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ICYMI - Town Hall on COVID Policy & Other Diseases
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
A "town hall" was held yesterday on Zoom about UCLA policy on COVID going into the fall quarter. Also discussed was Monkeypox. And there was a brief reference to polio which has made a reappearance in the U.S. The presentation - which was followed by questions and answers - was also available live on YouTube and a recording remains available on that platform. A link is available on this posting. See below.
Most of the strict regime that existed up until August 15th is now gone. Vaccination remains required for employees working on campus with limited exceptions. However, mask-wearing indoors is now optional although strongly recommended.
To yours truly, two issues that came up in the question period were particularly significant. First, faculty cannot require masks in the classroom. Second, faculty are not obligated to record classes for the benefit of students who are quarantining, although they are encouraged to accommodate such students.
You can see the presentation at the link below:
Or direct to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxkIBL7gsfU. ===
We are experimenting. You can hear the text above at the link below: