ABPL 30048
SEM 1 2015
Contents 1 - 5 Introduction 6 - 7 LOFTING 8 - 9 Lofting 10 - 11 VORONOI 3D 12 - 13 Voronoi 3D 14 - 15 PLANAR GRIDS 16 - 17 OCTREE 18 - 19 Octree 20 - 21 STRAIGHT + GEODESIC ARCHES 22 - 23 Straight + Geodesic Arches 24 - 25 Straight + Geodesic Arches 26 - 27 MESH GEOMETRY 28 - 29 LOFT CONTOURS + FABRICATION 30 - 31 Loft Contours + Fabrication 32 - 33 SPHERES 34 - 35 DOMAIN MESH 36 - 37 INTERSECTIONS 38 - 39 40 - 41 42 - 43 44 - 45 46 - 47
48 - 49 FIELD FUNDAMENTALS 50 - 51 GRADIENT DESCENT 52 - 53 VOUSSIOR + FRACTAL TETRAHEDRA 54 - 55 EVALUATING FIELDS 56 - 57 Evaluating Fields 58 - 59 Evaluating Fields 60 - 61 SPIRALING 62 - 63 FRACTAL PATTERNS 64 - 65 Fractal Patterns 66 - 67 KANGAROO PHYSICS 68 - 69 TREE MENU
Lofting Curves
Loft sequence begins with the progression of curves in a series. Referencing these curves into the Grasshopper system and then joining these curves with a surface produces the loft geometry seen in these images. Further control can be added by attaching parameters and forces through Grasshopper or analysing the baken form in Rhino through the use of Control Points.
Loft Progression can be seen here on the right with the gradual change in the undulating nature of the surface. Through these changes, vast variances in form can be generated
Lofting can achieved through both Rhino and Grasshopper, although input into Grasshopper allows for variables to be changed quickly and multiple iterations be produced, allowing for more well developed ideas. In the image above, the lofting has occurred through input into Grasshopper, however on the right, the same progression can be seen by baking through the Rhino engine.
Further Development of the geometry through the use of other scripts can produce varied surface patterning and aesthetics. This in turn can change the function and appeal of the form.
Baked Voronoi cells can be individually removed and altered, adjusting the forms appearance with ease. This type of design is reflected in the new entrance of the RMIT building in Melbourne, Australia.
Voronoi 3D
Referncing the Mesh into Grasshopper allows, through the use of certain scripts, the individual selection of cell units. In doing so manipulation of the form can be carried out, to either develop or alter the design geometry.
Resultant manipulation
Resultant manipulation
Voronoi 3D The downfall of Voronoi is that it is very limited in its base function, while many of the cells can be further manipulated through the use of other scripts the end result of the Voronoi is simple polysurfaces.
Planar Grids
Planar Grids form the building blocks for further geometric development. In placing grid patterns within a boundary, later 3d manipulation can occur. Like the 3D Voronoi, 2D planes can also have individual selection techniques applied as can be seen in the top left image. In the extract above removal of areas can change the purpose of the original geometry, for instance, as is with this case, a potential walkway or opening.
Octree defintions can be applied to a variety of initial geometries, in the examples on the left, loefted curves have benn placed into these algorithms and the octree result has occured, while potential uses for these rigid structures is limited, the use of the octree geometry as a whole unit means that further development of form arrangement and placement can produce iterations such as is below, which takes the octree in the top left and applies it to a cicular radial charge, creating the flower aesthetic seen.
Straight and Geodesic Arches
Base Geometry is input as a lofted curve through lines and then sub-divided to form the base for the pipes lines to be ran through, as seen in the image and above and top right.
Simple Arch systems produce geometries that reflect their ease of development, however further application, such as is with this bridge system below, can produce far more complex outcomes. Arch structures can be applied to almost any surface and this allows the dynamic nature of a surface to change, depending on its functions. In doing so the application for arch systems is comprehensive and is seen in many buildings and public installations such as walkways and bridges.
Straight and Geodesic Arches
Piping can occur through any lined curve and enhance the visual and practical nature of the geometry/form. In these two examples below, piped lines have been applied to a tunnel system in varied directions, and the results change both the feel and aesthetic of the finished outcome.
Straight and Geodesic Arches
Geodesic Systems are similar to arch systems, however the follow the line of best fit, which in practical terms is a far better option because it lowers material costs and the structural intergrity is generally higher. In baking these systems, manipulation can occur on the pipes lines and this is seen in these images where some pipes have been removed to allow movement into and along the tunnel systems far additional angles. It also provides additional lighting and connection to the surrounding landscpape.
Smoothing down the imput geometry can both expand and create new forms that can alter the design pathway or enhance it in some way. It ca also act as a simple tool in smoothing very rigid and linear structures into something more organic.
Base Geometries for Mesh Smoothing
Mesh Geometry
Box geometry is created in such a random pattern by applying box forms to points within a surface boundary. By first lofting curves and then populating the space with points, planes and ultimately these boxes and be applied. Further manipulation of the script can then produce the scaled nature of the boxes and the random orientation in which they show.
Loft Contours | fabrication
Loft Contours | fabrication
Domain Mesh
Applying domain restictions on applied imagery to a surface can produce some really interesting outcomes. By taking the original geometry and applying that surface to the geometry itself (Rather like a feedback loop of imagery), surface patterns can be altered to produce some interesting forms as seen in these outcomes.
In progressing further into the design course, the use of intersections will become more and more important as the studio begins to shift to Part B and C where more practical applications of these designs is undertaken. In the real world, these forms must be connected and bu exploring these tools, the right connections can be estabilished and applied to end results to enhance the real life reflection of the design.
vector points and lines
Image sampling can be a very usefull tool in both designing personal patterns, but also in applying pre-existing patterns onto surface geometries. The above images show various potential outcomes of different parameters in creating patterned surfaces. In the top righthand image, an external picture has been imported and utilised as a planar surface, these surface has then been enhanced by extruding and baking, to produce a 3D form. Lastly, the image on the right has taken 2 planar surface patterns and combined them. In then extruding this surface, a 3D form has been produced that has contrasting patterns on varied topographic levels.
image sampling Geometry
These circular spiral geometries above reflect the additave potential of radiating patterns. Variables are changed and the outcome then baked and this process is then repeated to increase the complex of the overall form which is seen in the progression from left to right.
Variable sliders can also be changed to produce a variety of shapes, like cicles and triangles. In the case on the right, this pattern was then taken and extruded, later baked and then manipulated in Rhino to more and remove particular units.
Boolean Geometry
field fundamentals
Outcomes sometimes need to be analysed in order to establish either the next course of action or to understand the processes occuring within the geometry. The right hand image shows various ways of representing data within a structure and they can enhance the design by showing what needs to be improved on and what works. In the bottom left hand corner is a surface that has had points added which can be manipulated to located a particular location on the surface. This is an accurate way of placing other objects or referencing other areas of the geometry.
gradient descent
Voussoir + Fractal Tetrahedra
Evaluating fields
Evaluating fields
Evaluating fields
fractal patterns
Fractal Patterns
Kangaroo Physics
Tree Menu
Tree Menu