Fun in Sun ~ Sarasota Edition 12-17-21

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Sarasota Edition

Friday, December 17, 2021 • 12 Noon EST



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Fun in the Sun

~Sarasota Edition~ Edition~ Friday, December 17, 2021 @ 12:00 Noon EST

*This is an online sale broadcast from Sarasota, FL via

View/bid online in Real Time at

*Bidders must pre-register & be pre-approved. Contact Aaron Ray Tompkins if you need assistance at 336-363-4639

Offering the Genetic Leaders of the Present & Future! The Fun in the Sun Sale Series offers the highest available Genomic females, IVF Sessions & embryos of the Holstein, Jersey & Guernsey Breeds! No Minimums! No Reserves!

Virtually every lot could return Millions in future sales! Past sales have produced the #1 GTPI sire of the breed & made fortunes for buyers! *Feel free to contact any member of the sale staff below to handle your bids or answer your questions!

Sale Staff

Dave Rama............... 607-435-0792...... Scott Culbertson...... 507-923-1881...... Rick VerBeek............ 614-580-8662...... Ryan Matheron........ 209-652-3511...... Bill Rauen................. 563-607-0694......

Sale Clerk

Merry Rama............. 607-435-0804...... Terms of sale: We are not a bank & we do not finance cattle! Buyers will be invoiced immediately by email with overnight payments expected by money wires or good check sent by priority mail to sale manager. We welcome participation from buyers who understand the proceeds need to be issued immediately! Buyers of live cattle should make immediate arrangements with sellers for transportation of purchases after payment has been made to sale manager. We encourage buyers to insure their purchases at least until they arrive at their new homes! Buyers are guaranteed their purchase will be healthy at time of pick up.

Sale Managed By:


C attle e xChange Dave & Merry Rama

4236 Co. Hwy. 18, 18, Delhi, Delhi NY Co. Hwy. NY 13753 Phone: 607-746-2226 E-mail: Website: Website: PA License #AU-0002463-E VisitAuctioneer us at

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 (2nd Dam of Lot 1)


IVF Session

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from Ladys-Manor Outcome-ET these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration 3200270290 12/21 PTA +3017GTPI and mating sire decisions. +974M +.22% +100F +.06% +49P +943NM$ +4.9PL +1.5DPR 2.75SCS +1.33T +2.11UDC +.62FLC 80%R Dam of IVF Session: Challenger X VG-85 DOM Granite

Pine-Tree 7593 Outc 9188-ET 3240345389 99%RHA-I Born 8/9/21 12/21 PTA +3047GTPI +1509M +.25% +133F +.04% +60P +1257NM$ +6.6PL -1.3DPR 2.75SCS +.21T +.68UDC -.16FLC +343FE -.9FI 1.7%SCE +1270CM$ A1/A1 +1286DWP$ #1 NM$ & CM$ heifer in the breed!

Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET 3-00 GP-82 +VG++ 3139672589 12/21 PTA +2783GTPI +1258M +106F +45P +1051NM$ +5.6PL +.29UDC 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 3-06 226 28418 4.8 1359 3.3 939 Sire: ABS Achiever-ET *60+ offspring over +1000NM$ *Dam of 29H19580 Pine-Tree Tennessee 12/21 PTA +2944GTPI +1182NM$ Maternal sister: Sandy-Valley Eternity-ET EX-92 DOM 2-01 365 33350 4.6 1518 3.5 1175 Former #1 GTPI Cow of the Breed

3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley RBS Emerald-ET VG-88 EEVVV GMD 3-11 348 42010 4.2 1771 3.1 1316 4-11 332 36980 4.2 1570 3.3 1207 6-00 365 38240 4.2 1588 3.5 1339 Lifetime 184897 4.1 7552 3.2 5988 Maternal sister: Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET EX-90 *Dam of ‘Rubicon’ 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-00 365 39130 3.3 1301 3.0 1175 *Dam of Sterling & Saloon 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET EX-90 EEVEV 2-02 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.9 1294 7th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully VG-87,VG-MS GMD 2-03 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 8th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET VG-89, VG-MS GMD-DOM 2-04 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 9th Dam: Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET VG-87, VG-MS DOM 2-04 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 10th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 VEVEE GMD-DOM 5-11 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 *Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 *Dam of Die-Hard: 1.75M units sold! 11th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E GMD-DOM 7-06 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 *Dam of Durham & Dundee 12th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Cherry-Acres Jedi Lauri-ET VG-85 VV+GV 4-00 314 31140 3.5 1083 3.4 1049 RIP (3rd Dam of Lots 2 & 3 and 2nd Dam of Lot 11)


IVF Session

Hembury Farms, LLC & Y-Run Farms 3119 Muncy Exchange Rd Muncy, PA 17756 570-220-7413

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P Dam of IVF Session: +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R 3228724291 99%RHA-I HH6 Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Born 4/17/21 12/21 PTA +3061GTPI +1166M +.19% +101F +.07% +58P Cherrypencol Lg Lauri-ET +1160NM$ +8.3PL +1.2DPR 2.64SCS 3208410589 12/21 PTA +2749GTPI +.91T +1.51UDC -.20FLC +1094M +110F +50P +1055NM$ +275FE +1.2FI 2.6%SCE +1180CM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR +.80T +1.46UDC A2/A2 +1138DWP$ -Fresh 10/16/21, Milking in the 90’s Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET *Made 36 and 28 oocytes first two aspirations (pooled)

Cherry-Acres Gday Licky-ET

*Top 50 NM$ heifer in the breed

3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Cherry-Acres Jedi Lauri-ET VG-85 VV+GV 4-00 314 31140 3.5 1083 3.4 1049 RIP 4th Dam: (Pictured w/ Lot 2) Ms TCF Cherry-Acres Lori-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 4-05 305 29550 4.0 1183 3.2 933 Lifetime 105880 4.4 4673 3.4 3650 5th Dam: Tiger-Lily Uno Leah-ET VG-87 +V+VV 4-03 358 31720 4.6 1448 3.3 1060 Lifetime 103410 4.4 4573 3.2 3340 6th Dam: Tiger-Lily Planet Limbo VG-85 +VG+V DOM 4-02 365 35750 3.7 1338 3.3 1193 7th Dam: Tiger-Lily Bret Lonnie GP-82,VG-MS 3-03 338 29440 4.2 1246 3.3 979 8th Dam: Tiger-Lily Magna Lucy-ET GP-82 2-02 365 30070 3.7 1123 3.3 995 9th Dam: B-Y-U Addison Leora-ET VG-86 VE+GV GMD-DOM 3-11 365 37550 3.9 1458 3.4 1291 Lifetime 130140 3.7 4781 3.4 4403 10th Dam: Glen-Toctin Win Loretta-ET VG-85 +E+GV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 29380 3.4 1002 3.2 946 11th Dam: Unicorn Celcius Lei-ET VG-86 VVEVV GMD-DOM 2-00 365 27840 4.5 1240 3.6 1001 12th Dam: Unicorn Blackstar Lilly VG-87 EEV+V GMD-DOM 2-00 305 24910 4.0 1001 3.3 819 13th Dam thru 15th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Ms TCF Cherry-Acres Lori-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 4-05 305 29550 4.0 1183 3.2 933 (4th Dam of Lots 2 & 3 and 3rd Dam of Lot 11)


IVF Session

Hembury Farms, LLC & Y-Run Farms 3119 Muncy Exchange Rd Muncy, PA 17756 570-220-7413

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P Dam of IVF Session: +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R 3238208024 99%RHA-I Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Born 5/18/21 12/21 PTA +3064GTPI +900M +.19% +90F +.06% +45P Cherrypencol Lg Lauri-ET +1115NM$ +8.8PL +2.2DPR 2.60SCS 3208410589 12/21 PTA +2749GTPI +1.11T +2.08UDC +.41FLC +1094M +110F +50P +1055NM$ +233FE +2.4FI 2.6%SCE +1134CM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR +.80T +1.46UDC A1/A2 +1143DWP$ -Fresh 10/16/21, Milking in the 90’s

Cherry-Acres RN Gday 544-ET

*Made 20 oocytes first aspiration

*Top 100 GTPI & NM$ 6 mos. & older

Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET

3rd Dam: (Pictured w/ Lot 2) Cherry-Acres Jedi Lauri-ET VG-85 VV+GV 4-00 314 31140 3.5 1083 3.4 1049 RIP 4th Dam: (Pictured above) Ms TCF Cherry-Acres Lori-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 4-05 305 29550 4.0 1183 3.2 933 Lifetime 105880 4.4 4673 3.4 3650 5th Dam: Tiger-Lily Uno Leah-ET VG-87 +V+VV 4-03 358 31720 4.6 1448 3.3 1060 Lifetime 103410 4.4 4573 3.2 3340 6th Dam: Tiger-Lily Planet Limbo VG-85 +VG+V DOM 4-02 365 35750 3.7 1338 3.3 1193 7th Dam: Tiger-Lily Bret Lonnie GP-82,VG-MS 3-03 338 29440 4.2 1246 3.3 979 8th Dam: Tiger-Lily Magna Lucy-ET GP-82 2-02 365 30070 3.7 1123 3.3 995 9th Dam: B-Y-U Addison Leora-ET VG-86 VE+GV GMD-DOM 3-11 365 37550 3.9 1458 3.4 1291 Lifetime 130140 3.7 4781 3.4 4403 10th Dam: Glen-Toctin Win Loretta-ET VG-85 +E+GV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 29380 3.4 1002 3.2 946 11th Dam: Unicorn Celcius Lei-ET VG-86 VVEVV GMD-DOM 2-00 365 27840 4.5 1240 3.6 1001 12th Dam: Unicorn Blackstar Lilly VG-87 EEV+V GMD-DOM 2-00 305 24910 4.0 1001 3.3 819 13th Dam thru 15th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Plain-Knoll Resolve 1893-ET VG-87 +E+VV 1-11 365 38550 3.7 1409 3.4 1313 (3rd Dam of Lot 4)


IVF Session

Buschur Dairy Farms, Inc 14393 Johnson Rd New Weston, OH 45348 419-336-8812

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET and mating sire decisions. 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P Dam of IVF Session: +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS Plain-Knoll Gameday 3546-ET +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R 3228676719 99%RHA-I Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Born 5/4/21 12/21 PTA +3066GTPI +1341M +.24% +121F +.05% +55P Plain-Knoll Big Al 2880 +1123NM$ +6.4PL -1.5DPR 2.63SCS 3208004409 12/21 PTA +2946GTPI +1.55T +1.48UDC +.54FLC +885M +83F +48P +1007NM$ +7.9PL +299FE -.6FI 2.8%SCE +1139CM$ +.6DPR +.82T +1.43UDC -.09FLC A1/A2 -Due 1/1/21 Sire: A-S-Cannon Frzzld Big Al-ET *Top 100 GTPI & NM$ 6 mos. & older

3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Plain-Knoll Resolve 1893-ET VG-87 +E+VV 1-11 365 38550 3.7 1409 3.4 1313 4th Dam: Plain-Knoll Josuper 794-ET VG-85 VE++V DOM 4-04 365 38940 4.1 1587 3.6 1393 5th Dam: Plain-Knoll Mogul Mariah VG-88 VEVVV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 31200 3.2 1007 3.4 1073 6th Dam:Roylane Socra Mira 1760 EX-91,2E EEVVE DOM 5-11 305 40080 3.5 1411 3.3 1328 Lifetime 180370 3.7 6734 3.4 6172 7th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam AI sires Robust & Punch 8th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 9th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 10th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 11th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 12th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329 13th Dam: Rilara Haven Charming Las-TW VG-87 VEVV GMD-DOM 6-10 365 30490 3.4 1029 Lifetime 164400 3.4 5651 14th Dam: Rag Apple Locust-Grove Charm VG-86 +EVV GMD-DOM 5-02 365 26320 3.6 948

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Ruann Duke Norain-72204-ET EX-90 EEEVE 3096 365 39220 4.3 1695 3.7 1458 (3rd Dam of Lot 5)


IVF Session

Stephen & Patrick Maddox 7285 W Davis Ave Riverdale, CA 93656 Pat Maddox 559-960-5469

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. OCD Helix Alphabet-ET 3142934708 12/21 PTA +2887GTPI +2194M +.06% +101F -.02% +63P Dam of IVF Session: +913NM$ +3.7PL -1.2DPR 2.91SCS Ruann Alpha Norain-5784-ET +1.36T +1.59UDC +.11FLC 88%R 3222919195 99%RHA-I Born 11/8/20 12/21 PTA +3060GTPI Helix X GP-83 Yoder +1383M +.23% +120F +.07% +64P Ruann Rooster Norain-90391 +1127NM$ +5.4PL -.5DPR 2.76SCS 2-07 GP-82 +V+++ 3204460222 +1.45T +1.41UDC +.40FLC 12/21 PTA +2899GTPI +1589M +116F +323FE -.2FI 1.8%SCE +1144CM$ +66P +964NM$ +3.5PL 2.90SCS A1/A1 AB +1.85T +1.14UDC -.03FLC 2-01 190 18800 4.2 790 3.0 530 RIP #164 NM$ female of the breed Sire: EDG Director Rooster-ET #1 NM$ & #1 GTPI Alphabet dau.

3rd Dam: Ruann Duke Norain-72204-ET EX-90 EEEVE 2-01 365 29470 4.5 1337 3.8 1110 3-06 365 39220 4.3 1695 3.7 1459 4th Dam: Ruann Punch Norain-26484-ET EX-90 VEVVE DOM 4-05 365 42390 4.4 1874 3.2 1360 Lifetime 115710 4.3 4998 3.3 3862 5th Dam: Ruann Musk Corry-80972 EX-90 EEVVE 6th Dam: Ruann Maraude Norain-40149 VG-88 EEGGE 8-08 365 40070 3.6 1424 3.2 1280 Lifetime 227110 3.6 8069 3.2 7377 7th Dam: Ruann Hershel Norain-20038 VG-85 VVV+V 4-05 365 41170 3.5 1425 3.2 1301 Lifetime 114570 3.8 4339 3.3 3774 8th Dam: Ruann S-C-S Norain-63487-ET VG-89 EEE+E GMD-DOM 5-05 365 39210 3.5 1358 3.2 1261 Lifetime 152550 3.2 4898 3.1 4794 9th Dam: Ruann Eagle Nellie-91717-ET VG-85 VVV+V Lifetime 104750 3.4 4352 3.2 3321 10th Dam: Hanover-Hill-W Mars Nora 3290 EX-92,2E EEEVE GMD Lifetime 123020 3.8 4635 3.4 4142 11th Dam: Nunesdale Apollo Norain EX-90 VEEE DOM Lifetime 170670 3.9 6725 3.3 2374

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Plain-Knoll Mogul Mariah VG-88 VEVVV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 31200 3.2 1007 3.4 1073 (3rd Dam of Lot 6)


(50% ownership)

FB 644050 Plinko 700623-ET 3225323161 99%RHA-I Born 6/30/21 12/21 PTA +3054GTPI +2028M +.13% +116F +.06% +80P +1138NM$ +5.5PL -2.0DPR 2.82SCS +1.12T +.84UDC +.54FLC +336FE -1.0FI 2.3%SCE +1153CM$ A2/A2 #2 GTPI AltaPlinko daughter #115 NM$ Female of the Breed

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029 Peak AltaPlinko-ET 3200824505 12/21 PTA +2914GTPI +1451M +.15% +99F +.08% +70P +1024NM$ +5.5PL +.1DPR 2.77SCS +.10T +.19UDC -.24FLC 80%R Marius X AltaTopshot

Plain-Knoll FB 644050-ET 3211977429 12/21 PTA +2954GTPI +2165M +113F +81P +1.021NM$ *Buyer gets 1st flush set up for 1/20/22 +3.7PL +1.22T +.81UDC +.44FLC Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI -Due 7/10/22 Sire: Pine-Tree Acura-ET -All IVF work done by Trans Ova *Extreme +196CFP & +80P

Special terms on Lot 6:

Selling 50% ownership. Heifer will be housed at GenStart. Buyer and FB will alternate controlled IVF sessions on the heifer. Each party will own and control 100% of the offspring from their controlled sessions. When heifer is too pregnant to aspirate, she becomes 100% property of the buyer.

