DANIEL PRATAMA Selected Works from 2016 - 2019
One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind... Exploring walkability has been a transition point for me in leaping from an architecture student to become an urban designer by practice. While walkability seems to be a modest theme, I firmly believe that it can be an indicator of a just, people-oriented, and livable city. “Connecting the Disconnected” focuses on the quality of the station as a public space and how it can reconnect what has been separated by railway development. Personally, ‘Walkability Intervention‘ is a wake-up call, that piecemeal architecture development alone is not a cure-toall urban issue. ‘Jakarta Diet Program‘ carry the walkability intervention process in a theoretical competition without the boundary of a project scope limitation. The new towns approach, as encountered in the ‘Tegalluar Detail Masterplan‘ and ‘Archipelago + Forest City‘ is a contrast from the previous and smaller projects. These projects exercise urban design on a larger scale with a tabula rasa approach. I desire to perpetually grow as a strategic designer with a comprehensive planning perspective. I expect to create future people-oriented cities where pedestrians can thrive as a sign of livability.
All images are created by Daniel unless stated otherwise.
Connecting the Disconnected
Walkability Intervention
Jakarta Diet Program
New Town Development Around A High Speed Train Station
Archipelago + Forest City
Train Station as Transitional Social Place Best Final Project | Undergraduate Final Project
Streetscape Improvement in Blok M, Jakarta Built | Volunteer Project
The Missing Link between Fat Jakarta & Fit Jakarta Second Winner | Independent Professional Competition
Vision & Detail Masterplan in Tegalluar, Bandung Completed | Professional Project
Masterplan for the New Capital City of Indonesia First Winner | Professional Competition
01 CONNECTING THE DISCONNECTED Train Station as Transitional Social Place Undergraduate Final Project Best Final Project April 2016 Graduates Location Level / Year Project Scope Area Academic Level
: : : : :
Margonda Street, Depok City, ID Academic / 2016 Schematic Architecture 2.5 Ha Individual Final Project for Undergraduate Study Ir. Indra Budiman Syamwil, M.Sc., Ph.D. syamwil@ar.itb.ac.id
Railway development often disconnects city area that it passes through. In the case of Depok TOD Area, the site is divided into two parts: the western residential area and the eastern commercial area. The new station is, therefore, seek to become an interlude, connector and transition between these separated areas. The station will connect the east and the west, the residential and the commercial, the smaller grain of the urban fabric and the larger one. By doing so, the improvement will not affect the existing station building only, but also the whole development area.
How might a station serve as a transitional space between the small grains and the large grains of urban fabric?
The site is geographically positioned between two contrasting urban fabrics. Therefore, the station area needs to be an interlude and transition between the two fabrics.
The red dots indicate the existing chokepoint that causes traffic congestion. The disordered intersections and circulations between minibus, motorcycles and private cars cause congestion.
Site Plan
A East Drop-Off Area B East Plaza PROGRAM STUDI ARSITEKTUR AR 4099 C Main Station STUDIO TUGAS AKHIR SEM I - 2015/2016 INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG D West Plaza E Street Hawkers Area F Motorcycle & Bicycle Parking G Car Parking Area H West Drop-Off Area I Minibus Feeder Terminal J Taxi K Future Apartment
Detail Brise Soleil
D2 13
Reconnecting the Disconnected
Disconnectivity Axis The division between residential and commercial area creates an imaginary axis of the connection.
Function Division
Pedestrian Plaza Pedestrian Plaza acts as an entrance, orientation, as well as a transition point towards the station interiors. Station acts as a connector.
Passenger Circulation
Fundamental station The passenger’s elements are located circulation must not in the main axis while cross with the train supporting elements circulation, thus the are on the perimeter. pedestrian bridge that connects multiple platforms.
Commercial area surrounds the station to create a hierarchy of space. Unlike typical commercial malls, the station will be the focal point of the atrium.
A Transitioning Scale from the Kampung to The City
The Station acts as a public space by providing a DUCATIONAL PRODUCT pedestrian plaza.
Building scales provide a smooth transition from the residential area towards the commercial areas.
The station acts as a CONNECTOR of the residential district to commercial district.
Potongan B1
B1 9
6300 107600
Perspective of West Plaza Commercial Area
Perspective of Train Platform Area
m Pedestrian Bridge
Commercial Area Atrium towards the Station Entrance
Station Plaza as A Public Place While performing as a functional train station, the Depok Baru Train Station also acts as a public space, hosting various activities to cater all variant of users.
02 WALKABILITY INTERVENTION Streetscape Improvement in Blok M, Jakarta Location Level / Date Client Project Scope :
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Area Involvement Contribution
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Melawai Street (Pilot), Blok M, Jakarta, ID Volunteer / 2016 Dinas Bina Marga Pedestrian Connection Improvement Detailed Engineering Drawing 1km Main Project Designer Assisting Principal in charge in various design scope, leading the drawing and modelling process, coordinating with client and stake holders, leading coordination with outsourced drafter built
Melawai Street is one of the few areas in Jakarta that still has zero building setback, making it potential as a lively commercial street. However, the existing state shows the opposite. A struggling business, few pedestrians, and misusage of the pedestrian path as a vehicle parking spot has become a ubiquitous sight. The project seeks to revitalize the potential street as a lively street. The street is designed with inclusivity in mind by incorporating the guiding block system. Upon completion, we have the chance to evaluate the design by inviting the visually impaired community to walk around the street. Another innovation in this project is the utilization of speed tables that slow down vehicles and prioritizes the crossings of pedestrians. The project also initiates the green pedestrian path by incorporating water-absorbent concrete as its material.
