California IQ

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California IQ Test

Main source: Statistical Abstract of the U.S. and various California agencies

The U.S. population in midmid2011 was 311.6 million What was the population of California?

37.6 million; a little under 1/8th (12.1%)

Sources of California Population Change (000s) 600




Nat Increase








-100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



The Pew Center estimated there were 11.2 million illegal immigrants in the US in 2010. How many were estimated to be in California?

2.6 million; 23% of total


California Projection: 2040

DOF: 54.6 million

Check on Population Growth?

Other Implications?



In 2010, 13.0% of the U.S. population was 65 years and older. What was the corresponding percent in California?


If the percent of the California population age 65 and over in 2010 was 11.4%, what is it projected to be in 2040?


DOF pension_proposal_110811.aspx

The infant mortality rate is often used as a measure of public health. It is defined as the proportion of deaths of infants under age 1 per 1000 live births. The U.S. rate in 2008 was 6.6. What was the California rate? /NeedsAssessments/2011/CA-NeedsAssessment.pdf

5.1; Note: The white vs. black rates are 4.1 vs. 12.1. Much of the variation across states is related to the black percent of the population due to high black infant mortality.

In 2009, 17% of the U.S. population did not have any form of health insurance (private or public). What was the percentage in California?

20%; Note: Child (<18) rate was 10% US vs. 11% CA index.jsp

Below is a table showing the educational attainment in 2009 of the U.S. population aged 25 years and over. Fill in your estimate of the California proportions.

HighHigh-school graduate: US = 85.3% Calif. = ? Bachelor’s degree: US = 27.9% Calif. = ?

Below is a table showing the educational attainment in 2009 of the U.S. population aged 25 years and over. Fill in your estimate of the California proportions.

HighHigh-school graduate: US = 85.3% Calif. = 80.6% Bachelor’s degree: US = 27.9% Calif. = 29.9%

In 20082008-09, U.S. average expenditure per pupil in KK12 public schools was $10,905 What was the level in California?

$9,472; state rank = 38th of 51 (incl. DC)

How do you spell relief? DEMOGRAPHICS

In 2008, 14.0 million students were enrolled in public higher education institutions and 5.1 million were enrolled in private, nationally. What proportion of these groups were in California? (Calif. has 13.9% of all higher education students.)

Percent in California public = ? Percent in California private = ?

In 2008, 14.0 million students were enrolled in public higher education institutions and 5.1 million were enrolled in private, nationally. What proportion of these groups were in California? (Calif. has 13.9% of all higher education students.)

Percent in California public = 16.0% Percent in California private = 8.1%

In 2009, the violent crime rate (murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault) per 100,000 population in the U.S. was 439.7. What was the corresponding rate in California?

473.9; 625 in the L.A. MSA

CA Atty Genl

In 2009, there were 954,100 fullfulltime equivalent state and local employees working in police departments in the US. What was the proportion of these employees located in California?


Between 2000 and 2009, the number of prisoners held by federal and state authorities nationally grew at an annual rate of 1.7%. What was the equivalent rate for California?

0.6%; Note: Most of the big jump in Calif. prisoners came in the 1980s. Calif. is under court order to reduce its number of prisoners due to overcrowding, etc.

Prisoners: 2009-IV

Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation

In the 2008 presidential elections, 52.9% of votes went for Democratic candidate Barack Obama nationally. What was the proportion of votes for Obama in California?


In 2009, a family of 3 in LA earning $25,000 a year paid 11.0% of its income in state and local taxes. What was the percent for a family of 3 earning $150,000 a year?


In 20072007-08, California state taxes accounted for 15.0% of all state tax collections in the U.S. What was the percentage for local taxes?


In 20082008-09, all state and local governments received a total of $552.1 billion in grants from the federal government. What proportion of this funding went to California?

11.2%; Note: The notion that California is shortchanged comes about more through inclusion of all federal expenditures including purchases (10.7% in federal spending in FY 2009).

In 2009, there were 16.8 million state and local fullfull-time equivalent employees. What was the percentage of them in California?


In June 2011, at the national level 4.4 million individuals received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF or “welfare�). What was the percentage of these persons in California?

LA County Dept. of Public Social Services CA Dept. of Social Services


In 20102010-IV, the average weekly wage per employee in the U.S. was $971. What was the figure for California?

$1,128 16% above US average


In 2009, the U.S. Dept. of Defense spent $535 within the U.S. What proportion of these dollars went to California?


In 2010, 15.3% of the U.S. population fell below the federal poverty line. What was the percentage for California?


Calif. Budget Project

Here are a couple of questions. What is a deficit? What is a shortfall?

LAO 11/11

In 2008, the average cost of insuring an automobile in the U.S. was $789 per annum. What was the cost in California?

$776; 1.6% below US average

In 2008, all state and federal Workers’ Compensation programs paid out a total of $57.6 billion to injured/ill workers. What proportion of these dollars was paid out in California?

16.4% (down from over 21% after Schwarzenegger reforms)

In 2010, 121,164 patents were granted to US residents. What proportion of these were in California?


In the U.S. 46,278,000 copies of daily newspapers were sold in 2009; a per capita rate of 0.15. What was the equivalent rate in California?


In FY 2007, federal obligations for research and development at universities totaled $28.5 billion. In terms of rank by dollars obligated, where did UCLA stand? 5th after Johns Hopkins, U of WA, U of PA. , all U of MI. Other CA universities by rank: Stanford [10], UCSD[7], UCSF[8], USC[25], UCSD [27], UCB [31], UCI [37].

In 2009, there were about 134.9 million automobiles (including taxis) registered in the U.S. What proportion of these were in California?


In 2009, there were 59,007 miles of interstate, freeway, and express roads in the U.S. What percentage of these miles was in California?


In 2009, the proportion of Americans commuting to work on public transit was 5.0%. What was the percentage in California?


In 2009, a total of 3,596.9 billion kilowattkilowatt-hours were sold in the US. What proportion was sold in California?

7.2%; Note: price per kilowatt hour in California was 13.24 cents vs. 9.82 cents in US.

In 2009, farm marketings in the U.S. came to $283.4 billion. What percent of that income was generated in California?

12.3%; Calif. is leading dairy state.

In 2008, 91 million acreacre-feet of water were used in the U.S. for irrigation. What was the proportion used in California?


In 2010, the U.S. produced 2.0 billion barrels of crude petroleum. What fraction came from California? 10.1%; 3rd ranked behind TX & Alaska

Where was this old photo taken?

Venice, California

In 2010, there were 11.5 million employees in manufacturing in the U.S. What percentage of these employees was located in California? 10.8%; more in absolute numbers than any other state. Some major sectors are computers & electronics, food mfg., apparel, chem & pharma, aerospace.

In 2010, U.S. exports totaled $1.3 trillion. What percentage of these originated in California?

11.2%; 2nd ranked state after TX

In 2010, 13.1% of wage and salary workers were represented by labor unions in the US. What was the proportion in California?

18.6%; the gap with the US is largely a function of the public sector.

In 2010, a reported 26.4 million overseas visitors came to the U.S. What percent of these came to California?

21.3%; 3rd ranked after NY, FL

In the U.S., 73.5% of persons over age 3 were in households that had Internet access in 2009. What was the proportion in California?


The state flag of California has a picture of a grizzly bear on it. How many grizzly bears remain in California? none; hunted to extinction by 1920s

California IQ Test

Main source: Statistical Abstract of the U.S. and various California agencies

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