D28N Dawn of the Phoenix | January 2015 | Iss. 6

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DAWN of the


KEY CLUB D28N Newsletter | January 2015 | Issue 6


Spotlight on Service


December Recognition


DCM + District News


Community Service

15-18 RTC 2014 Throwback 19-20

Editor Competition


Calendar + Contacts


Club Directory

QUOTE “And now we welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Division Spotlight Nov. Member of the Month: Gerilyn Ruffin Nov. Officer of the Month: Jiang King Nov. Club of the Month: LVA


Happy Holidays, Phoenixes!

And wish your LTG a Happy Birthday, because Rey-Rey’s birthday was December 20th! Anyway, for this month’s newsletter we’ve plenty of community service to share from A-TECH, ECTA, Rancho, and Arbor View! Congrats for submitting! A-TECH was also featured not once but three times on District Level, so they get a page on that too! Lastly, be sure to register for DCON15 before January 15th, 2015! Due to celebrations of ReyRey’s birthday, there are no new Club/Officer/ Member of the month’s to report at this time. (As an extra holiday treat, this newsletter also features the RTC Throwback, so go ahead and enjoy those glorious pages! LVA made us proud and won the D28N Spirit Stick.) Division News Editor

Daniel Lang

Spotlight on Service, December 2014:

PROVIDING BASIC NEEDS “The holiday season is a time to spend quality time with friends and families. This month, our focus is to provide basic needs to those who need our help so they can have a memorable holiday season as well. Whether that need is food, shelter, warmth, clothes, or a kind letter of appreciation, we will be making a positive difference to our communities! [For more information, see the Service Project Guide.]

Brought to you by the CNH Service Projects Committee. For more information and to submit your projects, please visit the CNH CyberKey; and talk to your Club President to see how you, too, can get involved!

Division RECOGNITION I'm proud to have you as my Communications and Marketing Task Coordinator! The way you help lead your club to victory was truly inspiring. I know that balancing school and Key Club can be difficult but you can do it! Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing. I can't wait to see what's you have in store for the future. [LVA.]

I’M SUPER EXCITED TO WORK WITH YOU THIS YEAR! I know that it's taking a lot of energy and effort to set up your Key Club but you're not alone. I commend you for stepping up and making a change. Being a president it's both challenging and unique. Cherish every moment, don't get caught up in stress, and everything will be worth it! [Sunrise.]

I'm so proud of LVA for winning the D28N Spirit Stick! Although it was a rough start of the year but your club pushed through. I can't wait to see your club attend DCON15 and bring the spirit! Thank you for always being spirited and believing in me! [Daniel expects you to start submitting articles like the other clubs!]

Lieutenant Governor

Rey-Rey Acob (VTCTA)

NOV. DCM @ “Ah, it’s that time of the month again! This month’s DCM was held at Rancho High School, (woot woot!). We started with the introductions and discussion of old and new business led by our amazing LTG Rey-Rey. After a few misunderstandings with chaperones, which was cleared up by the clubs and their presidents, the meeting went on smoothly. We were then graced by the presence of Circle K International who gave us information on whit Circle K is and how we can get involved after our years in Key Club. After Circle K, we then wrote letters to people who are in service while at the same time being served spam musubi, made by yours truly, Rancho High School’s Key Club! Letters filled with words of gratitude and love filled the room as every person made a letter to the people in service who couldn’t make it home for the holidays. As the meeting adjourned, we got closer as a division and took a group picture that solidified the bond Rancho Historian and memories that we made together on Rei Miguel StaAna that day. I will never forget this DCM!”





