Women for justice daniel burkholz sybille fezer

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WOMEN FOR JUSTICE A film by Daniel Burkholz and Sybille Fezer Forced marriages, domestic violence, over 100000 wives killed by fire in so called „household accidents“ every year – in India, violence against women is omnipresent and nearly all women, independent of class, caste and religion are affected. Because Police and Justice hardly give any protection or aid and are often corrupt, women in India have organised to fight fight against this violence and injustice. They founded the “Women for Justice” and the “Nari Adalat” women´s courts. Every week they gather on the roof terrace of the local government or on a dusty place under a tree and dispense justice themselves. With quick-wittedness and creativity

Directors: Daniel Burkholz and Sybille Fezer Interviews: Sybille Fezer Camera: Daniel Burkholz Editor and Postproducer: Jan-Malte Enning; Runtime: 53 Min., Ratio: 16:9, Germany 2014 www.roadside-dokumentarfilm.de Heartfelt thanks for your film which touched me very much. Peter Lilienthal, Price Winner of the Berlinale’s Golden Bear and of the German Film Award With the intimate feel of a documentary and the audacious storytelling of a Werner Herzog's film, Women for Justice delivers a complex and nuanced take on an issue of international importance – Violence against women. CinéWomen A very touching and authentic documentary – don´t miss it! Gisela Zimmer, Lotta

they put beating husbands and quarrelsome mother-in-laws in their place. And – if necessary – they go in as a "heavy squad” to help a poor widow, who was thrown out of the house with her little daughter after the death of her husband, to regain her belongings.

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