Google Apps Drive Manual

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Google Forms Instruction Document Introduction Note: This set of instructions is for Google Forms when using an ordinary Gmail account, ie: you are not using a ‘Google Apps for Education’ account. Google Drive is a free, web-based office suite and data storage service offered by Google. It enables users to create online documents and edit them collaboratively. As well as word processing, spreadsheets and presentation Google Drive offers a ‘forms’ option that can be used to generate online surveys and then collate and present the results. ‘Google Apps for Education’ is a package of free online tools, including Google Drive, compiled specifically for schools/colleges. It allows schools to set up email accounts for its teachers and students, facilitates shared calendars, shared documents and even the creation of websites that could become class or project websites e.g. a TY website. It gives the administrator control to limit access to the emails/sites. If you are considering setting up Google Apps for your school, then it is advisable that it is done in consultation with the ICT Administrator in the school. For the purposes of setting up an online questionnaire (Form) then a regular Gmail account will suffice.

Step 1: Setting up a Google Drive Account You will need a Gmail account to use Google Drive. If you do not have one already: 1. Go to 2. Click the red button at the top righthand-side to ‘Create an account’

3. Enter in the required setup details. This email address may become available to parents/ students so you may wish to consider this in the name/address chosen e.g.:

4. Once you have successfully created your account, click on ‘Drive’ towards the top of the page to access your Drive suite of office tools.

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5. You should get a page similar to that shown here. Once you have created a number of documents they will appear in the centre of this page, as will documents that others have created and have shared with you.

Step 2: Creating your Questionnaire (Google Form) On the left-hand-side, there is a ‘Create’ button to create a new document. Beside this button is another that will allow you to upload files to your Google Drive account. From here you can create a variety of document but we are going to choose the Form option. 1. Click on the Create Button, a list of options will appear. 2. Select ‘Form’ from the list. 3. The title and theme page will then appear. Fill in the title of your questionnaire by replacing the text in the ‘Untitled form’ box and select one of the colour schemes as the background for your survey (The design theme cannot be seen while editing). Then click OK. 4. This will take you to the Form template page. Here you will see several options to create your questionnaire but respondents will eventually see a much simpler version 5. If you have any guidance for the recipients, then that may be typed into the form description box under the heading e.g.: “please answer these questions honestly and without consulting others. Your responses are confidential and you cannot be identified.”

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Step 3: Editing your Form 1. The initial question is active when you start editing first. If this is not already the case then click on the pencil button to the right of the question to make it active. 2. Replace the text in the ‘Question Title’ box with your question e.g.: what class are you in. 3. Add a comment to the ‘Help text’ if necessary but this is optional. 4. There are a variety of question types, the Multiple choice option will appear by default. The answer to this particular question will be short so select the ‘Text’ Question Type from the Question Type button. If you want to make this a compulsory question, then click the ‘Make this a required question’ box. 5. An error note appears if a respondent does not answer a required question. Click on the ‘Done’ button when you are finished. That is your first question done! Click the pencil again to return to the question editing mode. Questions can be added by a process of duplicating and then editing. There are three editing buttons on the right-hand-side: • • •

The Pencil for editing The Pages to duplicate questions The Rubbish bin to remove a question

CIt is a good idea to select your ‘Question Type’ first as this has a bearing on how the question is structured. 6. Move on by selecting the duplicate button (between the pencil and the rubbish bin) or by clicking ‘add item’ at the bottom of the last question. 7. We will make this a ‘paragraph type’ question so select this option from the ‘Question type’ list. 8. Fill in the question as before. 9. To see what your questionnaire looks like click on the ‘View live form’ button at the top of the page. The live form should appear on a different tab at the top of the page or on a separate webpage. Every form will have a unique url (web address). The easiest way to create a new question is to duplicate an existing one and use it as a basis for the new question. 10. Hover over the desired question and click on the middle button shown to duplicate the question. This time we will create a multiple choice question so select this option from the ‘Question Type.’ 11. Fill in the Question Title and Help Text.

