danielbapst@gmail.com | 217.494.2612
interior objects & furniture space planning
t h e s i s II
s t u d i o II
interior details & systems
o t h e r w o r k s
j u ni o r l ev e l
‘ FA10|
interior objects & furniture
sketches • photography • axonometric • cut sheet • full-scale model
CNC cut she et
p u r p o s e
c o n c e p t
To design a furniture piece using one 4’ x 8’ piece of birch-veneered plywood. Then with the aide of a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine, cut the pieces and join them using only wood glue (no hardware).
I considered the paradox of growth and decay, two concepts that are both codependent and opposing, and how this relates to furniture, nature, and society. I focused my attention on fungi, an element that is known to grow in the wake of decay.
t o p v i e w
b o t t o m v i e w
f i n i s h i n g
s i d e v i e w
s i d e v i e w
s i d e v i e w
s i d e v i e w
Continuing to explore growing out of decay, I experimented with a stain that actually decayed the wood veneer. The solution consisted of soaking steel wool in vinegar for 48 hours, then diluting the solution 1:1 with water. This was both true to the concept and environmentally conscious.
c u t s h e e t
p u r p o s e To design a clock as part of the new furnishings for a classroom rennovation at the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago.
co n s t r u c t i o n Constructed with strips of balsa wood, stained, and held together by aluminum, threaded rods and spacers. Clock hands were salvaged and altered from former classroom clock.
c o n c e p t Partnered with Anna Barton, she and I developed a concept that explored the relationship between space and time. Working off her initial design ideas, I lead the schematic side of the project.
Ted Moudis Associates
sophomore level
‘ WI10|
space planning
criteria matrix • sketches • map • diagramatic plans • floorplan • furniture/finishes • renderings
p u r p o s e
criteria matrix room
head offices
225 sq ft
225 sq ft
private offices
150 sq ft
300 sq ft
To interview the provided client, then fulfill the client’s needs and wants in the form of a space plan. 7 Chicago building plans, with space available that was near to the useable square feet calculated, were provided in order to choose a space that provides the most ideal space plan.
design workstations
48 sq ft
768 sq ft
administrative workstations 4
96 sq ft
384 sq ft
marketing workstations
48 sq ft
48 sq ft
visitor workstations
48 sq ft
48 sq ft
large conference room
300 sq ft 300 sq ft
small conference room
150 sq ft
150 sq ft
open team area
100 sq ft
100 sq ft
break-out area
100 sq ft
100 sq ft
225 sq ft
225 sq ft
mail/copy room
300 sq ft 300 sq ft
225 sq ft
225 sq ft
server room
100 sq ft
100 sq ft
storage area
100 sq ft
100 sq ft
coat room
15 sq ft
30 sq ft
water closet
50 sq ft
100 sq ft
320 sq ft
320 sq ft
total sq ft
useable sq ft
The provided client was the Chicago office of Ted Moudis Associates, an Architecture/Interior design firm.
a d j a ce n cy im p o r ta n ce very important somewhat important least important
d a y li g ht in g im p o r ta n ce very important somewhat important least important
c o n c e p t The birch tree is an entity of collaborative efficiency. Its parts work in harmony to take in light and create energy. Ted Moudis Associates, like the birch, works in a team environment to sustain the life of the firm.
208 S LaSalle
l o c a t i o n
Through a process of diagramatic testing, the building chosen was the 208 South LaSalle building in Chicago, Illinois. Designed by Daniel Burnham, the building chicagopc.info offered ideal daylighting because of its interior courtyard, as well as the ideal layout to successfully divide front and back of house per the client’s request.
g a
reception large conference ro om small conference ro om small private office large private office small private office administrative work stations mail/copy ro om library ca fé o p e n offi ce
shaw contract
herman miller
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 •10 •11
herman miller
focal point
shaw contract
herman miller
Back-lit, back-painted glass with company logo inset into wall.
Gallery of design work.
