Daniele papalini portfolio

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Daniele Papalini Portfolio 2107

mobile +39 3495301279 mail danielegrfx@gmail.com

base in Rome Via Candeo 8 00154 (RM) Italy

Index Project



Lucky Red............................ 2 Freedom fighters....................3 DDR..................................... 4 GBG e EE...............................5 80 ore con l’autore................ 6 9 photographer for the planet.............................7 Encerrados............................ 9

Photoshow...........................10 Guarda!................................ 11

Herb Ritts............................14 SebastiĂŁo Salgado.................14

Page design


Magnum la storia le immagini.......................12 In parole.............................. 13 Logos................................... 13

Logos deisgn........................ 15 Screen printing.................... 15 Books DIY........................... 15

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Lucky Red

Project deisgn and impaginatio for/

La storia di un viaggio

Progetto editoriale curato per ContrastoBooks p. 216 paperback with flipage/

Various artist/Autori vari corporate

brossura con bandelle

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Freedom fighters the Kennedys and the struggle for civil rights


Project deisgn and impagination for/ Progetto editoriale curato per ContrastoBooks 21x18,8 cm p. 168

Various artist/Autori vari politic, reportage, photography

hardcover/copertina cartonata

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DDR Ricordando la Germania dell’Est/Remembering Est Germany Augusto Bordato politic, reportage, photography


Project deisgn and impagination for/ Progetto editoriale curato per ContrastoBooks 21x18,8 cm p. 168 hardcover/copertina cartonata

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GBG e EE Un amicizia ai sali d’argento


Project deisgn and impaginatio for/ Progetto editoriale curato per ContrastoBooks 21x18,8 cm p. 168

Gianni Berengo Gardin, Elliot Erwitt reportage, photography

hardcover/copertina cartonata, revers cover

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80 ore con l’autore

Various artist/Autori vari journalism, photography


Newspaper designed for Forma Milano drawn up during the 80-hour event with the author./Giornale progettato per Forma Milano redatto in occasione della manifestazione 80 ore con l’autore

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21x29 cm 144 pages 75 ph. b/n hardcover bilingual with spanish and english texts

Valerio Bispuri reportage, photography

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The photographers selected by Magnum Photos and Contrasto are Gianni Berengo Gardin, Irene Kung, Joel Meyerowitz, Martin Parr, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Ferdinando Scianna, George Steinmetz and Alex Webb. The various assignments have been carried out across the world, from the Oceanic Islands to Asia, Africa, Europe. Nine artistic events of exceptional quality and media attraction, nine installations produced for the occasion and conceived within a setting enabling their documentary value to emerge in an immediate and engaging itinerary. The nine Clusters are dedicated to six areas of food production and three thematic identities: Cacao and Chocolate; Coffee; Cereals and Tubers; Fruit and Legumes; Islands, Sea and Food; BioMediterraneum; Rice; Spices; Food and Nutrition in Arid Zones.



9 photographer for the planet

20x24 cm 240 pagine

Gianni Berengo Gardin, Irene Kung, Joel Meyerowitz, Martin Parr, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Ferdinando Scianna, George Steinmetz, Alex Webb reportage, photography

190 ph. b/n colour

A photographic exhibition will be dedicated to each, guiding the public and introducing the ways in which different crops and human labour nourish the planet and its inhabitants, providing the true and fundamental energy of the future.

the medium most suited to interpreting the aims and vision of the Universal Exhibition illustrating and recounting the most diverse aspects of its theme through reportage, anthropology, and from the perspective of nature and of art. Photography’s increasingly prominent role in contemporary society as a means of documenting reality, of communication and of contemporary artistic expression, attests to its ability to bring to a wide public themes of great significance for the planet, arousing emotion and provoking reflection through its highly sympathetic and evocative language.