Ardzuna Sinaga Daniel Pratama
Urban Guerilla (Project Initiatior) (Volunteer)
How might a project intervene with minimum disruption? Building Frontage Mapping All frontages in the project corridors are identified in order to define the specific course of action based on the existing context. The mapped identification helped to clarify which sections are more accessible to develop, which corridor is already in good condition, and which one needed crucial improvements.
Design Principles
PRINCIPLE 1: Prioritize People!
PRINCIPLE 2: Clear Zoning
Speed tables are designed to slow down crossing vehicles and give priority to the crossing pedestrian.
Buffer area acts as an obstruction so that vehicles cannot park illegally as well as utilities and poles area.
PRINCIPLE 3: Connect to Transit Dedicated buses lane with a proper waiting area.
PRINCIPLE 4: Be Inclusive Promoting inclusivity is achieved by providing proper accessibility for everyone.
Escalating impacts on districts scale
Community evaluation
Upon the completion of the project, we conduct an evaluation tour & surveys by inviting the visually-impaired community. Their concerns become a suggestions for other streetscape improvement projects. Left: Photos of me conducting an interview session. Photos: Urban Guerilla
03 JAKARTA DIET PROGRAM Missing Link Between Fat Jakarta & Fit Jakarta FUTURARC Prize Competition 2017 2nd Prize Professional Category Location Level / Date Project Scope Involvement Contribution
: : : : :
Central Jakarta, ID Competition / 2017 Proposing architecture for common goods that embed itself to existing system Team Leader, Initiator, Main Designer Assembling a team. Conducting initial surveys, analysis, and leading the design discussion process. In charge of developing the final panels. 2nd Prize International Futurarc Competition 2017, Professional Category
Competing against Tokyo-Yokohama, Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) is by far the 2nd largest & most populated city on earth. With such a rapid and unplanned growth, Jakarta is currently unable to provide adequate circulation and connectivity for its citizen. We observe this phenomenon analogous with the symptoms of obesity – and therefore, Jakarta needed a diet program in order to be fit again. A Fit Jakarta is where a city can circulate all of its essential nutrients properly where it consumes and produces at the same time. It is where everybody has the same opportunity to enjoy the city. It is also where housing, works, food, water, energy are within reach.
Contributor Daniel Caesar Pratama Gagas Firas Silmi Arif Rachman Hidayat Adhietya Orlandho Made Harris Kuncara
Idea Framework FAT JAKARTA
Inneficient Movement
Ever-Flowing Movement
Large yet Exclusive Development
Inclusive Development
Unlivable Environment
Healthy Environment
Current Situation: Congestion & Disparity
Train Station Gated Development Traffic
Traffic congestion often occurs at crossings between roads and train track. The social disparity is also apparent in such location with the contrast of gated new development with existing urban slums.
Current Solution: Bypass everything Government tends to solve connectivity issues by creating vehicle overpass. This solution creates further separation between the new development and urban slums.
Road Overpass
Connect Walk Connect Walk
Idea 1: Re-connection by Walking Infrastructure Create an overpass designated for pedestrian and cyclist only. Connect people to transit point, affordable housings (urban slums), and job availability.
Idea 2: Mixed Program Injection
Retail Housing
Retail Housing
Embed the pedestrian bridge with commercial spaces and affordable housing. By performing so, the bridge changes from mere circulation into a destination and origin point.
Idea 3: Green City Initiatives Trees
Cooling Tower
Inject the pedestrian bridge system with tools for creating a better environment. Rooftop vegetation and Ventilating Structures is expected to reduce urban heat island effect.
Current Approach: Superblock New development tends to be bulky and introverted towards neighboring existing developments.
Idea 1: Cut! The building mass is cut into thin slices.
Idea 2: Spread! The thin slices are spread to connect with the surrounding system. The development is no longer enclosed. Instead, they act as a bridge between developments and infrastructures.
Idea 3: Program! The bridge system is given specific character and programs on each corridor. The thematic corridor creates a sense of place. The program is intended to be a supporting program for the neighboring development
Idea 4: Green! Utilize the bridge system as a means to elevate the quality of life by series of ventilating towers, rooftop vegetation, and recycling facilities.
Financial & Construction Scheme Achieving public good is a collective effort. Collaboration between government, private sectors, and community is essential to secure the success of the program. Therefore, it is important to create a financial and construction scheme along with the role of each sector. Government acquire 10m wide land and provide “superstructure” build half of the Housing
Supervise and Regulate
Private Developer Fill “superstructure” with commercial and entertainment program
Cooperate with community to provide mutual relationship
Work for commercial and entertainment program
Operate and manage
Work the farm and recycle center Grow the rest of the housing
Connectivity Scheme: Origin Point | Transit Point | Destination Point The urban loop seeks to reconnect what has been disconnected by improper planning and implementation. The reconnection effort will link pedestrian and cyclist via an overpass to public transportation such as TransJakarta BRT, Commuterline Train, and Jakarta MRT Train. It will also connect the existing Kampung that provides affordable housing towards the offices that provide job opportunities.
Image by Daniel + Arif
Modular Design
The modul of the proposed pedestrian system. Each modul is expected to provide more public housings, more retail areas, and can help to reduce the micro temperature where it resides.
Jakarta’s transition towards mass public transit system will be the key factor of this design’s replicability. This proposal is based on its linkage towards the public transit network then make an effort to connect it to the surrounding programs.
Transit Interchange Ring Visualization inside the commercial bridge that links Dukuh Atas Bus Shelter towards Sudirman Commuter Station. The hub encircles local landmark: Sudirman Statue
Commercial & Residential Spaces Visualization inside the residential area inside the bridge. Various activities that can be accommodated within the space are sports, urban farming, and playgrounds.
