LOM Final

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WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? Eulogy Don’t take life so seriously, no one gets out alive. A simple phrase and as funny as it may sound full of wisdom. Those were words Daniel lived by. Now that we lay him to rest we know he will be focusing in answering all the mysteries only solvable in the after life like: Is there wifi in heaven? if there is, is it faster than google fiber? is it free? if it isn’t what is heavens currency? Is God right handed or left handed? How fast can you fly? Can you fly any faster? Can you use your halo ring as a cup holder? Every mystery as enigmatic as the other. Before dying Daniel requested that he’s funeral had to be kept lighthearted and as cheerful as possible, a close reflection of how he lived life, if he’s request is not fulfilled the threat of being haunted at nights is real. Don’t take life so seriously… Was life a joke for him? Not at all, Daniel just had a way of enjoying life in which foolishness was as important as seriousness. How is that possible? Taking life seriously was not equivalent to being dull and boring, to him life was a fun ordeal even when presented with difficulties. That’s not to say he was always a ray of sunshine. He had he’s demons and struggled through life with them. He never really was able to free himself from them but eventually learned to control them. Even as he felt beaten by them at one point in his life he took it upon himself not to be defined by them. Even when he had a life motto that reflected the contrary he was a responsible and hard worker, he enjoyed his work and always tried to be in a place where he would never feel suffocated by his professional life. He had his goals set and thrived to achieve them. Even when he failed in some he would not be defeated, he would always move forward. Things for which we will always remember him by was his sense of humor, his charisma, his passion towards the things he liked, his ambition in life and his love for those that surrounded him. He would always try to be happy or at least project happiness, even when that feeling did not come from inside, he felt as if he appeared happy it would set a cheerful tone for those around him and that would be a reassuring feeling for him. He was a great friend, he would always try to be there for those who needed one. Even though he was not the best son and brother at times, he loved his parents and his sisters to the very core. He was a loving “partner’’ you could see his face light up when he was beside his partner (still girlfriend hoping for something more) he loved her even more than life itself. Daniel you’ve lived a restless life it is time now for your eternal rest.

Defining my Fear have a a sure thing but so far my father has pushed me into the family business, intriguing business and I would like to continue my father’s legacy in it. So far II’vedoit ishadnotanalmost 5 years under his wing learning the ropes and I like it. Regardless of that, I

ventured myself into an entrepreneurial path 4 years ago consisting of social media at first later it migrated into a creative agency working in advertising and branding for companies. I consider myself as creative as I am logical, so far I’ve had to jobs in completely different industries, and enjoyed them both I know at some point I will have to commit fully to one of them and that means leaving the other behind. As up right now I have no idea which one I wish to pursue or if both at all. Advertising and branding hold a great joy for me it’s something that has no routine and lets my brain work in crazy ways. Yet advertising is a saturated market and I find myself and the company in a really uncomfortable situation within the competition. I am caught in the middle of freelancers that are cheap but have little effectiveness to their clients and the big advertising companies who are renowned and have large clientele but are expensive. Regarding the other business I think I would never have considered getting into that type of business if it weren’t for my father. At this point I find myself in the crossroads of a really big decision and know that either one I take will have benefits and repercussions. The worst things that could happen for me is due to my lack of knowledge of the financial world I will burn my fathers business to the ground or at some point finding out I don’t enjoy it. In the case of the other business it might burn me to the ground or leave me broke.

RIP Some happy years, of happy birth, were spent by me with friends on earth. Altho I’m gone to worlds unknown, I hope to meet you all again. Here lays Daniel Kachler Loving Son Brother Husband Father Friend 1989-20??




Failing in a business.

Before taking any decision I must weigh my options and seek help from those I consider mentors. My father is someone that could lead me in the right path.

As an entrepreneur one must be able to adapt to adversities, failure being one of them. Being an entrepreneur means I should be able to get back on track even if it means starting a new venture.

Having to start all-over not knowing if I still have time to start over.

One of the best ways I can avoid this is knowing when to cash in my chips. If at any point I see that failure is inevitable but I am able to for see it I must step back before hitting the ground. Avoid at all cost going back to zero.

There is no good or bad time for failure obviously its better for it to come at a point when you still have the energy, resources and time to rebuild. Ventures have risen from people that most would consider beyond their prime its not about timing its about having the right attitude towards a bad situation.

Hating my job

I’ve enjoyed my two jobs so far for very distinct reasons and I know the moment I have to choose one I must consider which I will really enjoy the most from a logical and emotional point of view.

There might be 2 reasons to hate my job its getting out of me more than I am getting out of it or I just don’t enjoy the day to day work. In the first case I must find a new path in the second case if its producing enough I must make my money work for me and find more time to enjoy outside the office doing what I like (4 hour work week)

Passing up on other life projects for not including them in my options.

Consider the cost of opportunity of those projects I have on paper and don’t dismiss them the moment I have to choose my calling.

If some of those projects are still viable, if I reach a point where my money is working for me it might be possible to develop them.

Losing control of myself

Having bipolar disorder it is really easy for me to lose control and that has serious repercussions on all aspects of my life. I must be able to stay in control by being aware of the signs of the next episode.

If there is an episode I must seek the appropriate help and get back on the horse as soon as possible.


