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UCLA Anderson Forecast Says Not to Worry (Too Much
Thursday, June 02, 2022
The UCLA Anderson Forecast presented its June update yesterday in a hybrid fashion (in-person and Zoom).
From the Forecast news release:
Global, Domestic Impediments Will Slow Down Economy, but No Recession Yet
UCLA Anderson Forecast says war in Ukraine, COVID lockdowns in China, supply chain constraints, inflation will stymie growth

Los Angeles (June 1, 2022) — In March, the UCLA Anderson Forecast cited the uncertainties facing the U.S. and California economies. Seemingly, just as the economy was returning to normal as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic began to abate, the Russian invasion of Ukraine destabilized global economic conditions.
In the UCLA Anderson Forecast’s June reports for the nation and the state, the effects of a number of economic impediments — including the Russia-Ukraine war, COVID lockdowns in China, supply chain constraints and inflation — continue to affect the U.S. and California economies. And while there is no recession forecast in the June report, economic slowdowns in California and across the U.S. are expected.

The national forecast Given growing concern about the possibility of a recession caused by rising interest rates and a slowdown in housing, Professor Edward Leamer, in an article titled "A New Way of Forecasting a Recession: Not Much to Worry About Right Now," examines the evidence through a statistical analysis of past recessions. Leamer's analysis concludes that a recession in the next 12 months is unlikely.
However, according to UCLA Anderson Forecast Senior Economist Leo Feler, author of the June forecast for the nation, there is no doubt that parts of the U.S. economy are abruptly slowing, as waves of economic shocks continue to cause damage. With the war in Ukraine and COVID lockdowns in China both continuing, the global economy continues to experience supply constraints and higher prices for raw materials.
Related to those shocks, what once seemed like transitory inflation has become persistent, and consumers have begun to expect higher rates of inflation for the coming years. In other words, the concern that inflation expectations could become unanchored has begun to materialize, which will make it more challenging for the Fed to rein in inflation. The UCLA Anderson Forecast expects that in order to do so, the Fed will significantly increase interest rates this year, which will slow consumer demand, especially for housing and related consumer durables. Higher rates will also slow business investment.

