) (Design) (Web design) (Graphics related) (there are dozens more) 10. eBook traffic There are plenty of free and paid ebook sharing websites where you

can upload your own eBooks. Here are some of them: (Free ebooks category) (Free ebooks category) (Kindle version) 11. Q&A traffic the most popular Q&A site currently. (tech related) (programming related) 12. Press release traffic (software related) I highly recommend paid PR sites. Why? For example, for $89 will distribute your press release to thousands of news sites including giants like, and other. You can get thousands of visitors and hundrends of high quality links from news authority sites. Just don’t forget to include your website link in your press release! 13. Guest blogging traffic Yes, I realize that most of you have probably already heard about the power of guest blogging. But how many of you are actually doing it? In order to find guest blogging opportunities, you can conduct a keyword search on Google. Some search suggestions follow to help narrow your results: - Use quotes and popular phrases such as “write for us” or “call for guest bloggers” or “guest blog submission”. - Add a keyword to target your results based on the topic you want to write about such as “guest blogger” baseball. If you are seriously considering to use guest blogging as your primary traffic source, then check out this article: The Ultimate Guide to Guest Blogging. 14. Blog commenting traffic Blog commenting is an extremely powerful strategy for building traffic and developing relationships with other people in your niche. Click here to find out how one blog comment can bring 230+ unique visitors. 15. CPA Network traffic

This one is incredibly underground and powerful traffic source. If you have a product (in any niche) you can put your product in front of thousands of active affiliates (publishers) and start receiving sales almost immedeatly. You will only pay if you made a sale. So it’s a winwin situation. Keep in mind though, CPA networks will only talk with you if you have a huge budget and high converting offer. Recently browsing through Peerfly offers I found one very cleverly structured offer. The idea was to have an email opt-in box on the landing page collecting emails, but only pay on a sale that is made after opt-in. Can you imagine how many free opt-ins that guy gets? 16. Infographics (viral traffic) Info graphics are getting more and more popular these days. The only downside is can be expensive to create one, however if it’s done right – the results can be enormous. Successful info graphics can go viral at the speed of light. Bloggers simply digg info graphics! They are also very popular on and Having an URL on the info graphics or giving the permission to repost the infograhics including a link back to the site can bring some nice amount of traffic. And here are the other 11 untapped traffic sources. This article originally was posted by well-known internet marketer Kim Roach on Warrior Forum and received a huge amount of attention: 17. High-Profile Content Syndication – As you probably know, simply submitting you articles to sites like is becoming less and less effective. You can get exponentially more results by zoning on in high-profile content syndication – submitting your articles to the top blogs and websites in your niche. For example, here are just

a few top-tier websites that accept article contributions: And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. No matter what market you’re in, there are very popular websites that you could be submitting articles to for massive traffic. 18. Video Responses - This is one of the easiest ways to get hundreds of

extra views on your YouTube videos. 19. Tag Your Videos – If you use the same tags as another related video on YouTube, then you will have a very good chance of appearing in the related videos in the sidebar of that video, which can send you tons of extra traffic, especially if it’s a popular video. 20. Get More Views on Your EzineArticles by getting in the “Most Viewed” or the “Most Published” section at the end of each article. You can do this by submitting your article to all of the different social bookmarking sites until you are the “most viewed” in your category. Once your article is placed in the “Most Viewed” section or the “Most Published” section, it will be placed on every single article within that particular category. That means extra exposure for your article and more LINK JUICE. The internal linking structure within is EXTREMELY powerful for ranking in Google, giving you a much better chance of ranking for your chosen keyword phrase. If you want to guarantee your spot in the “Most Viewed” section you can use StumbleUpon advertising, which is just 5 cents per view. This is one of the simplest ways to get your article in the “Most Viewed” section. Plus, by using StumbleUpon, you’re also driving lots of targeted traffic to your article and increasing your exposure. 21. Cool Site of The Day – Do you have a cool website? If so, you can

submit it to Cool Site of the Day. If chosen, you will receive thousands of visitors to your website. 22. Free WSO’s for building your list 23. JV Giveways 24. Host your Own JV Giveaways 25. Ad Swaps 26. Use a Contest to Double Your List Size – I’m always surprised at how few people use this technique. Clayton Makepeace, one of the smartest marketers online, has used this technique quite effectively. This technique allows you to leverage your exisiting list in order to add thousands of additional subscribers. 27. Buy Existing Websites – I’m always surprised how few people are buying existing websites online. You can easily buy an untapped website and quickly turn it into an automatic lead machine for pennies on the dollar. friends I could go tomorrow and even more but all in vain if I do not hear the good news from you, that you take action start the battle. One of the last one for now It is about survey and cpa network ….I like it, fast traffic whit fast results.