Bucket List • Fly a plane to a different continent. • See the northern lights. • Cave diving. • Be in Alaska for a long period (longer than a month or at least a month). • Create one thing that leaves an eternal legacy. • See a tornado. • Learn to play the piano. • Live a EDM festival. • Do a dessert race (dune buggy or motorcycle). • Surf in Hawaii

Succes Story When I first entered the university even though my stay was not long there as an assignment we where given the task of developing a method for helping each other as a class to succeed in the course of our four years. I proposed a virtual collaboration platform that would allow students to interact and help each other. Even though it had high praises it was denied since it was just on paper and not a developed project. I proposed to have the system ready in a week. Using an open source platform and various APIs I was able to create a platform that would allow students to share documents (.jpg, .docx, .doc, .xls, .ppt and .pdf), have a collective calendar that will allow us to have all our assignments listed by date and send reminders to your smart phone, contacts, blog and a chat room that system was used throughout the 4 year period my class mates took to graduate.

Markatable Skills • Being convincing. • Problem solving. • Good at reading people. • If I don’t know how to do something I will figure it out. • Fast learner. • Extremely punctual.

Choosing your role models Inspiring Story Words Failed Him found this story truly inspiring. I always have been a fan of Cinderella stories and underdogs, but something I truly appreciate from Tom Harken is the fact that he chose not to be an underdog to the eyes of others. His struggles were real yet intimate. He chose to go about life with a problem that he never allowed to define him and keep it to himself in a way that his merits would be as humane as any other’s achievements. He did not play the pity card and the fact that he rose to the top keeping his challenge in utter secrecy makes it even more amazing. Sometimes we are willing to over glorif y ones achievements based on the fact that the person has a disadvantage, something I don’t see as wrong it just may seem a little condescending at times and it takes merit away from the actual achievement. Tom was able to get to the top and later revealed his challenge, the fact that no one knew about his problem just adds upon his success


Least Inspiring She Gave New Shape to the Shoe Business his story I find does not posses enough to be powerful or striking to me. Yes she had success, yes it took a lot to start the business in that industry against the big guys and yes I can appreciate the fact that she found an opportunity in a problem few people saw. But still for some reason I did not feel much after reading this story. I probably found it a bit distasteful that at some point she used the fact she was abused to capitalize on the business and found a bit ridiculous the fact that she sent a finished product to retailers without first seeing the end product. That is not a set back that’s a bad mistake. It’s not that I don’t feel positive feelings towards her accomplishments. Believe me I do anybody who is capable of finding success in the business world deserves my respect, but I still can’t actually put my finger on why is it that this story had little to no effect on me, it really just might be that I feel the other stories cast a bigger




find virtue ethics to be my appropriate framework. I think freedom is a powerful right. I need to believe that it is inalienable and that I will be able to live about with that freedom. I also understand my freedom ends where the other person’s freedom starts. I think this framework sounds satisfying enough the moment it talks about its goal being: leading a good life. That is a goal I constantly strive for. It may sound selfish to have as a goal to lead a good life, it might sound like my surroundings don’t concern me; yet I do find that for me to lead a good life I must look for those that are around me to live one as well. Its a balance thing. I guess one way of seeing it is a Star Wars metaphor, if there is a disturbance in the force it can be felt. That is how I see life in some sense. I want to think that the decisions I make are reflections of my moral fiber, even when I’ve made some questionable ones admitting them and accepting the repercussions are what might make a lapse of bad judgement still a way for me to project my virtues.



think the distribution of my supply of gasoline is really up to me, as a business man I must look at it as a case of supply and demand. I would be willing to inflate prices on the gas instead of bidding it. I don’t want to generate chaos due to a bidding war but I would inflate costs, first because I don’t know when I will be selling fuel again. I want to have a cushion in my income. Second if the price is higher buyers will limit themselves to buy only to satisfy necessities as opposed to just taking the product for granted. It’s very different for a doctor to have to go to work than a teenager

with disposable income to want to go for a joy ride. I want to know even while I am satisfying my needs my decisions are still leading to a grater good.

s e g a W e v a l

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lf can for ha y e h t s a b ould I same jo it? Why sh ? an do the c e k e a ls t e I e ’t n n rowth hould someo otiation if rtunity for me; why s ld I limit my income g ave g e n a r e id u would cons ans there is an oppo ing income? Why sho d it would be sad to le me e an I left erat the price it community from gen ey have worked for m s to compromise. If u h r t r e t h fo ise it a t deprive ano t consider the fact th would look for a way they cannot comprom if mus m. I Of course I robably crippling the onsidered greedy but p c d e them behin y I would probably b . r d o hem t t them out t cripples a h t d e e r g eir would be th




f those a re t business he wages they wo w u probably f ith them that wou ld be receiving I w ld basicall o eel bad be y be subs uld definitely not cause aft I would fe e id go r iz el obliged a to walk aw ll something is bet ing a slave camp. into ter than n I would ay since I ot would be profiting hing but ethically out of unf air trades . his more, at t n e v e d n e con ions a se condit re is an actual slav t of o h t r e d n e righ at the eople u ss with p g about the fact th inciples which is th d I just e in s u b o er go int somethin one of my main pr this is going on an rs. would nev feel obliged to do t es one aware tha al it violat uld them pris point I wo not only is unethic r of business if I am e people that hold as th matte n. That ger just a myself I am as bad centratio n lo o n is it to This freedom. on them and keep k c a turn my b





hen it comes to business we often find ourselves in situation where our emotions come into play in certain decisions. If we invest to much of our emotions and let them mix with our oper-

ations we will suffer the consequences. We must keep everything in perspective, in this case we are talking about turning a business into a charity. If someone can not keep up with the curve it is not our responsibility to subsidize that person. A business is a trade, for me to be able to generate an economical value in someones life I must be getting something back in return. Keeping that person employed might only be a way of sponsoring my sleep since probably I won’t feel guilt if I keep that person but at the same time I would be creating an unfair situation for the rest of the company and even more I could be jeopardizing the greater good. I feel the appropriate decision is to fire that person.

