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Objective: Extend mission of Tippet Rise to provide space for all to enjoy the arts in an outdoor context
Project Date: Fall 2021
Instructo r: Chere LeClaire
Tippet Rise is a 12,000 acre working ranch and outdoor art exhibition located under the Beartooth Mountains in Fishtale, MT. The Tippet Rise Arts Center is to act as an extension of the Tippet Rise outdoor gallery, providing an art exhibition and workshop space that meshes with its natural context. The site itself is situated along Bozeman Creek in downtown Bozeman, providing ample opportunities to incorporate foliage, running water, and natural lighting as a backdrop for a variety of art pieces.
The vision for the project was derived from an abstract modeling of the interaction between human-made structures and the natural world. The shadows projected off the model became the template for the modeling of the main gallery space, with the creek informing further design choices such as specific cut-ins and walkways that integrate the creek within the experience of the building.
Final Model: gallery space along creek
Daniel Bassolino
Initial concept model + shadow study

Initial conceptual models experiment with different methods of transforming the abstract model into an inhabitable space, first by using tension and suspension and then diffusion of light. The final study model became the blueprint for further iterations, with the shadows of the abstract model becoming the template for the main gallery’s design.

The building’s roof steps down to divide the three programatic sections of the building: reception, gallery, and back of house functions. The east side is almost entirely fenestrated to connect occupants with the creek and on site trees, with the latter providing ample shading from harsh eastern light.