Winter 2014
Diligence • Empathy • Loyalty • Initiative • Professionalism
REA ‘We Find We Fix’ ‘Sapphire’ Provides an Exclusive Insight into Real Estate Administration
Signboard Policy The Roberts Real Estate ‘Army’ Plaudit 2013 Laurel John Barwick - Real Estate Professional ‘A Good Wicket’ - Tamar Valley Office
Mission Statement
To be recognised by both industry and market place as the premier real estate agency in Tasmania. Diligence • Empathy • Loyalty Initiative • Professionalism
contents 04 REA – ‘We Find, We Fix’
11 Blast Off - Customer Service Officer
12 John Barwick – Real Estate Professional
elcome to the latest edition of ‘Sapphire’ – Roberts Real Estate’s exciting and vibrant in-house magazine. Winter is upon us and while most Tasmanians are looking forward to cosy nights at home and bracing for the first frosts of the season, our dedicated Sales Consultants, Property Managers and Administrators are out and about the state, endeavouring to provide the very best results for all our clients regardless of rain, hail or shine! In this issue we take a closer look at Real Estate Administration (REA) and its key role within the wider Roberts Real Estate business, hopefully giving a clearer understanding of the value and support that this expert team provides to our business. We delve also into Roberts Commercial (RCO) to get a better understanding of its role under the guidance of the sage John Barwick, whilst our roving reporters visit our Tamar Valley office to have a chat and get an insight into the local market place. Everyone is encouraged to grab a well-deserved ‘cuppa’ and take a moment to discover more about your team and your business. It is such an amazing and diverse group that we represent, and as custodians of an iconic Tasmanian brand, we will always approach our work with a real sense of pride and purpose. The foundation is, and will always remain, built on excellent customer service. Sam Walton, founder of the world famous Wal-Mart supermarket chain in the United States was quoted as saying “the goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” How true that is.
06 Plaudit 14 ‘A Good Wicket’ - Tamar Valley Office
08 The Roberts Real Estate ‘Army’
10 2013 Laurel
16 Network News 18 Notice Board
Please enjoy your copy of ‘Sapphire’ and thank you again for all your efforts. Enjoy Ed.
04 REA – ‘We Find, We Fix’
REA - ‘We Find, We Fix’ The quickest way to identify a member of Real Estate Administration (REA) is by the badge they wear, which by design represents a cog wheel. This symbolism is not lost on any member of REA. Our roving reporter recently gained exclusive access to discover more about the ‘engine room’ of Roberts Real Estate.
past three years, there began a long and involved transfer of REA’s EA is effectively the command main administrative functions from centre for Roberts Real Estate and Hobart to Launceston – namely Payroll and the Sales Trust – to is the senior management and administrative cell for our business. amalgamate these important Comprised of various management functions with those that were already in situ at York Street. roles and expert administrators, it This amalgamation included the is the task of REA to ensure that ‘cross-decking’ of all the vital roles our business is fully resourced within the business so that and capable of being profitable, select members of REA are able while delivering the systems and to perform at least two other roles processes required to ensure all team members are able to perform in addition to their primary role. This reduces the risk exposure to their respective functions at peak our business and ensures we are efficiency. Dealing with some of able to maintain key functions such the more complex administrative as Payroll, Sales Contracts, Sales functions of our statewide business, REA is based at our York Trust and Accounts Payable at all Street premises at Launceston and times. is comprised of 11 team members. Prior to this it had traditionally been REA play the part of ‘government’ for Roberts Real Estate and its based in Hobart but with the responsibility is to make sure that redesignating of 212 York Street not only is our business profitable, as our head office last year, and the management restructure of the functional and innovative, but that
we safeguard the welfare of our people. REA is largely unsung and operates largely in the background of our business, maintaining very impressive work output under the auspices of State Administration Manager Murray Willis. At times it acts as the fire brigade for Roberts Real Estate, and is able to respond to any issue or problem the second it arises. Whether it is a Work Health & Safety, pay issue or a legal matter. REA will never shy away from the toughest of challenges to ensure our business success continues and our people stay safe, efficient and productive. This is epitomised by REA’s motto – ‘We Find, We Fix’. REA also plays a dominant role in the strategic planning and development of Roberts Real Estate, constantly looking for new business opportunities with which to strengthen our business, and to ensure we remain the premier real
REA – ‘We Find, We Fix’ 05
to projecting more influence into branch and departmental level in order to maximise efficiencies and productivity. Some of REA’s key functions include:
Khan Dick
Sari Young
Rachel Burt Sue Brunacci Sharon McCall
Maria Dick Yvette Rogers Murray Willis (SO – REA)
estate agency in Tasmania. Khan Dick (Business Development Manager) and Mathew Chugg (State Sales Manager) are the key drivers behind this aspect of REA in consultation with Roberts Ltd senior management, REA, and our experienced branch, sales and department managers.