I Would Never • I would never steal. • I would never betray the trust of a loved one. • I would never make promises I can’t keep. • I would never cheat or cut corners in life. • I would never jeopardize someones freedom for my own benefit. Boundries I Might be Tempted to Cross • I might be tempted to betray my ethics to turn a quick profit. • I might be tempted to cheat he government under the pretext that they cheat all the time. • I might be tempted to let someone behind in my road to success even when that person helped me along the way. • I might be tempted to abstain myself from helping someone in need even when I have the means to help. • I might be tempted to let the means justify the end.









mazingly enough I found one of the circles that needs the most improvement is my family and probably my girlfriend. I guess I grow used to being with them Which circle (physically and/or emotionally) thus making us less needs the most sensitive to them. I am lead to think that just because I talk with them for improvement a while I am building the relationship while all I am doing is just keeping up with the social pleastlantries that go along with having a relationship and being part of a family. Sometimes that lack of sensitivity leads to a certain level of detachment.


’ve had that struggle before, sometimes I become self absorbed in my professional life and I lose touch with the people that surround me. I think it has to do in part with my ambition and in another sense that work keeps me grounded I am not antisocial in any way sometimes I feel that my social and interpersonal life can Life and get in the way of my goals. To find that balance I think I need to see my interpersonal life as part of entrepreneurial my entrepreneur development, pursuit setting goals in all aspects of my life, even goals as small as having a meaningful conversation with my mom once a week or spending time with my younger sister with whom I’ve lost touch a bit once a month, or even focusing on really engaging in a conversation with my girlfriend at an emotional level even though we talk every day.


he relationship I would like Relationship to improve the most is that needs with my mom I think with improvement school and work and social engagements its been a really long time since I’ve actually spent quality time with her.

k r o w t e N ur

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I have a great network, I really hold it as a great asset for me. I know a lot of people in diverse industries with different positions. I’ve been able to rub elbows with some of the great CEOs in Guatemala I hold strong connections with managers in different departments of different companies. It is a network so complete that usually if I want to get to a company I will always know someone that can lead me to the right people. Loose ties were the connections that I found more challenging to complete. I guess I do have people in my network that can be considered loose ties, Just think I’ve never really approached them. In these cases its a matter of time and place. I usually don’t like to talk about business or similar subjects unless I am aware that is going to be the conversation, I like to be approached by digital methods of communication, I like them to be straight to the point. I hate it when people are ambiguos on what they want or need, when they say I just have this project… as if I was going to steal an idea or I am not trustworthy of their project. I like it when people are concise and I know that a connection will be mutually beneficial for the person that wants the connection and the one I am connecting them to. One screw up and they will never in their lifes get help out of me.


seem to have strong relationships I was surprised when I started to remember of people from childhood or people I met one night and never truly became friends but still we are able to carry on conversations, after just talking trivial things with drinks 5 months before. I know I am appreciated even by some of the people I feel less close to. I also had to be very critical and honest and not just see my close relationships as great because I either live with them, have to share time with them because of social protocols and gatherings, or just because I am part of a group of friends and if some of those friends get together we all get together. I did see that I do have the tendency to drift away from people at times. Sometimes I would much rather do something else than spend time with friends doing the usual stuff. Sometimes I brush commitments off because I want to spend time with other social circles. I have the gift and the curse that I went through 4 schools and 2 universities (not including Acton) plus a whole lot of extra curricular activities (motocross, BMX, MMA, boxing, karate, basketball, soccer, squash and so on) which allowed me to have a broad quantity of

social circles before I got to the age of 21. Now a days those circles keep expanding. So when I have to Evaluate my relationships with the people that surround me I know they are good, not excellent. I try to commit my time to as much social activities as I can without them interfering in my professional, academic, family and romantic life. Balancing all of these becomes really hard so I can either do all of them well or few of them excellent. I would rather keep it in well allowing me to have that broad network of people in my life. Amazingly enough I found one of the circles that needs the most improvement is my family and probably my girlfriend. I guess I grow used to being with them (physically and/ or emotionally) thus making us less sensitive to them. I am lead to think that just because I talk with them for a while I am building the relationship while all I am doing is just keeping up with the social pleastlantries that go along with having a relationship and being part of a family. Sometimes that lack of sensitivity leads to a certain level of detachment.

INTERVIEW WITH ABE KLEINFELD It’s been a long journey for you to get where you are what steps did you take to get here? Even as I see education as something secondary to skills, I think some aspects of life and some professional trades require to learn some skills that just can’t be learnt as you go. Skills like leadership, being decisive, sales, among others are skills that come natural to many; but for my profession and the various aspects I had to go through to get where I am required an under grad in business and a graduate degree in computer science.

