10 very subtle signs he likes you

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10 Very Subtle Signs He Likes You

Wondering if he likes you can be nerve wrecking and frustrating as you don’t want to make the mistake of thinking he does when he really doesn’t. The good news is that it can be hard to hide these feelings when a man is around a woman he likes. There are always signs to look for, you just have to know what they are. (Check out http://www.how-to-get-men.com/doeshe-like-me.php for more great relationship advice). Where men can be crafty in hiding most of the signs that he likes you, here are the very subtle ones that may have slipped his attention.

His focus is on you more than other people when talking in a group When many guys are interested in a woman, they will unconsciously give her more focus when talking in a group of people. This is because they are infatuated with her, and love staring at her. Pay attention to see how much time he spends giving eye contact to certain individuals.

He looks at your reaction to a joke or story

At the end of his story or punch line in a joke, men will usually want to see her reaction and her smile if they like her. So as a result, when the end of a joke is coming, he will shift his focus on her in a group of people just to see her smile.

Eye contact, avoids, or too much It’s obvious that too much eye contact can mean that he is interested in you, but also not giving enough eye contact can mean he likes her. Especially with guys who aren’t as experienced with the ladies, they will over compensate by not giving her any eye contact because they are shy or they are trying too hard.

Watching how he acts with other people, looking for differences All men can be different, any specific signs as to what to watch for can be tricky because of this. However, what’s common in men is that they will feel the pressure and act differently somehow when around a woman they like. Watching to see the differences in his behavior when he’s around the woman he likes, and around other people is key in spotting if he likes her.

He remembers the little details

People will give more attention and focus to those they are interested in, this is a test as old as time. Perhaps he remembers her name above others, or little details about her weekend more so than other people he talks to. What can be useful is to lay traps for him to take up, by mentioning little details in your conversations together and see if he remembers them in the future.

Watch his friends, if and how they look at you when you’re with him Sometimes the giveaway sign doesn’t come from him, but from his friends. If he has told his friends or if they know that he likes you, they can then begin to show signs. Especially if they think you’re not paying attention to them. Watch and see if; they all watch you, snicker, smile, or stare, when it’s just the two of you together. Another sign is if they all purposely give him space and time alone with just you. Be sure to catch him or his friends staring by suddenly looking at them from out of nowhere.

Getting the view of others A useful tip if you are wondering if he’s interested in you is to get the viewpoint of others. Where it’s sometimes easier to spot things from an outside point of view, the people around you can sometimes see what you’ve been missing. This is because they may know him better, and behavioral differences that are subtle to you are obvious to them.

Along with which, they will see how he acts when you’re not around as well as you being around him. You don’t get to see the difference between how he acts around you and how he acts around other people he’s not interested in.

His excuses don’t make sense Often times he will come up with excuses for being around you, or walking past you just to get a look at you. It can be that he gives excuses for the way he dresses around you, or the reasons he comes by to talk to you. Lying can be a hard game to pull off. Watch for holes in his alibi and excuses that don’t make sense or are just lame. This can be a sure sign that he’s just lying to get near you.

He mirrors you People can sometimes mirror someone they are intently listening to without knowing it. This is because their focus in on them and isn’t on their surroundings. Had they been less interested they would act more natural and be less focused on who they’re listening to.

Awkward hands

Let’s face it; being around someone you like can make you nervous and self-conscious, to the point where you start acting unnatural. As a result of being self-conscious he may begin to show it in the awkward way he stands, or not knowing what to do with his hands. Look for signs of him being selfconscious when he’s around you.

Watch out for these subtle signs that he likes you as many men don’t know about them or don’t have the skills in hiding them. By keeping an eye for them you can have the advantage, and be ready for when he does make a move on you.

This article is from www.how-to-get-men.com, a website that helps people understand men and the many problems that come up in relationships such as; why he acts distant, how to find love, and more successful dating/relationship advice. Check out http://www.how-to-get-men.com/does-he-like-me.phpto learn more on men and marriage.

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