Flux Photographs are often seen as fixing moments and freezing movement. Time passes, things shift in space - but the photograph appears to halt both time and motion. In fact, time and movement continue, but there remains a desire to believe in the fiction of the instant snatched from a state of flux. Photographs too move in time and space. A physical photograph may be seen in a wide range of contexts (the book page, the magazine, a billboard, a gallery wall), its meanings changing as it does so. The digital image, apparently limitless in reproduction and viewed on screen or as a projection, makes the endless re-contextualisation of photographs clear. BA (Hons) Photography graduate students exhibiting in Flux have progressed through their course, learning and changing at each stage. This exhibition and catalogue show the quality and diversity of their work as it is now. While the degree show and catalogue represent a fixed moment in a gallery in London and in print, this is not the end. Flux represents the beginning of each practitioner’s future. Stephen Bull Course Leader BA (Hons) Photography University for the Creative Arts, Farnham
Marc Baker
Daniel Bergo
Charlotte Wormley-Healing
Thom Earle
Lu-lu Evans
Daniel Evans & Brendan Baker
Simon Fletcher
Rosie Fitzgerald
Manca Gale
Jordan Gibbons
Robin Godden
Racheal Gould
Daniel Habgood
Micheal Haider
Louise Harman
Bim Hjortronsteen
Adam Hodgson
Yvonne Jordan
Sian Kent
Scott Luck
Charity Lamb
Emily Matthews
Maria Efthymiou
Lucy Mytton
Tom Roberts
Lucy Sloss
Chris Spackman
Lauren Streeter
Amy Stringer
Jerry Stewardson
William Swainger
Gianandrea Traina
Emmie Thorstenson
Emily Turner
Rachel Twohey
Natalie Uglow
Matthew White
Jasper Wyatt
Special Thank you too, Stephen Bull Emmanuelle Waeckerle David Moore Karen Knorr Anna Fox Martin Pover Matthew Lindsay Sally Verral Abdulreza Abbas-Nazari Ivor Jones
Marc Baker hello.marcbaker@gmail.com Daniel Bergo www.danielbergo.com daniel@danielbergo.com 07902437160 Charlotte Wormley-Healing www.charlotteflorence.co.uk charlottewh@hotmail.co.uk 07849551579 thom Earle www.welovethom.com thom@welovethom.com 07780118403 Daniel Evans & Brendan Baker www.cargocollective.com/danielevans www.brendan-baker.co.uk baker.evans@hotmail.co.uk Lu-lu Evans www.cargocollective.com/luluevans luluevans@hotmail.co.uk 07800 669053 Simon Fleatcher simonfletcher.8theavenue@hotmail.co.uk Rosie Fitzgerald roisinfitzgerald.tumblr.com roisinfitzgerald@ymail.com 07794700739 Manca Gale mancagale@hotmail.com Jordan Gibbons jordan.gbbns@gmail.com Robin Godden www.robingodden.com robin_godden@hotmail.com 07510 302560 Racheal Gould www.rachelgould.co.uk rachel-gould@live.co.uk 07811461222 Louise Harman www.louiseharman.com lkharman@hotmail.com 079205 54842 Micheal Haider www.michaelahaider.co.uk michaela_haider@hotmail.com 07930834100
Bim Hjortronsteen www.bimhjortronsteen.com hagnesta_hill@hotmail.com 07792133799
Any Stringer www.cargocollective.com/amyelysestringer amyelysestringer@googlemail.com 07500007337
Adam Hodgson adamhodgsonphotography.com adamthodgson@gmail.com 07971168129
Jerry Stewardson www.jeremystewardson.com jp.stewardson@ntlworld.com 07876 385500
Yvonne Jordan www.yvonnejordan.com yvjordan@hotmail.com 07870522192
Will Swainger swainger88@gmail.com 079508054749
Sian- Marie Kent www.smkent3.wordpress.com smkent@hotmail.co.uk 07955709716 Scott Luck scottaluck@gmail.com www.scottluck.co.uk 07738733000 Charitly Lamb www.charitylamb.co.uk charitylamb@live.co.uk 07974937217
Emmie Thorstenson www.emmiethorstenson.se nfo@emmiethorstenson.se +46(0)733370132 (SWE) Emilly Turner emily_turner00@hotmail.com Rachel Twohey www.racheltwohey.com racheltwohey@live.com 07914046883 Natalie Uglow natalie.uglow@hotmail.co.uk 07786 031 670
Emily Matthews www.cargocollective.com/emilymatthews emily.matthews42@gmail.com 07931920279
Matthew White www.cargocollective.com/matthewhite mattjwhite@hotmail.co.uk
Maria Efthymiou www.mariaefthymiou.com info@mariaefthymiou.com 07580448343
jasper Wyatt www.jasperwyatt.com jasperwyatt@hotmail.co.uk 07875 774271
Lucy Mytton www.lucymytton.com lmytton@hotmail.com 07881544566 Tom Roberts mr.tom.roberts@googlemail.com Lucy Sloss lucysloss.com lucysloss@gmail.com 07841644559 Chris Spackman www.i-spy-with-my-little-eye.com chris.spackman@gmail.com 07939 300732 Lauren Streeter www.cargocollective.com/laurenstreeter laurenstreeter@hotmail.co.uk 07756084386