Now that you’ve told me about that path tell me what have you done professionally and what are you doing now? Having gone to Stanford and being based in Palo Alto, entrepreneurial life comes natural I’ve founded 3 software companies all three went public and I cashed out always a while after their IPOs. I’ve been a CEO on another software company and a cyber security firm. I remain a board member in all 5 companies. In 2013 I announced my retirement from the security firm, and was able to spend 14 whole months as a retiree. After those 14 months neither my wife nor I could stand me so I decided to have a go at building one last company and founded my own

cyber security firm on which I serve as CEO and chairman of the board. You’ve been really vague with company names can you name me the companies? Not all of them are worth mentioning but among them are Odesta Systems, nCircle Inc. and now GridGain.

All your companies revolve around computer science. At what point did you know that was what you were going to do for the rest of your life? I guess since I decided to study computer science. Even though we didn’t have a broad idea or vision of what computer science would amount to I always had a gut feeling that was the future. I was surrounded by people and peers that had the same vision for the computer industry. I think those are the people that have shaped it. It wasn’t so much about predicting the future it was mostly about creating it. Even so I had no idea how big the industry would be at the time I was just a hippie jumping not on a capitalist wagon but a revolutionary one.

How much is in the tank before the next retirement? I think their will be no retirements probably just sabbaticals or downsizing in my position in the company. Who knows, right now I’m just too aware of the fact that I cannot be passive in life I need to be really active.

just afraid people will eventually figure out I’m really not that important in the company.

But you are the CEO and president… [Laughs] I know right now I have reduced my hours to a point where I am working in a I am needed basis. We have this fucked up culture where we will go all day feeding ourselves the I think you are what most would call a worka- idea that we are busy when in reality we are not holic. Does that affect you in your personal life? we just want to seem like we are because that is Not at all I have no kids in respect to family I the idea society has of a job. am happily married and that is as far as it goes. With my wife we get to rip the benefits of my Ok changing the subject a little bit. What has labor. We love doing excursions in California been you biggest ethical dilemma in your proand surrounding states and enjoy time togeth- fessional career so far? er. I also get to have all the toys I want and so Mmmmmm… Not really, no. I think to have an does she. ethical dilemma we must question are ethics. I have many aspects in my life as a business Is their time for hobbies in your personal life? that do not allow me to question my ethics. One Of course. I love photography and I don’t know if is that I am in charge of so many people’s jobs you can call it a hobby but I love all my toys and infringing on my ethics might lead to serious gadgets. Lately I got into drones and have had a repercussions. Second in the aspect of comblast with them even after loosing one already. pany trading I must keep a really strict code of ethics. When you are selling a company or doing So I know you work long hours and you are ob- an IPO there is so much money on the table and viously not retiring any time soon, you say you so easy to take it it’s insane. But there are rules can downsize in your position at the company, and breaking them for wanting to be a greedy but wouldn’t you prefer to work less hours kind bastard, those ten seconds of greed can give of part time? Wont you burn out? you up to 25 years in prison. Third I work in cyI think you are calling me old. ber security, the keyword here is security if you doubt your ethics at any point in a professional Not at all I just think that if you considered aspect don’t even think about working any type retirement once is either age which isn’t your of security. A bad lapse of judgement in ethic case or you just have reached a point where you terms can not cost you a client it can cost you have accomplished enough to take it easy. the whole company. Ok just checking. I have considered less hours in fact I have reduced my work hours. I think I am

I’ve seen it many times before. Can you tell me your definition of a calling? Ummm like right now Skyping? Are you serious? Ummmmmm… hard one I will have to get back to you on that one. Ok this subject might come as a little odd and out of nowhere but can you remember a time when you where courageous in your professional life? That question is a little cheesy isn’t it? I guess, but any answer? Not that I can think off right now Ok so obviously you have stuff to do because your answers are just getting worse. Last question. How do you want to be remembered, for what reasons and by who? I think legacy is a little over rated nevertheless I guess the thought of it comes natural to everyone. I think I would like to be remembered for my personality I like to think of myself as an easygoing, nice, humorous, right and fair. I would also like to pass on my hardworking persona to people who have worked with me and may eventually refer me as a mentor. I think I want to be remembered by my loved ones, friends, colleges and peers, but also I think I want to be remembered by my family: your father (depending on who goes first), your mom, you and your sisters, and Jan Marie (his wife). Thank you Abe great insights.

You are welcome talk to you soon.

FIND YOUR SPOT I am money driven I would probably choose salary before the city. In the end it truly depends on how ambivalent I feel towards the possible city if I can live there not to my full satisfaction but comfortable that extra 40% in salary is worth it. I think a lot comes down to climate even though I had never thought about it since I’ve always lived in an area with really stable nice weather and haven’t thought about moving. Also I really look for freedom in moving around cities. Every time I travel to an urban area I love it when I can roam about, without ever having to rent a car the most I am willing to do is get a cab but not use it as a main source of transportation. Another thing is the social climate; is it a family area, are people good in the area, am I near ghettos or dangerous areas. I don’t think I would be comfortable in any area I might be willing to go as far as to adapt but I do have some really strict ideas on what a good living area would be for me. Even though I’ve never thought about that city as a place I would live in I think Seattle shows to be one of my top spots to live in. It just seems like a perfect place for me.