Image by Daniel + Harris
04 NEW TOWN DEVELOPMENT AROUND A HIGH SPEED TRAIN STATION Vision & Detail Masterplan in Tegalluar, Bandung Location Level / Date Client Project Scope : Area Involvement Contribution
: : :
: : :
Tegalluar, Bandung Regency, ID Professional / 2018-2019 PT KCIC Detailed Master Planning 340Ha Project Designer Assisting Principal in charge and Project Manager in various design scope and process, leading coordination with 3d render artist, person in charge for final report book on going
3d render in collaboration with outsourced artist (My involvment includes but not limited to designing, modeling, and preparing the render briefs)
Indonesia is about to have the first-ever High-Speed Rail Networks that will connect Jakarta to Bandung. In support of this infrastructure development, Tegalluar as the terminus station will develop its surrounding area as a new town development. The development aims to provide a high-density development that is focused on becoming a creative and sustainable gateway city with a water-sensitive design approach. Several crucial issues in this project are connectivity between the existing and the new public transportation system and developing in a floodprone area.
Development Drivers
Regional Analysis
2.2.5 Previous West Java Metropolitan Area Study AEDAS Analysis •
Based on Government forecasting, projected urban growth from 2015 to 2025 is consolidated around the Bodebek Karpur, Bandung Raya and Cirebon Raya Metropolitan Areas
This projected urban growth closely follows and reinforces the HSR Phase 1 alignment between Jakarta and Bandung
Legend Major City Growth to 2015 Growth to 2025 HSR Phase 1 Alignment Airport Upcoming Airport Seaport Masterplan Study
Source: AEDAS Planning Report
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
The study area is located at the end of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail corridors. The area is located at Bandung Regency at the perimeter of Bandung City.
Regional Positioning
4.1 Es
4.1.1 B
A maximu is awaitin By then, J hour of tr will make Gateway Bandung
National Capital International Gateway
The last s Tegalluar they con Regency that posi Bandung
Bandung Bandung local idea the surro Teknopol Majalaya, ultimately
Consideri Capital o one of the national a and regio and Mark Java.
The Gallery of West Java The Gateway to Bandung City & Bandung Regency
The HSR Development corridor brings tremendous connection opportunity as The Gallery of West Java. to link Jakarta as the national & international capital gateway to Bandung & West Java as the home of local & creative industries. Therefore, this development develops a position as a hub to incubate ideas, showcase, and market the economic power of West Java to a wider market provided by the HSR corridor.
Estate Development Strategies 4.1 Estate Character Vision
Tegalluar New Town:
A Creative and Sustainable Gateway to The Bandung Metropolis
Missions 78
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
Mission 1
Tegalluar as Gateway
to The Greater Bandung Development
Mission 2
Develop with Water
Sensitivity and Sustainable Initiatives
Mission 3
Foster New Creative Communities
General Strategy Tegalluar as Gateway, Connector, and Destination
Tegalluar as Transit Oriented Development
Developing with Water & Nature
Water & Nature as Value Generator
Tegalluar as New Creative Industry Ecosystem
Tegalluar as a Community Oriented Development
New Highway Interchange
Jabar Expo
High Speed Rail Station
Future LRT Line
Principle 1 HSR Station & JaBar EXPO as Gateway Development and Catalyst for Growth
Street Networks HSR Line
Principle 2 Enhanced Connectivity & Accessibility Existing Water Network
Jabar Expo Proposed Water Network
High Speed Rail Station
Principle 3
Creative Industry District
Green & Blue Network as Water Sensitive and Sustainable Strategy
Principle 4 Synergize Three Different Core Programs Expo Generated Development
Transit Generated Development
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Principle 5
Optimizing LandUse Potential
Principle 6 Action-Based Master Plan
Transit Hub CBD
Estate Design Strategies Estate Design Strategies
Estate Design Strategies Residential
5.3 Spatial Framework
Structure Plan
5.4 Land Use Plan & Summary
The Tegalluar New Town spatial framework revolves around two great powerhouses that becomes the main economic generator: The HSR Station and the JABAR Expo. The two landmarks then supported by characterized commercial and residential districts around it. A Green and Blue corridor is intertwined in between the development and acts as a main supporting system that makes the new development resilient, sustainable, and Estate Design distinctive.
Following the principle of Transit Oriented Development, the area within the walking distance radius from transit station • Transit Business District become the main commercial will be given higher density allowance. Optimizing the core of the development and is consolidated within development the within TOD radius area will foster a compact walking distance radius of the HSR Station. and walkable area. The density and building height slowly decline in accordance to the residential building typology • The Expo District become the main Gateway and first towards the development perimeter. impression for the incoming traffic via the new highway interchange.
Estate Design Strategies 5.4 Land Use Plan & Summary Strategies
5.4 Land Use Plan & Summary
und mic wo cial
• Transit Business District become the main commercial core of the development and is consolidated within the walking distance radius of the HSR Station.
the hat and
• The Green and Blue network as the spine of the development, around which the new ecosystem grow.
Land Use Plan interchange.
• Creative District is laid out along the main lake in order to create the best setting for creatives to emerge. The district will be dominated by mid-rise mixed-use building.