Sari Young who are both based at Launceston), this very important strategic development now provides REA with some real teeth from a revenue generating point of view, as well as providing our business with the ability to capture ‘real-time intel’ in regards to our business performance.
Although concentrated primarily at York Street, REA also has personnel based elsewhere around the state including Mathew Chugg and Daniel Barnes (State Marketing and Advertising Manager). Both are based at our Hobart Office at 172 Collins Street. Anne Ackroyd (State Operations Manager – Property Management) is based at our Tasmanian Farm Equipment site at Spreyton, between Devonport and Latrobe. All are ‘sworn’ members of REA with Mathew and Anne in particular the roving patrol for REA around the state.
The future holds plenty in store for REA as centralisation nears completion after 12 very busy months. There will continue to be a further honing of functionality within this profit centre, with a view
REA has recently expanded to include the Customer Service Officer (CSO) role which is now fully operational after a 12 month planning and implementation process. Comprising two full time employees (Yvette Rogers and
Kylie Berwick
(Admin – REA)
• Governance and Systems • Financial Management and Reporting • Staff Development and Career Progression • Human Resources Liaison • Legal Liaison • Joint Venture Liaison • Information Technology Liaison • PAB Liaison • Training Facilitation and Coordination • Awards and Commendations • Payroll • Accounts Payable • Sales Contract Processing • Property Trust • Marketing & Design • Buildings, Equipment and Materials • Work Health & Safety • Vehicles
Mathew Chugg (State Sales Manager – REA)
Daniel Barnes
(State Marketing & Advertising Manager
06 Plaudit
Plaudit plaudit (ˈplɔːdɪt)
n (usually plural) 1. an expression of enthusiastic approval or approbation 2. a round of applause
oberts Real Estate has nearly completed its overhaul of awards and commendations available to our team members. We all acknowledge the importance of recognising service and achievement, and it is equally important that we provide accrouments and certificates that carry a real sense of value. The latest award to become available to the business is the ‘Plaudit’ which is issued in conjunction with the ‘Conscientious Performance’ award, which have been available for the past two years. The ‘Plaudit’ is a small medallion representing an oak leaf – an ancient symbol of strength and wisdom – which accompanies the certificate. The latter is framed and personalised to the recipient and includes date and ‘citation’. As opposed to other
annual meritious service awards such as the ‘Sapphire Award for Excellence’ and the ‘Centurion Award’, this award is available to all team members throughout the year at senior managerial discretion. The award is presented to those team members who have exceeded the expectations of their normal duties as a result of a specific act or, over a period time, have performed several acts that have benefited the business and their colleagues in some way. This award is retrospective, so if you have received a ‘Conscientious Performance Award’ in the past please contact Yvette Rogers ( to request your medallion.