2nd Dam: Plain-Knoll Josuper 794-ET VG-85 VE++V DOM 2-00 358 30420 3.9 1189 3.6 1109 3-02 351 30220 3.6 1096 3.8 1146 4-04 365 38940 4.1 1587 3.6 1393 Lifetime 101780 3.9 4008 3.7 3743 3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Plain-Knoll Mogul Mariah VG-88 VEVVV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 31200 3.2 1007 3.4 1073 4th Dam:Roylane Socra Mira 1760 EX-91,2E EEVVE DOM 5-11 305 40080 3.5 1411 3.3 1328 Lifetime 180370 3.7 6734 3.4 6172 5th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam AI sires Robust & Punch 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 7th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 8th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 9th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 10th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329 11th Dam: Rilara Haven Charming Las-TW VG-87 VEVV GMD-DOM 6-10 365 30490 3.4 1029 Lifetime 164400 3.4 5651 12th Dam: Rag Apple Locust-Grove Charm VG-86 +EVV GMD-DOM 5-02 365 26320 3.6 948

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Hollermann Supersire 900 VG-85 VVV+V 4-05 305 32940 3.9 1301 3.3 1088 (4th Dam of Lots 7A & 7B)

Buyers Choice of the 2 heifers listed below:


FB 636636 Zazzle 700753-ET 3225323291 99%RHA-I Born 8/8/21 12/21 PTA +3008GTPI +623M +.29% +107F +.11% +52P +1142NM$ +6.1PL -.1DPR 2.77SCS +.94T +1.53UDC +.48FLC +298FE -.2FI 2.0%SCE +1165CM$ A2/A2 AB +375FS #3 NM$ AltaZazzle daughter #105 NM$ Female of the breed


FB 636636 Zazzle 700793-ET 3225323331 99%RHA-I Born 8/18/21 12/21 PTA +3040GTPI +1104M +.25% +116F +.10% +63P +1134NM$ +6.2PL -1.2DPR 2.78SCS +1.25T +1.29UDC +.28FLC +307FE -.8FI 2.0%SCE +1155CM$ A1/A2 AB

#4 NM$ & #4 GTPI AltaZazzle dau. #127 NM$ Female of the breed *Both heifers housed at GenStart, WI

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029

2nd Dam: Hollermann Rolan 994Y-ET

Peak AltaZazzle-ET 3200824445 12/21 PTA +2963GTPI +990M +.23% +104F +.08% +54P +1010NM$ +5.2PL -.4DPR 2.78SCS +1.30T +1.45UDC +.16FLC 80%R Marius X AltaTopshot

3rd Dam: Hollerman Delta 436Y-ET GP-83 ++G+V 2-03 365 26740 4.7 1244 3.8 1022 3-07 266 25510 4.7 1210 3.5 890 4-06 305 30590 4.5 1391 3.7 1128

Hollermann FB 636636-ET 3211373473 12/21 PTA +2920GTPI +283M +106F +43P +1059NM$ +6.0PL +.1DPR +.21T +1.12UDC +.47FLC -Due 5/11/22 Sire: Pine-Tree Acura-ET

4th Dam: (Pictured above) Hollermann Supersire 900 VG-85 VVV+V 3-01 305 29340 3.7 1075 3.3 982 4-05 305 32940 3.9 1301 3.3 1088 5-08 316 28630 4.3 1244 3.5 1003 Lifetime 137350 4.1 5622 3.4 4665

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Sheland Duke Daylily-ET VG-85 +VG+V 1-10 365 31150 3.3 1042 3.2 1003 (2nd Dam of Lot 8)



Sheland Lift Off Delight-ET

3239140649 99%RHA-I Born 7/13/21 12/21 PTA +3016GTPI +733M +.28% +110F +.09% +48P +1116NM$ +7.6PL +.6DPR 2.57SCS +.68T +1.12UDC +.27FLC +273FE +1.3FI 2.3%SCE +1139CM$ A1A2 AB +1202DWP$ #1 NM$ & #2 GTPI Lift-Off dau.

Sheland Farms LLC

12043 County Route 79 Adams, NY 13605 315-486-1263 T-Spruce Legacy Lift Off-ET 3203292403 12/21 PTA +2849GTPI +670M +.17% +74F +.08% +45P +864NM$ +5.7PL +1.3DPR 2.79SCS +1.19T +1.63UDC +.15FLC 80%R Legacy X Samuri Sheland Rome Diamond-ET 3208779309 12/21 PTA +2866GTPI +2012M +98F +69P +969NM$ +5.1PL +.48T +.67UDC -1.8FLC 2-00 90 6540 4.2 275 3.3 215 RIP -Fresh 9/7/21 Sire: De-Su Frazzld Rome 14192-ET

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Sheland Duke Daylily-ET VG-85 +VG+V 1-10 365 31150 3.3 1042 3.2 1003 *Grandsons up to +3063GTPI! 3rd Dam: Sheland Lawman Daffodil VG-86 VVV+V 4-04 309 24820 4.2 1043 3.5 876 4th Dam: North-Echo Day 2905-ET VG-88 VE+GE 4-02 365 29830 4.0 1195 3.3 997 Lifetime 116330 4.0 4659 3,1 3655 5th Dam: North-Echo Planet 1981-ET VG-87 VE+VV 4-05 365 30510 4.6 1404 3.3 1017 Lifetime 110130 4.3 4728 3.3 3677 6th Dam: North-Fork Bret 4001-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 5-02 365 33290 3.2 1073 3.2 1068 Lifetime 104600 3.7 3879 3.4 3508 7th Dam: Kings-Ransom DB Digital-ET EX-92,2E EEEVE GMD-DOM 4-04 365 40020 4.1 1651 3.1 1327 Lifetime 112410 4.3 4846 3.3 3688 8th Dam: Pen-Col Mtoto Dima-ET VG-88 EEVVV GMD-DOM 7-02 365 45430 3.8 1723 3.1 1411 Lifetime 193470 3.9 7523 3.0 5880 9th Dam: Pen-Col Commotion Deanna EX-91,2E GMD-DOM 5-00 365 36060 4.8 1730 3.2 1167 Lifetime 105370 4.6 4890 3.4 3635 10th Dam thru 15th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Ri-Val-Re Delta Mystery-ET VG-86 VVVVV (3rd Dam of Lot 9 & 10)


FB 622352 Zazzle 700806-ET 3225323344 99%RHA-I Born 8/23/21 12/21 PTA +3039GTPI +1181M +.24% +115F +.09% +62P +1109NM$ +6.4PL -.8DPR 2.65SCS +1.03T +1.45UDC -.62FLC +285FE -.3FI 2.0%SCE +1131CM$ A1/A2 BB #5 GTPI AltaZazzle daughter

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029 Peak AltaZazzle-ET 3200824445 12/21 PTA +2963GTPI +990M +.23% +104F +.08% +54P +1010NM$ +5.2PL -.4DPR 2.78SCS +1.30T +1.45UDC +.16FLC 80%R Marius X AltaTopshot

FB Maeve Crimson 622352-ET 3210563803 12/21 PTA +2907GTPI +948M +99F +47P +979NM$ +7.0PL Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI +1.10T +1.08UDC -.06FLC -Fresh 12/5/21 & off too nice start Sire: ABS Crimson-ET

2nd Dam: Peak Maeve-ET 2-06 365 32850 4.2 1389 3.5 1161 3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Ri-Val-Re Delta Mystery-ET VG-86 VVVVV 4th Dam: Swampy-Hollow Hope VG-86 VV+VV 2-05 365 28076 4.0 1123 3.2 898 *Sold for $75,000 in Ri-Val-Re Sale *Over $600,000 in sales in 2015 5th Dam: Appealing Observer Hazel-ET VG-86 +V+GE 3-06 305 31690 3.7 1167 2.9 920 Lifetime 105200 3.6 3823 3.0 3117 Maternal sisters include: Appealing Active Holly-ET EX-91 Appealing Planet Halley-ET EX-90 *Sold for $30,000 in 2011 Nat’l Conv 6th Dam: Appealing Shottle Hannah-ET VG-86 EEE++ GMD-DOM 4-01 365 45980 3.2 1458 3.0 1383 Lifetime 150460 3.4 5057 3.2 4780 7th Dam: Ladys-Manor Hadara T-ET VG-88 +EVVV DOM 3-03 365 39850 3.8 1532 3.1 1244 Lifetime 132260 3.9 5173 3.3 4322 8th Dam: Ladys-Manor Tawny-ET VG-88 EEEVV GMD-DOM 5-00 365 37660 3.7 1412 3.2 1200 Lifetime 118940 4.1 4882 3.4 4053 9th Dam: Ladys-Manor Tippy Tonya-ET VG-87 EEEE+ DOM 4-06 365 42030 3.8 1604 3.0 1371 Lifetime 127510 3.8 4801 3.2 4073 10th Dam: Ladys-Manor Topgun Tippy-ET VG-86 VEV++ GMD-DOM 2-01 365 29156 3.8 1116 3.2 933 11th Dam: Ladys-Manor Top Gun Jemini EX-93,3E EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-11 365 36080 3.5 1246 3.1 1106 Lifetime 150300 3.8 5699 3.0 4495 12th thru 16th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Swampy-Hollow Hope VG-86 VV+VV 2-05 365 28076 4.0 1123 3.2 898 (4th Dam of Lot 9 & 10)

LOT 10

FB 622352 Gameday 700953-ET 3225323491 99%RHA-I Born 10/14/21 12/21 PTA +3048GTPI +918M +.26% +110F +.08% +53P +1106NM$ +7.1PL +.2DPR 2.62SCS +1.17T +1.46UDC +.18FLC +273FE +.5FI 2.7%SCE +1128CM$ A2/A2 AB *Top GTPI 200 Female of the Breed

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029 RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch

FB Maeve Crimson 622352-ET 3210563803 12/21 PTA +2907GTPI +948M +99F +47P +979NM$ +7.0PL Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI +1.10T +1.08UDC -.06FLC -Fresh 12/5/21 & off too nice start Sire: ABS Crimson-ET

2nd Dam: Peak Maeve-ET 2-06 365 32850 4.2 1389 3.5 1161 3rd Dam: (Pictured w/ Lot 9) Ri-Val-Re Delta Mystery-ET VG-86 VVVVV 4th Dam: Swampy-Hollow Hope VG-86 VV+VV 2-05 365 28076 4.0 1123 3.2 898 *Sold for $75,000 in Ri-Val-Re Sale *Over $600,000 in sales in 2015 5th Dam: Appealing Observer Hazel-ET VG-86 +V+GE 3-06 305 31690 3.7 1167 2.9 920 Lifetime 105200 3.6 3823 3.0 3117 Maternal sisters include: Appealing Active Holly-ET EX-91 Appealing Planet Halley-ET EX-90 *Sold for $30,000 in 2011 Nat’l Conv 6th Dam: Appealing Shottle Hannah-ET VG-86 EEE++ GMD-DOM 4-01 365 45980 3.2 1458 3.0 1383 Lifetime 150460 3.4 5057 3.2 4780 7th Dam: Ladys-Manor Hadara T-ET VG-88 +EVVV DOM 3-03 365 39850 3.8 1532 3.1 1244 Lifetime 132260 3.9 5173 3.3 4322 8th Dam: Ladys-Manor Tawny-ET VG-88 EEEVV GMD-DOM 5-00 365 37660 3.7 1412 3.2 1200 Lifetime 118940 4.1 4882 3.4 4053 9th Dam: Ladys-Manor Tippy Tonya-ET VG-87 EEEE+ DOM 4-06 365 42030 3.8 1604 3.0 1371 Lifetime 127510 3.8 4801 3.2 4073 10th Dam: Ladys-Manor Topgun Tippy-ET VG-86 VEV++ GMD-DOM 2-01 365 29156 3.8 1116 3.2 933 11th Dam: Ladys-Manor Top Gun Jemini EX-93,3E EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-11 365 36080 3.5 1246 3.1 1106 Lifetime 150300 3.8 5699 3.0 4495 12th thru 16th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Cherry-Acres Jedi Lauri-ET VG-85 VV+GV 4-00 314 31140 3.5 1083 3.4 1049 RIP (2nd Dam of Lot 11 and 3rd Dam of Lots 2 & 3)

LOT 11


Cherrypencol GD Looker-ET

3238208089 99%RHA-I Born 8/25/21 12/21 PTA +3009GTPI +375M +.30% +99F +.11% +43P +1092NM$ +6.8PL +.8DPR 2.56SCS +1.02T +1.71UDC +.20FLC +259FE +1.3FI 2.6%SCE +1119CM$ A1/A1 AB +1048DWP$