TC. 6 1.70Ha
TC. 5 1.88Ha
ER. 4 1.78Ha
TC. 2 3.14Ha
ER. 3 2.58Ha
TC. 1 2.17Ha
HSR & LRT Station
ER. 2 2.39Ha
WR. 1 3.32Ha
Commercial Mixed-use Mid
ER. 10 0.09Ha ER. 11 3.12Ha
WR. 3 1.48Ha ER. 9 1.99Ha
Resi - High Rise
UT. 1 1.07Ha
WR. 5 6.94Ha
Resi - Mid Rise
ER. 12 3.03Ha
FT. 6 1.46Ha
ER. 3 2.58Ha
TC. 1 2.17Ha
ER. 2 2.39Ha
WR. 1 3.32Ha
SR.6 2.05Ha
SR. 1 23.61Ha
WR. 1 3.32Ha
UT. 1 1.07Ha
WR. 4 5.98Ha
FAR 4 - 5
FAR 3 - 3.9 FAR 2 - 2.9
Green Open Space
FAR 0 - 1.9
0 100
Toll Interchange TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
HSR & LRT Station
500 m Commercial
1 km
Mixed-use Mid
Resi - High Rise
Water Corridor
Resi - Mid Rise
Proposed Connection
Resi - Low Rise
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
TC. 5 1.88Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
FAR 4 - 5 0 100
FAR 3 - 3.9
500 m
WR. 4 5.98Ha
FAR 2 - 2.9
WR. 2 2.34Ha
UT. 1 1.07Ha
FT. 15 2.23Ha
WR. 5 Water Incharge 6.94Ha
ER. 4 1.78Ha
Retention Pond
FT. 2 1.63Ha
ER. 12FT. 1 3.03Ha2.04Ha
ER. 1 1.92Ha
FT 1.6
ER. 8 4.81Ha
ER. 10 0.09Ha
SR. 7 0.97Ha
ER. 11 3.12Ha
WR. 3 1.48Ha
FAR 0 - 1.9
FT. 3 1.16Ha
ER. 7 2.68Ha
Filtration Pond ER. 6 3.39Ha
WR. 2 2.34Ha
ER. 11 3.12Ha
ER. 9 1.99Ha
Activity ER. 3 Nodes ER. 2 2.39Ha
WR. 1 3.32Ha
1 km
ER. 1 1.92Ha
WR. 3 1.48Ha
TC. 4 2.01Ha
Water Corridor
TC. 1 2.17Ha
FAR >5
ER. 2 2.39Ha GE. 1 7.38Ha
Water Dischare
TC. 9 1.16Ha
TC. 1 2.17Ha
SR.5 2.06Ha
SR. 1 23.61Ha
TC. 2 3.14Ha
Resi - Low Rise
Internal Waterbody
FT. 6 1.46Ha
SR.6 2.05Ha
TC. 8 1.05Ha
FAR >5
TC. 6 1.70Ha
TC. 7 1.43Ha
Resi - Mid Rise
SR. 7 0.97Ha
ER. 12 3.03Ha
GE. 2 10.07H
FT. 8 9 TC. 1.43Ha 1.16Ha FT. 7 1.46Ha
FT. 5 1.61Ha
ER. 8 4.81Ha
ER. 9 1.99Ha WR. 5 6.94Ha
UT 2.4
TC. 2 3.14Ha
UT. 2 0.77Ha
FT. 4 3.14Ha
FT. 3 1.16Ha
ER. 7 2.68Ha
ER. 10 0.09Ha
FT. 1 2.04Ha
ER. 11 3.12Ha
WR. 3 1.48Ha
BP. 2 TC. 8 8.61Ha 1.05Ha
SR.2 11.50Ha
SR.4 1.16Ha
FT. 2 1.63Ha
ER. 6 3.39Ha
ER. 1 1.92Ha WR. 2 2.34Ha
WR. 4 5.98Ha
SR.3 1.12Ha
TC. 5 1.88Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
FT. 10 2.11Ha
FT. 15 2.23Ha
ER. 4 1.78Ha
TC. 9 1.16Ha
SR.5 2.06Ha
HSR & LRT Station SR. 7 0.97Ha
TC. 7 1.43Ha
FT. 9 1.93Ha TC. 4 2.01Ha
TC. 2 3.14Ha
FT. 8 1.43Ha FT. 7 1.46Ha
FT. 5 1.61Ha
ER. 8 4.81Ha
TC. 5 1.88Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
Resi - High Rise
District Connector
TC. 6 1.70Ha TC. 7 1.43Ha TC. 8 1.05Ha
Mixed-use Mid
Resi - Low Rise
BP. 2 8.61Ha
SR.2 11.50Ha UT. 2 0.77Ha
FT. 4 3.14Ha
FT. 3 1.16Ha
ER. 7 2.68Ha
ER. 6 3.39Ha
ER. 1 1.92Ha WR. 2 2.34Ha
WR. 4 5.98Ha
FT. 2 1.63Ha
TC. 9 1.16Ha
SR.3 1.12Ha
UT. 3 2.49Ha
SR.4 1.16Ha
TC. 6 1.70Ha
BP. 1 7.96 Ha
FT. 12 1.41Ha FT. 11 2.17Ha
FT. 10 2.11Ha
FT. 1 2.04Ha
GE. 4 2.10Ha
GE. 1 7.38Ha FT. 11 2.17Ha
FT. 9 1.93Ha
FT. 15 2.23Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
FT. 13 0.88Ha
BP. 1 7.96 Ha
FT. 12 1.41Ha
TC. 4 2.01Ha
TC. 7 1.43Ha TC. 8 1.05Ha
FT. 14 5.02Ha
GE. 3 4.84Ha GE. 2 10.07Ha
FT. 13 0.88Ha
GE. 4 2.10Ha
GE. 1 7.38Ha
Main Spine 1 km Access To Toll Road
On macro scale, the waterways system in the development will be a continuation of the existing drainage system in the site, extension of the existing water drainage network of the surrounding area, as well as an elaborated water network that also acts as retention. The waterways system is composed of series of water paths and water nodes. Water paths act as natural water catchment area as well as a conduit. Water nodes act as retention area, water storages, and activity nodes.
FT. 14 5.02Ha
GE. 3 4.84Ha
GE. 2 10.07Ha
500 m
5.7.1 Water Sensitives Urban Design
and walkable area. The density and building height slowly decline in accordance to the residential building typology towards the development perimeter.
• Residential areas are located at the outer perimeter in order to provide serene and peaceful environment away from the downtown rush and hustle.
5.7 Urban Design Strategies
• The Green and Blue network as the spine of the development, around which the new ecosystem grow.