Todd Stevenson Tracey Bowerman (Sales – Hobart)
(Admin – Hobart)
It is important to note that any team member can recommend a colleague for the ‘Plaudit’ award as some of the many great things that
are happening within our business can sometime pass unnoticed by management. If you believe you know of someone who has performed ‘above and beyond’ and remains ‘unsung’ please talk to your direct manager who will collect details from you and forward these to the Roberts Real Estate Business Development Manager for consideration. Well done to everyone pictured being awarded ‘Plaudits’ and being officially recognised for their recent efforts. We have included their respective certificate citations so that everyone can appreciate their ‘awesomeness’. Todd Stevenson (Sales – Roberts Hobart) “Namely for assistance and work ethic demonstrated during the recent relocation and establishment of new Hobart City premises and his maintenance/ facilitation of current and additional
Plaudit 07 business opportunities during which time he has maintained a cheerful disposition and inspired both management and colleagues with a positive attitude that is in the best traditions of Roberts Real Estate’.”
she has inspired both management and colleagues with a positive attitude that is in the best traditions of Roberts Real Estate’.”
traditions of Roberts Real Estate.”
Natalie Hyland (Property Management – Roberts Glenorchy): “Namely for assistance and work Anne Ackroyd (REA): ‘“Namely for ethic demonstrated within Southern her dutiful approach in facilitating Property Management (Glenorchy) during recent managerial Tracey Bowerman (Administration – the rebuilding of Southern Property Management in the wake of a restructures and regional Roberts Hobart): “Namely for sudden resignation during which reconfigurations throughout which assistance and work ethic time she was instrumental in regards she has accepted additional tasks/ demonstrated during the recent relocation and establishment of new to group discipline and morale, office responsibilities with a positive Hobart City premises and an evident presentation, and all operational and attitude that has inspired both management and colleagues and is ability to administer both branch and financial matters concerning the department. She has approached in the best traditions of Roberts Real staff and maintain commendable her work with a vigour and Estate’.” attention to detail and overall determination that is in the best professionalism during which time
Todd Stevenson Anne Ackroyd
(State Operations Manager – PM)
This Certificate is Recognition for Conscientious Per formance of Duties for Roberts Real Estate 'namely for assistance and work ethic demonstrated during the recent relocation and establishment of new Hobart City premises and his maintenance/facilitation of current and additional business opportunities during which time he has maintained a cheerful deposition and inspired both his peers and colleagues with a positive attitude that is in the best traditions of Roberts Real Estate.'
“ To b e r e c o g n i s e d b o t h b y i n d u s t r y a n d m a r k e t p l a c e a s t h e p r e m i e r r e a l e s t a t e a g e n c y i n Ta s m a n i a . ” C o r e Va l u e s Dilligence • Empathy • Loyalty • Initiative • Professionalism
Khan Dick Business Development Manager
Mathew Chugg State Sales Manager
October - December 2013 Month / Year
Natalie Hyland
(PM – SPM)
08 The Roberts Real Estate ‘Army’
The Roberts Rea Affectionately referred to as the ‘Big R’ by many over the years, Roberts Limited has been an iconic Tasmanian brand for some 150 years. Roberts Real Estate itself forms an integral part of this successful business together with our colleagues in Rural Supplies, Livestock, Wool, Irrigation, Insurance and Credit, and is one of the largest divisions of the broader Roberts Limited business. It is sometimes easy to forget the size and success of our business and sometimes we need something a little more visual to indicate how much of a power house we continue to be within the Tasmanian real estate market. Below we have mustered the troops and provided a brief overview on the scope and responsibility of each of three business streams … “Quick March!”
= 26 Sapphire
= 19
The Roberts Real Estate ‘Army’ 09
al Estate ‘Army’ Sales - The ‘tip of the spear’ in many respects, our expert sales team service all areas of Tasmania
including Flinders and King Islands and deal in all manner of property including residential, commercial, historic, rural and lifestyle. Within the sales team we have Roberts Commercial (RCO) based out of Hobart, but with a statewide reach, as well as our cracking Tasmanian Rural Properties (TRP) team based out of Western Junction and Bridgewater. As an adjunct to all this we have our very successful Roberts Home Finance (RHF) business based out of our Launceston Office and headed up by Peter Blackwell.