Tinted glass wall for both light distribution and use as a dry-erase board. Library layed-out to double as presentation room for vendors.
Printer stations at ends of workstations to increase productivity.
Back exit doubles as back enterance for employees to create the division of front and back of house per client’s request.
CafĂŠ doubles as small meeting or collaborative space.
shaw contract
getty images
focal point
project sure foot
s e ni o r l ev e l
WI ‘11|
thesis II
sketches • map • plan • elevations • sections • model
p u r p o s e
d e t a i l s
To independently research a societal problem and begin to develop possible solutions. Then, create a set of deliverables for the purpose of presenting a proposal.
The start-up will require volunteers through social services in order to train community members how to maintain the composting toilets and work the community gardens, but the goal is that this would become an autonomous sub-society that self-sustains in the future.
l o c a t i o n The neighborhood of Uptown in Chicago, IL was once the entertainment district and buzzing with thriving businesses. The neighborhood is currently still rich with culture, but presently Uptown’s streets have become a hub for the homeless community due to the closing of many northside shelters.
p r o p o s a l To build an easily transferable modular shelter for a series of homeless communities within the framework of a Chicago standard city lot. Utilizing empty lots, I intend to create an autonomous setting where homeless individuals are able to live, sleep and use the facilities. This will consist of: A total of 12 utilitarian structures with enough room for a mattress on the floor and a minimal amount of extra room to move about and store belongings.
One communal building with 2 composting toilets and 2 gray water showers. Community gardens that facilitate growing one’s own food.
According to a 2005 study, on a typical night, 21,078 people were homeless in the city of Chicago. Of those, only 4,654 people (22 percent) were served in shelters. In Chicago, fair market rent is $935 for a two-bedroom unit. To afford housing and stay within 30 percent of income, a renter must earn either $17.98 an hour or work 111 hours per week at minimum wage. From 2000 to 2005, although housing increased by approximately 17,000 units, the city lost over 71,000 rental units. Since 2003, the number of public housing units has dropped by 5,000 as a result of the demolition of public housing units in Chicago. The demand for public housing in Illinois is more than twice that of the available supply.
e a s t e l ev a t i o n
north elevation
10 - y e a r p l a n In 2000, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released “A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in 10 years.�- a bold, innovative stategy to end homelessness in the United States. However, based on this plan, Chicago has begun to shift from an emergency shelter–based system to one based on permanent and interim housing. The plan calls for the elimination of more than 1,200 shelter beds by 2012, a 32 percent reduction. Although requests for shelter have increased and people are being turned away for services since the start of the plan in 2003, there has already been a reduction of 543 shelter beds.
h o u s in g ret h o u g ht My proposal was heavily influenced by this plan. After seeing the shelters on the northside close and hearing from homeless individuals that they no longer know where to find beds, I decided to develop a different idea for semi-permanent housing.
n o r t h s e c t i o n
e a s t s e c t i o n
s o l a r h e a t b o x Displayed below, solar heat boxes are commonly used by homeowners for a detached shed in order to heat the interior enough to be comfortable while working. The temperatures can typically be kept around 50-60 degrees in the wintertime. This project’s adaptation of the heat box uses black-painted, corrugated metal that is sealed inside a box beneath plexiglass. The black paint attracts the sun and heats the air inside the box. On the interior of the box, two rectangles are cut out on each end to fit radiator covers, which allow for air to flow in and out of the box. Because this box follows the drastic angle of the eaves, the lower opening allows for cooler, denser air to flow inward. As it is heated the air rises to the higher opening, creating a cycle that begins to heat the interior.
s e ni o r l ev e l
WI ‘11|
studio II: hospitality (restaurant)
space planning • sketching • autocad • photoshop • 3ds max
p u r p o s e To abstractly relate the culture of the assigned country into a luxury restaurant concept through detailed research. The restaurant is to seat 150 people.
l o c a t i o n The assigned location was the business district of Manila, Philippines. A very proud nation that has fought hard for its independence and individuality.