Pen-Col Farms & Hembury Farms LLC PO Box 528 Millville, PA 17846 570-380-3456

RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Cherrypencol L Lolly-ET 3208410555 12/21 PTA +2787GTPI +436M +42F +36P +849NM$ +7.7PL +1.6DPR +.87T +2.10UDC +.32FLC -Fresh 11/26/21 Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Cherry-Acres Jedi Lauri-ET VG-85 VV+GV 4-00 314 31140 3.5 1083 3.4 1049 RIP 3rd Dam: (Pictured w/ Lot 3) Ms TCF Cherry-Acres Lori-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 4-05 305 29550 4.0 1183 3.2 933 Lifetime 105880 4.4 4673 3.4 3650 4th Dam: Tiger-Lily Uno Leah-ET VG-87 +V+VV 4-03 358 31720 4.6 1448 3.3 1060 Lifetime 103410 4.4 4573 3.2 3340 5th Dam: Tiger-Lily Planet Limbo VG-85 +VG+V DOM 4-02 365 35750 3.7 1338 3.3 1193 6th Dam: Tiger-Lily Bret Lonnie GP-82,VG-MS 3-03 338 29440 4.2 1246 3.3 979 7th Dam: Tiger-Lily Magna Lucy-ET GP-82 2-02 365 30070 3.7 1123 3.3 995 8th Dam: B-Y-U Addison Leora-ET VG-86 VE+GV GMD-DOM 3-11 365 37550 3.9 1458 3.4 1291 Lifetime 130140 3.7 4781 3.4 4403 9th Dam: Glen-Toctin Win Loretta-ET VG-85 +E+GV GMD-DOM 2-01 305 29380 3.4 1002 3.2 946 10th Dam: Unicorn Celcius Lei-ET VG-86 VVEVV GMD-DOM 2-00 365 27840 4.5 1240 3.6 1001 11th Dam: Unicorn Blackstar Lilly VG-87 EEV+V GMD-DOM 2-00 305 24910 4.0 1001 3.3 819 12th Dam thru 14th Dams all VG or EX

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Endco Yoder L7933 9839-ET GP-83, VG-MS 4-05 319 30150 4.4 1341 3.8 1150 (3rd Dam of Lot 12)

LOT 12

FB 476619 Torro 700449-ET 3225322987 99%RHA-I Born 5/1/21 12/21 PTA +2984GTPI +1092M +.16% +88F +.10% +63P +1092NM$ +6.6PL +1.8DPR 2.93SCS +.85T +1.27UDC -.11FLC +274FE +2.1FI 1.6%SCE +1110CM$ A2/A2 AB #5 GTPI Torro daughter

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029 Maplehurst Delroy Torro-ET 3149798696 12/21 PTA +2830GTPI +1418M +.11% +88F +.05% +59P +984NM$ +4.7PL -.6DPR 2.93SCS +.58T +1.21UDC -.39FLC 80%R Delroy X GP-80 Gatedancer

FB 7529 Riveting 476619-ET 3204581113 12/21 PTA +2981GTPI +696M +83F +49P +982NM$ +6.6PL +2.3DPR +1.42T +1.11UDC +.63FLC Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI 1-11 128 6790 5.0 341 3.8 259 inc. Sire: S-S-I BG Frzzld Riveting-ET *Mating sire suggestion is easy! *Big DPR!

2nd Dam: Pine-Tree 9839 Grif 7529-ET G-77 G+GGG Maternal sister: Pine-Tree 9839 Fraz 7613-ET VG-87 VVVVV *Full sister to 7HO14250 Legacy 3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Endco Yoder L7933 9839-ET GP-83 G+G+V 4-05 319 30150 4.4 1341 3.8 1150 *Dam of 7HO14250 Legacy +2919G 4th Dam: T-Spruce Lgold 7933-ET GP-81 2-05 248 20320 4.4 904 3.6 725 5th Dam: Bosside Epic Yinga VG-85 VV++V 2-01 365 34150 3.7 1271 3.5 1183 Lifetime 144020 4.3 6262 3.6 5193 6th Dam: Bosside Boulder Baily-ET GP-83 V+GGV 3-11 365 33560 3.7 1246 3.4 1134 7th Dam: Co-Op Bosside Yelonda-ET GP-84 VEF++ DOM 2-00 365 28390 4.9 1386 3.4 955 5-03 365 27160 4.1 1328 3.2 1013 *FULL sister to 1HO9527 Massey 8th Dam: Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI-ET VG-85 +VV+V GMD-DOM 1-11 365 36930 3.6 1336 3.2 1199 9th Dam: Milkworth Manfred Yadda VG-86 GMD-DOM 1-11 365 35730 4.0 1435 3.2 1159

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Melarry Mogul Freck-ET EX-90,2E VEEVE DOM 4-08 365 49660 3.3 1625 3.0 1492 (4th Dam of Lot 13)

LOT 13

Melarry Torro 2328-ET

3234744473 99%RHA-I Born 4/28/21 12/21 PTA +2892GTPI +1171M +.15% +90F +.03% +46P +1075NM$ +7.7PL -.9DPR 2.58SCS +.43T +1.20UDC -.23FLC +250FE +.2FI 2.2%SCE +1090CM$ A2/A2 BB

Melarry Farms

17011 Aspen Rd Rice, MN 56367 320-267-3180 Maplehurst Delroy Torro-ET 3149798696 12/21 PTA +2830GTPI +1418M +.11% +88F +.05% +59P +984NM$ +4.7PL -.6DPR 2.93SCS +.58T +1.21UDC -.39FLC 80%R Delroy X GP-80 Gatedancer Melarry Legacy 213-ET 3205704015 12/21 PTA +2750GTPI +190M +83F +27P +843NM$ +6.9PL +.45T +.93UDC +.64FLC -Due 1/2/22 & looks good underneath Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET

2nd Dam: Melarry Frazzld Fandango-ET 3rd Dam: Melarry Balisto Farrah-ET VG-85 VV+++ 2-04 267 28350 3.4 961 3.4 954 3-02 365 30040 4.0 1203 3.7 1123 *16 sons in AI 4th Dam: (Pictured above) Melarry Mogul Freck-ET EX-90,2E VEEVE DOM 3-07 365 34770 3.7 1287 3.5 1204 4-08 365 49660 3.3 1625 3.0 1492 Lifetime 153150 3.5 5416 3.3 5081 5th Dam: Melarry Super Freestyle-ET EX-90 EEVVE GMD 3-05 365 40500 3.1 1270 3.2 1173 4-08 365 49360 3.1 1512 3.3 1627 5-10 365 50210 2.6 1304 3.2 1584 Lifetime 199110 3.1 6083 3.3 6568 6th Dam: Melarry Colby Freckles-ET EX-90 EEVVE 2-02 365 30390 3.6 1097 3.2 984 4-06 298 29380 3.3 958 3.3 962 7th Dam: Melarry Potter Freckle-ET EX-90 EEEVE 3-02 365 30810 4.2 1308 3.4 1044 Lifetime 128830 4.1 5277 3.4 4429

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

BGP Slmdnk Iowa 4975 Ewl-ET VG-86 +VV+V 2-05 365 39170 4.1 1606 3.5 1360 (2nd Dam of Lot 14)

LOT 14


Melon-Patch Game Embark-ET

145287810 99%RHA-I Born 9/15/21 12/21 PTA +3042GTPI +1195M +.21% +108F +.05% +53P +967NM$ +5.3L +.0DPR 2.64SCS +1.95T +1.95UDC +.21FLC +253FE +1.0FI 3.1%SCE +984CM$ A2/A2

Daryl Heistand

335 Trail Rd S Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-917-3483 RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Furnace-Hill Big Elsa-ET 144904987 12/21 PTA +2884GTPI +1212M +86F +54P +887NM$ +4.4PL +1.61T +1.62UDC +.11FLC -Due 2/15/22 & looks great! Sire: S-S-I Delroy Biggelo-ET

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) BGP Slmdnk Iowa 4975 Ewl-ET VG-86 +VV+V 2-05 365 39170 4.1 1606 3.5 1360 *9 sons & 6 daus. over 2900GTPI! AI Sons include: 7HO15430 Expectant +G +NM$ 14HO15432 Expedite +G +NM$ 3rd Dam:View-Home Mrdian Iowa-ET VG-86 VVV+V DOM 2-02 365 35670 3.8 1342 3.3 1166 4th Dam: Pine-Tree 2149Robst 4846-ET VG-87 EEV+V DOM 2-04 365 32001 4.7 1520 3.4 1097 *8 sons in active AI including Monterey 5th Dam: Pine-Tree Zenith Sheen VG-87 VV+VV DOM 1-11 365 27883 3.9 1092 3.0 855 6th Dam: Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET VG-86 VV+VV DOM 1-11 365 31210 4.2 1305 3.1 968 7th Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET VG-86 VVV+V DOM 2-02 365 34730 3.6 1266 3.1 1070 8th Dam: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92,3E EEEEE GMD-DOM 4-11 365 40880 4.1 1665 3.4 1385 Lifetime 119610 4.1 4885 3.4 4031 *Global Cow of the Year 2014 9th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90 EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-05 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.0 1054 10th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87 VEEVV 6-05 365 36330 3.6 1305 2.8 1018 Lifetime 144060 3.4 4933 2.9 4139 11th Dam: Wesswood Astro Matt Ester VG-87 VEVV GMD-DOM 6-08 365 31860 3.5 1125 2.9 921 Lifetime 140110 3.6 5029 3.0 4158 13th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87 GMD-DOM 8-04 365 38150 3.8 1443 2.8 1064 Lifetime 280980 3.6 9997 2.9 8092

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 (2nd Dam of Lot 15)

LOT 15

Pine-Tree 8418 Raysh 709-ET 3228682779 99%RHA-I Born 6/21/21 12/21 PTA +2972GTPI +1359M +.13% +90F +.08% +65P +1061NM$ +6.4PL +.0DPR 2.65SCS +.64T +.94UDC +.30FLC +268FE +.6FI 2.1%SCE +1082CM$ A2/A2 BB *Haplotype free Rayshen X Pursuit

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916 Peak Rayshen-ET 3200270290 12/21 PTA +2959GTPI +1562M +.16% +107F +.08% +73P +1013NM$ +4.5PL -1.3DPR 2.67SCS +.74T +.78UDC -.18FLC 77%R Guinness X AltaTopshot Pine-Tree 7593 Purs 8418-ET 3150675490 12/21 PTA +2913GTPI +1345M +95F +56P +1030NM$ +6.2PL +.70T +.52UDC +.22FLC -Fresh 9/4/21 Last test- 90 lbs 4.6%F 3.7%P Sire: Pine-Tree-I Pursuit-ET *Made 72 embryos in her last 5 IVF sessions. (avgs. 14.4/per session)

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 *60 offspring over +1000NM$ *Dam of 29H19580 Pine-Tree Tennessee 12/21 PTA +2944GTPI +1182NM$ 3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley RBS Emerald VG-88 EEVVV GMD 3-11 348 42010 4.2 1771 3.1 1316 Lifetime 184897 4.1 7552 3.2 5988 *Mat. sister is the Dam of ‘Rubicon’ 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-00 365 39130 3.3 1301 3.0 1175 *Dam of Sterling & Saloon 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET EX-90 EEVEV 2-02 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.9 1294 7th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully VG-87,VG-MS GMD 2-03 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 8th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET VG-89, VG-MS GMD-DOM 2-04 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 9th Dam: Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET VG-87, VG-MS DOM 2-04 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 10th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 VEVEE GMD-DOM 5-11 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 *Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 *Dam of Die-Hard: 1.75M units sold! 11th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E GMD-DOM 7-06 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 *Dam of Durham & Dundee 12th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Triplecrown Tango 632-ET VG-88 VVVEV GMD 4-01 305 31480 3.7 1532 3.2 1319 (4th Dam of Lots 16 & 25)

LOT 16

Pine-Tree 8361 Dine 8975-ET 3208360053 98%RHA-I Born 2/17/21 12/21 PTA +2932GTPI +1408M +.14% +94F +.02% +51P +1060NM$ +6.7PL +.3DPR 2.74SCS +.57T +1.42UDC -.09FLC +261FE +.8FI 1.8%SCE +1071CM$ A1/A2 BB +1015DWP$ #3 NM$ Dinero daughter

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916 ST Gen Noble Dinero-ET 3146616313 12/21 PTA +2712GTPI +278M +53F +25P +881NM$ +7.3PL +2.1DPR +.03T +1.48UDC -.04FLC Noble X GP-82 Delta Pine-Tree 7589 Lion 8361-ET 3150675433 12/21 PTA +3029GTPI +1596M +137F +65P +1126NM$ +3.9PL +.76T +1.09UDC +.41FLC -Died soon after calving Sire: Mr T-Spring Frazz Lionel-ET

2nd Dam: Pine-Tree 6586 Achi 7589-ET 3rd Dam: Green-Banks Damaris 6586-ET EX-90 EVGEE DOM 1-11 365 34608 4.3 1489 3.1 1096 3-02 305 33330 4.1 1377 3.3 1099 4th Dam: (Pictured above) Triplecrown Tango 632-ET VG-88 VVVEV GMD 4-01 305 41380 3.7 1532 3.2 1319 5-06 297 40580 3.6 1443 3.0 1210 Lifetime 169400 3.5 5960 3.1 5217 5th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam of popular AI sires: 7H10524 Robust & 7H11207 Punch 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 7th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET *TV EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 8th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 9th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 10th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Seagull-Bay D Extreme-ET*RC VG-88 VVVVE 4-06 354 37730 3.4 1269 3.4 1289 (4th Dam of Lot 17)

LOT 17

IVF Session

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is AOT Silver Helix-ET responsible for all costs of the aspiration 3131083927 12/21 PTA +2778GTPI and mating sire decisions. +1693M +.17% +117F +.03% +61P Dam of IVF Session: +826NM$ +1.3PL -1.7DPR 3.03SCS FB 474652 Helix 700014-ET +1.07T +.80UDC -/19FLC 99%R 3225322552 99%RHA-I Silver X VG-88 DOM Supersire Born 10/28/20 12/21 PTA +2957GTPI +2218M +.15% +131F +.06% +86P FB 326856 Lionel 474652-ET +1110NM$ +3.5PL -2.1DPR 2.98SCS 3204579146 12/21 PTA +2918GTPI +.30T +.03UDC -.35FLC +2048M +109F +84P +1119NM$ +377FE -1.2FI 2.1%SCE +1121CM$ +5.5PL -.41T -.31UDC -.77FLC 2-00 104 9570 4.4 424 3.5 341 inc. A2/A2 Sire: Mr T-Spruce Frazz Lionel-ET #1 CFP Female of the Breed! #1 NM$ Helix daughter -Will be a 12/30/21 IVF for buyer Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI

3rd Dam: Seagull-Bay Jedi 326856-ET 2-11 324 29880 4.1 1213 3.8 1138 4th Dam: (Pictured above) Seagull-Bay D Extreme-ET*RC VG-88 VVVVE 3-07 296 33613 3.6 1203 3.1 1028 4-06 354 37750 3.4 1269 3.4 1289 5th Dam: Ms America Ecstasy-ET*RC*PC GP-80 2-02 365 32590 3.6 1160 3.4 1112 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Miss America-ET EX-91 EEVEE GMD-DOM 2-03 365 31750 4.3 1368 3.5 1120 *FULL sister to Supersire 7th Dam: Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET EX-91 EEEVE GMD-DOM 2-01 365 35120 4.1 1427 3.3 1145 *Global Cow of the Year 2015 8th Dam: Pine-Tree Martha Sheen-ET VG-86 VV+VV DOM 1-11 365 31210 4.2 1305 3.1 968 9th Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Martha-ET VG-86 VVV+V DOM 2-02 365 34730 3.6 1266 3.1 1070 10th Dam: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92,3E EEEEE GMD-DOM 4-11 365 40880 4.1 1665 3.4 1385 Lifetime 119610 4.1 4885 3.4 4031 *Global Cow of the Year 2014 11th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90 EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-05 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.0 1054 12th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87 VEEVV 6-05 365 36330 3.6 1305 2.8 1018 Lifetime 144060 3.4 4933 2.9 4139 13th Dam: Wesswood Astro Matt Ester VG-87 VEVV GMD-DOM Lifetime 140110 3.6 5029 3.0 4158 14th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87 GMD-DOM 8-04 365 38150 3.8 1443 2.8 1064 Lifetime 280980 3.6 9997 2.9 8092

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pen-Col Robust Harp-ET VG-87, EX-MS DOM 3-02 365 33120 4.7 1545 3.7 1220 (5th Dam of Lot 18)

LOT 18

IVF Session

FB Genetics

PO Box 1300 Dumas, TX 79029

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from Bomaz Monument-P-ET*PC these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration 3150307018 12/21 PTA +2800GTPI and mating sire decisions. +172M +.31% +95F +.11% +36P +899NM$ +5.0PL +.6DPR 2.80SCS Dam of IVF Session: FB 436820 Monum 661081-P-ET*PC +.38T +.96UDC -.01FLC 80%R Medley X VG-87 Delta 3216437367 99%RHA-I

Born 4/30/20 12/21 PTA +2947GTPI +323M +.38% +119F +.11% +40P +1037NM$ +5.7PL +1.0DPR 2.81SCS +.56T +.56UDC +.73FLC +268FE +1.2FI 1.7%SCE +1058CM$ A2/A2 BB

*One of the highest available POLLED females in the World! -Will be a 12/30/21 IVF for buyer Housed at GenStart, Trempealeau, WI

FB 7394 Achiever 436820-ET 3200502152 12/21 PTA +2712GTPI +456M +95F +26P +808NM$ +4.1PL +.82T +.97UDC +.92FLC -Died Sire: ABS Achiever-ET

3rd Dam: Pine-Tree 6660 Mode 7394-ET 4th Dam: Pine-Tree 14 Kingboy6660-ET VG-88 VEVVV 3-00 365 38810 4.3 1652 3.3 1299 4-02 365 39670 4.6 1835 3.4 1344 Lifetime 120860 4.4 5281 3.4 4096 5th Dam: (Pictured above) Pen-Col Robust Harp-ET VG-87 VVVGE DOM 3-02 365 33120 4.7 1545 3.7 1220 6th Dam: Farnear Plant Hali 11862-ET VG-87 VVVVV 2-09 305 29580 3.6 1077 3.4 1010 7th Dam: Screaming-Vis-R Heaven-ET EX-91 VEEVE DOM 4-07 365 36810 3.6 1329 3.3 1231 Lifetime 100840 3.6 3658 3.4 3429 8th Dam: Darlawn Marshall Heaven-ET VG-86 +EVVV GMD-DOM 2-04 365 35580 3.9 1374 3.2 1154 9th Dam: Darlawn Mtoto Honibea VG-85 VVV+V DOM 2-05 365 37710 4.2 1574 3.1 1165 10th Dam: Darlawn Rudolph Hera VG-86 +VVVV 3-04 361 34360 3.2 1095 3.1 1059 11th Dam: Wallmac Bstar Dixie Honi-ET EX-91,2E EEEEV GMD-DOM 5-00 365 47750 3.8 1836 2.8 1335 12th Dam: Dixie-Lee Legacy-ET VG-87 GMD-DOM 5-01 305 30520 4.0 1235 2.8 858 Lifetime 134770 4.2 5615 2.9 3948 13th Dam: Lar-Lin Glendell Haiti EX-93 GMD-DOM 5-03 365 43150 3.6 1560 2.8 1219 Lifetime 111990 3.9 4397 14th Dam: EX-92,4E 15th Dam: EX-90

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 (3rd Dam of Lot 19A)

*Selling Buyers Choice to IVF either heifer listed as Lots 19A or 19B


IVF Session

Terra Linda Dairy c/o Mike Santos 4433 Ave 232 Tulare, CA 93274 559-358-5345

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET and mating sire decisions. 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P Dam of IVF Session: +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS Terra-Linda Gamedy 11222-ET +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R 3236454922 99%RHA-I Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch Born 7/1/21 12/21 PTA +3000GTPI

+801M +.32% +124F +.09% +50P +1088NM$ +5.3PL -1.1DPR 2.71SCS +1.07T+1.10UDC +.61FLC +306FE -.4FI 2.5%SCE +1109CM$ A1/A2

Pine-Tree 7593 Lega 8477-ET 3150675549 12/21 PTA +2756GTPI +853M +87F +35P +898NM$ +5.8PL +.37T +.96UDC +.10FLC -Due 1/6/22 “Beautiful Springer with great udder promise” Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET

3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 *60 offspring over +1000NM$ *Dam of 29H19580 Pine-Tree Tennessee 12/21 PTA +2944GTPI +1182NM$ 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley RBS Emerald VG-88 EEVVV GMD 3-11 348 42010 4.2 1771 3.1 1316 Lifetime 184897 4.1 7552 3.2 5988 *Mat. sister is the Dam of ‘Rubicon’ 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-00 365 39130 3.3 1301 3.0 1175 *Dam of Sterling & Saloon 7th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET EX-90 EEVEV 2-02 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.9 1294 8th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully VG-87,VG-MS GMD 2-03 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 9th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET VG-89, VG-MS GMD-DOM 2-04 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 10th Dam: Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET VG-87, VG-MS DOM 2-04 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 111th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 VEVEE GMD-DOM 5-11 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 *Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 *Dam of Die-Hard: 1.75M units sold! 12th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E GMD-DOM 7-06 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 *Dam of Durham & Dundee 13th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Bryhill Ransom Marquisse-ET GP-83 VV+++ DOM 2-02 365 27990 4.6 1278 3.7 1048 (5th Dam of Lot 19B)

*Selling Buyers Choice to IVF either heifer listed as Lots 19A or 19B


IVF Session

Terra Linda Dairy c/o Mike Santos 4433 Ave 232 Tulare, CA 93274 559-358-5345

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from RMD-Dotterer SSI Gameday-ET these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration 3205704153 12/21 PTA +3033GTPI and mating sire decisions. +1094M +.23% +110F +.06% +50P +1055NM$ +6.4PL +.2DPR 2.65SCS Dam of IVF Session: +1.46T +1.76UDC +.44FLC 80%R Terra-Linda Gamedy 11292-ET Big Al X GP-82 Blowtorch 3236454992 99%RHA-I

Born 8/18/21 12/21 PTA +3035GTPI +1421M +.19% +111F +.03% +52P +1079NM$ +6.7PL -.2DPR 2.74SCS +1.52T+1.29UDC +1.15FLC +277FE +.1FI 2.8%SCE +1089CM$ A1/A1

Terra-Linda Acura 10688-ET 3204988940 12/21 PTA +2805GTPI +1431M +86F +43P +862NM$ +5.0PL +1.21T +.76UDC +1.32FLC -Due 6/30/22 “Very nice heifer with a big rib and great feet and legs” Sire: Pine-Tree Acura-ET

3rd Dam: Genosource Rubicon 9010-ET VG-86 VV+VV 2-00 307 26360 4.1 1068 3.3 879 3-00 330 29690 3.7 1105 3.4 1000 4th Dam: Peak Marq Leaf 994-ET VG-85 VE++V 3-02 240 21570 4.0 871 3.4 744 5th Dam: (Pictured above) Bryhill Ransom Marquisse-ET GP-83 VV+++ DOM 2-02 365 27990 4.6 1278 3.7 1048 6th Dam: Sully Robust 720-ET GP-83-CAN VG-MS 2-01 365 33360 4.0 1325 3.4 1140 4-00 353 33100 3.6 1190 3.5 1149 7th Dam: Sully Planet Manitoba-ET VG-85-CAN DOM 4-01 365 43669 3.5 1565 3.2 1402 8th Dam: Sully Shottle May-ET EX-90 EEEEE DOM 5-04 365 38970 3.5 1354 3.1 1226 9th Dam: Ms Sully Oman Muetze-ET EX-90 EEVEV DOM 4-08 365 33860 3.4 1164 3.4 1150 Lifetime 176480 3.7 6536 3.5 6110 10th Dam: Johnan Marshall Mint VG-85, VG-MS 2-02 365 31030 3.1 961 3.0 941 11th Dam: Poly-Kow Durham Mincy-ET VG-88 VG-MS 3-03 365 31780 3.0 951 3.0 968 12th Dam: Poly-Kow Rudolph Mink-ET VG-85, VG-MS DOM 4-08 365 30700 3.4 1053 3.2 972 13th Dam: Poly-Kow Lindy Mindy-ET VG-88, VG-MS GMD DOM 3-08 365 39550 4.0 1589 3.0 1175 Lifetime 150290 3.9 5820 3.0 4556 14th Dam: Footprint Nick Milan VG-89 5-10 365 34530 4.1 1430 3.5 1194 15th thru 17th Dams all VG

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

RC-TM Crimson 5631-ET GP-81 (2nd Dam of Lot 20)

LOT 20

IVF Session

Tom Mercuro & Rocky Creek Dairy PO Box 130 Woodsboro, MD 21798 804-306-8925

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration C-Haven Positive Deluxe-ET and mating sire decisions. 3210987525 12/21 PTA +2935GTPI +1463M +.22% +121F +.03% +55P Dam of IVF Session: +967NM$ +4.2PL -2.5DPR 2.81SCS RC-TM Bd Deluxe Bicycle-ET +1.49T +1.19UDC +.14FLC 80%R 3233722265 99%RHA-I Positive X VG-87 Slamdunk Born 4/13/21 12/21 PTA +2998GTPI

+1091M +.26% +117F +.07% +55P +1044NM$ +5.8PL -1.1DPR 2.56SCS +1.18T +.83UDC +.05FLC +278FE +.0FI 2.2%SCE +1066CM$ A2/A2

RC-TM Crimson 5631-ET 2-04 GP-81 GVG++ 3209322240 12/21 PTA +2733GTPI +1156M +96F +51P +867NM$ +4.7PL +.09T 1-11 128 9664 3.9 374 3.1 297 RIP Sire: ABS Crimson-ET (Pictured above)

3rd Dam: TTM Topshot 4373 G-79 2-01 322 32470 4.2 1366 3.3 1083 4th Dam: TTM Denver 3010-ET GP-82 +++++ 1-09 304 26790 4.4 1167 3.4 924 5th Dam: Ladies-First Oak Bristol-ET 6th Dam: Ladies-First Iota Bobbi-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 2-03 365 31570 3.5 1112 2.9 909 7th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Shottle Brie-ET VG-85 VVV++ 2-00 365 30170 4.2 1253 3.3 1006 8th Dam: Gen-I-Beq Champion Bambi-ET EX-CAN 3* 3-09 365 31638 4.1 1305 3.2 1005 9th Dam: Braedale Baler Twine-ET VG-86-2Y-CAN 29* 2-01 354 30906 4.9 1521 3.4 1052 Lifetime 133470 4.3 5798 3.6 4815 2008 Global Cow of the Year! *Dam of AI great ‘Goldwyn’ 10th Dam: Braedale Gypsy Grand VG-88-5YR-CAN 37* 5-06 365 34786 4.8 1660 3.3 1135 *2003 Canadian Cow of the Year 11th Dam: GP-83-2YR-CAN GP-83-3YR-JPN 2-00 365 26012 4.1 1056 3.6 941 12th Dam: Sunnylodge Chief Vick VG-86-CAN @ 2yrs 88-MS 2-04 365 31327 3.7 1146 3.4 1060 13th Dam: Sunnylodge Elevation Jan VG-87-CAN EX-MS 86-FL 10-04 305 35150 4.8 1687 3.6 1254 Lifetime 156959 4.3 6784 3.4 4564 14th Dam thru 16th Dams all VG:

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pine-Tree 5976 Prop 7829-ET 1-10 305 23930 5.6 1344 3.6 872 (3rd Dam of Lot 21)

LOT 21

IVF Session

Fit Genetics

261 House Lane Elizabethtown, KY 42701

*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guaranteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration C-Haven Positive Deluxe-ET and mating sire decisions. 3210987525 12/21 PTA +2935GTPI +1463M +.22% +121F +.03% +55P Dam of IVF Session: +967NM$ +4.2PL -2.5DPR 2.81SCS BGP 20002 Cokezero-ET +1.49T +1.19UDC +.14FLC 80%R 3228176057 99%RHA-I Born 5/28/21 12/21 PTA +2927GTPI Positive X VG-87 Slamdunk +1224M +.23% +113F +.05% +52P +1070NM$ +5.3PL -1.2DPR 2.83SCS Pine-Tree 7829 Game 8410-ET 3150675482 12/21 PTA +2848GTPI +.91T +.85UDC +.25FLC +875M +89F +47P +4.6PL +.3DPR +300FE -.3FI 1.4%SCE +1081CM$ +1.16T +.97UDC +.79FLC A2/A2 +1069DWP$ +138WT$ Sire: Regan-Danhof Gamechanger-ET

*Housed at Trans Ova, MD

3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Pine-Tree 5976 Prop 7829-ET 1-10 305 23930 5.6 1344 3.6 872 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley No Limit-ET VG-85 VVGV+ 3-05 365 31760 4.8 1539 3.6 1149 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley SS Psych-ET 6th Dam: Pine-Tree Monica Planeta-ET VG-86 VV++V DOM 2-01 365 30675 3.7 1146 3.6 1018 *Sold for $24,000 in 2011 Nat’l Conv. 7th Dam: Pine-Tree Monica Suela-ET VG-87 VVVVV DOM 1-11 365 33055 3.4 1112 3.2 1058 8th Dam: Pine-Tree Missy Monica-ET VG-85 VVV++ GMD-DOM 4-11 365 42655 3.5 1468 3.1 1322 Lifetime 132320 3.6 4827 3.3 4307 9th Dam: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92,3E EEEEE GMD-DOM 4-11 365 40880 4.1 1665 3.4 1385 Lifetime 119610 4.1 4885 3.4 4031 *Global Cow of the Year 2014 10th Dam: Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90 EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-05 365 35380 3.3 1160 3.0 1054 11th Dam: Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87 VEEVV 6-05 365 36330 3.6 1305 2.8 1018 Lifetime 144060 3.4 4933 2.9 4139 12th Dam: Wesswood Astro Matt Ester VG-87 VEVV GMD-DOM 6-08 365 31860 3.5 1125 2.9 921 Lifetime 140110 3.6 5029 3.0 4158 13th Dam: Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87 GMD-DOM 8-04 365 38150 3.8 1443 2.8 1064 Lifetime 280980 3.6 9997 2.9 8092