• Residential areas are located at the outer perimeter in order to provide serene and peaceful environment away from the downtown rush and hustle.
0 100
Estate Design Strategies
Density Plan
• Creative District is laid out along the main lake in order to create the best setting for creatives to emerge. The • Transit Business District become the main commercial 5.5 Density will be dominated core of the development and isdistrict consolidated within the by mid-rise mixed-use building. • HSR Residential walking distance radius of the Station. areas are located at the outer perimeter in Following the principle of Transit Oriented Development, the order to provide serene and peaceful environment away • The Expo District become the main Gateway area within theand walkingfirst distance radius from transit station will be given higher rush density and allowance. Optimizing the fromvia thethe downtown hustle. impression for the incoming traffic newwithin highway development TOD radius area will foster a compact
• Creative District is laid out along the main lake in order to create the best setting for creatives to emerge. The district will be dominated by mid-rise mixed-use building.
Toll Road
• The Green and Blue network as the spine of the development, around which the new ecosystem grow. Estate Design Strategies
• The Expo District become the main Gateway and first impression for the incoming traffic via the new highway interchange.
5.5 Density
ER. 9 1.99Ha WR. 5 6.94Ha
UT. 1 1.07Ha
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
ER. 12 3.03Ha
Internal Waterbody Green Open Space
Cultural 0 100
500 m
Amenities/Commercial Utilities
1 km
0 100 0 100
500 m
1 km
Business Park
Estate Design Strategies Estate Design Strategies
Estate Design Strategies 5.7 Urban Design Strategies
5.8 District Character 5.4 Land Use Plan & Summary
5.7.1 Water Sensitives Urban Design On macro scale, the waterways system in the development will be a continuation of the existing drainage system in the site, extension of the existing water drainage network of the surrounding area, as well as an elaborated water network that also acts as retention. The waterways system is composed of series of water paths and water nodes. Water paths act as natural water catchment area as well as a conduit. Water nodes act as retention area, water storages, Estate Design and activity nodes.
Creative Village Great Lake
5.8.1 District Overview
Estate Design Strategies
There are 6 Districts in the Tegalluar New Town: • Transit Business District become the main commercial • Transit CBD District core of the development and is consolidated within the • West River District walking distance radius of the HSR Station. • first East River District • The Expo District become the main Gateway and impression for the incoming traffic via the new highway • Gateway Expo District interchange. • Creative District • The Green and Blue network as the spine of the • South Residence development, around which the new ecosystem grow.
5.4 Land Use Plan & Summary Strategies
Water Management Plan
5.7 Urban Design Strategies
Estate Design Strategies
TOD Area Plan
District Plan
Districts are based on landmarks, features, predominant • Creative District is laid out along the main lake in order land use, and proposed activities. to create thecommercial best setting for creatives to emerge. The • Transit Business District become the 5.8main District Character district will be dominated by mid-rise mixed-use building. core of the development and is consolidated within the 5.8.1 District Overview • HSR Residential walking distance radius of the Station. areas are located at the outer perimeter in are 6 Districts in the Tegalluar New Town: orderThere to provide and serene • The Expo District become the main Gateway firstand peaceful environment away • Transit CBD District fromvia downtown rush and hustle. •the West River Districthighway impression for the incoming traffic the new
5.7.3 Transit Oriented Development The TOD Area as an integrated and distinct district that is interconnected, both in between the elements in the district as well as to the other elements around it. The design is optimized for best functionality, seamless circulatory, and value creation system.
• East River District
• Gateway Expo District
Creative District • The Green and Blue network as •• the spine of the South Residence Districts are based on landmarks, features, predominant development, around which the new ecosystem grow. land use, and proposed activities.
• Creative District is laid out along the main lake in order to create the best setting for creatives to emerge. The district will be dominated by mid-rise mixed-use building. • Residential areas are located at the outer perimeter in order to provide serene and peaceful environment away from the downtown rush and hustle.
TC. 5 1.88Ha
TC. 6 1.70Ha
TC. 4 2.01H
TC. 7 1.43Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
TC. 8 1.05Ha
T. 3 49Ha
TC. 2 3.14Ha
TC. 1 2.17Ha
HSR & LRT Station
HSR & LRT Station
Commercial Mixed-use Mid Resi - Mid Rise
Resi - High Rise Transit CBD
Amenities Amenities/Commercial
Resi -
0 100
500 m
Green Open Space
0 100
1 km Commercial
500 m
Mixed-use Mid
Water Corridor 114
Resi - High Rise
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
Resi - Mid Rise
Retention Pond
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
Internal Waterbody
Resi - Low Rise
Green Open Space
Filtration Pond
Creative District
Transit CBD WR. 1 3.32Ha
0 100
500 m
West1 km Riverside
WR. 4 5.98Ha
WR. 2 2.34Ha
East Riverside Gateway Expo
500 m Utilities
ER. 12FT. 1 3.03Ha2.04Ha
FT. 3 1.16Ha FT. 5 1.61Ha
ER. 8 4.81Ha
ER. 10 0.09Ha
SR. 7 0.97Ha
ER. 11 3.12Ha
WR. 3 1.48Ha
UT. 1 1.07Ha
FT. 2 1.63Ha
ER. 7 2.68Ha
ER. 6 3.39Ha
ER. 1 1.92Ha
SR.6 2.05H
ER. 9 1.99Ha UT. 1 1.07Ha
WR. 5 6.94Ha ER. 12 3.03Ha
Creative District South Residence
*The schematic is yet to be reviewed by the infras consultant and is subject for further studies.