= 55 Property Management – Roberts Rentals is the largest Property Management business in Tasmania and manages property across the length and breadth of the state dealing in both residential and commercial tenancies. We have decades of experience in this complex and challenging role and continue to be the best in terms of our reporting, diligence and duty of care which we display on a daily basis. Our Portfolio Managers have been trained to demonstrate empathy and responsibility towards our tenants whilst also providing the very best levels of service to our valued property owners.
= 35 Administration – The oil in the engine. Our team of administrators have been hand-picked for their
role as we have long come to realise that good administrators are worth their weight in gold. They provide essential functions for both sales and property management, sometimes remotely, and need to demonstrate high levels of efficiency and initiative. Also forming part of our administration team is Real Estate Administration (REA) which is the senior administrative cell for the business and acts as overseer to all branch administration.
= 22
2013 Laurel
- 2013 Laurel business performance for financial year 2012-2013, during which Roberts Real Estate was awarded ‘Ruralco Business Unit of the Year for 2013’.
ost team members by now should have received their commemorative ‘2013 Laurel’ medallions and certificates. These were issued in recognition for our
All team members in the employ of Roberts Real Estate during the period 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2013 are entitled to wear this award. Staff are encouraged to wear the medallion which ideally should be placed above the ‘Roberts’ logo on uniform attire.
Sari Beaumont
Jeff Cairns
Tammy Webb
(Admin – Longford)
If you have not yet received your medallion and certificate please contact Yvette Rogers ( to arrange the same.
Included amongst the 95 team members presented this award
(Admin – Ulverstone)
(Sales – Longford)
were Jeff Cairns, Tammy Webb, David Headlam and Sharon Reynolds from Roberts Regional North at Longford, Sari Beaumont and Betty Sheehan from our Ulverstone Office and Robyn Midgley from our Launceston Office.
Betty Sheehan
(Admin – Ulverstone)
David Headlam
(Sales – Longford)
Sharon Reynolds (Admin – Longford)
Robyn Midgley
(Admin – Launceston)
New Horizons – Customer Service Officer 11
Blast off - Customer Service Officer I t was with considerable excitement that the new Customer Service Officer (CSO) role was unveiled to the network during a series of regional meetings conducted across the state in May. This is a terrific development for our business with resource now available to deliver even better outcomes and further enhance our reputation as the premier real estate agency in Tasmania. The CSO role is multi-faceted and divided into two core responsibilities – ‘Internal’ and ‘External’ customer service. Internal customer service refers to the ‘back-of-house’ support we provide to our team members statewide and specifically relates to such things as coordinating training and events, network communications, awards and commendations, coordinating Roberts Real Estates quarterly ‘Sapphire’ magazine, Work Health & Safety archiving, and even ensuring everyone in our business receives a birthday card each and every year! External customer service refers to the ongoing support to all our customers and clients –past, present and future. This extends to such things as customer surveys, statistical collation and analysis, effective database systems, mails-outs and information packs, generating business leads statewide, facilitating contact between prospective clients and the appropriate office and business stream, and ensuring that all our customers and clients are given a voice and the opportunity to tell us about their experience with Roberts Real Estate. This is a hectic but immensely rewarding role and the two team members in the ‘hot-seats’ are Yvette Rogers and Sari Young. Based at our Launceston office, both have extensive backgrounds
in customer service and are under no illusions as to the challenges and importance of their roles. Sapphire recently caught up with both to learn a little more about their respective background and the knowledge and expertise that they bring.
“My name is Yvette Rogers and I’ve been employed as Customer Service Officer with Roberts Real Estate since November 2013. Prior to this, I was employed as a travel
Sari Young
Yvette Rogers
consultant for a period of three years. My working life has been predominantly in the Tasmanian tourism and wine industry, covering a variety of positions including wholesale travel consultant, regional tourism officer, wine tour host and working in various cellar doors. I have also worked in various administration type positions along the way and as a result I have reached the stage where I can combine all my strengths and experience into my new role as CSO with Roberts Real Estate. I’m lucky to work alongside all the
members of our administration team in Launceston, but also our sales and property management staff. We have a friendly and supportive team in our York Street office and there’s always a good laugh to be heard and a good story to be told at Friday ‘boxie-o’clock’.”