• I was surprised compensation was under 2 other categories. I normally think of myself of somebody driven mostly by the compensation of a job well done. But I think once I thought about it, even though I can have a tendency to want to use the most time I can to work I also want to live a life of enough commodity and leisure as I can. Over the past few months I was inspired by the book 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris who ultimately suggests or promotes a lifestyle where you find a constant balance between leisure and work. I think I want to enjoy my money as I generate it not wait till I am too old. • I have a 76% fit. Even though I was expecting a higher percentage, I think the the matrix is reflecting ultimately a lot of things I was not aware. The next job I might be getting after finishing at Acton is a paid 6 month internship with option to stay as full time employee afterwards. I think one of the greatest challenges will be schedule. I know the owner (my uncle) is a raging workaholic and most of the work culture in the firm has a similar mindset. I do not mind long hours but I will always prefer flexibility. Also the job is in Palo Alto California, a place I love and have aspired to live in for a while but it still requires adapting from my 27 years (by then) that I’ve lived in Guatemala • No I think I’ve always have had a general idea of what is important for me in my job and even as some of those might now have higher values than others the hierarchy is the same along the different jobs. • I don’t think it has to be as satisfying as it has to be enriching, it should help us create and amplify our criteria of what we want to do in the end. Still being that it is a steppingstone in our lifes and not the ultimate goal it should have enough hardships for us to want to strive for something greater.

Biography I

n 2009 I started my first company it was a social media advertising agency. The industry was still young and I had big ideas. I knew there was little competition but the competition that existed was going to be rough. Regardless I started looking for differentiation factors like design, programming, and content management were going to be the key players for my success. I had to analyze industry, and the competition seemed to be lacking in some aspects, I was able to see those aspects. It would prove to be the beginning of a great venture. I had a first meeting with a possible client that didn’t go well at all. They seemed to think that social media was too young to be incorporated into their advertising, it was a huge let down but a good learning experience. I knew that the next meetings should not be just about telling them what I was doing but what the benefits of acquiring my services would be. I got a second meeting with a company that could prove to be a huge turning point. The meeting was not going well very similar to the previous one, they were skeptics of social media. It was nearly the end and I knew I was loosing them, I was desperate and so I decided to take a risk. I offered them, instead of just listening to the theory to try out the services, 3 months free, I set some goals and if they were reached they would pay me for the 3 months and later sign a 6 month contract. The stunt paid off. By the end of the third month I had exceeded the goals and actually turned their page into something more than a advertising tool. It had turned into a sales and PR system. I knew they weren’t going to be my clients forever, they wanted me to train someone to do what I was doing in-house, and I was more than happy to oblige. Having them in my resume and as happy clients I knew new clients would be an easy thing to acquire. And so they were. After ending the contract they kept me as a consultant from time to time but best of all even the CEO of the company was connecting me with new clients. Emails and calls asking for my services where at a high. I was on top of the world. My brand was starting to get recognition, all my clients were happy, and I had little to no space between client and client. Obviously thing were going so great that I never thought problems could come my way. I was wrong. First I started to see I was stretching myself thin. I was doing so much at the same time. Sales, programing, posting, designing, curating content, meetings with existing clients, and so on. It was driving me nuts. I was working from 6:00 to 11:00, I was stressed out of my mind, loosing weight at an unhealthy rate I even had an episode of hallucinations after a 72 no sleep working spree. Things needed to change, I started hiring freelancers that could help out but at the same time did not feel comfortable having people working for me that had no formal relationship to the company. At the same time I had no interest in hiring full time employees. Sometimes work was scarce and felt unnecessary to have to pay for time being spent on the internet doing nothing. Eventually I took the decision of hiring full time and take advantage of that so I could handle a higher demand. So far all I could handle at the same time was one big client and two small ones. Now I could handle much more. Business was booming I was learning a lot along the way too. Some lessons were quick with few consequences, others were painful and very expensive. But little by little I was taking full control. What could possibly go wrong now? Well, I never took into account that election years were coming and companies for some reason decide to cut into most investments. Business was at an all time low and so was I. I was paying salaries out of my own pocket. I had people go into work to do absolutely nothing and there was no turning point in sight. I was soon going to go bankrupt. After a few hard months I was able to land new clients and eventually thing went back to normal. It wasn’t until late 2014 that I felt the business could not have a long future. There was a huge industry shift. Young kids were coming along claiming they could do the same as we did. Working from home with basically no expenses they could charge quantities I could not compete with even though their work wasn’t half as good as ours and most of their deals were a one time thing I decided it was time to move on. It was hard to do so. I had worked so hard to get where I was. Was this a failure? In early 2015 I took a bittersweet decision of selling and don’t regret it. It was not a failure it was just a stepping stone in my life for better things to come. I will always look fondly at Medios Virales. My first company. My first entrepreneurial success.



Up to this point I had never really considered business consulting. I always saw myself in a “creative” industry, but as I further expanded into it I saw that this industry actually allows a lot of creativity into problem solving, and when I thought about it that is something I would really like to do and could see me doing for a really long time.




I’m not entirely sure if the amount of money I projected is the right amount. I think when push comes to shove, I am right in the ball park with my projection minus inflation.

What’s your plan for the next few months? Few years? Right now I am fully focused in finishing the MBA, that does not mean I have my professional life in pause, the way I see it, I’m just enriching it. Afterwards I think I want to find a job outside of the country in this industry. I want to do it at a grander scale that way I am better prepared.

In my current job in some ways I have been gaining some experience. Both my bosses know a lot of the business but lack in some other aspects where I have knowledge, I’ve been learning how to pass that knowledge to them in a way that they can understand it and accept it.