c o n c e p t The nation of the Philippines was constantly at war in its long struggle to gain independence. The country was also heavily influenced by Spain. Because of these influences, the restaurant will have a menu with Spanish influence, more specifically heavy in Spanish meat dishes. This ambience will be brought to life by the references of the drama, romance and passion of war. The use of metals will begin to reference armor, while shooting angles and tapering shapes will relate to weaponry. The focus on wine in the menu along with purple and red hues in the decor will reference blood shed, while the textures and softness of fabric will reference romance as a picture of warfare is painted.
b 4
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reception retail area lounge bar small private dining area water closet water closet to kitchen large private dining small private dining
The window to hotel lobby doubles as marketing by displaying wine bottles, which are sold in the retail area. The service station to the bar is located out of customers’ view, but still along the path of travel for the servers. These four-top tables are stepped up in order to prevent obstructing the view of the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the coast.
Simple and direct routes to any table in the restaurant from the kitchen improves the flow of the servers.
In an effort to improve productivitiy, servers are equipped with tablet pc’s in lieu of stationary POS stations. Tablets run a similar POS software, orders are sent to kitchen over the wi-fi network, credit card transactions can be processed tableside, and tools such as google translate can improve communication with international visitors in an international business hub such as Manila, Philippines.
shaw contract
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c d
Strip of luminous ceiling following the angle of the ceiling with even light distribution.
Wood-veneered, dropped ceiling following the path of travel; also mirrored in flooring.
dropped ceiling over bar angled upwards to further emphasize the liquor wall.
carnegie fabrics
shaw contract
Ceiling dropped around perimiter, then an inset panel is recessed, so as one comes into the seating group, there is a feeling of separation, but also a feeling of grandeur as the ceiling height rises. This also helps absorb sound from each individual sector as opposed to bouncing throughout the space.
getty images
loom hotel
s e ni o r l ev e l
WI ‘11|
studio I: hospitality (hotel)
sketches • floorplan • rcp • rendered elevations • 3d renderings
p u r p o s e To abstractly relate the culture of the assigned country into a luxury hotel concept, through detailed research. The hotel is to contain a variety of seating in the lobby to cater to both business professionals and vacationing guests, as well as contain a versatile bar/lounge.
l o c a t i o n The assigned location was the business district of Manila, Philippines. A very proud nation that has fought hard for its independence and individuality.
c o n c e p t A hotel is a place that connects a person to other cultures, places, and to other people; Just as the loom connects thread to thread, warp to weft. Celebrating the Philippines’ tradition of loom weaving, this hotel concept is intended to emulate the traditional loom.
The plexus series by artist, Grabrielle Dawe, is constructed of simple wooden planks with a row of nails from which thread is woven back and forth. These structures represent a human need for shelter: “. . . we use clothing to protect ourselves from the elements. Similarly, one of the functions of architecture is to safeguard us from the inclemency of the weather.” Combining these concepts he creates architectural shelter through the warmth and texture of textile. Working with this artist, I intend to create “barriers” separating the spaces of the hotel lobby and creating a sense of shelter for patrons visiting from across the world.
Jose G. Aggari Jr. is a Filipino artist currently living in Chicago. His pieces are constructed of plywood, then painted over. This creates a three-dimensional visual similar to that of the traditional Kut-Kut art style of the Philippines that involves painting multiple layers, then carving into the paint to create depth. I intend to utilize his pieces as part of the art package.
2 a 2
g u e s t ro o m s ui t e
powder ro om small dining area living area bedro om master bath
• • • • •
1 2 3 4 5
k in g g u e s t ro o m
sle eping area • 1 bath • 2
k in g g u e s t ro o m e a s t e l ev a t i o n a
Built-in minibar, wine cooler and small sink to facilitate entertainment for the active business traveler. A strong central media wall allows guests to easily weave through the guestroom suite, further anchoring the hotel concept. A very spacious master bath provides the business travler with plenty of room to prepare in the morning and a expansive soaking tub (with plasma television above) to relax in at night. A large sliding door connects the master bath to the living space for the busy travler preparing for the day. This also allows a view of the television from the soaking tub.
k in g g u e s t ro o m w e s t e l ev a t i o n
g u e s t ro o m s ui t e e a s t e l ev a t i o n
g u e s t ro o m s ui t e w e s t e l ev a t i o n
co r r id o r n o r t h wa ll
Luggage storage easily accessible from bell hop desk, so luggage does not clutter the lobby.
