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Departing Law Dean
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
From Madison.com (5-16-22)
The University of Wisconsin Board of Regents has selected Jennifer Mnookin as the next chancellor to lead UW-Madison. Mnookin, law school dean at UCLA, was unanimously approved as UW-Madison’s 30th chancellor, the regents announced in a Monday news release. Her appointment will take effect Aug. 4.
Mnookin (pronounced “min-oo-kin”) said in a statement she is “absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity to lead UW-Madison.” She added in a news release issued by UWMadison that her experience as a lawyer will serve her well in the role of chancellor. “Lawyers have to listen carefully,” Mnookin said. “They have to think strategically. They are, fundamentally, trained as problem solvers and sometimes have to persuade people that don’t necessarily see the world the way they do. They also have to be willing to engage across difference and think seriously about alternative points of view. I do think those are qualities that I will bring to this role as chancellor.”
Source: https://madison.com/news/local/education/university/ucla-dean-jennifer-mnookinn a m e d - u w - m a d i s o n s - n e x t - c h a n c e l l o r / a r t i c l e _ 9 0 c a f e e 3 - 9 d 4 4 - 5 6 c 3 - b 7 2 9 5e6e450910b6.html.