WHAT’S AN ENTREPRENEUR’S REALLY LIKE? 1) As Ranny I think seeing my achievements from afar would certainly provide a feeling of happiness. Regardless of my achievements I think I would always have a feeling of emptiness when it comes to my family. Obviously seeing how my dreams and goals turned into this huge accomplishment for both me and the program would give me a sense of fulfillment since there would be a sense of validation of my life’s work. When it comes to satisfaction I’m not sure how would I feel since there would be no actual coherence in my life or balance. All my efforts went into a project and probably my family feels neglected. While all my efforts were focused on the hospital I was blinded to the fact that my family was putting all their efforts into sharing time as a family. 2) I believe that in many cases people will undervalue your work. Some people far exceed expectations and are rewarded upon what was expected of them. If you work and then talk about salaries you also run the risk of working for free or under the true value of your work, but still is a good way to prove your worth to whoever you are working for. In that sense Ranny was right if you prove you are the right person for that job and go above and beyond and work for the right people money should be equal to your efforts. 3) Through Ranny’s point of view I think he still would be satisfied. Personally I would not feel comfortable earning a third of what I used to earn and I think that would influence a lot losing those two thirds as opposed to earning that amount since the very beginning. Still I think Ranny wanted to see the project thrive more than his interest in money so from that point of view I think he wouldn’t mind the cuts. 4) I probably would not like to be one of Ranny’s children. Maybe as an adult I would come to understand and appreciate my fathers achievements but probably as a kid I would feel neglected and even might feel like my father doesn’t love me. 5) Mark and Katrina seem to put their goals and dreams at the same level as family they are willing to make sacrifices to see each other thrive. They seek a life together as opposed to a life of high achievements. They still look for wealth and goal achievement but don’t sacrifice what they have built together at an emotional level. 6) I think the minimum amount of hours an entrepreneur must invest in a week to their work is 30-40 hours once his venture is fully established. I think before having a stable venture or business the time I must dedicate is close to double that. At least in my experience I would try to dedicate somewhere around 60 hours a week. 7) First of all I would put in perspective all the time and effort he has put into his venture, I would also help him weigh in the pros and cons of continuing down the path he is in. Sometimes we think of quitting when things get tougher and normally after the toughest spots we are in, success follows. I would also help him set goals according to a timeline that would help him see the long term results of not quitting as opposed to his present and short term conditions.

The Dip Expirience Motocross: Not serious about it. BMX: Got scared in some sense. MMA: Not serious about it Medios Virales: Picked the wrong thing at being the best in the world. I would run out of money. Call Center: Not serious about it Business Administration UNIS: Ran out of time. IMPROLACSA Project: Ran out of time. Not worth the money armatuparranda.com: Would run out of time, money, not serious about it. I think in some of the sports I mentioned I kept trying too long. It wasn’t so much that I was failing because I was really good on all three mentioned, but all three sports required exposing myself to constant injuries. Most of those injuries have left a permanent effect on me and I knew except for BMX that it wasn’t going to be more than just a hobby, so I should have quit before making my body endure more strains and permanent scars. In regards to quitting too early I would have to say quitting UNIS was probably a little too early. Even though it was worth the risk and it did pay off in many senses in regards to the ventures I took for the price of dropping out, it still is a what if that still haunts me from time to time, still I have no regrets. The reward of quitting school as planned from the beginning, was starting my first business at the age of 20. I do think I learned more venturing into the real world than sticking in school and probably wasting a lot of time in classes that were not contributing to my future plans all for the price of a diploma. I think I encountered a big dip when I started my company. At the time barriers were high, demand was low and there was no real proof of concept yet. It didn’t take long but it did require a lot of effort and sacrifices to overcome that dip. (sales, risk, ego) I think one of the biggest personal dips I have endured in my life was repairing my relationship with my family. At first they where able to see and recognize the effort I was putting in fixing the relationship, but it went a lot further than just trying. I had to focus on not just hiding the flaws they pointed out but actually eradicating them, that took time and effort and it’s a never ending process, but I think I’m at a point right now where the dip has been surpassed. (relationship, ego)


Dear Daniel, You are screwed. You need to make a hard decision and I know you hate having to make those decisions. But guess what… there is no other way out. It’s do or die, make or break. Quit postponing it and have some stones. Now make a wise decision and don’t be a moron as you’ve been before and acted on impulse as opposed to actually making a decision. Don’t worry there is no pressure it’s just your future on the line here. Think deeply and remember every action, every path you’ve taken in life has lead you to this point. You know deep inside what you have to do. Even if it’s hard you know what you want, and quitting on your dream will only bring you regret. Are you scared? Are you tired? Are you angry? Are times getting difficult? So obviously it’s time to quit… NO, not yet, think about it. Is what you are doing right now, as hard as it may seem, leading you to your ultimate goal? Now think deep because after this there might be no turning back. If the answer is yes, then my friend carry on, and don’t stop until you have reached that goal. Quitting is only allowed in the following situations. • Your pursuit is putting a strain between you and your loved ones. • When you have sacrificed so much that your pursuit has lost its purpose. • When EVERYONE you hold dear and have a positive influence in your life tell you it might be time. • When you have violated your code of ethics in order to get closer to your pursuit. • When you have lost the passion and drive to do what you are doing and there is no absolute way of getting it back. Now listen up and listen up closely. It’s all going to be fine as long as you do what is right. And I know you know what it is you have to do. You’ve got this, don’t screw it up.

