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Time to Think Again About a Faculty Regent? - Part 2

Friday, February 11, 2022

Back in April of last year, we noted that there was a proposal percolating in the legislature to create a second student regent.* Currently, there is one student regent although briefly there was also a non-voting student adviser. When that adviser position went away, there was a move to put on the ballot a constitutional amendment creating a second student regent.


When the student regent position was created back in the 1970s, the Academic Senate declined the opportunity to have a voting faculty regent. The faculty does have a nonvoting representative. However, if the second student regent becomes a real possibility, it will be time to reconsider that now-very-old decision.

From the Bruin: A recently proposed amendment to the state constitution would require the University of California Board of Regents to have two student regents with voting power, which would double the amount of student representation on the board.

Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, introduced by Sen. Steve Glazer on April 15, would mandate that a second voting student be added to the UC Board of Regents by amending Section 9 of Article IX in the state constitution, which lays out the responsibilities and powers held by the regents. Currently, there is one student on the UC Board of Regents with a vote and another student, who is considered in training, who does not have a vote. SCA 5 would give this trainee a vote, eliminating the mandatory training year.

Students have unique perspectives and provide day-to-day feedback about their universities, Glazer said in an emailed statement. “Students are the ones who are directly affected by decisions that the UC Board of Regents make,” Glazer said in the statement. “It’s critical that they are given a stronger voice to have an impact on what the Board decides.”

California State Assembly in order for it to appear on the general ballot, according to the state constitution. If the Assembly passes it and Californians vote in favor of it, it will be officially ratified, and a second voting student regent will be added to the board. Joshua Lewis, a student at UC Berkeley and the chair of the UC Student Association, said it is a priority for the UCSA that student voices are present on the board. Lewis said he worked with other members of UCSA last year to get SCA 5 drafted, workshopped and ready for the floor.

He and others in UCSA first tried to initiate a conversation with the regents last year about adding another voting student to the board, but they were unsuccessful, Lewis said. Lewis added that the idea was put on pause until Glazer’s office reached out and said the senator wanted to do something that would help students in California...

Full story at https://dailybruin.com/2022/02/09/amendment-to-add-2nd-voting-studentmember-to-uc-board-of-regents-progresses.

* http://uclafacultyassociation.blogspot.com/2021/04/time-to-think-again-about-facultyregent.html.

The Regents' Health Services Committee is Coming to UCLA Next Week

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Regents' Health Services Committee tends to meet off-cycle. It is returning to inperson meetings with a teleconference component.


Date: February 16, 2022 (Wednesday)

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Locations: UCLA Luskin Conference Center and teleconference meeting conducted in accordance with California Government Code §§ 11133

Agenda – Open Session

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of December 15, 2021

H1 Discussion: Update from the Executive Vice President of UC Health

H2 Discussion: UC Irvine Health Sciences Strategy, Irvine Campus

H3 Discussion: Annual Report on Student Health and Counseling Centers and the UC Student Health Insurance Plan

Source: https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/regmeet/feb22/hs.pdf.

The Regents' Special Committee on Innovation Transfer and Entrepren...

Sunday, February 13, 2022

We noted yesterday that the Regents' Health Services Committee would be meeting at UCLA on Wednesday. It will be followed by another off-cycle meeting on Thursday:


Date: February 17, 2022

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Locations: UCLA Luskin Conference Center and teleconference meeting conducted in accordance with California Government Code §§ 11133

Agenda – Open Session

Public Comment Period (30 minutes)

Action: Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of December 16, 2021

S1 Discussion: Innovation Transfer and Entrepreneurship Transformation: Progress Update

S2 Discussion Update on Legal and Policy Compliance in Innovation Transfer

S3 Discussion: Update on Implementation of the Regents’ Working Group on Innovation Transfer and Entrepreneurship Recommendation on Equity Management

S4 Discussion: Equity Solutions Group, Berkeley Campus

S5 Discussion: Speaker Series: Lessons from the Center for Data-Driven Insights and What Faculty Inventors Want

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