Daniel Kalenov - Direct Selling Step Into Success

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Direct Selling Step Into Success Daniel Y. Kalenov

Direct Marketing – Why digital customers love being “direct”? Because, today’s customers’ love to control digital relationships via direct interactions…

The consumer decides the ifs, when, where and how to reach marketers & chooses where & how the interaction will take place with brands

Online Forums Brand relationships

Customers love


Personalization Smartphone app downloads Social media chats Brand interactions

Direct Marketing – How can brands make consumers fall in love? Feel special Empathy Serve Respect Customer service


Brand loyalty

How can brands make consumers fall in love – via direct digital tools! Brand loyalty


Direct marketing approaches are more recharged and refined today to ease communication… • • • • • • • • • • • •

Personal interactions with clients Personal sale Catalogue marketing TV marketing (Infomercials) Door-to-door marketing Web marketing (fill-the-order form) Magazine ads Mobile marketing Word-of-mouth marketing Referrals Face-to-face marketing Flyers/leaflets


Direct Advertisin g

Direct mail

Direct Marketing

Couponi ng

Direct Selling

Telemark eting

Broadcas t/Faxing Email Marketing

How direct digital tools makes marketing effective? Direct marketing compels action

Indirect marketing focusses on brand recognition •

A postcard or envelope mailers account does not call for a specific response & accounts for only 30% of your campaign success

Indirect customer channels waits for the customer to get into the buying mood Intermediaries or middlemen are the channels of contacts wherein the direct/genuine contacts are lost

Indirect marketing lacks the original source as it focusses on channels; hence, it comes with the goal of brand recognition only

Memorable ads, messages such as “call-to-action, “click this link to unsubscribe” or a direct offer feeds your mind with a responsive action that accounts for 80% of campaign success Direct marketing campaigns sets realistic sales goals and drives actions to improve sales

Direct-to-consumer channels are one-to-one persuasion that influences sales with genuine contacts

Direct marketing has one goal: convert prospects to customers

How direct digital tools has improvised the customer journey?

92% of young

57% of mail

shoppers prefer direct mail for making purchase decisions

volume is attributed to direct mail pieces

39% of customers try a new business for the first time because of direct mail advertising

Direct Marketing – 40:40:20 rule of improvising the customer journey Let’s look at the tried-and-tested method of developing direct marketing campaign

Direct Marketing – 40:40:20 rule of improvising the customer journey

40% success of campaign depends on contact list selection

40% on deal offer 20% attributed to creative execution

It is not about the right list, it is about the right audience profile that matches your core business objectives. This will further determine that the right relevant message is sent to the right target audiences at the right time.

Giving your customers a reason to buy by letting out a hot offer is an exciting way to entice them to make a sale. A great rebate, discount or bonus on limited timings can boost higher and faster sales conversions.

This includes- message, design, delivery medium, perfect timing. 20% success of your message depends on the persuasive power to grab customer's attention within a short time span. To make it count, craft concise and clear message so that it is rightly perceived.

Direct Marketing Example – Enriching the specific customer journey!

Bonobos, the online retailer of men’s apparel ran a small test on print marketing (catalogues) that grabbed customer attention via just one image or text liner about the brand. This ferret the best niche customer resulting

20% of first-time customers placing their orders via catalogues spending 1.5X of expenses!!

Direct Marketing – Types/tools How do you drive Web traffic with direct mail? Set a deadline to create a sense of urgency

Try various formats (post cards, selfmailers, flyers, envelope packages)

Direct Mail

Build a special landing page Make a great offer

Use a simple Try URL personalized copy (teasers, headlines, subheads, and body copy to attract attention)

Set a clear callto-action

Capture contact information (ask personal info.)

Direct Marketing – Types/tools


Email Marketing

SMS (Text) Marketing

Telemarketing is calling potential clients and customers over the phone directly and selling them directly. This is more of a one-on-one relationship with customers to crosssell products and services.

A professionally designed email campaign is a measurable way to reach niche customers and potential clients. As all buyers are not same, so not are marketing messages. This requires tailoring messages to create customized campaigns that match with the right customer type to drive sales

Short Message Service or (SMS) is a great way to convey instant message at a very low cost. It is highly effective marketing that works great for instant message opening just within 2 minutes of being received.

Direct Marketing – Types/tools

Handout/ Leaflet marketing

Exemplary Customer Service Marketing

Social media

One of the simplest yet proven ways of marketing is through leaflets and handouts. A well-designed leaflet or handout crafted with the right message is the most attention grabbing for customers. Leaflets are usually letterbox drops, mostly door-to-door service and have the potential to reach customers in the most inexpensive way.

Twitter powered experience: Recently a Drinks manufacture, had users to send a tweet to the brand account with a hash tag. The Twitter powered vending machine would dispense a free sample of drink. Consumers were delighted with the installation which quickly went viral with thousands of people experiencing it. Think about social media is not in terms of the different technologies and tools but, rather, how those technologies and tools allow you to communicate directly with your buyers in places they are congregating right now.

Direct Marketing – Types/tools How to drive direct sales for your product/service using social media?

Social broadcasting

Social listening

Your consumers are online to satisfy their craving for information. Develop a social presence to ignite engaging conversations through your broadcasts.

Social media is awash with purchase related data (both prepurchase and post-purchase) shared every hour on the hour. Monitor and proactively capitalize on those opportunities.

Direct digital strategy- How to develop one comprehensive interactive marketing strategy? Use email-marketing newsletters to announce new LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter feeds, directing readers to social-networking websites for signup

Use Twitter to link followers to your latest blog post or email newsletter online to get them interested and to re-tweet it Use your email-marketing newsletter to list all company social-networking profiles of your company , and use those profiles to gather email-newsletter signups Invite customers to participate in YouTube viral-marketing video contests that show real consumers using and enjoying your products

Read and respond to comments within social networks, developing newsletter or blog articles around topics readers discuss the most

And that’s not all!

If you want to learn more about Direct Marketing …

Daniel Kalenov is a serial entrepreneur, whose background includes 3 tech startups, 2 medical device companies, and 15 years investing in real estate. He basically lives out of a suitcase these days, joined by his beautiful wife and 2 kids. He’s always interested in “talking shop” so feel free to drop him a line anytime!

https://twitter.com/DanielKalenov https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCclJ2zt3P0 y-bvb2drvysA https://issuu.com/globaldiversified/docs/tips_by_d aniel_kalenov_for_smart_in https://medium.com/@DanielKalenov/whats-sogreat-about-an-llc-anyway-ask-daniel-kalenov21fcad5ec1ff http://www.danielkalenov.com/

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