The nine exhibitions have been conceived as artistic events of exceptional quality and media attraction: a series of installations conceived in conjunction with a setting in which their documentary value emerges in an attractive and engaging itinerary. Expo Milano 2015’s theme, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, means that every possible aspect of food production and the related issues regarding sustainability, safety and the availability of food can be covered. Photography is

hardcover with PVC jacket

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Layout for ContrastoBooks coedition 20x26,5 cm 272 pages 100 ca. black & white and color hardcover

Curated by Alessandra Mauro exhibition, photography Nowadays photography plays its role on the art and collection market with an unexpected strength and vigour. The discovery and success of a new talent on the market depends on the common work of private galleries, public spaces and the international limelight. The activity of American and European Photography Museums, the numerous An history of photography narrated through exhibitions and the theory that has accompanied it has never been carried out yet. It would be very interesting, furthermore, to trace back the different aesthetic schools and communication theories that have pointed out the evolution of the history of photography and its public moments par excellence: exhibitions. Installations manifest values, ideologies, politics and aesthetics. An history of photography exhibitions would represent a different and original way of studying photography as a means of expression and contemporary communication.

great art events and festivals – especially dedicated to the world and market of photography, art galleries that discover new talents and new ways of exhibiting them, all this contributes to a system that works perfectly well presenting new ways of expression for photography, actually widely recognized as heritage of humanity.

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Adaptation on italian lenguage in cooedition project by aperture, edit by Contrastobooks 8 1/4 x 11 1/8 in. 80 pages

Joel Meyerowitz photography

30 ph. b/n and four-color hardcover

TCAPA click to index





page design

Magnum la storia le immagini

Impagination for Hachett project, based to grafic project of Silvio Rossi


AA.VV. photography

24x32 cm 96 pages ph. b/n and color paperback

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page design, editorial series

In parole

All eitorial series for ContrastoBooks

Logos AA.VV cinema, narrative, photography, reportage

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Herb Ritts

Curated by Alessandra Mauro exhibition, photography


Nasce a Brentwood, West Los Angeles, il 13 agosto. La sua è una famiglia benestante: il padre possiede e dirige una fabbrica di mobili da giardino. La madre, arredatrice, lavora con lui.

Herb Ritts is born in Brentwood, West Los Angeles, on August 13th into a wealthy family: his father owns and runs a furniture factory. His mother, an interior designer, works with him. Foto dall’annuario scolastico del 1964. Junior High Yearbook Photo of 1964. Courtesy HRF Archives

Herb, Christy, Carol, Rory e Gary Ritts. Los Angeles. Courtesy HRF Archives



Durante una gita con alcuni amici fotografa quasi per caso uno di loro, un giovane aspirante attore, Richard Gere, e altrettanto per caso quelle foto finiscono su Vogue, Esquire, e Mademoiselle, dando l’avvio a due grandi carriere.

Fotografa Olivia Newton-John per la copertina dell’album Physical. In breve tempo Herb Ritts diventa uno dei più ricercati fotografi di moda, ritratto, e pubblicità.

He photographs Olivia Newton-John for the album cover of Physical. In short time Herb Ritts becomes one of the world’s most requested fashion, portrait and advertising photographers.

During a trip with some friends, he casually takes a picture of one of them: a young aspiring actor, Richard Gere and by chance those photos end up on Vogue, Esquire, and Mademoiselle, giving birth to two great carriers.


Inizia la sua collaborazione alle riviste italiane Lei e Per Lui, dirette da Franca Sozzani. Per quest’ultima, in seguito, realizza la famosa foto “Fred with Tires, Hollywood, 1984”.


Fotografa Brooke Shields per Mademoiselle. Lo stesso anno realizza il suo primo servizio di moda fotografando a Santa Monica Matt Collins, affermato fotomodello al quale aveva affittato una camera della casa da poco comprata in California. Quelle foto, pubblicate sull’edizione italiana di Bazaar, gli aprono le porte del mondo della moda. Conosce Bruce Weber e viene notato da Franca Sozzani, in quegli anni direttrice


Si iscrive al Bard College di Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, e si diploma in economia. Segue anche un corso di storia dell’arte.

He joins Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and majors in Economics and Art History.

Ritts photographs Brooke Shields for Mademoiselle. That same year he carries out his first fashion shooting in Santa Monica taking pictures of Matt Collins, a famous male model to whom he had rented a room in the house he had recently bought in California. Those photos, published on Italian Bazaar, open the doors of the world of fashion. He meets Bruce Weber and is noticed by Franca Sozzani, director of Lei.

He starts the collaboration with Italian magazines Lei and Per Lui, directed by Franca Sozzani, for whom he later shoots the famous picture: “Fred with Tires, Hollywood 1984”.

