Who cares? (LRSH)

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Balanchine had an early opportunity to work with eor e er hwin n er hwin a ked Balanchine to co e to ollywood to work with hi on oldwyn ollie relea ed which included a o eo and uliet nu er with a ock duel etween allet dancin onta ue and tap dancin apulet hirty three year later Balanchine choreo raphed ho are to on er hwin co po ed etween and Balanchine u ed the on not to e oke a particular era ut a a a i or a dyna ic that i uni uely erican and ore peci ically e ocati e o ew ork ity Balanchine choreo raphy rin out the e u erance o city li e ho are i oth the na e o a allet in the cla ical idio y eor e Balanchine and an old on eor e and ra er hwin wrote in or hee in he dictionary ay cla ic ean tandard leadin elon in to the hi he t rank or authority nce it applied ainly to a terpiece ro reco o an anti uity now we ha e o n and hor e racin cla ic cla ic cocktaildre e and cla ic cocktail on cla ic erican co po er we nu er tephen o ter ohn hilip ou a and eor e er hwin ir t heard year a o the

e t o er hwin on aintain their cla ic re hne like an eternal artini dry rank re re hin tailor ade with an in i i le kick ro it li hte t hint o citron o tal ia ha not yruped the on enti ent nor ro Fd the o i ediate pi uancy e a ociate the with ti e pa t ut when well un or played or pre era ly oth at once they not only re i e ut tran cend their epoch he er hwin eauti ul anner and hi h tyle their in tant elan e o in oucian e and hrewd innocence their u t e ti at n o the i a inati e ela ticity o an elite audience that they had de eloped ha e le t a ody o word and u ic that li e un lurred y ul ar rhetoric or achine ade enti ent o co ine an inten ely per onal attitude with a la rantly popular lan ua e i a eat that ew popular arti t ana e and it i appropriate that Balanchine ha u ed the on not a acile recapitulation o a lo t epoch ut i ply a on or elodie or cla ic unde or ed traditional acade ic dance which in their e ui alence o phra in dyna ic and e otion ind their rotherly parallel

incoln ir tein

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