Furniture pieces mostly designed by Filipino furniture designers: Kenneth Cobonpue, Vito Selma and Clayton Tugonon, and also manufactured in the Philippines. This is both a celebration of the Filipino culture and an effort to be environmentally conscious.
Interior partitions showing rows of nailheads represent the base of the string art structures created by Gabrielle Dawe that are used to divide space in the hotel lobby.
Solid panels are framed walls that are clad in a fiddleback wood veneer.
g u e s t r o o m s u i t e b a t h n o r t h e l e v a t i o n
lift cab west elevation
lift cab south elevation
lift cab east elevation
bellhop desk to restaurant concierge desk reception desk to public restro oms bar to ballro om
• • • • • • •
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d c
h o t e l l o b by 51
h o t e l l o b by rcp
view from lobby entrance All partitions are centered around the preconstructed column grid. The relationship between the two is representational of fibers being thread from spool to spool.
view from north entrance of bar The curvature of the bar was also developed with the concept of fibers threading from spool to spool. This shape provided for a convenient service station at the apex of the curve.
bohlin, cywinski, jackson museum
s e ni o r l ev e l
SP ‘11|
interior detailing + systems
sketches • floorplan • rcp • sections • elevations • details • model
firstflo or e f
a 1 2 3 4
• • • •
open viewing area multi-purpose ro om storage reception
p u r p o s e c o n c e p t To design a museum for an architect in which there are graphics, artwork and interactive media. Consider both typical museum use and the possibility of being rented for events. The building is to be on a 45’-0” grid with a 12’-0” first floor and a 15’-0” second floor.
Exterior tile continued indoors beneath the curtain wall in order to blend the two in a minimalistic way.
Flow around reception desk allows for a line to form on the left for ticket purchase, and easy flow on the other side of the specialty wall for entering the museum.
Flatscreen plasma television screen recessed into wall for advertisements, map and schedule.
Multi-purpose room can be used for meetings, presentations, film viewing, or lectures.
Based on the sustainable and industrial principles of the architecture group: Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson, I intend to design a museum that celebrates structure. The museum will expose the structure of many of its elements in order to create a beautiful framework for the art and informational graphics; as well as provide an exceptional space for parties and events.
Small screen recessed into wall for purposes of employee check-in; bulletin boards on either side for employee and management use.
Reception area closed off by doors in order to keep division between front and back of house. Electronic key access entry to doors with magnetic release on opposite side.
s e co n d fl o o r
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struts mounted to angled beams allow for artwork to be hung angled downward toward the viewer. access to curtain wall allows patrons to enjoy the view. full length sheers on a light-sensitive mechanical track allow for window coverage. this single beam in the full volume space of the museum will have a permanent display mounted with the name of the museum and photos of the architects that inspired it.
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e f
the interactive media wall displays three flatscreen plasma touchscreens for interactive learning experiences. artwork along the demising wall is hung by a steel cable system. the t-shaped stairs provide for an easy flow for either the museum’s regular business hours or parties and events.