Espone per la prima volta le sue foto in una mostra collettiva alla G. Ray Hawkins Gallery di Los Angeles. Incontra Madonna sul set di Cercasi Susan disperatamente. Nasce un’amicizia e un sodalizio professionale che durerà per tutta la vita.

Herb e Richard Gere, fototessera, 1978. Herb and Richard Gere, photobooth, 1978. Courtesy HRF Archives


Fotografa Madonna per la copertina dell’album True Blue.

Tessera del Bard College, 1972. Bard College ID, 1972. Courtesy HRF Archives

He photographs Madonna for the album cover of True Blue.

Dopo il diploma torna a Los Angeles e lavora come rappresentante dell’azienda di famiglia.

Sebastião Salgado

Lelia Wanick Salgado exhibition, photography


Realizza il suo primo video musicale per la canzone Cherish di Madonna. Il video ha una carica erotica e una forza visiva che lo distinguono dai prodotti cui il pubblico è abituato. Il successo è enorme e da quel momento Herb Ritts dirigerà molti altri video commerciali e musicali, oltre che per Madonna, per Michael e Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tracy Chapman, Chris Isaak, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears.

Con Madonna. With Madonna. San Pedro, California, 1989. © Lorraine Day


For the first time he exhibits his images in a collective show at the G. Ray Hawkins Gallery in Los Angeles. Ritts meets Madonna on the set of Desperately seeking Susan. A personal and a professional lifetime bond begins.


After college he returns to Los Angeles and works as a salesman in the family business.


He directs his first music video for Madonna’s Cherish (it comes out in 1989), sensual and visually strong, a totally different product if compared to what the public was accustomed to. Success is enormous and from that moment Herb Ritts will direct many more videos, besides Madonna, also for Michael and Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tracy Chapman, Chris Isaak, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears.

Richard Gere, autoritratto con dedica “A Herb dal mio primo rullino”. Londra, 1978. Richard Gere self portrait, “To Herb from the first roll of film”. London, 1978. © Richard Gere

Herb Ritts con la madre Shirley. Herb Ritts and his mother Shirley. Los Angeles, 1989. © Alice Springs

Con Julia Roberts. With Julia Roberts Malibu, California, 1990. © Lorraine Day

Firma le copie di Notorious, 1992. Herb signs copies of Notorious, 1992. © Art Streiber

Con Michael Jackson in una pausa delle riprese di “Out of the Closet”. Herb and Michael Jackson during a break on the set of “Out of the Closet”. Salton Sea, California, 1992. Courtesy HRF Archives


Vince due MTV Video Awards per i video Love Will Never Do Without You di Janet Jackson e Wicked Game di Chris Isaak.

He wins two MTV Video Awards for Janet Jackson’s Love Will Never Do Without You and Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game videos.


Per la rivista Rolling Stone realizza il celebre ritratto di Stephanie Seymour, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Tatjana Patitz e Naomi Campbell. Le cinque modelle sono nude, sul portico della sua casa di Hillside, abbracciate a comporre un’immagine che subito diventa icona di bellezza e eleganza e che contribuirà a creare il mito delle topmodel. Quello stesso anno risulta positivo al test dell’HIV.

For Rolling Stone magazine he takes the famous picture of Stephanie Seymour, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Tatjana Patitz and Naomi Campbell together. The five models, hugging naked on the porch of his Hillside house, compose what became immediately an iconic image of beauty and elegance, contributing to create the myth of top models. That same year he discovers to be HIV-positive. Herb Ritts con il ritratto di Irving Penn, “Saul Steinberg in Nose Mask”. Herb Ritts with Irving Penn’s portrait, by “Saul Steinberg, Nose Mask”. Los Angeles, 1988. © Lorraine Day


Con un amico parte per una vacanza in Africa orientale. Ne rimane conquistato: “Non avevo in mente di fare un libro. Ma poi il libro è nato ed è stato ristampato due volte”. È un nuovo capitolo nella sua già ricca carriera.

He takes a holiday to Eastern Africa, with a friend. He is overcome. “I was not planning to do a book. But then the book was done and reprinted twice”. A new chapter in Herb’s full carrier.