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12. Enter in the alternative options that the respondent can choose from. Respondents can only choose one item from the list specified. Click ‘Make this a required question’ if you wish and then click ‘Done’. There is an option to go to another section/page based on the selection the respondent makes to the multiple choices. The ‘Choose from a list’ is a similar style question to a multiple choice question; however, the ‘Check box’ allows the respondent select a few options. If you want to delete a question, simply click on the ‘X’ next to the question, to add more questions, do so at the bottom of the list. You cannot re-order the appearance of a list within a question. To delete the whole question click on the waste bin ‘The Scale’ requires the respondent to select a number rating but you can enter the values at both extremes, ie: like/dislike, agree/disagree. The grid has horizontal and vertical variables, for example: Never or almost never

A few times a year

About once a month

Several times a month

Several times a week







Comic books






Fiction (novels, narratives, stories)
















Non-fiction books Newspapers

Professional Development Service for Teachers There are 6 question options:


Used for short answers (a few words maximum)

Paragraph text:

Used for longer, more detailed answers

Multiple choice:

Respondents select one option from a list (There is an option to go to a different page based on one’s selection)

Choose from a list:

Respondents select one option from a list

Check boxes:

Respondents can choose a number of options from a list


Respondents select a value from a rating scale e.g.: 1-5, 1-7 etc... The highest and lowest point of the scale may be labelled

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Respondents make a selection considering two factors.

Step 4: To Reorder questions To ‘delete’ the question, click on the rubbish bin on the right-hand-side. To change the order of questions, click the pencil to leave the question editing mode, then left-click and hold on the centre of the question (the background of the question should change colour) and crossing-arrows symbol should appear. Move the question up/down until it is in the desired position.

Step 5: Adding Sections/pages to your Form You may also wish to add a ‘Section header’ which will enable you to divide your questionnaire into sections or add additional text that is in the form of a statement rather than a question. For example: you may like a single questionnaire covering different topics such as classwork, homework and extracurricular activities. Click on the ‘Add item’ on the bottom of your questionnaire.

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Select ‘Section Header’. It appears on your page in a similar format to a question and can be moved by clicking, holding and moving to the desired position.

If you have a long questionnaire or if you are addressing a number of topics you may wish to insert a ‘Page break’ which will divide your questionnaire into separate pages. You can remove the Section Heading and Page break by clicking on the rubbish bin, similar to removing a question. There are different reasons why pages may be added e.g.; you may want to put different categories of questions on different pages or you may want to go to a new page based on a respondent’s answer.

Step 6: Moving to different pages based on respondents selection There is an option to go to different destinations depending on the selection the respondent makes to a multiple choice question. This may be different section or a different page. These pages need to be created before entering the multiple choice options. 1. Click on ‘Add item’ at the bottom of the page 2. Select ‘Page break’ 3. Add your questions as normal NOTE: Should you require a respondent to be directed to a different question based on their response, you need to create the pages first and then go back and use the multiple choice question type ie: if you are going to give a multiple choice with 3 options, you must create the three pages first (then go back and to create the multiple choice options).

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4. When constructing your multiple choice questions ensure ‘Go to page based on answer’ is selected. 5. The redirection options then appear to the right hand side. 6. Enter in the alternative options that the Mul<ple choice Ques<on respondent can choose from. A list of the subpages you created previously should now appear as a list. Choose the desired location, Op<on 1 Op<on 2 Op<on 3 click ‘Make this a required question’ and then click ‘Done’. submit



7. In order to end the questionnaire and submit it, you must add another multiple choice question to the end of each page, but with one option: submit. Add a multiple choice question type and call it ‘Submit this survey’ or similar in the Question Title box. 8. As before, select ‘Go to page based on answer’ 9. Replace the Option 1 text with ‘Submit’ or similar 10. Click on the button ‘Continue to next page’ and select ‘Submit form’ from the list. Make it a ‘required question’.

