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New Worker Safety Requirements on UC Campuses
Saturday, October 01, 2022
A new state law signed by Governor Newsom adds worker safety requirements for live events held on UC campuses and facilities. The law covers any "public events venue" defined as “a state-operated fairground, county fairground, state park, California State University, University of California, or auxiliary organization-run facility that hosts live events.
From Deadline: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that will set workplace safety training and certification standards for companies that produce live events at publicly owned and operated venues. The signing was praised by the California IATSE Council, many of whose members work behind-the-scenes on live events.
The legislation, AB 1775, requires contracting entities to require entertainment event vendors at publicly owned and operated venues “to certify for its employees, and employees of its subcontractors, that those individuals have complied with specified training, certification, and workforce requirements, including that employees involved in the setting up, operation, or tearing down of a live event at its public events venue have completed prescribed trainings of the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration.” The new law also requires Cal/OSHA, the state’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health, to enforce its provisions and to issue citations for violations...
Full story at https://deadline.com/2022/09/gavin-newsom-landmark-workplace-safety-billpublicly-owned-live-venues-california-1235132000/.
T h e b i l l i s a t https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1775.
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