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Scenery-View Celia-RED-ET*PO EX-92,2E EE+VE 2-00 365 33830 4.5 1517 3.7 1246 (2nd Dam of Lot 22)

LOT 22


Scenery-View Cerous-ET*RC*PP 3237492028 99%RHA-I Born 9/21/21 12/21 PTA +2769GTPI +968M +.17% +87F +.04% +42P +694NM$ +1.4PL +.6DPR 3.05SCS +2.14T +1.66UDC +.91FLC +230FE +1.0FI 2.2%SCE +700CM$ A2/A2

Benjamin Casey Jones 955 State Route 4017 Friendsville, PA 18818 570-396-4813

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Scenery-View Celia-RED-ET*PO EX-92,2E EE+VE 2-00 365 33830 4.5 1517 3.7 1246 5-02 358 37713 4.2 1578 3.6 1361

Cherry-Lily Zip Luster-P-ET 3138843085 12/21 PTA +2811GTPI +1285M -.08% +72F +.00% +40P +679NM$ +2.1PL +.4DPR 2.75SCS +2.61T +2.22UDC +1.38FLC 95%R Zipit X VG-85 Kingboy

3rd Dam: Scenery-View Carmen-RED-ET VG-88 EEEVV 2-02 317 28710 3.2 908 3.4 973 3-00 365 43260 2.9 1238 3.3 1416 Lifetime 104420 3.1 3188 3.4 3555

Scenery-View Cricket-ET*RC*PC *She is gene tested Homozygous polled 3-05 VG-85 VV++V 3145681177 12/21 PTA +2728GTPI +823M +105F +48P +1.79T +1.00UDC +.35FLC 3-00 354 39306 4.4 1746 3.4 1323 Sire: AOT Silver Helix-ET

4th Dam: Scenery-View Camile-ET*RC EX-92 EEVEE 2-02 357 32440 3.1 1014 3.3 1086 3-04 307 32180 3.3 1059 3.4 1100 4-04 365 34090 3.8 1303 3.5 1187 Lifetime 128340 3.4 4355 3.4 4394

#2 GTPI Homozygous/RC heifer

5th Dam: Scenery-View B G Cavita-ET VG-87 VV++V 3-03 305 32180 3.3 1077 3.2 1018 6th Dam: Scenery-View Bwmar Catlin EX-90,3E VEEVE DOM 4-04 305 36340 3.7 1328 3.2 1180 7-10 305 31960 3.7 1191 3.2 1020 Lifetime 182180 3.7 6696 3.4 6276

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 (2nd Dam of Lot 23)

LOT 23

Pine-Tree 8571 Outc 9173-ET 3240345374 99%RHA-I Born 7/29/21 12/21 PTA +2965GTPI +1453M +.20% +115F +.04% +56P +1026NM$ +4.6PL -1.7DPR 2.81SCS +1.13T +1.55UDC +.65FLC +292FE -1.7FI 1.8%SCE +1037CM$ A1/A1 +1095DWP$ *Early Outcome daughter!

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916 Ladys-Manor Outcome-ET 3200270290 12/21 PTA +3017GTPI +974M +.22% +100F +.06% +49P +943NM$ +4.9PL +1.5DPR 2.75SCS +1.33T +2.11UDC +.62FLC 80%R Challenger X VG-85 DOM Granite Pine-Tree 7593 Hero 8571-ET 3210258001 12/21 PTA +2881GTPI +741M +.30% +115F +.06% +39P +1062NM$ +5.7PL -1.1DPR 2.71SCS +.33T +.87UDC +.37FLC -Due to calve 3/26/22 Sire: Pine-Tree Heroic-ET

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET GP-82 +VG++ 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 *60 offspring over +1000NM$ *Dam of 29H19580 Pine-Tree Tennessee 12/21 PTA +2944GTPI +1182NM$ 3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley RBS Emerald VG-88 EEVVV GMD 3-11 348 42010 4.2 1771 3.1 1316 Lifetime 184897 4.1 7552 3.2 5988 *Mat. sister is the Dam of ‘Rubicon’ 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-00 365 39130 3.3 1301 3.0 1175 *Dam of Sterling & Saloon 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET EX-90 EEVEV 2-02 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.9 1294 7th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully VG-87,VG-MS GMD 2-03 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 8th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET VG-89, VG-MS GMD-DOM 2-04 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 9th Dam: Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET VG-87, VG-MS DOM 2-04 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 10th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 VEVEE GMD-DOM 5-11 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 *Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 *Dam of Die-Hard: 1.75M units sold! 11th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E GMD-DOM 7-06 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 *Dam of Durham & Dundee 12th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 (2nd Dam of Lot 24)

LOT 24

Pine-Tree 7593 Outc 9178-ET 3240345379 99%RHA-I Born 8/1/21 12/21 PTA +2919GTPI +1405M +.17% +104F +.02% +49P +1067NM$ +5.7PL -.9DPR 2.76SCS +.41T +1.41UDC +.36FLC +283FE -.5FI 1.9%SCE +1076CM$ A1/A1 +1055DWP$ *Early Outcome daughter!

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916 Ladys-Manor Outcome-ET 3200270290 12/21 PTA +3017GTPI +974M +.22% +100F +.06% +49P +943NM$ +4.9PL +1.5DPR 2.75SCS +1.33T +2.11UDC +.62FLC 80%R Challenger X VG-85 DOM Granite Pine-Tree Era Achie 7593-ET 3-00 GP-82 +VG++ 3139672589 12/21 PTA +2783GTPI +1258M +106F +45P +1051NM$ +5.6PL +.29UDC 1-10 365 35130 5.0 1758 3.1 1084 3-06 226 28418 4.8 1359 3.3 939 Sire: ABS Achiever-ET (Pictured w/ Lot 22) *60+ offspring over +1000NM$ *Dam of 29H19580 Pine-Tree Tennessee 12/21 PTA +2944GTPI +1182NM$ Maternal sister: Sandy-Valley Eternity-ET EX-92 DOM 2-01 365 33350 4.6 1518 3.5 1175 Former #1 GTPI Cow of the Breed

2nd Dam: (Pictured above) Sandy-Valley Morgan Era-ET GP-83 +G+V+ GMD-DOM 2-02 365 34790 4.2 1450 3.6 1258 3rd Dam: Sandy-Valley RBS Emerald-ET VG-88 EEVVV GMD 3-11 348 42010 4.2 1771 3.1 1316 4-11 332 36980 4.2 1570 3.3 1207 6-00 365 38240 4.2 1588 3.5 1339 Lifetime 184897 4.1 7552 3.2 5988 Maternal sister: Sandy-Valley Robust Ruby-ET EX-90 *Dam of ‘Rubicon’ 4th Dam: Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire VG-87 VV+VV DOM 2-00 365 39130 3.3 1301 3.0 1175 *Dam of Sterling & Saloon 5th Dam: Sandy-Valley Bolt Sheila-ET EX-90 EEVEV 2-02 365 44790 3.6 1607 2.9 1294 6th Dam: Sandy-Valley Forbid Sully VG-87,VG-MS GMD 2-03 365 35110 3.7 1310 3.1 1095 7th Dam: Orthoapple Marshall Alia-ET VG-89, VG-MS GMD-DOM 2-04 365 36210 4.4 1605 3.2 1154 8th Dam: Regancrest-JB Tatum-ET VG-87, VG-MS DOM 2-04 365 32682 3.6 1163 3.2 1059 9th Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 VEVEE GMD-DOM 5-11 365 35510 3.5 1234 3.2 1134 *Nom. Global Cow of the Year 2006 *Dam of Die-Hard: 1.75M units sold! 10th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E GMD-DOM 7-06 365 35610 4.0 1431 2.9 1035 *Dam of Durham & Dundee 11th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Triplecrown Tango 632-ET VG-88 VVVEV GMD 4-01 305 31480 3.7 1532 3.2 1319 (4th Dam of Lots 16 & 25)

LOT 25

Pine-Tree 8361 Outc 9285-ET 3240345486 98%RHA-I Born 10/19/21 12/21 PTA +3002GTPI +1698M +.17% +117F +.03% +62P +989NM$ +3.9PL -1.1DPR 2.88SCS +1.27T +1.73UDC +.48FLC +2.92FE -.4FI 2.3%SCE +997CM$ A1/A2 +1023DWP$ *Early Outcome daughter!

Pine-Tree Dairy

8586 Benner Rd Marshallville, OH 446456 330-466-8916 Ladys-Manor Outcome-ET 3200270290 12/21 PTA +3017GTPI +974M +.22% +100F +.06% +49P +943NM$ +4.9PL +1.5DPR 2.75SCS +1.33T +2.11UDC +.62FLC 80%R Challenger X VG-85 DOM Granite Pine-Tree 7589 Lion 8361-ET 3150675433 12/21 PTA +3029GTPI +1596M +137F +65P +1126NM$ +3.9PL +.76T +1.09UDC +.41FLC -Died soon after calving Sire: Mr T-Spring Frazz Lionel-ET

2nd Dam: Pine-Tree 6586 Achi 7589-ET 3rd Dam: Green-Banks Damaris 6586-ET EX-90 EVGEE DOM 1-11 365 34608 4.3 1489 3.1 1096 3-02 305 33330 4.1 1377 3.3 1099 4th Dam: (Pictured above) Triplecrown Tango 632-ET VG-88 VVVEV GMD 4-01 305 41380 3.7 1532 3.2 1319 5-06 297 40580 3.6 1443 3.0 1210 Lifetime 169400 3.5 5960 3.1 5217 5th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam of popular AI sires: 7H10524 Robust & 7H11207 Punch 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 7th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET *TV EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 8th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 9th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 10th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Unique-Style Bolton Money EX-93,2E GMD-DOM 3-01 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247 (6th Dam of Lot 26)

LOT 26

Hollermann Top Dog 2566-ET

3239281141 99%RHA-I *HCD Born 9/9/21 12/21 PTA +2990GTPI +1098M +.28% +124F +.10% +64P +1030NM$ +5.1PL -1.3DPR 2.75SCS +.77T +.59UDC +.41FLC +295FE -.4FI 2.4%SCE +1052CM$ A2/A2 AB

Shawn Hollermann

18200 Dunlin Rd Burtrum, MN 56318 320-760-1177

Bomaz Top Dog-ET 3206093970 12/21 PTA +2922GTPI +813M +.27% +110F +.07% +45P +915NM$ +5.1PL -.3DPR 2.63SCS +.88T +1.29UDC +.45FLC 79%R Rome X Outsiders Hollermann Crimson 1705-ET 3214090385 12/21 PTA +2731GTPI +856M +75F +50P +863NM$ +6.3PL -.02T +.24UDC +.27FLC -Fresh 12/2/21 Sire: ABS Crimson-ET

2nd Dam: GS-EDG Frazzled Dafodil GP-82 V++FV 2-02 365 31510 4.7 1476 3.5 1093 3rd Dam: Ms 55715 Direct 32462-ET VG-87 EVE+V DOM 2-01 365 30070 4.2 1272 3.6 1081 4th Dam: Ms Mini Tango 55715-ET 2-02 305 44340 3.5 1124 3.0 1314 3-04 305 50570 2.2 1091 2.9 1477 4-04 305 43320 4.0 1714 3.0 1290 5th Dam: Bacon-Hill Suprsre Minie-ET 6th Dam: (Pictured above) Unique-Style Bolton Money *TY EX-93,2E EEEEE GMD-DOM 3-01 365 38430 4.2 1614 3.4 1320 Dam of 7HO12165 Montross 7th Dam: Pasen Rolex Mummy EX-90 VVVEE 8-07 365 28360 4.0 1132 3.5 987 Lifetime 173880 3.9 6841 3.4 5907 8th Dam: Pasen Trent Mermaid-ET VG-85 V+EGV 3-05 24240 3.8 909 3.5 851 Lifetime 232490 4.5 10363 2.9 6741

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Macland HF Yoder Rachel-ET EX-94,2E EEEEE DOM *Grand Champion Eastern Fall National Holstein Show 2021 (Dam of Lot 31 and 3rd Dam of Lot 27)

LOT 27


Macland Rue The Day

3207081203 99%RHA-I HH6 Born 1/10/21 12/21 PTA +2888GTPI +1344M +.11% +84F +.05% +57P +985NM$ +5.3PL +1.0DPR 2.87SCS +.48T +.81UDC +.12FLC +250FE +1.5FI 1.6%SCE +997CM$ A2/A2 AB Donor Dam: 9/30/21 12 oocytes, 4 embryos 10/4/21 8 oocytes, 4 embryos 10/28/21 15 oocytes, 5 embryos 11/11/21 17 oocytes, 6 embryos

Scott Culbertson & James McFarland 4934 Hwy 247 NE Elgin, MN 55932 507-923-1881

Peak AltaZazzle-ET 3200824445 12/21 PTA +2963GTPI +990M +.23% +104F +.08% +54P +1010NM$ +5.2PL -.4DPR 2.78SCS +1.30T +1.45UDC +.16FLC 80%R Marius X AltaTopshot Peak Macland Gran Tarrino 2-04 GP-83 +VG++ 3207081152 12/21 PTA +2680GTPI +1606M +67F +59P +777NM$ +3.5PL +.8DPR +.14T +.41UDC -.36FLC 1-10 315 23982 4.0 958 3.2 775 -Due back January 15, 2022 Sire: Welcome Tarrino 3181-ET

2nd Dam: Macland Roulette VG-85 +V++V 2-02 365 23420 4.2 995 3.6 848 3-06 365 31610 3.9 1232 3.6 1123 3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Macland HF Yoder Rachel-ET EX-94,2E EEEEE DOM 5-06 352 35690 4.0 1427 3.6 1287 Lifetime 115960 4.2 4817 3.6 4131 *Grand Champion E. Fall Nat’l 2021 *Supreme Champion PA All-American 2021 *Nom. All-American 5yr-old 2020 4th Dam: S-S-I Uno Rama 8431-ET VG-88 VE++V 3-04 365 29280 4.1 1189 3.6 1052 5th Dam: S-S-I Snowman Rachel7516 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 5-05 365 38950 3.2 1256 3.2 1239 Lifetime 153910 3.5 5362 3.3 5076 6th Dam: Roylane Socra Mira 1760-ET EX-91,2E EEVVE DOM 5-11 305 40080 3.5 1411 3.3 1328 Lifetime 180370 3.7 6734 3.4 6172 7th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam of sires: Robust, Bob & Punch 8th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 9th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 10th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 11th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 12th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Triplecrown JW Ofest 142-ET VG-87 VVVVV 2-01 365 34370 3.8 1291 3.3 1130 (3rd Dam of Lot 28)

