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What Do UCLA Undergraduates (Think) They Want
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Source: https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/may22/j1.pdf. Note: Degrees counted at the major level. If a student has a double major, this is reported as two. Degree years count summer as a trailing term (the summer after the academic year). "Others" include Arts & Architecture; the International Institute; Basic Biomedical Sciences; the Institute of the Environment; Music; Theater, Film & Television; Public Affairs; Nursing; Education & Information Studies; and Letters & Science General.
We continue our look at UCLA as it will be presented to the Regents later this week during their May meetings. It appears that the growth fields are engineering and life sciences. Humanities and social sciences are losing majors, although the latter remains the most popular absolutely. Note that these divisions are those of the college which contains 79% of the majors. The "other" group is mainly composed of majors offered by professional schools. Some of these "other" majors are arguably linked to the other divisions, e.g., music could be grouped with humanities; public affairs could be grouped with social sciences, etc.
The title of this post includes the word "think" because yours truly teaches a course in public affairs which features a lot of guest speakers/practitioners who often report ending up in positions totally unrelated to their college majors.