Architecture Portfolio

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My name is Daniel Veludo, I completed my Masters degree in Architecture in December 2013 at ESAP – School of Superior Arts of Porto – where I had the opportunity of experimenting with various typologies of architecture such as small houses, urban planning, school and housing buildings, art galleries, hostelling complexes and large health facilities, amogst others. During that time I mostly used ArchiCAD and Artlantis as the main software for project creation and development and 3D refinement, respectively. Since then I have been participating in competitions, courses and workshops to improve my knowledge and skills in architecture and in the field of architectural computer programs like 3ds Max and Rhinoceros. I also spent some time in a studio where I learnt Revit. From October 2014 to January 2016 I was an intern architect at the Municipality of Matosinhos, Portugal, where I assisted in different projects from urban management to building rehabilitations, such as the new House for Architecture, helping not only on the projects but also in the development of the constructive details. During this period I learnt and extensively used AutoCAD as the main architectural software. I am driven, reliable, respectful, very good when working in a team and very eager to learn.


| Personal Information


Daniel José Veludo


Rua Tomás Ribeiro 644, 5º Esquerdo 4450 – 295 Matosinhos Portugal


(+351) 917 726 190

E - mail


Portfolio online




Date of Birth




| Work Experience From October 2014 to January 2016 Occupation


Name of Organisation

Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos (Municipality)


Matosinhos, Portugal



June 2014 Occupation


Name of Organisation

Fróis do Amaral – Arquitectura e Engenharia, Lda.


Matosinhos, Portugal



From October 2010 to July 2011 Occupation


Name of Organisation

Teatro do Sol


Porto, Portugal


Performing Arts

| Education and Training From September 2007 to December 2013 Course


Qualification Awarded

Masters Degree

Name of Organisation

Escola Superior Artística do Porto – ESAP


Porto, Portugal

From September 2004 to June 2007 Course


Qualification Awarded

High School Diploma Graduated with a GPA of 160v out of 200v

Name of Organisation

Escola Secundária Garcia de Orta


Porto, Portugal

| Personal Skills Mother Tongue


Other Languages

English Listening C2 Reading C1 Spoken Interaction C2 Spoken Production C2 Writing C1

Spanish Listening C1 Reading C1 Spoken Interaction B2 Spoken Production B2 Writing B1

Social | Professional Skills

Great interpersonal and communication skills, both verbal and listening Fair and respectful Excellent with team work Good managerial skills such as leadership, actionplanning, commitment, decision making Used to working under pressure and with strict deadlines Very willing to learn

Computer Skills

Advanced user of

ArchiCAD Artlantis Studio Adobe Photoshop Autodesk 3ds Max AutoCAD Revit InDesign CrazyBump Windows Microsoft Office

Intermediate user of

Google SketchUp MacOS iWork

Novice user of

Rhinoceros Adobe Illustrator

Other Skills

Amateur Comic Book Artist Experienced Freehand Drawer Experienced Architectural Model Maker Federated Basketball Player From 2004 to 2007 Futebol Clube do Porto From 2002 to 2004 AcadĂŠmico Futebol Clube

Federated Swimmer From 1992 to 2000 Futebol Clube do Porto

Federated Karate Fighter From 1993 to 1997 Shotokan Porto From 2001 to 2002 Goju Ryu Porto