LOT 28

Winstar Mendel 7774-ET

3224449740 99%RHA-I HH5 Born 2/24/21 12/21 PTA +2886GTPI +146M +.37% +111F +.13% +40P +983NM$ +5.7PL +.6DPR 2.59SCS +.08T +.59UDC +.07FLC +244FE +.7FI 1.8%SCE +1012CM$ A2/A2 AB *1st Mendel to sell at public auction

Winstar Genetics LLC 1470 N 750 E Shelley, ID 83274 208-681-6747

Winstar Mendel-P-ET 3208037184 12/21 PTA +2962GTPI +880M +.33% +130F +.08% +50P +1019NM$ +3.7PL -.6DPR 2.92SCS +.72T +1.33UDC -.22FLC 78%R Entity X VG-89 Windfall Windstar Diversity 6123-ET 3208436620 12/21 PTA +2733GTPI +.38% +106F +31P +749NM$ +3.5PL +.3DPR +.48T +.45UDC +.32FLC Sire: Denovo 7545 Diversity-ET

2nd Dam: Windstar Samuri 4382-ET 3rd Dam: (Pictured above) Triplecrown JW Ofest 142-ET VG-87 VVVVV 2-01 365 34370 3.8 1291 3.3 1130 4th Dam: (Pictured w/ Lot 6) S-S-I Moonry Myesha 9071-ET VG-85 VVV+V DOM 2-01 365 33260 4.0 1330 3.5 1152 5th Dam: S-S-I Bookem Modesto7269-ET VG-87 VV++V DOM 3-03 305 25995 3.8 982 3.5 909 AI sons include: Mando & Marshman 6th Dam: Roylane Shot Mindy 2079-ET VG-86 VVVVV DOM 2-02 365 34589 4.3 1489 3.3 1148 *Dam of ‘Monarch’ at Select! 7th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam of sires: Robust, Bob & Punch 8th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 9th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 10th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 11th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 12th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~ S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET EX-92 EEEVE

2-02 365 29320 3.8 1127 3.4 1002 (Full sister to the Dam of Lots 29 & 30)

S-S-I Doc Have Not 8783-ET EX-92 EEEEE

*Nom. All-American Fall Yearling in Milk 2019 (Dam of Lots 29 & 30)

LOT 29


Ernest-Anthony Not Here-ET

3239527206 99%RHA-I Born 9/1/21 12/21 PTA +2934GTPI +872M +.20% +91F +.09% +53P +760NM$ +3.7PL -.8DPR 2.99SCS +2.69T +2.48UDC +1.47FLC +207FE -.5FI 2.0%SCE +775CM$ A1/A2 BB

Ernest Kueffner

431 Potomac St Boonsboro, MD 21713 301-639-2924 Siemers Rengd Parfect-ET 3200124761 12/21 PTA +2990GTPI +1909M +.17% +92F +.08% +56P +800NM$ +3.7PL +.3DPR 2.94SCS +2.35T +2.29UDC +1.63FLC 81%R Renegade X EX-91 Delta-Lambda

*Hottest show cow index family in North America! S-S-I Doc Have Not 8783-ET

LOT 30


Ernest-Anthony Not Now-ET

3239527207 99%RHA-I Born 9/1/21 12/21 PTA +2837GTPI +1287M +.03% +57F +.06% +58P +623NM$ +3.8PL -.5DPR 2.96SCS +3.00T +2.65UDC +1.52FLC +156FE -.3FI 2.4%SCE +635CM$ A1/A2 BB

4-00 EX-92 EEEEE 3143722146 12/21 PTA +2777GTPI +1363M +54F +59P +609NM$ +3.7PL +3.28T +2.59UDC +.99FLC 1-10 365 25480 4.8 1223 3.6 923 3-05 213 25724 4.6 1195 3.2 834 RIP Sire: Woodcrest King Doc (Pictured above) *Nom. All-Am Fall Yrlng in Milk 2019 *1st Milking Yrlng M-E Fall Nat’l 2019 Full sister: S-S-I Doc Have Not 8784-ET EX-92 EEEVE 2-02 365 29320 3.8 1127 3.4 1002 (Pictured above)

2nd Dam: Fly-Higher Jedi Havenot-ET VG-86 VVV+V 3rd Dam: Cookiecutter Masy Hashes-TE VG-85 +VV+V 2-01 365 31360 3.8 1195 3.4 1061 3-11 365 39630 3.6 1436 3.1 1209 Lifetime 121290 3.9 4762 3.2 3920 4th Dam: Cookiecutter Mom Halo-ET 2-09 VG-88 VV+VE DOM 2-00 365 35280 5.2 1819 3.7 1304 *Global Cow of the Year 2019! 5th Dam: Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET VG-88 VVV+E DOM 2-03 365 40730 3.5 1410 3.1 1249 *Nom. Int’l Cow of the Year 2016 6th Dam: Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET EX-90 EEVEE GMD-DOM 3-11 365 43690 3.7 1625 3.1 1357 7th Dam: Regancrest-JDV Hanna-ET EX-90 EEVVE 4-07 365 45110 4.3 1922 3.2 1449 8th Dam: Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET EX-90,2E EVVEE GMD-DOM 2-11 365 32720 4.8 1565 3.8 1252 Lifetime 166900 4.3 7099 3.5 5884 9th Dam: Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET VG-88 EX-MS DOM 2-04 365 33617 4.5 1499 3.5 1169 Full brother: 7HO5157 Durham 10th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95,2E EEEEE GMD-DOM 6-00 365 35230 4.0 1425 3.0 1049 Lifetime 180240 3.9 7108 3.2 5723 *Dam of sires ‘Durham’ & ‘Dundee’ 11th Dam: Snow-N Dorys Denise EX-90,2E EX-MS GMD-DOM 5-09 365 33350 3.8 1256 3.1 1038 Lifetime 114010 3.6 4153 3.2 3649

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Macland HF Yoder Rachel-ET EX-94,2E EEEEE DOM

*Grand Champion Eastern Fall Nat’l Holstein Show 2021 (Dam of Lot 31 and 3rd Dam of Lot 27)

LOT 31

Macland The Yoder On DL-ET

3207081223 100%RHA-NA Born 6/6/21 12/21 PTA +2690GTPI +992M +.08% +61F +.05% +45P +640NM$ +3.0PL -.6DPR 2.92SCS +1.96T +1.57UDC +.68FLC +176FE -.2FI 2.1%SCE +650CM$ A2/A2 AB

Embryo contract

Sells with 4 embryo contract @ $1,000/each to AltaJapan

Scott Culbertson & James McFarland 4934 Hwy 247 NE Elgin, MN 55932 507-923-1881

Farnear Delta-Lambda-ET 3125993715 12/21 PTA +2758GTPI +1123M +.01% +47F +.03% +43P +669NM$ +4.6PL -.7DPR 2.75SCS +2.72T +2.91UDC +.79FLC 99%R Delta X EX-91,2E Numero Uno Macland HF Yoder Rachel-ET 6-03 EX-94,2E EEEEE DOM 3126231394 12/21 PTA +2551GTPI +945M +54F +42P +2.1PL +1.85T 2-01 333 24520 4.0 993 3.4 834 3-01 317 27410 4.2 1155 3.5 962 4-03 365 27820 4.4 1215 3.7 1020 5-06 352 35690 4.0 1427 3.6 1287 Lifetime 115960 4.2 4817 3.6 4131 Sire: Woodcrest Mogul Yoder-ET (Pictured above) *Nom. All-American 5yr-old 2020 *1st Aged Cow & Grand Champion Eastern Fall Nat’l Holstein Show 2021 *Supreme Champion PA All-Am 2021

2nd Dam: S-S-I Uno Rama 8431-ET VG-88 VE++V 2-04 316 22470 4.6 1038 3.5 793 3-04 365 29280 4.1 1189 3.6 1052 4-06 260 21490 4.0 859 3.6 769 3rd Dam: S-S-I Snowman Rachel7516 EX-90 EEVVE DOM 2-05 365 37400 3.6 1333 3.2 1199 5-05 365 38950 3.2 1256 3.2 1239 Lifetime 153910 3.5 5362 3.3 5076 4th Dam: Roylane Socra Mira 1760-ET EX-91,2E EEVVE DOM 3-11 305 38790 4.2 1617 3.2 1257 5-11 305 40080 3.5 1411 3.3 1328 Lifetime 180370 3.7 6734 3.4 6172 5th Dam: Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET VG-86 +VVVV DOM 3-00 365 36430 4.4 1606 3.6 1304 *Dam of sires: Robust, Bob & Punch 6th Dam: Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 VEVVE GMD-DOM 3-06 365 35900 3.8 1364 3.4 1229 7th Dam: Lynmead Celsius Minnow-ET EX-91,2E EEEVV GMD-DOM 4-10 365 49550 3.7 1857 3.2 1592 Lifetime 255910 3.7 9446 3.3 8481 8th Dam: CMV Melwood Mindy-ET VG-85 VE+V GMD-DOM 4-01 365 36341 3.6 1305 3.4 1239 9th Dam: Briarpatch-R Misty-ET VG-85 +E+V GMD-DOM 2-02 365 24680 4.8 1176 3.1 776 10th Dam: Rilara Mars Las Ravena EX-91 EVEE GMD-DOM 4-03 305 29030 4.6 1329

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~ Richmond-FD Barbie EX-92,2E EEVEE DOM

Lifetime 197550 3.5 6931 2.9 5657 (6th Dam of Lot 32)

Richmond-FD S Barbara-ET EX-90 EVVVE DOM 2-04 365 33460 4.2 1401 3.2 1065 (5th Dam of Lot 32)

LOT 32 Embryos *Selling 4-#1 IVF female embryos sired by Engineer PA = +2937GTPI +1004NM$

Richmond Farms Dairy

10705 Jennings Rd North Collins, NY 14111 716-913-5739 Pine-Tree Engineer-ET 3150687548 12/21 PTA +2985GTPI +798M +.25% +102F +.10% +55P +996NM$ +6.4PL +.4DPR 2.75SCS +1.10T +.59UDC +1.03FLC 80%R Pursuit X VG-85 Prophecy Richmond-FD Lgc Barbara-ET 3201125200 12/21 PTA +2888GTPI +670M +.27% +103F +.08% +43P +1012NM$ +6.2PL -.5DPR 2.75SCS +.66T +1.01UDC +.64FLC A2/A2 BB Sire: Pine-Tree CW Legacy-ET *An aspiration from Barbara for $47,000 in 2021 Nat’l Conv. Sale!

2nd Dam: Richmond-FD Spectre Bass 3rd Dam: Richmond-FD Delta Bugle-ET GP-83 VVGG+ 2-01 365 32140 4.1 1327 3.3 1059 3-04 365 34700 4.2 1468 3.4 1177 4th Dam: Richmond-FD Oak Banjo-ET VG-85 VVG+V DOM 2-02 305 30870 4.0 1221 2.9 910 5th Dam: (Pictured above) Richmond-FD S Barbara-ET*TY EX-90 EVVVE DOM 2-04 365 33460 4.2 1401 3.2 1065 6-00 365 36170 4.1 1493 2.9 1056 6th Dam: (Pictured above) Richmond-FD Barbie*TY EX-92,2E EEVEE DOM 5-03 365 39810 3.1 1248 2.9 1151 6-07 365 36850 3.5 1288 3.0 1110 Lifetime 197550 3.5 6931 2.9 5657 7th Dam: Richmond-FD M-Str Gabrielle EX-91,2E EEVEE 2-01 365 32160 3.9 1261 3.0 958 Lifetime 151760 4.0 6090 3.2 4909 8th Dam: Richmond-FD Medostar Mars VG-88 EEFEV DOM 5-10 365 43240 3.5 1521 2.9 1240 Lifetime 160140 3.6 5823 3.1 4999 9th Dam: Richmond-FD Eden Str Meadow GP-83 4-07 365 30020 4.4 1328 3.4 1024 Lifetime 111240 4.3 4823 3.4 3762 10th Dam: Charich Beth Star Eden VG-87 +EV+V GMD-DOM 6-02 311 33840 4.3 1457 3.0 1017 Lifetime 185620 4.0 7426 3.1 5824 11th Dam: Charich C Star Beth-ET VG-88 VEEEV DOM 9-09 365 31550 3.9 1225 3.0 936 Lifetime 244930 3.8 9332 3.0 7425

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Photo page for Hollermann group of 10 head that sell as Lot 33

Hollerman Family Dairy

DD 3 21 29 22 24 16 29 2 21 18

DD 3 21 29 22 24 16 29 2 21 18

MM 2 2 7 5 5 3 3 4 3 4

MM 2 2 7 5 5 3 3 4 3 4

YY 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021

YY 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021

REGNUM 003228177730 003228177734 003228177963 003228177903 003228177909 003228177761 003228177799 003228177811 003228177772 003228177845

REGNUM 003228177730 003228177734 003228177963 003228177903 003228177909 003228177761 003228177799 003228177811 003228177772 003228177845




-0.26 -0.45 -0.47 0.54

0.45 -0.18 -0.58 0.15


FAT 1.05 0.81 0.54 -0.34 0.39 -0.29 -0.40 -0.03 -0.08 0.08

FU 2.10 0.97 0.23 1.82 1.08 1.51 1.13 1.13 0.43 0.67

RUH 1.93 1.70 1.01 1.45 1.88 1.62 2.16 1.42 1.01 1.26

RUW 1.88 2.11 1.44 1.63 2.09 1.61 2.00 1.48 1.16 1.05

UC 1.03 0.55 0.18 0.26 0.56 0.96 0.47 0.32 0.14 0.52

UD 1.95 0.31 -0.57 1.37 0.02 1.12 0.25 0.10 -0.32 0.24

FTP 1.04 0.22 0.70 1.00 0.71 1.09 0.82 1.34 0.70 0.85

790 0.21 92 0.08

RTP 1.03 0.11 0.79 0.65 1.04 1.19 0.87 1.50 0.49 0.91


TL -0.32 0.56 -0.03 -1.52 -0.07 -1.6 3 0.13 -2.09 -0.44 -1.74


MF 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.0


DA 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.5 1.0



PL 6.6 2.4 5.5 7.3 5.7 5.9 6.9 5.6 6.2 4.7



DPR 1.5 -2.5 -0.3 0.4 -0.4 1.2 -0.4 0.3 0.7 -2.7

FI 1.4 -1 .8 0.4 1.0 -0.1 1.6 0.7 1.1 1.0 -1 .7


RP 0.0 0.2 -0.6 -0.4 0.1 0.3 -0.1 -0.3 0.1 -0.2

2.7 -0.2 0.4

SCS 2.63 2.84 2.82 2.49 2.67 2.70 2.56 2.87 2.89 2.86

KET MAS MET 1.6 2.3 1.4 2.2 1.0 1.3 2.1 1.2 0.3 2.4 3.7 1.6 1.7 2.9 1.3 1.5 2.7 1.2 2.5 2.5 0.9 1.6 2.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.9 -0.4 1.2 0.20 1.11 1.54 1.65 0.50 0.45 0.85 0.86 -0.72 0.0 0.7 1.9