The slowdown in both consumer spending and business investment should bring demand back in line with supply and help alleviate some of the current supply chain constraints and shortages. Although a recession is not expected in the next two years, the risk has certainly grown. It is possible that continued global economic shocks will hurt
the U.S. economic recovery and that the Fed will tighten too quickly, which could lead to a recession. The UCLA Forecast does not expect this to be the case, but a recession has become more possible.
The Forecast team also does not expect the Fed to be able to bring core inflation down to its 2% target until after 2024, even with the tighter monetary policy that is expected for this year and into 2023.
The June Forecast expects U.S. economic growth will likely slow to 2.8% in 2022, followed by 2.0% in 2023 and 1.9% in 2024, below the trend rate of growth in these later years. Just a few months ago, the forecast was for growth of 4.3%, 2.8% and 2.3%, respectively, for the same years. On a quarterly basis, the latest Forecast expects the depth of the economic slowdown and the highest risk of recession to occur in the middle of 2023.
According to Feler’s report, the GDP contraction that occurred in the first quarter of 2022 was a “one-off.” He expects a rebound in GDP of 3.1% on an annualized basis in the second quarter and 3.6% in the third quarter, as consumers shrug off COVID-19 and shift back to services like airline travel, recreation and dining.
“By the end of 2022 and into 2023, as the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate increases begin to bite, we expect growth to slow to below 2%,” Feler says. “Only by the end of 2024 do we expect GDP growth to pick back up to trend rates.”
With that economic slowdown, the level of GDP is expected to remain below what it would have been had the pandemic never occurred. That is, real GDP is not expected to return to its long-term trend even by the end of 2024. Unemployment will likely rise in 2023 as the Federal Reserve increases interest rates and the economy slows. The forecast for inflation does not see consumer prices easing any time soon and calls for 7.4% year-over-year inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, by the end of 2022, falling to 2.2% by the end of 2023.
Feler expects the Fed to raise interest rates at each of its meetings for the rest of the year, with the likelihood of 0.5 percentage point increases in June and July, and even the possibility of a 0.75 percentage point increase if inflation does not begin to come down. The forecast expects the federal funds rate to peak between 3.75% and 4.0% in mid2023.
The California forecast
In California, the pandemic continues to be a major factor influencing the economy, but it is no longer the sole influence. Higher energy prices due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as well as uncertainty on Wall Street that will impact funding for the state’s technology entrepreneurs are headwinds, in addition to continuing pandemic-related supply chain interruptions.
But there are also some positives, including California’s record surplus general fund and a significant rainy-day fund to protect against future tax revenue downturns.
Still, according to UCLA Anderson Forecast Director Jerry Nickelsburg, who authored the June California forecast, the headwinds affecting the state’s growth are significant. As a result, the forecast has been shifted downward from the previous one. It is not a
recession, but it is a shallower growth trend than before.
Nickelsburg’s June analysis includes an examination of sectors that are now experiencing constraints but are expected to drive the California economy in the coming years.
The California forecast calls for solid gains in employment. The current data indicate that broad-based hiring in retail trade, health care and social services, technology and construction is likely to mean solid gains in the coming three years. Increases in defense spending and the continued demand for tech will also be factors in the California economy’s continued growth.
But there are real risks to the economy in the near term. As a consequence of the expected slowing of growth elsewhere in the U.S., the California forecast is now a bit weaker than it was three months ago. Further risks to the forecast are the continuing pandemic and domestic migration on the downside, as well as increased international immigration and accelerated onshoring of technical manufacturing on the upside.
Technology-laden industries have been driving the California economy since the end of the Great Recession, as the demand for new software and technological solutions to 21st-century business and consumer activity has been evident in both the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California. Today, this spans aerospace, manufacturing, life sciences, energy, entertainment and computing.
Although tech is not a sector itself, two sectors — professional, technical and scientific services being one, and information the other — are arguably the most tech-intensive sectors. The information sector includes film and television production and broadcasting. By June 2021, employment in these two sectors had recovered in the Bay Area, and in April 2022, the level of payroll employment was 7.2% higher than its previous peak. Also, April employment grew at an annual rate of 7%. Between the last three months and the previous three months, employment grew by an annual rate of 4%.
In addition, the logistics industry has been hiring rapidly since the downturn in March 2020. This has been driven by a shift from services consumption to goods consumption during the worst of the pandemic, an increase in home remodeling and a shift in purchase behavior from brick-and-mortar retail to online retail. The impact can be seen in the sea port and airport data. As California is the port of entry for most of the goods produced in Asia's industrial centers, the state has disproportionately benefited from this increased demand.
The unemployment rate for the third quarter of this year is expected to be 4.3%, and the average rates for 2022, 2023 and 2024 are expected to be 4.5%, 4.1% and 4.5%, respectively. The forecast for 2022, 2023 and 2024 is for total employment growth rates to be 4.3%, 1.5% and 4.7%. Non-farm payroll jobs are expected to grow at rates of 5.1%, 2.3% and 1.2% during the same three years. Real personal income is forecast to decline by 4.5% in 2022 and grow by 2.4% in 2023 as a function of the transfers from the stimulus packages expiring, and it is expected to grow by 2.9% in 2024.
In spite of the slowing economy, the continued demand for limited housing stock, coupled with low interest rates, leads to a forecast of a relatively rapid return of homebuilding. The economists’ expectation is for 124,000 net new units to be permitted in 2022, growing to 143,000 by 2024. That level of homebuilding means that the prospect of the private
sector building out of the housing affordability problem over the next three years is nil.
Full release at https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/news-and-events/press-releases/globaldomestic-impediments-will-slow-down-economy-no-recession-yet.
Note from yours truly: There is a lot of anomalous behavior in the economy at present, undoubtedly due to the pandemic. The recession of 2020 was directly due to the pandemic and the shutdown of large sectors of the economy, not the usual cause of recessions. The first quarter real GDP showed negative growth, attributed to an inventory buildup in the prior quarter (as firms overbought to deal with supply chain issues - also pandemic related - and consumers shifted demand to imports which are not produced domestically). But the drop in domestic economic activity did not show up in rising unemployment, rising new claims for unemployment insurance, or even decreased vacancies. In short, the labor market seemed to be detached from other economic activity. Ultimately, forecasting depends on looking back at historical data and patterns and seeing what the past says about the present and the future. However, a pandemicinduced recession followed by a pandemic-afflicted recovery is not something with which we have had a lot of experience. You have to go back to the pandemic of 1918 and beyond for a precedent, and it's not clear that the economy of a century ago has a lot of information to give us. There was a severe downturn in the early 1920s, followed by the "roaring 20s" thereafter. So, let's hope we get the roar and not another recession.
You can see the Forecast presentations at the link below:
Or direct to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gNZIEbZ82Q.