Architecture Portfolio 2009

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dani el i l l umdavi s por t f ol i o2009

per s onali nf or mat i on name: dat eofbi r t h: nat i onal i t y: addr es s : t el ephone: mobi l ephone: emai l :

dani el i l l umdavi s 14121984 dual nat i onal i t y( dani s h/ br i t i s h) øs t ers øgade32,5t v,1357københavnk,danmar k +4535144098 +4528467778 di d@i l l umdavi s . com


i dpdpr oper t ydevel opment ,uni t edki ngdom. s ummerhol i daywor kex per i ence,f ourweeks ,unpai d. wor kedonCADpr oj ect sands i t es ur veysonhous i ng r edevel opment si nandar oundl ondon.


mar s h& gr ochows ki ar chi t ect s ,uni t edki ngdom s ummerhol i daywor kex per i ence,oneweek,unpai d l ear nedt ous eaut oCADandgi venmyowns mal l s cal epr oj ectt ocompl et edur i ngt heweek. at t ended cl i entmeet i ngandvar i ouss i t evi s i t sat ongoi ngpr oj ect s

educat i on 2003-2007

bachel orofar t s( honour s )i nar chi t ect ur e( 2: 2) , ox f or dbr ookesuni ver s i t y,depar t mentofar chi t ect ur e modul esi ncl uded:ar chi t ect ur al des i gn,ar chi t ect ur al hi s t or y, t echnol ogy,s t ai nabi l i t y,ar chi t ect ur al ps ychol ogy,di gi t al cul t ur e andar chi t ect ur al r epr es ent at i on.


gener al cer t i f i cat eofeducat i on( gceadvancedl evel ) , not t i ngham boy’ shi ghs chool ,s i x t hf or m gener al s t udi es( A) ,geogr aphy( B) ,mat hs( C) ,phys i cs( C)


gener al cer t i f i cat eofs econdar yeducat i on( gcs e) , not t i ngham boy’ shi ghs chool 10GCS E’ s( A*-B)

empl oyment 2007-cont


henni ngl ar s enar chi t ect s ,denmar k. s t udentar chi t ect / pr act i cal ex per i ence. i ni t i al 12mont hss pentaspar tofr i bapar t1pr of es s i onal pr act i ce. wor kedonavar i et yofpr oj ect s ,bot hs mal l s cal ehous i ngt ol ar ge s cal emas t er pl ans ,wi t hi nagr oupbas eds t r uct ur e. t ookpar ti ncl i entmeet i ngs ,compet i t i onsands t udyt r i ps . wor kedqui ckl yandr el i abl yunderpr es s ur eanddeadl i nes . uks i ml i mi t ed,uni t edki ngdom. di r ect or / coowner . 3dand2dar t wor kf ormi l i t ar ys i mul at i ons of t war e,cont r act ed, t hr oughami ddl epar t y,wi t ht hebr i t i s hmi ni s t r yofdef ence

per s onals ki l l s l anguages:

f l uentdani s handengl i s h

pr of es s i onals ki l l s advanced:

adobephot os hop,adobei l l us t r at or , bent l eymi cr os t at i on

compet ent :

r hi no3d,vr ay,s ket chup,adobei ndes i gn,aut ocad

act i vi t i es / i nt er es t s s por t :

r ugby( s chool t eam t hr oughoutmys econdar y educat i on) ,t enni s( l ocal cl ubandt eam) ,s quas h ( l ocal cl ub) ,s ai l i ng,s ki i ng.

ot her :

phot ogr aphy( par t i cul ari nt er es ti nur ban envi r onment sanddegener at i on) ,ar t( pai nt i ng)

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