Amenities/Commercial 0 100
ER. 9 1.99Ha FT. 15 2.23Ha
ER. 4 1.78Ha
ER. 2 2.39Ha
ER. 1 0.09H
WR. 3 1.48Ha
WR. 5 6.94Ha
ER. 3 2.58Ha
TC. 1 2.17Ha
ER. 1 1.92Ha ER. 11 3.12Ha
TC. 4 2.01Ha
TC. 9 1.16Ha
Amenities 1 km
WR. 2 2.34Ha
TC. 2 3.14Ha
South Residence
HSR & LRT Station
*The schematic is yet to be reviewed by the infrastructure consultant and is subject for further studies.
1 km Water Dischare
Activity Nodes
Resi - Low Rise Gateway Expo
Internal Waterbody
GE. 1 7.38Ha
TC. 5 1.88Ha
TC. 3 1.65Ha
TC. 8 1.05Ha
Riverside MidWest Rise East Riverside
TC. 6 1.70Ha
TC. 7 1.43Ha
Water Incharge
WR. 4 5.98Ha
Mixed-use Mid
Resi - Low Rise
ER. 2 2.39Ha
WR. 1 3.32Ha
Resi - High Rise
GE. 2 10.07Ha ER. 3 2.58Ha
TC. 9 1.16Ha
0 100
500 m
1 km
0 100
MAC P1 & P2
Accessibility & Service Study see: District Detail Strategies Chapter 6
MAC P3 & MAC 2
The area is connected to surrounding environment with a transit hub that integrates the HSR, LRT, and BRT
Each street is designed that consider the security, continuity, and attractiveness and comfort for pedestrians
Transportation Network One of the main objectives of this design is to create an integrated plan between the existing and the new transportation system. The design is measured according to the Green Building Council Indonesia as an effort to be a green neighbordhood.
The total planned area provides various amenities ranging from civic, healthcare, education, religious, sports, and convention. Every amenity is within reach of a public transportation
The detailed landscape drawing of street elements should demonstrate a universal standard for the pedestrian path
7. Estate Sustainability Strategies
The planned area will be served by at least 2 internal BRT Shuttle with stops (shelters) every 400m
The ROW 38 & ROW 30 street is equipped with dedicated bike lane with its supporting amenities
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
Crafting the Public Realm Vista axis between HSR station and landmark mosque
High-rise tower as landmark to catch vista from main road Skybridge inter-building connection
Grand transit plaza
High-rise tower as landmark to catch vista from main road Green corridor alongside waterbody
Alun-alun (Plaza) as a public open space
Landmark mosque Commercial edge facing transit plaza and waterbody
Street Life Streets are essential parts of the public realm. The active & permeable frontage keeps the street lively and safe. The streets are designed as a complete street with outdoor recreation area, bicycle lane, bus lane, and vehicle lane.
7.50m 05 6.50m 2m SidewalkEstate DesignRoadbed Strategies Median Suggested Higher Tower Location
Suggested Hotel Tower Location
6.50m Roadbed
7.50m Sidewalk
Building Typologies
Suggested Higher Tower Location
5.10.3 Commercial Strategy
Building developments are dictated by programs and typologies. This control aims to create a harmonius neighborhood with integrated systems.
Mix-Office-High Parcels Under This Typology • TC.1, TC.2, TC.7, TC.8, TC.9 Building Coverage
: 60% & 70% (see table)
Floor Area Ratio
: 5.00 & 6.00 (see table)
Setbacks • ROW 30
: 0m
• ROW 24
: 0m
• Inter-Parcel • Waterbody
Suggested : 5m Parking Structure Location
Building Height • Retail Podium
: 16m (max)
• Tower
: 120m (from ground)
Number of Storey • Retail Podium
: 3-4
• Tower
: 29 (max)
Parking Strategy
: Basement + Car-Park Building
Legend Parcel Boundary Permitted Building Envelope Parcel Subdivision Possibilities Shared Entrance / Drop-off Area Vehicle Main Access Pedestrian Main Access Residential Retail Office Education / Cultural Hotel Facilities Civic Parking Water Bodies
Shared Entrance
TEGALLUAR NEW TOWN | Detail Master Plan
Parcel Subdivision / Shared Entrance
Suggested Hotel / Smaller Office Tower Location
Suggested Parking Structure Location
Transit Plaza
3d render in collaboration with outsourced artist (My involvment includes but not limited to designing, modeling, and preparing the render briefs)
Creative Village
05 ARCHIPELAGO-FOREST CITY Model for The New Capital City of Indonesia Master plan Competition National Champion Location Level / Date Client Project Scope Area Involvement Contribution
: : : : : : :
East Borneo, ID Professional Competition/2019 Ministry of Public Works & Ministry of National Planning Vision Competition 180,000Ha Assistant Manager, Urban Designer Assisting Project Manager in leading the design development process collaborating between Urban Design, Landscape & Architecture team. In charge of the concept of Forest-Archipelago city concept development. In charge of the concept of modular growth mechanism. Leading the competition panel creation. In charge of preparing the presentation to the President of Indonesia.
3d render in collaboration with outsourced artist (My involvment includes but not limited to designing, modeling, and preparing the render briefs)
In October 2019, the President of Republic of Indonesia announced the relocation of the capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Borneo. The aim of this decision is to alleviate the burden of Jakarta that functions as the center of government and the center of commerce & business. A masterplan competition was held in order to source ideas from local designers across Indonesia. The competition seeks to design a new capital city that is nationalistic, green, and smart.
NAGARA RIMBA NUSA /nə.ɡgəɾr/ City, Town
/rim·ba/Dense forest, jungle
/nu.sa/ Island
A Forest + Archipelago City that Ignites a National Transformation
National Identity & Symbolism
Forest + Archipelago Model City
Future Resilient & Adaptive City
Regional & Global City
Location Reasoning 1. Waterfront City
3. Suitable Most of Indonesian major cities are located at the coastal or near to other water bodies. Therefore, the new capital city should be located next to the water bodies in order to be an exemplary model of waterfront development.
