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UCLA Student Workers Protest
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
From the LA Times: Hundreds of UCLA researchers, student-instructors and other academic workers took to the streets of Westwood on Tuesday afternoon, protesting low pay and what they deemed institutionalized discrimination and harassment at the University of California. The group marched to Westwood and Wilshire boulevards in Los Angeles, shouting slogans and banging pots and pans, before decamping at the intersection, where some supporters sat in a large circle and blocked traffic for more than two hours. Two dozen union leaders were arrested after Los Angeles police declared an unlawful assembly and ordered the demonstrators to disperse.
The protesters were among thousands of academic workers from across the University of California’s 10 campuses and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who were demonstrating amid tense negotiations over increased pay and expanded protections...
Full story at https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-04-26/uc-academic-workersblock-westwood-intersection-to-protest-pay-policies.