Helen, a Gold Circle of Excellence realtor with Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, has consistently been the #1 Company Wide Agent in 2020, 2017, and 2016, and was named the Rookie of the Year in 2011. She was ranked 128th of USA Top Individual Real Estate Professionals in 2018.She was ranked 213th in Sales Volume in the 2021 USA REAL Trends Top 1,000 Real Estate Professionals, 275th in 2022 USA top 1,000 and 26th in the 2021 REAL Trends Top Real Estate Professionals in NYS, and was the 1st Place Locust Valley Office Production, Unit, and Listing Leader for 2022,as well as the Production Leader for both 2020 and 2021 . With a deep-rooted background in architecture and engineering, she has seamlessly integrated her expertise with real-life experiences to sell high-end properties, including a $90 million penthouse in Manhattan and a $49 million property in Long Island. Helen is dedicated and hard-working. She is highly client-oriented and ready to help others in many ways. With her fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese, she is able to build a strong client network in Long Island, and has close ties in Queens and Manhattan for residential and commercial properties. Whether it is for your dream home or your promising business property, Helen is ready to assist you with your next search. If you have question for buying, selling or renting, please do not hesitate to give Helen a call.
Helen (Huailing) DengGold
Circle of Excellencec.917.859.7718
邓淮铃女士热衷于地产事业,是丹尼尔盖尔苏富比国际房地产公司 (Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty) 金牌经纪,2020, 2017, 2016 年公司销售第一名,2011年最佳新人奖。她在2018年被评为美国顶级个人 房地产专家的第128名。她还被评为2021年全美REAL Trends千强房地产专家个 人销售额第213名,2022年全美千强个人销售额第275名,以及2021年REAL Trends纽约州最佳房地产专家第26名。此外,她还在2020年至2022年连续获得 了Locust Valley办公室的销售第一名。她从事多年建筑和工程领域的工作,对房 地产投资有着独到的领悟力。这使她在地产经纪领域脱颖而出,她具有经手多个 千万美元物业的交易经验,比如金额 $9,000 万美元的曼哈顿豪华公寓和 $4,900 万美元的长岛豪宅。邓女士工作认真,具有敬业精神,处处为客户着想。凭着她 丰富的地产经纪人经验,流利的国语和粤语,她建立了自己的华裔客户群。她尤 其精通长岛北岸的好学区房,皇后区,曼哈顿的精品住宅及商业物业。无论是您 需要一个理想的居所或者具有商业前景的商业物业,邓女士都会在第一时间帮您
寻找。如果您有任何的买房,卖房或者租房的需要,请联系邓女士,她会不遗余 力的帮助您!
$4.08 B M Sales Volume
Lifetime $2.9
Lifetime Average Sales Price