Driving License

Categories B, B1 and A1

| Additional Information


Course in 3ds Max 150 hours in 2014

Workshop in Rhinoceros 16 hours in 2013

Course in Photography 30 hours in 2001



Holiday House

Unknowon Site | Given by the Professor Academic Project July 2008

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This was the first approach to an architecture project on an academic level, aside from some abstract experiments. I was asked to write a description of “the perfect day” from where the architectural programme for a holiday house for one or two people would be taken. The site, in an unknown location, was given by the professor, it consists on a forest area divided in three parts, the arrival zone on an elevated hill, a valley traversed by a river which subsequently courses to the “dark lagoon”, as it was called, and a third area which elevates to the higher part of the plateau, where the project was inserted. This holiday house aims to greet its users in a warming and welcoming fashion, in this way, all the spaces were developed as simple and connected as possible for a pleasant and harmonious experience. The venues were distributed by the stone walls that intersect them, one that extends through the entrance way to the inside of the house, a second wall that flanks the main interior path, which is also one of the bedroom limits, pointing out its importance, and a last one which closes the northern side of the kitchen and living room areas, extending itself beyond the building through the existing nature, connecting the life from the inside with the outside. The only other element with the same material as these walls is the fireplace, located in the centre of the social area to represent the end of the main path and the functions core of the project. The bedroom is separated from the rest of the spaces only by a few steps in order to maintain the intimate and harmonious experience of this house, its separation from the secondary path, which leads outside, is achieved with a closet opened to both sides that divides the spaces and its functions without severing the visual and spacial connection between them, letting them be part of each other without losing themselves. The openings were designed according to their function in each area, being that the main path and livingroom are very open receiving great quantities of natural light, unlike the bedroom where there is only one window with reduced dimensions from where a game of light is played with the interior space without compromising its privacy. The exterior is organised in a way that the building is integrated in nature as a part of it. The large stone walls that stretch through the trees hide the volume allowing it to unveil itself only to the river mouth and to the horizon of the lagoon, from where it gets large quantities of sunlight. The water mirror makes the architecture even more pleasant through its soothing sounds and poetic works of art painted by its reflections. In conclusion, this project was created in a way that the house would lay on nature losing itself in it, making the interior life merge with its beautiful surroundings, thus creating a pleasant and peaceful experience, even paradisiacal.


0 Level Plan

Roof Plan

West Elevation


Contemporary Art Gallery Foz do Douro, Portugal Academic Project January 2012

This academic project aims to create an architectural proposal for a contemporary Art Galery for an abandoned plot in the Foz Velha area, in the city of Porto. The plateau consists in two adjacent lots, a small terrain where once there was a residential building, and an abandoned structure which in the past served as a bakery. The project concept is based on the creation of big, free spaces for the exhibitions, in both of its two floors. This way, all the technical functions, store and reception were inserted in the back of the building by the entrance, in the North façade, therefore letting the art work own the spacious front rooms, opened to the small square in front of the building, named Largo da Bica, where the people of Foz Velha constantly pass through. Much like the Baroque style, the real art work is not just the building or the exhibitions but life itself. From the inside to the outside, as well as in the opposite way, it's possible to have different views filled with people who walk the interior and the exterior of the gallery giving it its dynamics and ultimately its purpose and its life. To evince this relation the East façade was design as a large painting, it's a tall glass panel that extends along the two floors covering the entire height of the building. The top floor was pushed back from this façade creating a two-story high ceiling that links both exhibition levels and connects them to the exterior in a continuous view. The walls around this large window were protruded out to create a frame for the painting that is the gallery's inner life. From the inside this “painting” limits the exhibition rooms on both floors, it is the ultimate piece of art that in addition to the two-story high ceiling serves as reward to those who explore the Architecture's promenade. Through this intrinsic connection to the exterior, people are drawn to visit the gallery giving more life not only to this building but also to the area of Foz Velha. The whole gallery was developed to clirify and evince the exhibition spaces giving them different sensations through various plays of light, making the experience lived in these rooms permanentely different and dynamic. Although these spaces were given the most importance, they are connected to the rest of the services to linking all the functions harmoniously. In conclusion, the gallery has many “lives” that eventually are connected through a simple and quite form of Architecture that unites them in one sigle ultimate Life that has Art as its main event. GSEducationalVersion GSPublisherVersion

Roof Plan

1 Level Plan

0 Level Plan

East Elevation

North Elevation


Pilgrim Hostel | Ways to San Compostela SĂŠ, Portugal

Academic Project February 2013

The presented project is a service building destined for an area of the city that in spite of its great potential is completely disqualified. The programme meant for this approach was a Hostel for Pilgrims of the Ways to Santiago de Compostela who beggin their journey in the cathedral of SÊ do Porto, located in the vicinity. The chosen terrain is situated at downtown of the city of Porto and has approximately 7500 meters² that extend untill the marginal avenue of the Douro River, the Engenheiro Gustavo Eiffel Avenue. Mainly covered with vegetation, this plot has large green plans in the form of ramps which in twists and turns lead down to the riverside avenue, these plans are supported by high walls that are the standing elements for far away viewers. Next to it there is a huge rockmass which develops along the entire lenght of the plot. It's a fantastic area that leads whoever enters it to another reality completely cut off from the rest of the city, its south orientation ensures the incidence of great quantities of sunlight which brings a mystical ambiance to the plateau. This parallel dimension is an excellent environment for the proposed programme given the fantastic landscape all around the site in addition to its sense of calm and silence that help create the perfect situation for the introspection of each user, which is the factor most taken into account during the development of the project. The architectural proposal unfolds in volumes that spread along different levels created from the terrain's original ramp plans. These structures which seem to sprout from the ground are spatially connected as part of them lies underground. Attracting people from the city level, this building accompanies the inclination of the site, making them penetrate it and use it internally or externally, finally leading to a complex of exterior paths and spaces that maintain the project's ambiance untill it reaches the Engenheiro Gustavo Eiffel Avenue level. In conclusion, the whole architectural project revolves around the spirituality, humility and introspection so characteristic of the Ways to Santiago de Compostela, making this set of metaphysical emotions connect and relate to its urban and landscape surroundings, therefore creating a reference for the vicinity and even for the city of Porto as well.