“My name is Sari Young. I started with Roberts Real Estate in November 2013 as a personal assistant, however recently I have had the opportunity to move into a position as Customer Service Officer, alongside Yvette Rogers. I come from a real estate background where for three years I had the opportunity to work in Sales, Property Management & Business Development. Prior to this I worked in management in several retail stores in Launceston, providing not only staff support and stock control but gaining and implementing exceptional customer service. As a result I was lucky enough to be awarded recognition for ‘Excellence in Customer Service’ with a previous employer. I have a personal love of photography and completed a ‘Bachelor of Photography’ at University of Tasmania when I was younger, which led me to work as a professional photographer. I am looking forward to expanding my investment portfolio while working with Roberts Real Estate”
12 John Barwick – Real Estate Professional
John Barwick
Real Estate Professional
here is an old saying that “cometh the moment, cometh the man”. Many would consider this pretty apt in the case of John Barwick and his profit centre Roberts Real Estate Commercial (RCO). John heads up our Commercial Sales Profit Centre based at our Hobart office at 172 Collins Street in the CBD. It is a busy commercial environment that suits John right down to the ground as ‘Commercial Manager Sales & Leasing’ and it is here that this ‘old fighter’ of the real estate industry keeps a finger right on the pulse of his commercial real estate business. John is a long term player and stalwart in the real estate industry. This
June marks his thirtieth year in the industry - a very important and gratifying milestone for John. It would be safe to assume that with three decades of experience under your belt you would have learnt a trick or two. It is always a good thing to have John on your side, especially when entering the complex and challenging environment of commercial real estate. It is no place for the meek and mild. Whether it is selling a supermarket or transacting a multi-storey office complex, John’s arena is fast paced and it is an area of our profession where you had better have your ‘ducks in a row’. Negotiations are often high level and usually pretty tough, especially when turnover numbers are more often than not counted in the many
millions. A cool head and a steady hand are mandatory when playing with the ‘big boys and girls’. It seems that John has come full circle in his real estate career. Indeed, although John has a world of experience with some of the biggest names in commercial real estate, he actually began his career with Roberts Real Estate (then known as Roberts Stewart) at our former St John Street office in Launceston in 1984. This was a time when the Roberts Real Estate business and the industry as a whole experienced significant growth. John eventually started his own business which he then sold before returning with his wife and children to Hobart in 1990. Over the last 24 years he
John Barwick – Real Estate Professional 13
“John’s positive attitude, energy, people skills and tireless work ethic have been nothing short of magnificent. John always understood that it is more than just a sale of real estate.” Patrick Wardlaw has specialised in the commercial property market; in the last 10 years as ‘Commercial Manager’ for Colliers and now for Roberts Real Estate. When asked what is it that he likes most about our industry, John replied that “each and every day we are working in a ‘red-hot’ contest so I guess it’s that underlying competitive spirit to secure business over our competitors. Also, you are never 100% sure as to what each day will bring; seizing an opportunity and building relationships with customers and clients alike is rewarding”.
But there is much more to John than reminisces. He has a crystal clear vision in mind for RCO and hopes to grow his business so that it becomes recognised as one of ‘Top 3’ commercial agencies statewide. The very next step is to find a commercial consultant to be based in Launceston to grow the
business in the greater northern region. A further step would be to build a Commercial Property Management portfolio. As far as John Barwick is concerned, the sky is the limit.
John is always good for a story and has just about seen and heard it all in terms of real estate. He recalls fondly in the early years when employed at our Launceston office that a team of five consultants would consistently write 50 to 60 contracts a week in a growing market. He recalls selling 13 houses in his first month! Back then of course there was no such thing as mobile phones and email so the only communication between consultants after hours was via ‘walkie-talkie’. He remembers late nights when consultants were discussing offers received ‘over the air waves’ – John describes some of the negotiations as priceless. Also, in one particular year in the late 90’s he was involved with the sale of three holiday village resorts on the East Coast of Tasmania, the fine merino wool (stud) farm known as Glencoe and the neighbouring ‘Enstone Park Estate’. It was a third generation family farm and his clients were described as real ‘salt of the earth’ people. John and his clients are still exchanging Christmas cards.