Close to water bodies
High elevation (Flood-free) Far from geological fault
2. Ex-Palm Oil Plantation Not in the tidal flood risk zone
Palm Plantation can be destructive to forest ecosystem. The new capital city conciously choose an ex-plantation area to revitalize these plantations in order to restore the neighboring wetlands & forests.
Not in the protected forest area
Suitable location
Pancasila Lake
Residential District Supreme Court
Ministry Complex
Diplomatic Complex
Botanical Garden 3d render in collaboration with outsourced artist (My involvment includes but not limited to designing, modeling, and preparing the render briefs)
Presidential Palace
Manifesting The National Identity in the Built Environment by Symbolism & Semiotics Social Market National Monument
Civilization Museum
Democracy Plaza
National Mosque
Traditional Axis: Tri Hita Kirana (3 Pillars of Harmony)
God Man Nature
Hills City Forest & River
National Space: Pancasila (5 Pillars of Nationality)
Religion Humanity National Unity Democracy Social Justice
National Mosque Museum of Civilization Monument of Unity Freedom Plaza Market & Civic Space
Governance Axis: Trias Politica (Separation of Powers)
Executive Legislative Judiciary
Precidential Palace Parliament House Supreme Court
Citizenship Axis: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity)
Art & Culture Ethnics Beliefs
National Gallery Statues & Totems Religious Complex
Spirit of National Transformation Working Transformation
Living Transformation
Moving Transformation
District Center Urban Forest Tram
Train & MRT Tram No Car Street
Green Transformation
Government Complex
Diplomatic Complex Residential Complex
Business Complex
Pedestrian Connection
Sectoral works > Coordination & Synergy
Sprawl & Individualistic > Compact & Communal
Automobile Dependant > Against Nature > Public Transportation Living with Nature
Learning from Rainforest’s Structure • • • • •
High Density & High Diversity Rain Sensitive Canopy Multi Layered Connectivity Shaded & permeable ground floor Effective underlying infrastructure
Building Pedestrian pedestrian & Bicycle connections Street LRT
Tram Understories Forest Floors Integrated Infrastructure Tunnels
Buttress Roots
Archipelago Fabric Urban fabric that contained districts within a walkingdistance radius by utilizing forest fingers. The Grid street network would ensure convenience in walking and non-automotivebased mobility. The overlay between organic islandlike district form and grid street network promote high-density development while also limiting horizontal growth.
Water Sensitive Design An exemplary waterfront city model that utilizes both naturalistic and artificial approach towards water management. This water engineering mechanism aims for a protection of natural habitat, supply of urban water intake and disaster protection.
Alternative Water Source Flood Protection Mangrove Protection Area
Water Catchment Area Long Storage
Wetland Filtration
Technology & Innovation City
T Medical City
Population: 225.500 Catalyst: Office, Research & Development, Commerce, Residential
288.200 FOPopulation: Program:
Hospital, Research Center, Medical Resort, Commerce
Creative City Population: 150.500 Catalyst: Office, SOHO, Gallery, Museum, Academy
Education Town
Population: 338.400 Catalyst: University, Academy, Research Center
Population: 314.000 Catalyst: Sports Center, MICE, Sports academy, commerce, residential
Policentric City The New capital city will be supported by other settlement clusters that will generate the total population. Each city is given specific character and role as the supporting element to the city core. Each city is separated by protected forests in order to avoid sprawling.
Sports City
Typical District
Density : 223 Persons/Ha Population : 33.500 Persons/District Fasilitas :MRT, Trem, Integrated Civic Spaces Green Area : 50%
Typical District’s Core Radius 5 menit Berjal an K aki
City Core
Density: 480 Persons/Ha Population: 12.000 Persons/Districts
Typical High Rise Neighborhood
Population: 180.000 Catalyst: Government Center, CBD, Commerce
Density: 280 Persons/Ha Population: 7.000 persons/Districts
Radius 5 menit Berjal an K aki
Typical Med Rise Neighborhood Radius 5 menit Berjal an K aki
Modular Growth
Density: 100 Persons/Ha Population: 2.500 Person/District
The city is systematically constructed out of smaller units: Districts & Neighborhood. Planning the density and target population from the beginning as a control mechanism to avoid excessive sprawl.
Aerotropolis National Park
Rainforest Research Center
The New Capital City
Eco-tourism City
Mangrove City
City of Balikpapan
City of Tenggarong
Energy City City of Samarinda
Primate Conservation & Reserch Hub
Regional Impact The new capital city will be supported by several planned satellite cities that functions as a global research hub. The whole constelation of east borneo coastal development aims to distribute economy prosperity, resources, population, and infrastructures.
OTHER WORKS Professional Works Masterplan for Jababeka Transit Oriented Development 11 Ha Mixed Use Development
Masterplan for Pantai Indah Kapuk Coastal Development 1000Ha Vision Plan
Competition Works Architecture Intervention to a Dead Heritage Space
LEGEND Commercial - Office/Hotel Commercial - Retail
1st Prize | PROPAN 2017 Architecture Competition
Residential - Low Rise Residential - Mid Rise Residential - High Rise Mixed Use - Mid Rise Mixed Use - High Rise Amenities Education
Natural Waterbody Manmade Waterbody Green
Research & Guidelines 41
Prinsip – Prinsip dalam Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Shelter Ojek Online
Menentukan Tipologi yang Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan 74
Independent Guideline Proposal by URBAN+ Institute
ebelum menyediakan dan membangun fasilitas ini, maka para pemangku kepentingan utama (pemilik lahan/pengelola gedung, perusahaan penyedia layanan dan Pemerintah Provinsi) dapat menggunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini sebagai pertimbangan awal untuk menentukan tipologi yang akan dipilih yang tentunya sesuai dengan konteks lokasi dimana fasilitas shelter akan disediakan.