The Benefits of CPA Marketing to Affiliates and Advertisers Recently, people are getting more and more interested in CPA marketing and who can blame them? Cost per action or acquisition is currently making waves with it's new strategy of attracting potential customers to take the next step for products and services providers to make a sale. It is an exciting income generating prospect also for online marketers and the latest trend in the internet marketing scene. Let's take a closer look at how this program operates. This new marketing scheme, as the name suggests, allocates a cost or a payment to the affiliate for every action that the potential customer had taken. So for example, the landing web page has a survey form on it and the viewer chose to answer and submit the information, the advertisers get what they need and in turn pay the affiliate for the response of the prospective client. When the viewer performs other actions like submit an email or even agreed to a free trial, the marketer gets paid and the advertiser is a step closer towards the ultimate goal which is to close that sale. This is probably why most affiliates and advertisers have turned towards CPA Marketing. Let's discuss further the benefits to both parties: - The advertiser can target their niche market. Affiliates position the ads strategically on landing pages and use processes like search engine optimization in order to increase traffic in the site. When this happens, the right person at the right time views the ad and adds to the persuasion factor making it easy for the person to submit information that the advertiser needs. We should not take for granted the value of simple information like the zip code or the email address, because these will help determine if there is potential to convince the customer to buy the product or not. So in a way, the process is very streamlined and direct. That way, you don't have to waste time on customers who will never buy from you. - As an affiliate, you can benefit through its high conversion rate. Because the ads are very strategic, the possibility of getting paid by the advertiser for an action taken by the viewer is higher compared to any affiliate marketing program. You can also practice your creativity and strategic thinking in order to target the right audience at exactly the time and place you need them. Of course there are always online help in order to ease those birth pains as you are starting out. That's the beauty of this program. You can easily access networks and gain help from gurus on how to be more effective in this type of marketing. With all these things in mind, it is probably more evident to you now, why there is a big shift to CPA marketing. Although, there are still people out there who

couldn't see what the fuss is about. Ultimately, you need information and resources are always available online to satisfy your curiosity. So if you are looking into an online marketing career, then you might want to check this out. For those that want to try a good cpa network and to find more about cpa click here One more thing it is the survey thing I do not have to do nothing at all whit survey, but a lots of people use it and they say are satisfied, for me it is something else the survey thing, 5 benefits of market surveys you can click here to see a good survey program, and wat it is survey all about. From the first sale, the clock starts ticking. How do you keep the customer coming back for more? Find out what makes the customer tick...through a market survey. Customers are the lifeblood of a business. Without customers, there would be no business. New businesses devote significant resources to attracting new customers. A customer who commits to buying a product is one who will likely buy more. But, customers change their minds. Prices rise. Customers may search for a better deal. A competitor business may spring up overnight. If a customer can buy the same product for a lower price, they will. Once a customer selects the better deal, the business has lost a customer. With the market changing constantly, businesses need to stay on top of customer trends. Conducting a market survey will allow the management team to find out who their customer is. What makes her tick? Why does she buy your product? Why does he switch his allegiance to Business X, instead of your Business Y? How can you keep a customer for life? All of these questions and more can be answered in a market survey.

Top Market Surveys Successful market surveys ask the right questions. Market surveys can be mailed, sent via email, or conducted over the phone. Find out what of survey retrieval method will work for you. The survey should ask questions to determine why your customers buy your products. Include questions to determine why customers dislike your product. Ask about what customers want from the company and the product. Ask about buying habits. Assess customer loyalty. The survey should be simple to complete. Use Yes/No questions. Short answer questions work best if included at the end of the survey. Send the survey to the person responsible for purchasing your product, not the CEO. The purchaser will have the most relevant feedback.

The Top 5 Benefits of Market Surveys 1. Wide Reach of Market Survey The reach of the Internet is vast. A survey posted on a company website can garner thousands or even millions of responses. Keep the survey short and reap the benefits of huge participation. With customers throughout the world, mailing a survey will result in inadequate results due to delays in mail service. In addition, a survey mailed overseas will need to be translated in to the language of your

customer. A static survey on your website can be set to the language of your customer. 2. Get Honest Answers Unlike face-to-face interviews with customers, a survey allows for honest responses Perhaps your product breaks easily or has hard-to-follow instructions. By surveying your customers via a web or emailed survey, you will get the honest feedback you need to win your customer back or retain a loyal customer. An anonymous survey will generate feedback that while brutally honest, may be useful in the long run. While it may be hard to hear that customers rarely get the help they need from inbound customer support staff, you can make changes to improve the customers’ experience. Ask questions including the following to determine the demographics: • type of industry that the person answering the survey works in -- administration, business, technology, manufacturing, retail • job title of person answering the survey • scope of influence of the person answering the survey -- Does he manage a staff of 10 or 100 or 1000 employees? Does she oversee 1 or 2 or 3 divisions of the company? • amount of gross sales or revenues • highest level of education • How did she hear about your business? Ask specific questions about products and interactions with the business, including: • • • •

Why did you decide to purchase from Business Y? What products do you buy from Business Y? What products do you prefer buying from competitor, Business X? Why do you buy from Business X?

3. Cost Benefits The survey may need to be outsourced to an outside marketing research firm. In-house staff will need to devote many work hours to collating data. While the cost of creating a market survey may be high, the company will benefit from the results. The survey may generate sales leads. A customer who answers a survey may start to see that your business values customer feedback. A loyal customer will refer colleagues to businesses that care about not only the bottom line, but customer satisfaction. 4. Find Out About Your Competitors Customers want a good deal. If you charge twice the going rate for a product that is the same quality as your competitor, you will lose customers. Find out what your customers are looking for in your products. Ask questions that shed light on why your products are not living up to expectations. Though it may be heard to hear, you want to know why customers choose not to buy a product or service. 5. Customer Retention Customers want to know that a business appreciates their business. From the first click on the website to the time the customer orders a products, the customer should be the number one priority of the business. Through a market survey, you will show customers that their patronage of the business is valued.

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