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Exploded Isometric Projection

Roof Plan

0 Level Plan

-1 Level Plan

-2 Level Plan

South Elevation

West Elevation


Marine Hospital | Dispensary Lavadores, Portugal

Academic Project | Final Thesis September 2013

This academic work has the objective of developing a project proposal for a modern Marine Hospital/ Dispensary based on the first dispensaries created by RenĂŠ Quinton, a very important person in the History of mankind, mainly in the fields of science and medicine, who, one hundred years ago, developed a revolutionary natural therapeutic method that saved millions of lives in his time, and it's still utilized today all over the world. The architectural language of the project must therefore integrate in itself the ideals, concepts and treatments defended by Quinton in his dispensaries, always maintaining a warming and relaxing atmosphere, constantly connected to nature. Ergo, the main objective is to create a “Built Paradiseâ€?, a place where Architecture and Nature fuse with man in a pleasant, seductive and conforting set that revitalises and cures the body, mind and even spirit of its users. The site chosen for this intervention is a large green mantle of irregular shape with an area of 15 hectares full of vegetation located in Lavadores, in the parish of Canidelo, one of 24 belonging to the city of Vila Nova de Gaia, in the north of Portugal. The terrain selection was based on its privileged location between the Douro River and the Atlantic Ocean, giving the site a natural universe of its own with excellent views that also include the city of Porto, on the other side of the river. The plot once belonged to the National Society of Codfish Shipowners, who, in 1940, built an industrial structure dedicated solely to drying and preparing codfish. Today the abandoned factory lies in ruins and has been gradually destroyed and removed so the terrain can be used once again, leaving only four buildings implanted by the entrance of the plot and a tower in its centre, all in ruins as well.

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Implementation Plan

This project aims to preserve the Genius Loci of the plateau so it can become a “city park”. Following this concept, its large mantle was kept almost intact and little intervened, as the whole project revolves around a main axis connecting the plot's entrance small square, as well as its first buildings, to the exist “door” created on the opposite side of the terrain. Therefore following this new axis and taking advantage of the supporting wall separating the two main heights of the plateau, a building was placed inside the heighest ledge, using said wall as main façade, and inserting itself in the pathway formed by the described axis, becoming even a part of it. The architectural programme was distributed in an organized and sistematic fashion. The functions directed to the general public, such as the reception, guest area, restaurant, auditorium and library, were introduced in the four structures located near the plot´s entrance, previously belonging to the codfish drying factory, they are now rehabilitated and remodelled to integrate the architectural and programatic complex and its surroundings. The healing and therapy spaces have been buried in the new building, located on the centre of the terrain. The pre-existing tower now serves as a lookout given its extensive height which allows the observer to view a fantastic overall landscape of the cities of Vila Nova de Gaia and Porto, and of the Atlantic Ocean. The new building is divided in two distinct parts, each of them molded to create a specific ambiance dedicated to its function. The first level, very permeable to the exterior, is dedicated to the medical treatment spaces, while the second floor, in a lower height, confines the spa areas. The latter is very enclosed and is only opened in strategic points that help to create a mystical, poetic and introspective atmosphere which relaxes its users. In conclusion, permanently following the therapeutic concepts developed by René Quinton based on the use of sea water, a perfect and harmonious healing system was created through natural means of therapy in an architectural environment integrally linked to nature. A true “Built Paradise” which, in this case, was inserted in the quite coastal environs of Lavadores, intended precisely to “washing the pain away” (translation: “lavar as dores”) from its users, awarding them with a place of incredible beauty where Man, Architecture, landscape and Nature become one single organism.










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