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first flo or rcp
s e co n d fl o o r r cp
exterior elevation facing east
exterior elevation facing west 61
s e c t i o n fa cin g n o r t h
s e c t i o n fa cin g w e s t
artwork and graphic display wall
steel struts welded to one another in order to support glass steel strut finished with water-based, thin intumescent coating 1/2” tempered glass panel
large format printed graphic, spray mounted to glass panel hex bolts with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat steel struts anchored into concrete slab
in t e r a c t i v e m e d i a wa ll
steel steelstruts strutswelded weldedtotoone one another anotherininorder ordertotosupport support glass glass steel steelstrut strutfinished finished with withwater-based, water-based,thin thin intumescent intumescentcoating coating 1/2” 1/2”tempered temperedglass glasspanel panel flatscreen flatscreenplasma plasmatelevision television 3/8” 3/8”painted paintedand andfinished finished gypsum gypsumboard boardwith withfinished finished cutcutout outforforplasma plasmatelevision television hex hexbolts boltswith withraw rawsteel steel finish finishand andclear clearprotective protective powdercoat powdercoat steel steelstruts strutsanchored anchoredinto into concrete concreteslab slab
re ce p t i o n d e s k
cantilevered high density fiberboard stained and finished
cantilevered high density fiberboard stained and finished
horizontal steel i-beam welded to vertical steel i-beam
horizontal steel i-beam welded to vertical steel i-beam
steel support welded to beam for cantilever
steel support welded to beam for cantilever
1/4� tempered glass panel bolted to beams
1/4� tempered glass panel bolted to beams
beams with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat
beams with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat
interior walls
s t a i r s 1/4” tempered glass panels anchored steel panel attached to runner rail with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat
runner attached in continuous acoustic sealant to structure with min. 1-1/2” long glanges
metal studs at 16” o.c. min. 22 gauge; see plan for size
stained and polished concrete with raked traction grooves metal studs at 16” o.c. min. 22 gauge; see plan for size
runner with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat
2-1/2” metal stud at 16” o.c. staggered from 3-5/8” metal studs 20 gauge.
bent galvanized sheet metal
s i g n a g e 3” sound attenuation insulation by purchaser’s contractor 5/8” gypsum board; 2 layers type x at d
two galvanized panels joined with t-weld, then bolted to bent galvanized sheet metal hex bolt with raw steel finish and clear protective powdercoat
anchor at 16” o.c. max.
lettering for signage adhered here
20 gauge runner set in acoustic sealant 1/2” reveal painted to match gypsum board base and flooring - see applicable details
other works
model • floorplan • photos
p u r p o s e Merchandise the upright for all wine-related products. It was necessary to merchandise a couple vignettes as well as a grouping of bins for products.
c o n c e p t By moving the eye with visual weight and color, clientele will actively see the wine section and feel excited to host dinner parties or get-togethers. Displaying bins of accessories at eye level will promote more impulsive purchases.
p u r p o s e Display all current shelving and wall storage SKUs (per directive from corporate) on a singular wall in an orderly manner.
c o n c e p t Treating the wall like a page, I considered graphic design concepts such as text alignment and spacing. Great care was taken to perfectly align product on the wall. Due to their popularity as floating nightstands (as shown elsewhere on the sales floor), I decided to try marketing these individual, wall-mounted drawers as a floating dresser.
p u r p o s e Merchandise dinnerware and dining furniture in a grid behind a dining room setting. It was necessary to reference the store’s season trend of primary colors.
c o n c e p t Utilizing folding planes, saturated colors, bold black, and graphic print, I intended to reference Comic Book art. The movement of the eye was carefully calculated and intended to give life and action to this urban dining grid.
p u r p o s e To design a set design concept for a play, then photograph the model using creative lighting.
p l a y “The Frogs,� by Aristophanes, is a farse. It is a light-hearted, humorous story that mocks the over-seriousness of the classic greek play.
c o n c e p t Set on a proscenium stage, the style abstracts classic greek elements with spiral columns on a tilt and whimsical stairs. In act I, the set represents the house of heracvles, whereas in act II it represents the house of Pluto in Hades. I chose to differentiate the two using lighting as opposed to a change in set.
b e f o r e
a f t e r
b e f o r e
a f t e r
b e f o r e
a f t e r
images are compliments of signaturechicago.com
2162 . 494 . 712 | m oc . li a m g @ t s p a b l e in a d