09-10 Walk to End Alzheimer’s 11

Relay 4 Life Kickoff


Salvation Army Food Drive


Holiday Decorations


Jingle Bell Run

15-18 2014 Region 5 Training Conference


SERVICE December 2014

FIGHT ALZHEIMER’S W/ STYLE! “A week after RTC on October 25, East Tech’s Key Club and many other clubs within Region 5 joined together at Fashion Show Mall for the Alzheimer’s Walk. It was a very early morning, but right off the bat you could easily tell that we, the volunteers of this walk, were excited to help support the people walking to end Alzheimer’s. We were there to guide and cheer on those who were participating but what set us apart from the rest, was that East Tech Key Club was easy to spot with our captivating music and lively spirit - ready to get these participants pumped! Some of us also caught ourselves dancing with some of the walkers, making it an even more memorable and entertaining experience for all of us. If you were to take a snapshot of the moments we were there, you’d definitely catch us smiling, giving everyone hi-fives, and yes, even dancing with one another! It was a fulfilling day for all of the East Tech Key Club members seeing eveECTA Editor ryone come together, volunteering and making someone’s Hazel Yadao day brighter at this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s.”

“The Walk to End Alzheimer’s was the first Key Club event I went to in my freshman year and now it is the first one I went to in my junior year too. Once A-TECH arrived there, we signed in and got our volunteer t-shirts. We followed a coordinator around and set up around the second floor of the mall with signs to direct the flow of people. We time before the start of the walk so Lorenzo and I headed to Starbucks while passing the various schools that were set up around the mall. Our bulletin editor, Robert went to take pictures so we picked up a drink for him. Once we returned to our area, we were antagonized by some for not getting them Starbucks. Sorry? Once the walk started, we sent people up the escalators to the third floor after they finish walking around the second floor. We cheered them on and gave them high fives to get them excited and motivated for the event. Occasionally people would ask us “How do you feel?” and of A-TECH course, we had to respond. I haven’t chanted that cheer in a Dean Chan long time and it felt nice to have some Key Club spirit again.”



RELAY 4 LIFE KICKOFF “The Relay for Life Kickoff was definitely a worthwhile event to attend before the actual Relay for Life event. Key clubs from all over the district attended the event and members from different clubs could meet and greet other members. The highlight of the event for me had to be meeting so many new members from other clubs. In fact, I event met some of the members in my own club that I haven't seen at an event yet. Overall, the atmosphere was very friendly and allowed for an extremely relaxing night. We participated in many group bonding activates that were both enjoyable and had some friendly competition between clubs. My favorite activity involved musical chairs and the tense moments of the competition between the last two standing members. Other activities include a hilarious game of Simon says and some small games I played in a group with random people from other clubs. In addition, many clubs were selling delicious snacks and drinks throughout the entire event (#BOBAFOLYFE). Relay for Life Kickoff was a night packed with fun and excitement because of the people and activities. The kickoff truly hyped up the approaching Relay for Life Event and I can't wait to attend it!�

A-TECH Member

Richard Wang

FOOD DRIVE “Shortly after school ended, everyone was to report to the cafeteria to help with the food drive. Once everyone was there, members were split up into group into five groups and were in charge of collecting all the boxes of food in their assigned halls. It was great seeing all the teachers participate in the event even though the donations were coming slow the first few weeks. By the time my group was finished collecting all the boxes from our hall, the cafeteria was filled with boxes of food. I was excited to see half of the cafeteria’s tables covered in boxes. I was hoping we would beat last years record of 430 boxes. Once the truck arrived, all the members aided in packing the boxes to put into the truck. We would make stacks of 60 boxes which were then wrapped up by the volunteers and later loaded onto the truck. It was funny seeing all the members complain when they would have to carry a heavy box onto the crates. We did this for about 30 minutes and by the end, everyone was exhausted. The worker who was in charge of counting the boxes had told us that our school had donated 443 boxes worth of food, which happened to be more than all the schools in Clark County combined. That also meant we, as a club, beat last year’s record. Everyone cheered and I instantly called for a group picture. Not only was the event fun, it felt great to know that all our efforts were going to help feed those in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. And who knows, maybe next year we’ll beat this year’s record.”

Arbor View Pres.