DISSENTING MINORITY SUPPORTING MAJORITY • If needs be I will normally raise up and voice out if I see something wrong in the actions of a group I belong or participate in. I’ve always been brutally honest on a lot of things and have never felt fear of saying something when I feel it needs to be said. I’ve also learnt how to choose my battles. I feel I must speak out when the occasion merits it. I don’t want to be an ethical martyr and if something that is being done has little to no transcendence I will either not participate in it or just let it be. • To build an organization where dissenting opinions can be expressed I would set an open environment when it comes to communication, I would look for people to voice out their concerns either publicly or in private in a way each and everyone feels safe to express themselves without being judged. I would have to look for ways to avoid falling into constant discussions and find the right methods of dismissing those opinions of little to no transcendence to the organization. • I think my behavior would have been different even as Enron’s executives seemed like snake charmers that could convince anyone into doing just about anything, there is definitely an element of turning your back on what was right. It was evident that a lot of people were in the dark about a lot of things that were going on in the company; yet it was easy to see that their were irregularities in what they were doing and some things didn’t add up. Obviously there is an element of greed in this story and for many it might be quite difficult to just turn away from those sums of money. Still I think that the moment I saw something was wrong I would just quit. For me there is no such thing as easy money, if there is it normally comes with certain consequences either moral, legal, social, economic or all of the above. I would not be willing to lose my integrity just for a quick buck. • Even as I don’t share their mentality or accept their actions as correct I think its easy to understand why they did it. They were people that were socially oppressed and they found a way to rise above from who they used to be. Also I think there came a point where they lost all sense of right and wrong and actually saw no wrong on what they were doing. Add to that the fact that they had politicians and business leaders supporting their actions there comes a point where if there is enough validation from your surroundings it might as well be right. Money tends to corrupt people and it leads them to a point where you are no longer in control of your rationale, everything you do is about money and you are willing to do just about anything to obtain it.

WHAT PRICE WILL I PAY I’ve never done something on principal I truly regret. Regardless of that notion even though I’ve always stood my ground on those actions there has been a few situations where I regret the consequences. In one instance I discovered some of my classmates in high school were stealing tests from the maintenance personnel who were in charge of photocopying them. I never really condoned the fact that they were cheating but I didn’t feel it was my place to say anything to the authorities. Eventually they got caught and due to the fact that the dumbest kids in class could not possibly be getting max scores and that one of the students got caught with the test already solved during the test. Anyway when the authorities talked to him they knew things would get worse if they said they stole them and so they said they bought it from the maintenance person. They got suspended and the maintenance guy got fired. He was a great person and had been working at the school for 15 years when I heard about what they said, I couldn’t take it and so proceeded to tell the authorities they stole them. They got expelled and me being the new kid in school was heavily rejected as one of the group. I was once hired by an anonymous employer to do a global group hack. The situation was never explained as to what it was for, all I know is that every person got a specific set of tasks and a 50% deposit and afterwards we would get the rest. What I had to do seemed sort off shady but the

money was good and I was not entirely sure of what would happen if I went through with it. Still something felt wrong and straight out of the bat what I had to do was illegal which I felt that should have been the point where I drew the line. I knew it went against my principles and hacking for me has always been a tool to do good. Regardless, the money was good and the task was enticing, so I decided to go through with it. After I was done I got my payment and didn’t saw no consequences. I thought that maybe it had failed, the impact had been to small or it was secretive enough. 3 days later I saw what were the consequences of me and my peers actions, through the news. Apparently what we had done as individuals was wrong but as a group of coordinated attacks had been atrocious. To this day I regret doing it and know that I would never cross that line between doing right and doing wrong through a computer. Before I do something I must weigh the consequences of my actions before the benefits I may obtain. I must analyze if what I can obtain in the short term from my actions won’t cause serious consequences both from the outer surrounding and within. Every action I take must not compromise my principles and must maintain a coherence with what I stand for. If any action I might take causes any doubt I must take time and meditate if it holds to my moral code and decide to execute or not accordingly.

UNFULILLED DREAMS OF PARENTS I think we both envision success in a matter of family and money but my dad puts a higher priority in the professional aspect. He doesn’t put family second in he’s life, he just sees success more as a professional aspect as opposed to all the aspects in he’s life. I find success to be in all aspects of life. Family, career, health, friendships, economy and wealth, hobbies among others. He wasn’t very specific. He sees success as me being a successful business man, with a good house, some luxuries and a good stable family and a life with no vices. In a way I think he would like for me to take over he’s business at some point but at the same time I he seems to be acknowledging that that will be my own decision and I might not get into it. I think over the years my father has come to better understand me and he is starting to see what is good for me. In that way I think he’s vision for my future is based on what he sees in me as opposed to what he would like me to be. So I think everything he sees in my future is something I would like for myself. I think the only one we might have to discuss further in time is the family business but first I must really know if I want or not to be in the business. I think that phase is over. He had a time where he wanted to control or project some aspects of his life into mine. I ended up picking up business administration upon he’s suggestion and I really never liked it. There are some aspects of personal image that I don’t agree with him that I will never pick up. I tend to ignore or see past through some of the suggestions I deem unnecessary in my life, or that wont make me happy. I think the most important thing will be understanding who they are when it comes to character, personality and interests. I might want to suggest some things I would like them to accomplish but never impose them. First I will let them explore the paths they want to take. If I see the path they are taking will lead to really bad consequences I will steer them away from it. If the consequences of a bad path seem mild I will let them experience it. I will also provide as much support in all aspects as possible and just try to help them along the way if I see like I could add value to their journey.


