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Strike News: Additional Developments
Friday, December 02, 2022
The San Francisco Chronicle reports several building occupations at Berkeley and one at UCLA.
Hundreds of student workers in the third week of a massive strike across the University of California system occupied the UC Berkeley chancellor’s office Thursday, disrupted a meeting of undergraduates and administrators and held sit-ins in buildings across campus as part of a series of planned actions up and down the state, union officials said. Shortly after 10 a.m. at UC Berkeley, about 200 “picketers rushed the doors at California Hall,” the campus administration building, said Janet Gilmore, a Cal spokesperson. UC police were standing by, and campus leaders met to “monitor and evaluate” the situation, she said. Chancellor Carol Christ was not in the building and all staff except security left. Several occupiers brought sleeping bags and planned to stay all night, union officials said.
At about 2:30 p.m, another 100 or so student workers burst in on a meeting of the undergraduate student government and administrators in Eshleman Hall, the student union building, and demanded better treatment, the union said. Strikers also staged sitins at other classroom buildings across campus, including Stanley Hall, Dwinelle Hall and Wurster Hall.
...On Wednesday, student workers at UCLA occupied the Wilshire Center, an administrative building, for several hours without incident, the union said.
Full story at https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Striking-UC-student-workersoccupy-chancellor-s-17625116.php.
We noted in a prior post that it appeared that UAW Local five eight one oh workers (postdocs and researchers) would remain on strike only until their tentative contract is ratified with voting next week.* (As we also noted, the contract might not be ratified.) That understanding is confirmed in the Daily Cal:
UAW Local 5810 and the UC system reached tentative contract agreements for academic researchers and postdoctoral scholars the night of Nov. 28, 2022. Until union membership ratifies the contract agreements, academic researchers and postdoctoral
scholars are on strike “in sympathy” with the units still at the bargaining table: student researchers and academic student employees.
Full article at https://dailycal-projects.netlify.app/2022-11-22-bargaining.
Note the word "until."
* http://uclafacultyassociation.blogspot.com/2022/12/strike-news-it-aint-over-til.html.
T o h e a r t h e t e x t a b o v e , c l i c k o n t h e l i n k b e l o w : https://ia601402.us.archive.org/25/items/big-ten/additional.mp3