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Teamsters Contract
Saturday, October 29, 2022
As blog readers - particularly those who watch our preserved Regents meetings - will know, in recent meetings during public comments, there were often complaints from members of the Teamsters union about stalled contract negotiations with UC. But there were no such comments at yesterday's off-cycle meeting because a new contract has now been approved. From the Bruin:
The University of California and the Teamsters Local 2010 union confirmed a four-year contract Monday. ...More than 13,000 UC employees – such as clerical, skilled trade and administrative workers – are members of the union. The UC has been in negotiations with Teamsters Local 2010 for months, and the union held rallies in March and May to advocate for better compensation. The new contract will start July 1 [2022] and be in effect until March 21, 2026, according to a joint UC-Teamsters Local 2010 press release Monday. It includes pay increases totaling 15% over the four-year contract period, including a 6% increase in the first year and a $3,000 lump sum payment...
Full story at https://dailybruin.com/2022/10/25/university-of-california-confirms-4-yearcontract-with-teamsters-local-2010.
The union's summary of the agreement is at:
T o h e a r t h e t e x t a b o v e , c l i c k o n t h e l i n k b e l o w : https://ia601402.us.archive.org/25/items/big-ten/teamsters%20contract.mp3