Nevin Ly

HOLIDAY CHEER “If you asked East Tech Key Club how we felt recently, we would definitely answer with our "We Feel Good" cheer nonetheless, but we definitely feel much more than that! We feel the holiday spirit flooding the air! We seem to be more than ready for the holidays and although we can't wait to spend time with the ones we love, we really want everyone else feel to the greatness of the season! It's the season of giving and as a club we had our hearts poured into helping the ones in our community... especially those who might not exactly have the opportunity to venture out this time of year. If the Holidays can't come to them, we'll be sure to try our best to give it to them! East Tech Key Club will be volunteering at a local elderly home on December 13, by decorating the resident's rooms with the upmost Christmas (and Hanukkah) spirit, come to mind! If that's not something to cheer about we will also be handing out donated gifts given by the students of East Tech. But the Holiday giving does not end there. On that same day, we will also be dedicating several hours volunteering at Magical Forest in order to run a wonderful and successful holiday event. We hope all of our events this day turn out to be as magical as we imagined, and hope that the members of our key club and our community experience the greatness of this holiday season!�

ECTA Editor

Lyzel Yadao

JINGLE BELL RUN “A cool breeze wisps over Tivoli Village as we look for the sign-in sheets for volunteering. As the Rancho crown gathers around our assigned spots, we get excited as we await the runners. Our job was to make sure that they were pumped up and that we could help them out if they needed it. Suddenly, crowds of runners passed us and we exchanged their smiles with words of encouragement and boards filled with uplifting words. This experience opened my eyes to the fact that such a little action like encouraging someone can make a really big impact. Through our various cheers, we were able to lift up the runners, especially since it was really early, and help them cross the finish line. Not only did we help the runners but also our club. Through this event, we were able to get closer and become an even closer and stronger family than we were before!�

Rancho Historian

Rei Miguel StaAna

RTC14 IN ONE WORD “spunky” —Varey Acob, VTCTA “sweggy” —Ben Stevens, A-TECH “INCREDIBLE” —Bryan Ibarra, CS

“fulfilling” —Lyzel Yadao, ECTA “unforgettable” —Daniel Lang, Division Leadership Team

REGION TRAINING CONFERENCE “RTC. Do you even know what it is? I can explain it in one word: worth. RTC this year was worth. Awkwardly, we arrived to Centennial High School without our shirts. After waiting, our lord and savior, Gearhart, arrived with THE A-TECH KEY CLUB SHIRTS. We reviewed our cheers and headed towards the school with full spirit. A-TECH’s first destination was the gym, which might have felt nasty and hot where we were, but worth. During the workshops, we learned more about Key Club and the Kiwanis Family Foundation. In addition, there was a workshop for more volunteering opportunities and leadership. Now, I haven’t gotten to the best part, which was the spirit session. In this session, each club shows off their spirit and competes to advance to the spirit rally in the A-TECH quad. Our cheers weren’t perfect, but they were still worth.”

Emilie Luong

“I just want to start off saying that RTC was a blast! Arbor View first met up outside in the parking lots. We waited for a pretty long time but it went fast because we were already having cheering battles with all the other clubs. And as we were walking in every club was screaming their cheers. I absolutely loved the spirit every Key Clubber was giving off. As we walked into the gym the atmosphere was truly amazing. The gym filled with so many people in the seats. You can just hear the spirit and pride coming from all the clubs. After we screamed our hearts out, we settled down with lunch. Then the grand cheer battle began. I personally was so proud of our club, we cheered with all our hearts. Even though we didn’t make it far it was really awesome seeing what the other clubs did with their cheers. While I was there I went to the Historian workshop and learned valuable lessons. Overall it was an incredible experience. As time goes by my love for Key Club grows stronger. I can’t wait for the next and Arbor View my last RTC!”