14 ‘A Good Wicket’ - Tamar Valley Office
‘A Good Wicket’ - Tamar Valley Office The Tamar Valley is a region running north-west from Launceston to the coast either side of the Tamar River, a distance of approximately 50 km. As one of Tasmania’s principle wine producing areas, it is a very picturesque location with its orchards, forests and pastures, and has a reputation for great local fishing. It is home also to our Tamar Valley Office (TVR) and its dedicated team of three. Our roving reporters were recently on site to interview the team and provide us with an insight into this long-standing and successful office.
ur Tamar Valley office is located in the historic town of Exeter – the ‘capital’ of the Tamar Valley – and is positioned along the main business hub opposite the amazing Exeter Bakery. The office has been in existence for over 25 years and is a veteran of all types of market conditions. The area serviced is geographically very large and stretches from Legana north to Greens Beach along the West Tamar and from Dilston north to Low Head along the East Tamar. The office also services the area stretching north-east to Bridport. The expansive stretch of water in the middle ensures the team at Tamar Valley office are spending plenty of time on the road servicing their customers and clients. It is easy to see why the team are passionate about their office – which is arguably the neatest in the network – because not only do they enjoy working in an industry that they are passionate about, they also enjoy developing relationships with their local community all the while surrounded by stunning scenery. John Roddick (Sales Consultant) has worked in the real estate industry for four years and is enjoying the opportunity to mentor and support our newest Sales Consultant in the Tamar Valley - Lucy Quandt – where both are achieving great results on the sales front. Tim Wright, our dedicated Property Portfolio Manager for the Tamar Valley has also produced some impressive results regarding his portfolio of 100 properties. His hard work and dedication has elevated Roberts
‘A Good Wicket’ - Tamar Valley Office 15 Rentals to the number one Property Management agency in the Tamar Valley based on statistics provided by ‘Domain Real Estate’. On our recent visit to the Tamar Valley office, we were lucky enough to spend some time getting to know the team and learn a little more about their background and interests. John Roddick – nickname: “Rooster” has worked for Roberts Real Estate as a Property Consultant for nearly four years and has been at our Tamar Valley Branch for eight months. He loves the wide range of customers and clients he deals with on a daily basis and enjoys their ‘happy-go-lucky’ attitude. He believes the local lifestyle assists this easy-going approach. John has been recognised for his efforts in the past with a ‘Plaudit’ for his service and support to Roberts when he completed a six week stint on the West Coast; covering the region during an extended annual leave period. John is a qualified chef who used to own several restaurants in the Launceston area and is also a qualified teacher, having worked at Drysdale College for several years. He only cooks at home nowadays, apart from an annual Fund Raiser
John Roddick
(Sales – Tamar Valley)
Charity Dinner where he auctions himself off as a chef. Over the last seven years he has raised over $10,000 in funds for various charities including the Cancer Council. When asked about his hobbies and pastimes, we discovered he has developed an obsession with the push bike and obscenely tight riding apparel! Yes – John is a self-confessed MAMIL (Middle Aged Man in Lycra)! His ambition is to ride around Australia one day, having already accomplished riding from Melbourne to Adelaide in 2006, an achievement that took him seven days. Our newest recruit to the Tamar Valley office is the lovely Lucy Quandt. Lucy comes from a child care background spanning fifteen years and was ready for a career change last year. She is enjoying her role as a Property Sales Consultant and says she loves working with people and achieving a successful outcome for her customers and clients. Having lived in the local area for 11 years, she is a well-known face within the community, has an excellent rapport with the people she deals with and is very familiar with what the area has to offer in terms of lifestyle and opportunities. As a result she has
Lucy Quandt
(Sales – Tamar Valley)
brought a lot of enthusiasm into her role as Property Consultant and has been described as approachable, hard-working, honest, polite and bubbly. But don’t let that fool you. Lucy is a member of a medieval reenactment club who meet once a week, dressed in armour to undertake fighting bouts! This is an activity that she has been involved with for eight years. When not working or sword fighting, Lucy loves to read, her favourites being science fiction and fantasy. Our final Tamar Valley staff member is Tim Wright, our Property Portfolio Manager. Tim has been working with Roberts for four years and he has lived in the Tamar Valley area for over twelve years. He tells us he loves the laid back and relaxed lifestyle. He is described as patient, hardworking and dedicated to his property management role. He loves living in the Tamar Valley renovating his house with his dad; a project that is almost finished. He also loves restoring cars – Hondas in particular. He has three Hondas at present. When not on the tools he loves to listen to his antique gramophone record collection whilst enjoying a scotch on the rocks and taking in the stunning views right on his very door step.