FLS 0.67 0.90 0.27 -0.33 0.94 -0.11 -0.24 0.03 -0.05 -0.10

~Secondary Traits ~



948 2855



LIV 2.5 -1 .5 3.5 3.9 1.1 2.7 1.7 2.2 3.0 1.2

18200 Dunlin Rd Burtrum, MN 56318 320-760-1177

Shawn Hollermann

DAMREGNAME NM$ CM$ GTPI DWP$ MILK %F FAT %P PRO CFP FEED F SAV HOLLERMANN ROME 1 442-ET 918 939 2941 920 868 0.16 81 0.08 49 130 206 -50 BRABANTDALE PERK BUTTERBOX-ET 885 905 2936 828 858 0.37 139 0.10 56 195 296 -1 55 HOLLERMANN CRIMSON 1 705-ET 1012 1030 2936 1007 1028 0.25 112 0.08 56 168 268 -28 HOLLERMANN MEDLEY 1 264-ET 925 948 2878 883 417 0.25 88 0.08 36 124 187 -1 06 HOLLERMANN ROME 1 442-ET 900 918 2859 953 967 0.15 82 0.07 49 131 231 165 HOLLERMANN YODER 563Y-ET 953 973 2856 978 702 0.16 74 0.09 47 121 226 265 HOLLERMANN ROLAN 1420 908 924 2838 910 851 0.19 87 0.04 39 126 202 -6 HOLLERMANN ROME 1 663-ET 945 957 2816 891 746 0.20 87 0.06 39 126 239 331 MJH FARLO 1 356 935 954 2764 631 0.16 71 0.10 49 120 231 327 FB-RVR SOLUTION MILLIE-ET 920 935 2728 831 0.22 96 0.07 47 143 263 289

BK KK ST SR BD DF RA TW LSV LRV A1A2 0.74 0.23 -0.10 0.22 -0.03 0.41 -1.07 0.95 A2A2 1.19 0.95 1.30 1.61 -0.50 1.19 0.34 1.25 A2A2 -0.01 0.01 -0.15 0.61 1.44 -0.6 5 -1.58 0.33 A1A2 -0.37 -0.55 -1.15 -0.37 0.93 0.17 0.16 -0.28 A2A2 -0.74 -0.39 -0.28 0.34 -0.6 2 -0.49 -0.53 1.22 A2A2 -0.12 -0.82 -0.78 0.46 1.01 0.42 -0.48 -0.53 A2A2 -0.23 -0.35 -0.48 0.53 0.55 0.06 -0.02 -0.42 A2A2 -1.49 -1.31 -1.15 0.77 -0.79 -0.94 -0.6 2 -0.22 A1A2 -0.78 -1.13 -0.89 0.75 0.87 -1.43 -0.41 -0.30 A1A1 -0.82 -1.17 -1.05 0.52 1.65 -0.53 -1.54 -0.47


~Primary Traits ~

Vaccination Protocol: Birth: calf-guard, Bovine Ecolizer+C, Inforce 3. 6 weeks: Inforce 3 and Express 10 . 8 weeks: Inforce 3. 6 months: Express 10

* Heifers must be picked up by January 1, 2022, housed free of charge. After that, $4/head/day charge until they leave.

LOT 33 (Group Lot of 10 head


SCE 2.4 2.4 2.3 1.8 2.1 1.7 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.9


PTAT 1.27 1.36 0.50 0.76 1.02 0.74 0.71 0.52 0.26 0.20


FLC 0.61 0.77 0.27 -0.27 1.21 -0.21 -0.26 0.30 0.06 -0.05


UDC 1.78 0.93 0.59 1.49 1.47 1.44 1.46 1.28 0.76 0.96

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

EK-STJ Brilliant-RED-ET EX-94,3E EEEEE 96-MS

8-11 365 65700 4.0 2628 3.32 2102 (Dam of Lots 34A & 34B)

LOT 34A Embryos *Selling 5-#1 IVF female embryos sired by Analyst-RED

Sire of Lot 32A embryos: Mr Affection Analyst-RED-ET 3136496608 8/21 PTA +1917GTPI +2.96T +2.55UDC +1.96FLC 80%R Unstopabull X EX-94 Byway

LOT 34B Embryos *Selling 4-#1 IVF female embryos sired by Warrior-RED

Sire of Lot 32B embryos: Mr Blondin Warrior-RED-ET 3139655530 8/21 PTA +2043GTPI +3.47T +2.21UDC +1.64FLC 80%R Avalanche X Doorman

Scarlet Summer Holsteins 7904 Armstrong Rd Muncy, PA 17756 570-772-3542

Dam of Lots of 34A & 34B: EK-STJ Brilliant-RED-ET EX-94,3E EEEEE 96-MS 71311492 2-02 305 20240 3.5 705 3.3 661 3-09 330 30330 3.3 997 3.2 969 4-09 365 33320 3.6 1184 2.9 981 5-11 313 29620 3.8 1122 3.2 934 6-11 365 53320 3.9 2101 2.9 1567 8-11 365 65700 4.0 2628 3.2 2102 Lifetime 255980 3.7 9383 3.1 8039 Sire: EK-STJ Brilliant-RED-ET (Pictured above) *Sr Champion Premier National Jr Red & White Show 2021 *Grand Champion Twin Tiers Regional Show 2021

2nd Dam: Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95 EEEEE 2-05 298 24720 4.1 1023 3.2 789 3-04 365 34465 3.6 1257 3.3 1133 5-00 365 33548 3.9 1301 3.1 1035 -2011 HHM All-American Aged Cow -2011 1st Aged Cow and Res. Grand Champ at the NY Int’l Spring Show -2010 Un All-Am * All-Can 5yr-old -2010 Mem. Nom. A-A Best 3 females -2008 N. All-Am & All-Can Jr 3yr-old 3rd Dam: RF Outside Breeze-ET EX-95,2E EEEEE 4-02 334 31920 4.7 1488 3.5 1113 5-03 365 37607 4.3 1623 3.3 1237 Lifetime 165379 4.6 7460 3.6 5973 *1st 125,000lb cow Sr & Grand Champ @ 2011 Southern Spring National 4th Dam: Rayverley Briana Milan-ET EX,2E-CAN 6-03 365 27075 3.4 928 3.2 862 5th Dam: Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-5E-CAN 9* 10-05 365 29081 3.5 1005 3.1 913 Lifetime 199869 3.3 6592 3.2 6455 *2X Supreme Champion WDE *4X All-Canadian Mature Cow *3X All-American Aged Cow *A-A People’s Choice Winner 1999 *Holstein Int’l Cow of the Year 1999 *Nom. for QII-Queen of the Breed 2004

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

JX MM Maid Moira 2312 VG-86% 2-06 289 17450 5.6 979 4.3 753 (Dam of Lot 35)

LOT 35 Jersey

MM Dimitri Moira 15598-P-ET 3234636891 ID Eartag 15598 Born 5/12/21 12/21 PTA +145GJPI +376M +.19% +59F +.11% +37P +667NM$ +5.1PL -1.0DPR 2.79SCS +1.1T +10.0GJUI +686CM$ A2/A2

Misty Meadow Dairy

2614 1st St Tillamook, OR 97141 Matt Hogan 503-812-8990

Avi-Lanche Kiawa Dimitri-P-ET 3148506979 12/21 PTA +111GJPI +198M +.18% +48F +.10% +28P +529NM$ +4.3PL +9.4GJUI +.7T *#48 CM$ Polled Jersey of the Breed! Kiawa X Got Maid *Ready to IVF

JX MM Got Maid Moira 2312 (6) 3-10 VG-86% 3146678124 12/21 PTA +121GJPI +343M +65F +43P +3.5PL +3.4GJUI +.9T 1-08 286 16390 5.5 904 4.1 668 2-06 289 17450 5.6 979 4.3 753 Sire: JX Sunset Canyon Got Maid (5) (Pictured above)

2nd Dam: MM MacKenzie Moira 20413 VG-83% 1-07 305 12260 5.9 723 4.2 521 2-07 285 13850 5.7 794 4.6 639

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Coulee Crest Pilot Lava-ET EX-90 4-01 365 27730 5.8 1618 3.9 1071 (Dam of Lot 36 & 2nd Dam of Lot 37)

LOT 36 Guernsey

Coulee Crest Theo Shailene-ETV 3214098865 Tatto P350 Born 5/12/21 12/21 PTA +91CPI +143M +.21% +43F +.05% +14P +393NM$ +3.3PL +.1DPR 2.77SCS +.7T +1.0UDC +.9FLC +403CM$ A2/A2 BB #15 CPI Heifer of the breed! *Premier Index Family of the Guernsey breed!

Coulee Crest Theo Shailee-ETV

Coulee Crest LLC c/o Kurt Peterson 28752 Navajo Rd Cashton, WI 54619 Kurt Peterson 608-633-2321

(She sells as Lot 36)

2nd Dam: Coulee Crest Laredo Lalita-ET GP-84 GSD 1-09 365 22370 5.4 1216 3.7 824 3-02 365 29720 5.6 1652 3.7 1094 4-05 333 23610 5.4 1275 3.7 867 5-06 358 26720 5.5 1458 3.6 975 6-07 365 30500 5.9 1786 3.8 1146 Lifetime 153860 5.6 8602 3.7 5756

Ripley Farms Networth C Theo 3146571505 12/21 PTA +83PTI +.20% +31F +4P +465NM$ +4.6PL +1.3DPR +.4T +.6UDC +1.5FLC 48%R 3rd Dam: Net Worth X VG-88 Double L Flambeau Manor Design Lori-ET EX-90 GSD Coulee Crest Pilot Lava-ET 3-06 365 44250 5.9 2600 3.0 1313 5-04 EX-90 97000835 Lifetime 184340 5.4 10017 3.3 6002 12/21 PTA +136PTI +980M +56F +33P 4th Dam: +353NM$ +1.3T +2.0UDC +1.7FLC Flambeau Manor Enhancer Lana 2-11 365 27590 5.6 1558 3.6 997 EX-92 GSD 4-01 365 27730 5.8 1618 3.9 1071 5-10 365 30271 5.4 1645 3.2 968 Sire: Lindrian Grumpy Pilot-ET Lifetime 132421 4.9 6454 3.3 4293 (Pictured above) 5th Dam: Flambeau Vol Laura EX-90 6th Dam: Flambeau Manor Leslie EX-90 GSD

~Fun in the Sun-Sarasota Edition~

Coulee Crest Pilot Lava-ET EX-90 4-01 365 27730 5.8 1618 3.9 1071 (Dam of Lot 36 & 2nd Dam of Lot 37)

LOT 37 Guernsey

IVF Session

Gladheart Holsteins LLC c/o Ed Crossland

1030 Longwood Drive Cumberland, MD 21502 *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar301-697-1328 anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration Golden I London and mating sire decisions. 68039423 12/21 PTA +81PTI +851M +28F +25P +114NM$ Dam of IVF Session: +1.2T +.7UDC +1.9FLC 73%R Coulee Crest London Skylar-ETV Vigilant X EX-90 Sunrise 3214098931 Tattoo P342 Born 3/17/21 12/21 PTA +92CPI +890M +.00% +41F -.02% +26P +269NM$ -.6PL -.9DPR 3.00SCS +.90T +1.3UDC +1.3FLC +272CM$ A2/A2 #11 CPI Heifer of the breed! *Premier Index Family of the Guernsey breed!

Coulee Crest Pilot Lava-ET 5-04 EX-90 97000835 12/21 PTA +136PTI +980M +56F +33P +353NM$ +1.3T +2.0UDC +1.7FLC 2-11 365 27590 5.6 1558 3.6 997 4-01 365 27730 5.8 1618 3.9 1071 Sire: Lindrian Grumpy Pilot-ET (Pictured above)

3rd Dam: Coulee Crest Laredo Lalita-ET GP-84 GSD 1-09 365 22370 5.4 1216 3.7 824 3-02 365 29720 5.6 1652 3.7 1094 4-05 333 23610 5.4 1275 3.7 867 5-06 358 26720 5.5 1458 3.6 975 6-07 365 30500 5.9 1786 3.8 1146 Lifetime 153860 5.6 8602 3.7 5756 4th Dam: Flambeau Manor Design Lori-ET EX-90 GSD 3-06 365 44250 5.9 2600 3.0 1313 Lifetime 184340 5.4 10017 3.3 6002 5th Dam: Flambeau Manor Enhancer Lana EX-92 GSD 5-10 365 30271 5.4 1645 3.2 968 Lifetime 132421 4.9 6454 3.3 4293 6th Dam: Flambeau Vol Laura EX-90 7th Dam: Flambeau Manor Leslie EX-90 GSD


___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

LOT # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7A 7B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19A 19B 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

COMMENT1 MM DD YY REGNUM ANIMALNAME IVF 8 9 21 003240345389 PINE-TREE 7593 OUTC 9188-ET IVF 4 17 21 003228724291 CHERRY-ACRES GDAY LICKY-ET IVF 5 18 21 003238208024 CHERRY-ACRES RN GDAY 544-ET IVF 5 4 21 003228676719 PLAIN-KNOLL GAMEDAY 3546-ET IVF 11 8 20 003222919195 RUANN ALPHA NORAIN-5784-ET SELLS-1/2 6 30 21 003225323161 FB 644050 PLINKO 700623-ET SELLS-CH 8 8 21 003225323291 FB 636636 ZAZZLE 700753-ET SELLS-CH 8 18 21 003225323331 FB 636636 ZAZZLE 700793-ET SELLS 7 13 21 003239140649 SHELAND LIFT OFF DELIGHT-ET SELLS 8 23 21 003225323344 FB 622352 ZAZZLE 700806-ET SELLS 10 14 21 003225323491 FB 622352 GAMEDAY 700953-ET SELLS 8 25 21 003238208089 CHERRYPENCOL GD LOOKER-ET SELLS 5 1 21 003225322987 FB 476619 TORRO 700449-ET SELLS 4 28 21 003234744473 MELARRY TORRO 2328-ET SELLS 9 15 21 000145287810 MELON-PATCH GAME EMBARK-ET SELLS 6 21 21 003228682779 PINE-TREE 8418 RAYSH 709-ET SELLS 2 17 21 003208360053 PINE-TREE 8361 DINE 8975-ET IVF 10 28 20 003225322552 FB 474652 HELIX 700014-ET IVF 4 30 20 003216437367 FB 436820 MONUM 661081-P-ET IVF-CH 7 1 21 003236454922 TERRA-LINDA GAMEDY 11222-ET IVF-CH 8 18 21 003236454992 TERRA-LINDA GAMEDY 11292-ET IVF 4 13 21 003233722265 RC-TM BD DELUXE BICYCLE-ET IVF 5 28 21 003228176057 BGP 20002 COKEZERO-ET SELLS 9 21 21 003237492028 SCENERY-VIEW CEROUS-ET SELLS 7 29 21 003240345374 PINE-TREE 8571 OUTC 9173-ET SELLS 8 1 21 003240345379 PINE-TREE 7593 OUTC 9178-ET SELLS 10 19 21 003240345486 PINE-TREE 8361 OUTC 9285-ET SELLS 9 9 21 003239281141 HOLLERMANN TOP DOG 2566-ET SELLS 1 10 21 003207081203 MACLAND RUE THE DAY SELLS 2 24 21 003224449740 WINSTAR MENDEL 7774-ET SELLS 9 1 21 003239527206 ERNEST-ANTHONY NOT HERE-ET SELLS 9 1 21 003239527207 ERNEST-ANTHONY NOT NOW-ET SELLS 6 6 21 003207081223 MACLAND THE YODER ON DL-ET EMBRYOS 003201125200 RICHMOND-FD LGC BARBARA-ET GROUP HOLLERMANN GROUP AVERAGES EMBRYOS 000071311492 EK-STJ BRILLIANT-RED-ET