Noah Ly

RTC FROM YOUR DLT For my last Region Training Conference, I have to call this one a personal favorite. Rather than walk along the parade as general members and officers do, DLT officers witness the event from outside the march. We experience the full event, all its Divisions, rather than just our own. Truly a humbling experience. And even if we didn’t have a dance or a dinner this year, what we did have was the gathering of Key Clubs from all around Region 5 (and that includes part of California)! This year, I traveled around with your DLT – Rey-Rey, Tommy, Jazlynn, and Maria – as we kept workshops running smoothly and the 90s Throwback rolling. I hear my DCON15 Logo design was shown at the main session, but I’d been co-hosting the Editor Training Workshop at the time! This year, like all years, we witnessed incredible cheers from throughout the Region. But of course, only so many can win those

So congratulations to all our successes this year, and let’s remember why we’re here at all: to make a difference in our homes, schools, and communities, through caring, character building, leadership, and inclusiveness!

Division News Editor

Daniel Lang (A-TECH)

EDITOR CORNER Greetings, Editors! Recap from November! Remember to submit all articles/visuals by 10th of every month. As always, keep sending in, and you’ll be featured in the newsletter, no matter what! Have fun, phoenixes! NOV. FASTEST: A-TECH | NOV. MOST: A-TECH/Legacy DIVISION WRITERS OF NOVEMBER: A-TECH: Emilie Luong, Sophia Nguyen, Dean Chan, Robert Macaibay, Daniel Lang; ECTA: Hazel Yadao, Carla Calderon; Rancho: Erica Lee, Robert Brann; Arbor View: Nevin Ly, Noah Ly; LVA: Jazlynn Badua; Legacy: Hailey Cisneros, Christin LaFiguera, Julia Edano, Ciara Geonanga.

Think your club can top that? Contact your editor about early submissions, and send in your articles! Get recognized! Bee great!

EDITOR CORNER Hello again, Editors! Submissions were a bit low this month, so please, please, please, if you’ve gone to a service event, we’d love to hear it from you! (You don’t have to have photos, though I love to receive ’em.) Send all articles/visuals by the 10th of every month. Looks like you’re getting good at this; keep ‘em coming! DEC. FASTEST: A-TECH | DEC. MOST: A-TECH DIVISION WRITERS OF NOVEMBER: A-TECH: Emilie Luong, Angelo Venzon, Richard Wang; ECTA: Lyzel Yadao; Rancho: Rei Miguel StaAna; Arbor View: Nevin Ly, Noah Ly.

Division News Editor

Daniel Lang (A-TECH)

JANUARY 2015 Sun
















New Year 4






Classes Resume 11





DCM!! 18





DCON Registry 21

















Dates to REMEMBER Dec 31: Member of the Month and MRF DUE Jan 15: DCON Registration DUE (See CyberKey) Jan 13 DCM!! Jan 10: Editors, submit your articles!



D28N LTG Renato “Rey-Rey” Acob Email:



VTCTA, Class of 2015

D28N NEWS EDITOR Daniel Lang Email:



A-TECH, Class of 2015

D28N SECRETARY Tommy Gonzales Email:



Legacy, Class of 2016

D28N ASSISTANT Jazlynn Badua Email:



LVA, Class of 2016

D28N SERVICE EXPO COORD. Maria Keang Email:



ECTA, Class of 2016

Region 5 ADVISOR Alyson Palmer Email:


Advanced Technologies Academy Jessica Dimalanta


Arbor View Nevin Ly


Canyon Springs Hannah Breazeale


Cheyenne --


East Career and Technical Academy Jazmin Mendoza


Eldorado --


Las Vegas --


Las Vegas Academy Jessalyn Austria


Legacy Ciara Geonanga


Mojave --


Rancho Crystal Wu


Shadow Ridge --


Sunrise Mountain Jiang King


Veterans Tribute CTA Desiree Delon-Guerro




www.keyclub.org | 1-800-KIWANIS, ext. 411 3636 Woodview Trace | Indianapolis, IN 46268

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