Mark Wahlberg e Kate Moss in un’immagine della campagna Calvin Klein Underwear del1992. Mark Wahlberg and Kate Moss on the Calvin Klein Underwear campaign, 1992. Courtesy HRF Archives

Con Nelson Mandela. With Nelson Mandela Johannesburg, Sudafrica, 1994. Courtesy HRF Archives

Sul set, Hawaii, 1993. © Lance Anderson


Gli viene affidata la realizzazione del prestigioso Calendario Pirelli. “In praise of Women” celebra la bellezza di quattro modelle d’eccezione: Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen, Karen Alexander e Kate Moss, sullo sfondo di Honeymoon Island, nelle Bahamas.

Ritts is assigned to produce the prestigious Pirelli Calendar. “In praise of Women” celebrates the beauty of four exceptional models: Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen, Karen Alexander and Kate Moss, with Honeymoon Island, Bahamas on the background.

Nel mese di dicembre fotografa l’attore Ben Affleck per il numero di Vanity Fair che uscirà nel marzo 2003. La location scelta è una delle preferite da Ritts: il letto asciutto del lago di El Mirage, in California. Ma il giorno delle riprese soffia un gran vento che solleva una tempesta di sabbia. Molti membri della troupe e lo stesso Ritts si ammalano. Le sue difese immunitarie, indebolito dall’AIDS, non riescono a combattere l’infezione. Muore per complicazioni polmonari il 26 dicembre nel centro medico della UCLA a Los Angeles. Come disposto da Herb Ritts, nel 2003 fu istituita la Herb Ritts Foundation per continuare la sua lunga attività di sostegno alle istituzioni benefiche che si occupano di AIDS. La Fondazione, inoltre, in omaggio alla grande passione di Ritts per la fotografia, offre assistenza e sostegno a istituzioni e programmi didattici.


Di nuovo sue le foto del Calendario Pirelli. Dodici famose top model interpretano ciascuna un decennio del XX secolo, dalla ragazza cancan della Belle Époque (la texana Chandra North) fino al duemila, interpretato da Alek Wek. L’11 dicembre si inaugura alla Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain di Parigi una grande mostra delle sue foto. La mostra negli anni seguenti sarà anche a Milano e a Roma.

Copertina del Calendario Pirelli 1994. Cover of the Pirelli Calendar, 1994. Courtesy HRF Archives

Second assignment for the Pirelli Calendar. Twelve famous top models, each interpreting a decade of the 20th Century: from the can-can girl of the Belle Époque (Chandra North) upto the year 2000, interpreted by Alek Wek. On December 11th, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain in Paris opens with a large exhibition of his pictures. The show will subsequently also reach Milan and Rome.

In December he portrays Ben Affleck for the March 2003 issue of Vanity Fair. The chosen location is one of Ritts’ favourite: El Mirage dry lake, in California. The day of the shooting a very strong sand storm blew. Many crew members and Ritts himself, get ill. His immune system, weakened by AIDS, doesn’t manage to fight the infection. He dies for pulmonary complications on December 26th in UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. As intended by Herb Ritts, the Herb Ritts Foundation is created in 2003 to continue his longstanding support of HIV / AIDS charities. As well, the Foundation promotes Herb’s great passion for photography through offering assistance to institutions and educational programs.


Il Museum of Fine Arts di Boston gli dedica una grande mostra, visitata da più di 250.000 persone. La mostra viaggerà in tutto il mondo nei successivi due anni.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, dedicates him a large exhibition, visited by over 250.000 people. This exhibition goes on to travel worldwide for the next two years.

Keith Haring “Untitled” (“Senza titolo”), 1989, gouache e collage (con Herb Ritts) su tela di lino fatta a mano. Keith Haring “ Untitled “ (“Untitled“), of 1989, gouache and collage ( Herb Ritts ) on handmade linen cloth . Courtesy HRF Archive

Fotografa i guerrieri Masai. Africa, 1993. Photographing Maasai warriors. Africa, 1993. Courtesy HRF Archives

Nel bookshop della mostra “Work”. Inside the bookshop at “Work” exhibition. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1999. © Charles Churchward

Helmut Newton e Herb Ritts. Los Angeles, 2000. Courtesy HRF Archive

Autoritratto. Self portrait. Los Angeles, 1984. Courtesy HRF Archives

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Screen printing

Books DIY


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Logos design

Design, naming

Design, naming

Design, naming






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