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John Froines
Monday, July 18, 2022
The obituary in the LA Times for public health professor John Froines, as you might expect, spends a lot of time on his role as a defendant in the Chicago-7 trial.
But there is also attention to his environmental work subsequently.
Long before he became a renowned scientist who fought for environmental justice in Los Angeles and beyond, John Froines was an antiwar activist who became a familiar face as a member of the fabled Chicago 7...
Froines returned to academia. And the fervor he once aimed at the war in Vietnam he now directed at lead, diesel fumes and other environmental hazards that affected the lives of so many, and often those who lived in near-poverty...
As a UCLA professor, Froines conducted a study to determine which Southern California jobs and industries had the highest exposure to 500 different chemicals. And as head of the UCLA’s Occupational Health Center, he oversaw a study to determine how some industrial chemicals cause early aging of the brain and how others help trigger the first stages of cancer...
John Radford Froines was born June 13, 1939, and raised in Oakland, where he parents were shipyard workers. His father was murdered while walking home from the shipyards when John was 3. He became a star running back in high school, gradated from UC Berkeley and earned his doctorate from Yale...
Full obituary at https://www.latimes.com/obituaries/story/2022-07-15/environmentalcrusader-john-froines-who-stood-trial-with-the-chicago-7-dies.