NOTE: You only need to undertake tasks 8 to 11 if you do not use the ‘Continue to next page’ option and therefore have different ending points for a questionnaire. When respondents fill in the form and make their selections from the multiple choice options they are subsequently taken to the corresponding page automatically.

Step 7: Adding a colour scheme and salutation to your questionnaire Google Forms come with a variety of colourful backgrounds themes that can be applied to your survey. Having seen what your questionnaire looks like by clicking on the ‘Go to live form’ button at the top of your questionnaire you may wish to change its appearance. 1. If you want to change the design you selected initially click on the Theme button towards the top left-hand-side. 2. Select your preferred theme from the list that appears, you will get a preview of what it looks like, click the ‘OK’ on the bottom left. 3. Google provides a standard confirmation message that appears once someone has submitted their form. You can change this by editing the ‘Confirmation Page’ at the bottom of your questionnaire. 4. You may wish to allow one response from each

computer that logs on to your survey (e.g.: if the survey is anonymous). If many

Professional Development Service for Teachers students/teachers may use the same computer to take the survey, you will want to tick the box for ‘Show link to submit another response’. If the’ Publish and show a link to the results of this form’ is ticked the respondent will see a summary of the submissions to the survey up to that time. Respondents may also be allowed edit their responses, if you permit them to do this then they will have to record the Url (web address/www…..) at the end to the initial submission process.

Step 8: Publishing your Questionnaire (Form) There are basically two ways of distributing your questionnaire: send it by email or sharing the web address (Url) (e.g.: making it a link on your website.) Click on the blue Send button on the Top-righthand-side of your questionnaire. To distribute by email: Type in the email recipients or select from your contacts. Select custom message if you wish to personalise or add some information to the body of the email. To embed in a website: Embedding forms such as this in your school website can be very useful for compiling a lot of information (e.g. entrance information) efficiently. All the information can be correlated onto a single spreadsheet. Click on the ‘Embed’ button (2) and then the HTML code can be copied from the dialogue box into your school website; however, the questionnaire acts independently of the website. The questionnaire appears as a form in your webpage and the window in which it appears can be enlarged/ reduced by changing the Custom size. How the code is copied into your website will depend on what you are using to design your site. The questionnaire can also be shared by coping (Ctrl+C) and pasting (Ctrl+P) the Link to share (below are instructions on how to reduce the length of the url if you want to write it on a board/ diary.

Step 9: Conducting a Google Forms in an ICT room A convenient way to share the questionnaire is to give respondents the web address (Url). This can, however, be cumbersome because the Google Drive address is very long and complicated. You could use a Url shortener to simplify the address. We will use 1. If more than one student is going to submit a survey from the same computer then ensure that

‘Show link to submit another response’ is ticked in the Confirmation page at the bottom of your survey. 2. Copy the Url (web address) described above using Link to share or click on the Go to live form button at the top of your questionnaire, open your live form, right click over the questionnaire Url and select copy (press the Ctrl key and the letter C simultaneously).

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3. Then go to the website (NOTE: This website contains advertisements) right-click and paste (Ctrl+P) the link into the ‘Enter a long URL to make tiny’ box. Add a ‘Custom alias’ underneath e.g.: Then click ‘Make Tinyurl!’. You may have to try a number of titles but this site will generate a more manageable url for the same website e.g. (NOTE: you can only use a custom alias once as each address

is unique) You should keep a record of the shortened versions of the surveys. These could be written on the board for students to copy You may wish to have several classes complete the questionnaire under your supervision. You may therefore, write the shortened version of the url on the board and ask the first group to copy the address onto their own computers. After they fill in the form they click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen. A dialogue box will then appear with the confirmation note you made earlier. If you want another group to sit the same questionnaire immediately afterwards then the student should click ‘Submit another response’ in preparation for the next student. The same procedure applies where there are insufficient computers for the number of students; students can fill in the questionnaire one after another.