NM$ 1257 1160 1115 1123 1127 1138 1142 1134 1116 1109 1106 1092 1092 1075 967 1061 1060 1110 1037 1088 1079 1045 1070 694 1026 1067 989 1030 985 983 760 623 640 1012 930

CM$ 1270 1180 1134 1139 1144 1153 1165 1155 1139 1131 1128 1119 1110 1090 984 1082 1071 1121 1058 1109 1089 1066 1081 700 1037 1076 997 1052 997 1012 775 635 650 1030 948

GTPI 3047 3061 3064 3066 3060 3054 3008 3040 3016 3039 3048 3009 2984 2892 3042 2972 2932 2957 2947 3000 3035 2998 2927 2769 2965 2919 3002 2990 2888 2886 2934 2837 2690 2888 2855 921

1095 1055 1023 991


968 1015



DWP$ 1286 1138 1143

MILK 1509 1166 900 1341 1383 2028 623 1104 733 1181 918 375 1092 1171 1195 1359 1408 2218 323 801 1421 1091 1224 968 1453 1405 1698 1098 1344 146 872 1287 992 670 790

%F 0.25 0.19 0.19 0.24 0.23 0.13 0.29 0.25 0.28 0.24 0.26 0.30 0.16 0.15 0.21 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.38 0.32 0.19 0.26 0.23 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.17 0.28 0.11 0.37 0.20 0.03 0.08 0.27 0.21

FAT 133 101 90 121 120 116 107 116 110 115 110 99 88 90 108 90 94 131 119 124 111 117 113 87 115 104 117 124 84 111 91 57 61 103 92

%P 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.09 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.13 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.08

PRO 60 58 45 55 64 80 52 63 48 62 53 43 63 46 53 65 51 86 40 50 52 55 52 42 56 49 62 64 57 40 53 58 45 43 47

CFP 193 159 135 176 184 196 159 179 158 177 163 142 151 136 161 155 145 217 159 174 163 172 165 129 171 153 179 188 141 151 144 115 106 146 138

FEED 343 275 233 299 323 336 298 307 273 285 273 259 274 250 253 268 261 377 268 306 277 278 300 230 292 283 292 295 250 244 207 156 176 260 235

FSAV 290 153 134 137 227 148 375 161 168 -13 91 284 252 272 -65 132 233 213 132 241 125 2 312 198 142 330 14 -76 181 28 -242 -305 21 233 103

LIV 3.8 3.1 3.8 1.9 -0.5 1.2 4.4 3.7 1.7 2.4 1.4 3.0 1.6 3.9 1.3 2.1 3.2 -3.6 3.6 1.4 3.7 1.4 0.8 -3.3 1.8 2.8 1.0 1.5 3.0 3.6 0.8 0.3 0.8 3.1 2.0

FUN IN THE SUN_HOLSTEIN PRODUCTION & SELECTION INDEX INFORMATION PL 6.6 8.3 8.8 6.4 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 7.6 6.4 7.1 6.8 6.6 7.7 5.3 6.4 6.7 3.5 5.7 5.3 6.7 5.8 5.3 1.4 4.6 5.7 3.9 5.1 5.3 5.7 3.7 3.8 3.0 6.2 5.7

SCS 2.75 2.64 2.60 2.63 2.76 2.82 2.77 2.78 2.57 2.65 2.62 2.56 2.93 2.58 2.64 2.65 2.74 2.98 2.81 2.71 2.74 2.56 2.83 3.05 2.81 2.76 2.88 2.75 2.87 2.59 2.99 2.96 2.92 2.75 2.73

DPR -1.3 1.2 2.2 -1.5 -0.5 -2.0 -0.1 -1.2 0.6 -0.8 0.2 0.8 1.8 -0.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 -2.1 1.0 -1.1 -0.2 -1.1 -1.2 0.6 -1.7 -0.9 -1.1 -1.3 1.0 0.6 -0.8 -0.5 -0.6 -0.5 -0.2

FI -0.9 1.2 2.4 -0.6 -0.2 -1.0 -0.2 -0.8 1.3 -0.3 0.5 1.3 2.1 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.8 -1.2 1.2 -0.4 0.1 0.0 -0.3 1.0 -1.7 -0.5 -0.4 -0.4 1.5 0.7 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 0.1 0.4

SCE 1.7 2.6 2.6 2.8 1.8 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.7 2.6 1.6 2.2 3.1 2.1 1.8 2.1 1.7 2.5 2.8 2.2 1.4 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.1 1.9 2.0

PTAT 0.21 0.91 1.11 1.55 1.45 1.12 0.94 1.25 0.68 1.03 1.17 1.02 0.85 0.43 1.95 0.64 0.57 0.30 0.56 1.07 1.52 1.18 0.91 2.14 1.13 0.41 1.27 0.77 0.48 0.08 2.69 3.00 1.96 0.66 0.73

FLC -0.16 -0.20 0.41 0.54 0.40 0.54 0.48 0.28 0.27 -0.62 0.18 0.20 -0.11 -0.23 0.21 0.30 -0.09 -0.35 0.73 0.61 1.15 0.05 0.25 0.91 0.65 0.36 0.48 0.41 0.12 0.07 1.47 1.52 0.68 0.64 0.24

UDC 0.68 1.51 2.08 1.48 1.41 0.84 1.53 1.29 1.12 1.45 1.46 1.71 1.27 1.20 1.95 0.94 1.42 0.03 0.56 1.10 1.29 0.83 0.85 1.66 1.55 1.41 1.73 0.59 0.81 0.59 2.48 2.65 1.57 1.01 1.22

HAPS BK A1A1 H6 A2A2 A1A2 A1A2 A1A1 A2A2 A2A2 A1A2 A1A2 A1A2 A2A2 A1A1 A2A2 A2A2 A2A2 A2A2 A1A2 A2A2 PC A2A2 A1A2 A1A1 A2A2 A2A2 PP/RC A2A2 A1A1 A1A1 A1A2 HCD A2A2 H6 A2A2 H5 A2A2 A1A2 A1A2 A2A2 A2A2



LOT # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7A 7B 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19A 19B 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


MM 8 4 5 5 11 6 8 8 7 8 10 8 5 4 9 6 2 10 4 7 8 4 5 9 7 8 10 9 1 2 9 9 6

DD 9 17 18 4 8 30 8 18 13 23 14 25 1 28 15 21 17 28 30 1 18 13 28 21 29 1 19 9 10 24 1 1 6

YY 21 21 21 21 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21


REGNUM 003240345389 003228724291 003238208024 003228676719 003222919195 003225323161 003225323291 003225323331 003239140649 003225323344 003225323491 003238208089 003225322987 003234744473 000145287810 003228682779 003208360053 003225322552 003216437367 003236454922 003236454992 003233722265 003228176057 003237492028 003240345374 003240345379 003240345486 003239281141 003207081203 003224449740 003239527206 003239527207 003207081223 003201125200

ST -1.34 0.05 0.06 0.51 0.74 0.24 -1.14 0.15 -0.42 0.67 0.78 -0.01 -0.01 -1.03 1.10 0.14 -1.39 -0.08 -0.98 -0.70 -0.02 1.42 -0.26 1.30 -0.33 -1.92 0.51 0.39 -0.04 -1.08 2.36 2.74 1.36 -1.04 -0.26

SR -1.56 -0.41 -0.69 -0.42 -0.40 -0.28 -1.22 -0.02 -0.78 0.24 0.06 -0.62 -1.19 -1.66 0.37 -0.21 -1.24 -0.23 -0.84 -0.57 -0.06 0.89 -0.36 0.17 -0.70 -1.39 0.11 0.35 -0.58 -0.54 1.74 2.38 0.52 -1.15 -0.45

BD -0.91 -0.46 -1.00 -0.06 0.26 0.30 -1.03 0.24 -0.50 0.38 0.08 -0.62 -0.77 -1.47 0.48 -0.13 -1.24 0.17 -0.49 -0.28 0.13 1.15 0.21 0.91 -0.21 -1.16 0.24 0.22 -0.45 -0.78 1.83 2.27 1.12 -0.97 -0.47

DF 1.46 0.99 0.31 1.86 2.35 2.13 1.05 1.62 1.31 1.37 1.10 0.58 1.45 0.54 1.38 0.99 1.05 1.66 1.12 1.52 1.30 1.73 1.85 2.76 1.88 0.68 1.43 1.02 0.63 -0.18 1.90 1.67 2.21 1.09 0.54

RA -2.28 0.43 0.49 -0.62 -0.20 0.46 -0.32 0.46 -0.81 1.40 1.26 0.26 2.74 0.54 0.66 0.63 -0.93 -0.50 -0.73 -2.21 0.69 1.55 0.01 -1.09 -1.60 -1.65 -0.55 0.60 0.87 -0.68 0.07 0.17 0.93 -0.40 0.45

TW 0.02 0.06 -0.03 0.65 0.68 0.08 -0.70 0.34 -0.41 0.85 0.48 -0.25 -1.17 -1.42 0.61 0.24 0.66 -0.39 -0.24 0.48 0.47 0.70 -0.04 0.81 0.88 -0.20 1.02 0.36 -0.90 -0.70 2.09 2.08 1.34 -0.35 -0.18

LSV 1.08 -0.03 -0.29 0.13 1.12 -0.31 0.50 0.45 -0.08 0.07 -0.58 -0.27 -0.53 0.24 0.89 0.07 0.55 0.79 0.49 0.51 -0.11 0.35 1.13 1.71 0.29 0.20 -0.01 -1.08 -1.18 -0.43 -0.20 -0.65 -1.39 -0.47 -0.58

LRV -0.67 -0.42 0.30 0.33 0.27 0.24 -0.14 -0.09 0.10 -0.85 0.29 0.02 -0.54 -0.81 0.07 0.14 -0.86 -0.62 0.36 0.49 1.13 0.17 -0.34 0.53 0.35 -0.07 0.28 0.81 -0.37 -0.02 2.03 2.46 1.00 0.43 0.15

FA -1.07 0.14 0.40 0.80 0.23 -0.04 -0.21 0.08 -0.47 -0.17 0.66 0.28 -0.34 -0.48 0.41 0.16 -0.57 -0.48 -0.29 0.02 0.74 0.43 -0.31 1.07 0.28 -0.46 0.73 0.63 0.27 -0.26 2.09 2.27 1.59 0.08 0.17

FLS -0.27 -0.13 0.43 0.68 0.66 0.69 0.34 0.43 0.22 -0.33 0.33 0.23 0.05 -0.31 0.56 0.36 -0.21 -0.23 0.57 0.44 1.06 0.40 0.40 1.36 0.61 -0.04 0.61 0.39 0.27 -0.19 1.79 1.84 0.90 0.39 0.20

FU 0.17 1.52 2.35 1.65 0.98 0.14 1.05 1.13 0.92 1.55 1.47 1.79 0.85 1.55 2.63 0.50 0.72 -0.59 0.40 0.74 1.29 1.21 0.67 1.47 0.98 0.81 1.90 0.31 0.72 0.75 2.86 3.35 1.35 0.63 1.11

RUH 1.20 2.03 2.41 2.15 2.35 1.76 1.82 1.82 1.44 2.09 2.08 2.23 2.18 1.42 2.41 1.44 1.97 0.70 0.87 1.68 1.89 1.17 1.31 2.84 2.24 1.90 2.42 0.96 1.23 0.36 3.57 3.54 2.69 1.14 1.54

FUN IN THE SUN_HOLSTEIN LINEAR & WELLNESS INFORMATION RUW 0.87 2.02 1.96 2.15 2.67 2.24 1.86 2.25 1.43 2.39 2.07 1.94 1.71 0.73 2.27 1.75 1.95 0.77 0.87 1.99 1.89 2.09 1.52 2.88 2.27 1.61 2.35 1.72 1.10 0.38 4.02 4.25 3.17 1.51 1.65

UC 0.23 0.85 0.93 0.71 1.04 0.48 0.54 0.72 0.02 0.65 0.84 1.03 0.46 -0.12 0.72 0.36 0.01 0.15 -0.12 0.50 0.33 0.76 0.28 1.40 1.20 0.20 0.86 0.50 0.05 -0.57 1.82 2.00 0.79 0.72 0.50

UD -0.56 0.91 2.15 0.68 0.14 -0.71 0.13 -0.07 0.57 0.68 1.07 1.06 0.54 0.91 2.07 0.11 0.09 -0.96 -0.32 -0.58 0.38 0.24 -0.11 0.46 0.12 -0.55 0.94 -0.55 0.29 0.58 1.80 2.08 0.37 0.11 0.45

Sale Consignor Index

Buschur Dairy Farms, Inc Coulee Crest LLC Culbertson & McFarland FB Genetics Gladheart Holsteins LLC Heistand, Daryl Hembury Farms & Y-Run Farms Hollermann, Shawn Jones, Benjamin Casey Kueffner, Ernest Maddox, Stephen & Patrick Melarry Farms Mercuro & Rocky Creek Dairy Misty Meadow Dairy Pen-Col Farm & Hembury Farms Pine-Tree Dairy Richmond Farms Dairy Scarlet Summer Holsteins Sheland Farms LLC Terra Linda Dairy Winstar Genetics LLC

4 36 27,31 6-7B,9,10,12,17,18,21 37 14 2,3 26,32 22 29,30 5 13 20 35 11 1,15,16,23-25 32 34A,34B 8 19A,19B 28


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