• You can probably sell rocks and be successful and happy doing that, but it’s exactly at that point where you become successful that you will want to be doing something else. You like the thrill of the business, even though I know money drives you your priority will always be to seek a thrill, and you find that by starting something new. Just like any other risky activity you’ve done once the adrenaline wears off and you feel like you can easily do something, you either look for ways of doing that some how more thrilling or you move on. That is your nature and it’s not something I think you can change. • There is this priest, he actually got me into catholicism, even though I was born catholic I never truly lived it till I met him. He was one of my worst and best critics he wasn’t accepting of most of the things I did but he learned my ways and understood how I worked. He always said I was capable of great things but again he was a harsh critic. He wanted to bring out the best in me. He had that tough love kind of way. He never sugarcoated what he said and never said what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. He would build your confidence by destroying it. I think if he would’ve been involved in this exercise he would have looked more for questions regarding self fulfillment and not so much money and success. • I try to look for council when I’m taking big decisions; yet I think I am driven by what I think and feel. Sometimes I get advice that broadens up mi mind towards a certain idea but I think in most cases my mind is set on what I want to do and I do it.



Family Credo Happiness comes from the strength in our bond

Our Family Mission

Our family’s mission is to stick together and put each other above all.

We Belive

• Each member of the family has the right to practice he’s or her religion freely and to choose the faith they want. • We believe in the freedom to express themselves in a non judgmental environment. • We believe in the pursuit of dreams and motivating each other to reach them. • We believe and the power of family unity.

Who Kachlers are

• Kachlers are strong and independent but know they can always rely on one another. • Kachlers are honest and transparent. • Kachlers are united and will always look out for one another. • Kachlers are respectful of themselves and others. • Kachlers are inviting and open to others. • Kachlers are responsible, courteous, kind and loving. • Kachlers will always have a good sense of humor. • Kachlers are fighters.


• First I think that there is so much I can give and that would probably no be enough to create a significant impact. If you five money to a system with a combined pot of funds this money will have a greater impact in a way that that amount I gave would add up to a bigger amount thanks to others collaboration. Also if I was to give to an organization I would first need to see the usage of time they invest but more important the way they use the funds. I would look for dedicated people that devote their time to the cause. I like to help but it would be in a spare time of my pare time sort of basis (after work, family time, leisure, etc.) In that way I don’t think charity is appropriate for me because the impact I would be generating is a bare dent as opposed to the idea of helping people devote their time to a cause I believe in. • I want to know that whatever I get involved in is something that will have a lasting impact I want it to have a meaning and something that actually creates a change in society. In the end I want my contribution to be present at least for me. Obviously charity and philanthropy has a slight selfish connotation, obviously it creates value for others but in the end I know if I help out it is going to give me a feeling that I did good and in a way I want to do it, in part to have that feeling. I think right now I am not in a good economic position to start giving money. Right now some of the steps I see as necessary are: • Looking for something I find meaningful that I can get involved in. • Analyze how much of my money would I give away without sacrificing me or my family’s dream. • Figure out if I want to get directly involved. • Find organizations I can get involved with.


Before I start on any new venture my goal right now is graduating from the MBA. I would like to hone all the skills Acton can give me to make sure my future businesses are successful and less improvised. This is a 2 year plan 1 of which im halfway through. Beginning of 2017:

After graduating I would like to get a job probably outside of Guatemala just to soak in another culture and have a bit of change in my life. Based on previous exercises in the class I have narrowed down the places I want to go live to, to: Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia and 2 choices of my own are Houston and Vancouver. The industries I would like to work in are business consulting or advertising. In either I would like a position as a consultant. This decisions are based on the idea that I would like to have an integral business consulting firm and would like to gain experience outside of Guatemala mostly because the U.S offers a grander scale in businesses. Late 2017:

In late 2017 I will probably will be getting married with my current girlfriend. All has been put on the table and we have established that this cannot be done before she graduates, which would be in may of 2017. Part of the decision of living outside of Guatemala for a while is based upon the fact that she wants to have a few years of the married life outside of Guatemala for her own personal reasons. Even as I was reluctant at first I have come to embrace the idea. 2018:

I Would continue my path as an employee until 2018. I do not wish to remain as one and by that time I would hope to have enough experience and knowledge to move back to Guatemala and start a life here. That means 2018 would be my last year outside the country. 2019:

By then I will be back in Guatemala, I will be in the beginning of my new entrepreneurial life and would be establishing a business consulting firm. By then I would like to start having kids. 2020:

I will have at least my first child and my firm will be up and running. If savings and conditions are good for it I would like to start building my house (already have a fair idea of what I want). 2021:

If everything is going according to planned I would like to expand the firm throughout central america. I will have bought my 6 seater plane and will have a weekend home. By then I would like to have had my second child.

THE DREAM Emotional:


Get married in the next three years. Build and own my dream home. Find a way to put my partners dream ahead or atlas parallel to mine.


Own a weekend house. Own a (at least 6 seat) plane.


Maintain a well balanced and healthy psyche.


Be less self centered.


Learn to play the piano.


Get involved in someway at incorporating non traditional education methods in the country.


Reach a net-worth of at least $10 million. Have 1-3 successful businesses running. Have a demanding yet flexible schedule.


Go to Alaska for some time to fly around.

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