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Beyond the press release
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
It looks as though the news media are beginning actually to look at the numbers rather than the press releases.
From the San Diego Union-Tribune: UC San Diego offered admission to 9,456 fewer prospective freshmen this fall than it did a year ago to cope with the unprecedented enrollment demand that is roiling the entire University of California system. To varying degrees, the system’s Berkeley, UCLA, Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz campuses did the same, as they struggled to find enough housing and classroom space for the flood tide of students. Only the Merced and Riverside campuses increased admission offers.
College enrollment is declining in many parts of the country, particularly the northeast and Midwest. But it’s booming in the UC system, where ever more students are meeting eligibility criteria. The UC received a record 210,840 applications from prospective students for this fall. The state has pledged to add about 6,200 California students to UC campuses this year, which reflects the demand that state residents are placing on the system. But it’s unclear whether the UC will hit that number, and whether Californians will be satisfied with how things shake out in general...
Full story at https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/story/2022-08-15/ucsan-diego-cuts-admissions-offers-to-nearly-9-500-prospective-freshmen.
The Marx brothers were definitely on to something:
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