enyediaan dan pengelolaan fasilitas Shelter Ojek Online ini tentunya perlu memperhatikan berbagai aspek yang terkait, mulai dari aspek teknis, aspek kegiatan serta interaksi yang terjadi antara pengguna layanan transportasi daring dan mitra pengemudi sampai dengan aspek dinamika kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan yang terkait. Pembuatan panduan penyediaan dan pengelolaan fasilitas Shelter Ojek Online yang mampu mengakomodasi kondisi wilayah perkotaan yang beragam bukanlah hal yang mudah. Akan tetapi, setidaknya panduan ini telah menentukan prinsip-prinsip dasar yang perlu diikuti dalam rangka menyediakan dan mengelola fasilitas Shelter Ojek Online sehingga fasilitas ini dapat berfungsi dengan sebagaimana mestinya. Dalam menyediakan dan mengelola fasilitas Shelter Ojek Online setidaknya perlu memperhatikan empat prinsip antara lain: berorientasi kepada manusia, kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat, integrasi dengan sistem perkotaan serta skema penyediaan dan pengelolaan fasilitas yang terstandarisasi.
Diagram II
Prinsip I
Prinsip III
4 Prinsip Utama Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Shelter Ojek Online
Berorientasi Kepada Manusia
Integrasi dengan Sistem Perkotaan
Prinsip II Kolaborasi antar Pemangku Kepentingan yang Terlibat
Prinsip IV Skema Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan yang Terstandarisasi
Panduan Praktis Penyediaan Dan Pengelolaan Online Ojek Shelter
Sumber gambar: dokumentasi tim penulis.
Panduan Praktis Penyediaan Dan Pengelolaan Online Ojek Shelter
Ojek Online Shelter Provision and Management Practical Guideline
Edisi Bahasa Indonesia Tahun 2019
Guideline for App-Based Motorcycle Taxi Shelter Provision
Lokasi Penyediaan Dimanakah lokasi penyediaan fasilitas shelter ini?
Ketersediaan Lahan Apakah tersedia lahan/ruang yang cukup bagi penyediaan fasilitas shelter ini?
Seberapa luaskah lahan/ ruang yang tersedia bagi penyediaan fasilitas shelter ini?
Lokasi-lokasi yang menjadi titik transit moda angkutan umum massal.
Lokasi-lokasi yang menjadi pusat kegiatan di wilayah provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Ya, tersedia lahan/ruang yang cukup.
Ya, tetapi lahan/ruang yang ada terbatas.
Tidak, tidak ada lahan/ ruang yang cukup.
Kurang dari 8 m2 (<8m2).
Antara 8-20 m2.
Lebih dari 20 m2 (>20m2).
Tipe 1
Tipe II
Tipe III
Tipe IV
Fasilitas Shelter yang Berada di Dalam Kavling
Fasilitas Shelter yang Menggunakan Ruang Publik yang tidak Optimum
Fasilitas Shelter yang Berada di Badan Jalan Berupa Laybay
Fasilitas Shelter yang Berada di Badan Jalan
Panduan Praktis Penyediaan Dan Pengelolaan Online Ojek Shelter
Panduan Praktis Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Shelter Ojek Online
Ilustrasi oleh tim penulis.
Dimensi Ruang Tipikal Dimensi Standard yang Menjadi Acuan Perancangan Shelter TIPE III
Area Menurunkan dan Menjemput
• • •
Area pick up / drop off membutuhkan luas minimal 8m² hingga maksimal 15m², untuk mengakomodasi 4-10 motor. Area bersih untuk berdiri menunggu minimal memiliki lebar 1 m pada sepanjang area drop off. Area memerlukan rambu agar dapat diidentifikasi dengan mudah serta area peneduh untuk penumpang yang menunggu di trotoar.
Daniel Caesar Pratama, B.Sc.
Education 2011-2016
Sarjana Teknik (Bachelor of Science in Architecture), School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia, graduated with “Best Final Project” award.
Final Project
“Depok Baru Station in Depok Transit Oriented Development Area”
Professional Experiences 2016-now
URBAN+, Indonesia, as Urban Designer
Vo Trong Nghia Architects, Vietnam, as architectural assistant (Intern)
SHAU Architects, Indonesia, as archtiectural assistant (Intern)
Awards & Grants 2019
1st Prize, Indonesia’s New Capital City Masterplan Competition
Finalist, Indahpura Genting Development Competition, Green Gateway City, Johor Bahru, MY
Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Awardee
1st Prize, Sinarmasland Young Architect Competition, Digital Working Space category
1st Prize, Sayembara Restoran Nusantara PROPAN 2017, Kota Tua Jakarta category
1st Prize, Sayembara Restoran Nusantara PROPAN 2017, Morotai category
2nd Prize, Futurarc Prize 2017 “Architecture for The Common Goods”, professional category
Merit, Futurarc Prize 2016 “Small Things, Big Impact”, student category
Best Final Project, Architecture Graduates batch April 2016
Seminar & Conference 2019
Committee for Asean-Japan City & Architecture Forum
Guest Speaker at “Interchange Session: Campus” held by BCI Asia and ITB Architecture Undergraduate Program
Guest Speaker at “Interchange Session: Sustainable Project Update” held by BCI Asia and IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects)
Guest Speaker at “Architects Under Big3: Contextuality in Architecture Competition” held by Popo Danes Architect
Software Abilities AutoCAD
Basic Rhinoceros
Basic Grasshopper
Ms. Office
Basic ArcGIS
Adobe Indesign
Basic Drone Piloting
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator
Language Proficiency Indonesian (Native) English (IELTS Band Score 8)
Daniel Caesar Pratama, B.Sc. danielcaesarpratama@gmail.com