Tim Wright (PM – LPM)
16 Network News
Network News
Shearwater Revamp Complete Our successful crew at Roberts Real Estate Shearwater (RSW) have recently had their office revamped by Saunders Signs. They are all delighted with the result which was coordinated by State Marketing and Advertising Manager Daniel Barnes. The majority of our offices have been revamped over the past 18 months and we will hopefully conclude this process for the remainder by the end of 2014.
Coles Bay Display
Board Unveiled! The team from our Bicheno Office (Adele Plunkett, Paul Whytcross, Leanne Dann and Leigh Mansfield) recently established a Property Display Board at the local convenience store at Coles Bay having negotiated the space with the business owner. This will provide the local team with additional exposure in their very busy neck of the woods and will also double as a public notice board which will benefit the local community.
Than Never! Owing to an administrative oversight (namely Krystle being on maternity leave!) it was recently discovered
that Krystle McGuiness (Southern Property Management) was missed off the ‘honours list’ at last year’s ‘Sapphire Awards’ and did not receive her ‘Centurion Award’ for portfolio growth performance for financial year 2012-2013. It was a quick return back to the printers and framers for us in order that Krystle receive just recognition for her efforts. Krystle was awarded a ‘Silver Centurion’ for portfolio growth exceeding 24 properties. Well done … at long last!
Network News 17
Isabelle Guilbert
(Sales – Ulverstone) 15 Years Service
Merryn Wilson (PM – LPM) 10 Years Service
Leanne Dann
(Sales – Swansea) 10 Years Service
Krystle McGuinness (PM – SPM) 1 Years Service
Sharon Ling
(PM – NWPM) 1 Years Service
Gluttons for Punishment The following team members have recently received their ‘Valuable Service’ Certificates from Ruralco. Well done and thank you for your valued contribution:
New Open Home Sign Board All branches will shortly take receipt of the new type of ‘Open Home’ signboard. These are utilised at open homes to direct the public and create interest in the event. They can be displayed at the discretion of the field representative concerned. Roberts Real Estate currently utilises a hinged PVC ‘Open Home’ Signboard and the example below is the only style of Open Home signboard currently authorised for use. All ‘Open Home’ signboards that are damaged, rusty or have ‘yellowed’ excessively are to be replaced with the authorised type. All obsolete ‘Open Home’ signboards are to be removed from the network and discarded by no later than 30 June 2014.
open home view this at
“Up There,
State Sales Manager Mathew Chugg and Launceston-based Property Sales Consultant Brett Smith recently played at the Super Rules Over-35’s football match against Lindisfarne in Hobart under lights. The invitational game was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed, although the scoreboard at the end of the night read 90 points to 8 – but neither Mathew nor Brett will tell us in whose favour!
John’s positive attitude, energy, people skills and tireless work ethic have been nothing short of magnificent. John always understood that it is more than just a sale of real estate.
Meet JOHN BARWICK... Backed by 28 years of Real Estate property expertise, I welcome your commercial ‘in confidence’ enquiry and positive interaction relating to all facets of the commercial property industry. Combined with the significant Roberts brand we are looking to further build valuable working relationships in growing a strong commercial portfolio. Please give John a call today on 0438 279 089