Step 10: Analysing the survey responses To view the responses submitted, while in the Form editing page: click on the ‘View responses’ button towards the top of the questionnaire. This will take you to a summary page containing graphs etc. Once you create your questionnaire then it will appear in ‘My Drive’ in your Google Drive homepage. When you open it from there, the file will open the questionnaire as a spreadsheet.

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Once respondents start filling in the questionnaire, the number completed will appear in brackets adjacent to the ‘Form’ option on the menu bar. These Form menu options include: Edit form, Send form, Go to live form, Embed form, Show summary of responses, Accepting responses and Delete form. To see what form respondents will see go to ‘live form’. To see a graphical representation of the results then select ‘Show summary of responses’ from the Form list. Depending on the type of question asked, the results may be presented in pie chart, vertical or horizontal bar charts or just text. Two negative features of the way the results are presented are that text inputs tend to run in together which can be difficult to read ie: all participants replies to a question appear together in a paragraph as shown in the diagram. The other issue is that the format of the graphs cannot be altered and findings reordered. This can, however, be done by downloading the results into excel (shown in Step 12).

Step 11: Copying graphics into PowerPoint The easiest way to copy a graphic from your Summary of responses is to use Print Screen/Screen grab. This basically takes a photograph of whatever is on your computer screen. This is a button on your keyboard often in the vicinity of the Delete button. It may be called ‘Prnt Sc’ or derivations for Print Screen or Screen Grab. Make sure the graphic you want to copy is on the computer screen (ideally it should take up as much of the screen as possible). 1. Click the Print Screen button on your keyboard. 2. Open PowerPoint, Word or what every program you are using. 3. Click Paste. A copy of your graphic should now appear in your document. You will probably have to reduce its size; 4. Click on the picture to select it. 5. When you have selected the image for cropping (8 squares/circles should appear at the corners and the centre of each edge) a picture toolbar should become available. Select the ‘Crop’ button from the

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menu. Then gradually drag the corners into the area that you wish to present. You should crop the image to the area you want but the instruction for this will depend on the version of Windows you are using.

Step 12: Downloading to Excel The presentation of results can be limited in Google Drive so, for the purpose of presentation (e.g.: PowerPoint), you may wish to copy from Google Drive into Excel and design your own charts or reorder the information. 1. Highlight and copy the statistics you want and paste them into MS Excel. Generate the chart in your desired format. 2. If the data is mainly in numerical format then it may be easier to download the whole spread sheet into Excel. In the spread sheet format, click ‘File’ and ‘Download as’ then select the format you wish, we will use Microsoft Excel. Once you are in Excel you must generate the charts as you would normally in Excel.

Professional Development Service for Teachers

SUMMARY OF GOOGLE FORMS INSTRUCTIONS Open Mail Click Drive on the top bar Click Create – red box on the left hand side Choose Forms Insert a Title Choose a Theme Click OK Design your questions – 7 types At the bottom of the page is Confirmation Page -­‐ you can put in a message– ensure that the first box is ticked ü Click Choose Response Destination at the top of the page– ensure that new spreadsheet is selected, click Create ü Click on View Responses (replaces choose response destination) – brings you into the spreadsheet of answers AKA accepting responses ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü

File Tab § § § §

Share – change from private to public Make a Copy Rename Revision History

Forms Tab § § §

§ § §

Edit Form-­‐ note: you should not edit after administering (Create, Pilot, Edit, Copy, Administer, View) Send Form – via e-­‐mail Go to live form – this is the form that will be answered, you can create a tinyurl shortener which generates a code – open a new tab and search for google url shortener, copy url of live form and paste into google url shortener…. Embed in a web page Show summary of responses – collated results/bar charts Unlink Form – stop answers coming in

Back in Drive § § §

Place cursor over name of survey and right click – share, make a copy, rename…. Go to create (red box on LHS) and choose folder Place curser over a form you want to put into folder and right click, choose organise and click on the folder you want to move the form into, click move

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